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1、主要工作领域为使访问学者的课程合作项目更好地和 IBM CSDL 现有开发项目相结合,今年提供了9个研究方向可供选择。视报名及面试情况,IBM将最终确定5个课题的课程开发。领域计划完成内容计划访问时间Tivoli product1. Understand and be aware of IT Service Management (ITSM);2. Get to know IBM Tivoli brand and product lines; Study Tivoli management solutions;4. Do research and development focusing on

2、 one Tivoli product5. Deliver courseware related to ITSM and IBM Tivoli products and management solutions.Oct.-Dec.DB2 Everyplace1. DB2e studying2. Research on different kinds of synchronization models (client-to-client, or client-to-server with a client-defined data set).Apr.-Jun.Cell TechnologyWor

3、king with WW team to develop port critical library onto cell platform; help promote cell technology in China top universities; help engage ISV port their solutions onto cell.Jul.-Sep.SOASOA curriculum courseware developmentApr.-Jun.Websphere product1. To promote Websphere process server product and

4、focus on workflow technology. 2. Curriculum development.Jul.-Sep.RFID technology and Middleware1. Do research in RFID technologies and IBM RFID middleware.2. Develop RFID courseware. Jul.-Sep.Testing methodology and Rational Testing Products1. IBM testing methodology studying2. Participate in IBM te

5、sting projects.3. Courseware development regarding testing methodology and Rational testing products.Jul.-Sep.Portal based solutions1.Deliver courseware which related to WebSphere Portal, Portlet Factory, and Lotus Insight(dashboard & scorecard)2. Do research or curriculum on best practices for

6、scorecard and dashboard solutions.(CDL will provide education and hands-on for related product & technologies.)Jul.-Sep.Data Warehouse Edition&Solution1.Deliver courseware which related to DWE v9.1.1 and DB2 DPF2.Do research or curriculum on Business Intelligence Best Practice for BCU(Balanc

7、e Configuration Unit) on AIX or LinuxOct.-Dec.Websphere productTo Be Decided with ScholarIBM Visiting Scholars Program Application FormPersonal photoPlease complete the form(except appendix I and II) in EnglishWhat visiting scholars program do you plan to join? (Select from: IBM CRL, IBM CSDL, IBM-H

8、KU) visiting scholars programI. General Information name(Chinese) (Pinyin)_ gender_ birthday(yy/mm/dd) single/married_ title of technical post title_ years of service in university_ university name _ department name_ graduate university _ university degree(ph.d, master)_ university major _ mail addr

9、ess_ postcode telephone( )- fax_ cellphone_email_ II. General Visiting Plan planned visiting date: from to_ research directions research plan target research achievementIII. Education statusUniversity nametimemajorUniversity degree and certificatesIV. Foreign Language Level English_(excellent, good,

10、 average, poor or indicate the certificate you have) Japanese_(excellent, good, average, poor or indicate the certificate you have) others_(excellent, good, average, poor or indicate the certificate you have) V. Study and working experience outside ChinaCountry and institution/university nameStudy/w

11、orking timeAny sponsor? From whom?Study/working directionsWorking languageVI. Research experience in the past 5 yearsResearch directionstimeMajor job roleResearch achievementVII. Present working and research statusVIII. List the patent you owned, your major research achievement, and research/working

12、 award, etc.IX. List your thesis, books published in the past 5 years. (please send the softcopy of your thesis in your email)X. The use of IBM Technology. Any certificates of IBM?XI. Research plan after visitingXII. Please list 2 contact person in your department for referenceNametitletelephonecell

13、phoneemailNotice:1 All the forms should be completed and submitted to IBM University Relations before March 24th, 2006.2 Use an attachment for any certificate, thesis or personal photo.Appendix I单位推荐表姓名职位院长/系主任院、系名称联系电话电子邮件1、申请表内容(特别是专利及学术水平、受奖励情况)是否属实? 2、被推荐人的思想品德、工作表现、专业发展潜能及有待提高之处: 3、被推荐人最近两年完成教学

14、、科研等情况或工作实绩: 4、本单位对被推荐人的培养计划及进修必要性的说明: 5、被推荐人的赴IBM访问计划所选课题是否为本单位急需? 最急 O; 很急 O; 较急 O; 不急 O. 请具体说明: 6、对被推荐人按期完成访问回到工作岗位安排的打算: 7、工作单位对被推荐人赴IBM访问的具体意见是: 优先推荐 O ;一般推荐 O ;暂不推荐 O. 请说明理由: 8、其他意见: 推荐人姓名: 推荐人电子邮件: 日期: 年 月 日 说明:1、本推荐意见表由申请人所属单位(所属院、系)的院长、系主任填写(申请人本人不得填写)、 填写人人留有效的电子邮件后生效。2、本推荐表可用中文填写Appendix II 专家推荐信被推荐人姓名: 现工作单位:请告:(1) 您何时开始认识被推荐人: (2)您与被推荐人在学术、研究或工作方面的关系:推荐意见:(请介绍被推荐人的学术研究水平、工作能力、自身


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