已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、M1U1一、词形转换1.beautiful副词beautifully2.these(对应词)those3.picture(近义词)photo4.many/much(比拟级)more5.long(反义词)short6.km(完全形式)kilometre7.big(反义词)small8.Its got(分写形式)It has got9.people(复数)people单复同形10. old对应词young/new11.eight同音词ate12.more(原级)manymuch13.really形容词real14.have(三单)has( 过去式)had现分having15.picture同义词p

2、hoto二、词组1.长城the Great Wall2.参观美国visit the US3.这些名信片these postcards4.看look at5. 的照片a picture of6.告诉我更多关于 tell me more about7. .告诉我一些关于的事情tell me something about8.2万公里twenty thousand kilometres9多长how long10.多大how big11.800万人eight million people12.2000万人twenty million people13.有have got三、重点句1.大明正在美国旅游。

3、Daming is visiting America.2.他和他的表哥西蒙在纽约。Hes in New York with his cousin,Simon.3.这些明信片太棒了!These postcards are great!4.它是一张长城的照片。Its a picture of the Great Wall.5.告诉我更多关于长城的事。Tell me more about the Great Wall.6.它大约2000公里。Its about twenty thousand kilometres.7.你能告诉我关于纽约的事吗?Can you tell me something ab

4、out New York?8.它有超过800万人。It has got more than eight million people.9.北京大约有两千万人。Beijing has got about twenty million people.M1U2 一、词形转换1 east对应词 west 2 south 对应词north3 country 复数countries4 see同音词sea过去式saw5 here(同音词) hear 对应词there 6 America(形容词)American America(简称)USAUS7 white(反义词)black 8 where同音词wear

5、9 wheres同音词wears 10 day(反义词)night 11 too同义词also同音词two,to二、短语1在东部 in the east2在中国东部 in the east of China3一张大的美国地图 a big map of the US4五十颗星 fifty stars6许多不同的地方many different places7日日夜夜 every day and every night三、重点句子1. Wheres the West Lake? Its in the east of China.西湖在哪?它在中国的西部。2. What a big map of t

6、he US!多大的一幅美国大地图啊!3. China is a big country.中国是个很大的国家。M2U1一、词形转换1. miss第三人称单数misses2.tell过去式told3 .dance名词现分dancing4. send过去式sent5 .Theres 全写There is6. Lets 全写Let us7.family(复数)families8.China(形容词)Chinese9.cant(完全形式)can not10.go(过去式)went三单goes11.do(三单) does过去式did12.late对应词early二、词组1. miss China 相念中国

7、2.want to go to Chinatown 想去唐人街3.lots of Chinese shops and restaurants 许多中国商店和饭馆4.Chinese dancing 中国舞蹈5.in New York 在纽约6.send an email to my family in China 给我在中国的家人发一封电子邮件7.Chinatown in America 纽约的唐人街8.at nine oclock 在九点钟9.do miss China 确实想念中国三、重点句1.Im sending an email to my family in China.我正在给我在中

8、国的家人发一封电子邮件。2.Do you miss China?你想念中国吗?Yes,I do. No, I dont.3.Do you want to go to Chinatown?你想去唐人街吗?4.Theres a Chinatown in New York.在纽约有个唐人街。5.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.那儿有许多中国的商店和饭馆。6. Lets go to Chinatown now.让我们现在去唐人街吧。7.You do miss China.你太想念中国了。M2U2一、词换1.like(同义词)l

9、ove2.China(形容词)Chinese3.ride(现分词)riding过去式rode4.beautiful比拟级more beautiful5.sing过去式sang二、词组1.the Changjiang River 长江2.the Huangshan Mountain 黄山3. the West Lake 西湖4. a famous mountain一座著名的山5.lots of beautiful lakes许多漂亮的湖6. more than twenty thousand kilometers long超过两万公里长7 postcards from China. .来自中国的

10、明信片三、重点句1.These are my postcards from China.这些是我来自中国的名信片。2.这是著名的长江This is the famous Changjiang River.3.在中国有许多漂亮的湖。 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.M3U1一、词形转换1.hobby(复数)hobbies 2. right反义词left 左边wrong(错误的(同音词) write3.some(否认形式) any4. Chinese(复数) Chinese5. Canada(形容词) Canadian6. I宾格me(形物)m

11、y名物mine8. they (宾格them(形物)their名物theirs9. America(形容词) American 10. English(国家) England11.these对应词those二、词组1. collect stamps 集邮2. another Chinese stamp 另一张中国邮票3. some stamps from Canada 一些来自加拿大的邮票4. all of these stamps 所有这些邮票5. my hobby 我的爱好6. a letter for me 一封给我的信7. famous people名人8. Canadian stam

12、ps=stamps from Canada 加拿大邮票9.stamps from theUS 美国邮票10. Chinese stamps=stamps from China 中国邮票三、重点句1. Do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗?2. Collecting stamps is my hobby. =My hobby is collecting stamps. 集邮是我的爱好。3.These are some stamps from Canada. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。4. Have you got any stamps from China? 你有来自中国的邮票。

13、5. Now you can have another Chinese stamp.现在你能拥有另一张中国邮票了6.These stamps are from my letters.这些邮票来自我的信件。7.Is there a letter for me? 有我的信吗?M3U2一、词换1. ride(现在分词)riding 过去式rode2. Japan(形容词)Japanese3.start(反义词)finish4.have(第三人称单数)has5.fly(三单)flies6.happy副词happily二、词组1.read story books 读故事书2.fly a kite/fly

14、 kites 放风筝3.ride the bike 骑自行车4.collect dolls 收集玩具娃娃5.play computer games 玩电脑游戏6.some dolls from Japan 一些来自日本的玩具娃娃7.picture books 图画书/漫画书8.a dragon kite 一个龙风筝9.some photos of my new bike 一些我新自行车的照片10.look at stars 看星星三、重点句1.These are some photos of my new bike. 这些是我的新自行车的一些照片。2.We all love our hobbi

15、es. 我们都喜爱我们的爱好。3.Have you got any dolls from Japan? 你有来自日本的娃娃吗?4.I like riding my bicycle. 我喜欢骑自行车。M4U1一、词形转换1.I 宾格me 2.he宾格him 3. we形容词性物主代词our 4.they宾格them5. carry 第三人称单数carries 6.watch第三人称单数watches7.child复数children8.always(反义词)never9.sound(三单)sounds10. give (三单)gives11.after(反义词)before12.family复数

16、families13.say(三单)says14.say(过去式)said15.flag(复数)flags16.festival(复数)festivals二、短语1.国旗日 Flag Day 2.在国旗日on Flag Day 3.美国的节日American festivals4.我最喜爱的节日my favourite festival5.感恩节Thanksgiving Day 6.在感恩节on Thanksgiving Day7.吃一顿特殊的饭have a special meal 8.一顿盛大的家庭晚饭a big family dinner9.听起来好极了sound nice10.感恩于“

17、thank-you for11.因为而感谢say “thank-you for12.感谢给予了我们的食物、家人和朋友say “thank-you for our food, family and friends13.观看一场盛大的足球比赛watch a big football game 14.感恩节晚饭后after Thanksgiving dinner15.圣诞节Christmas Day 16.唱歌sing songs17.升国旗fly the flag三、句子1.What do you do on Flag Day?你在国旗日做什么?2. What do you do on Thank

18、sgiving Day?你在感恩节做什么?3. We always have a special meal.我们总是吃一顿特殊的饭4. Its a big family dinner.它是一个大的家庭晚宴5.We say “thank-you for our food, family and friends.我们对我们的食物、家人和朋友说“谢谢6.After Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game on TV.在感恩节晚宴后,我们通过电视看一场大的橄榄球比赛。7.Can you tell me more about American

19、festivals?你能告诉我更多关于美国的节日吗?8. Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.感恩节是我特别喜爱的节日。M4U2一、 词转1. your名物yours 2. have (现分)having3. this(复数)these4. see(同音词)sea5. go(对应词)come6. many(比拟级)more7. beautiful(副词)beautifully8. clap现分clapping9. we(形物)our10. Lantern(复数)lanterns11. sing(三单)sings12. like(三单)likes13. h

20、ang(三单)hangs14. They(宾格)them15. dumpling(复数)dumplings二、短语1.春节the Spring Festival 2.元宵节the Lantern Festival 3.中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 4.端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 5.喜欢这个节日love this festival6.龙舟赛 the Dragon Boat race7.去看龙舟赛 go to see the Dragon Boat race8.你最喜欢的节日your favourite festival9.舞龙dragon

21、dances10.许多乐趣lots of fun11.吃月饼eat moon cakes12.非常美味very delicious13.美味的月饼delicious moon cakes14.关于月亮about the moon15.寻找look for16.许多乐趣lots of fun17.在冬天in winter三、 句子1.We all go to see the Dragon Boat race.我们都去看龙舟赛。2.Whats your favourite festival?你最喜欢的节日是什么?3.Lets eat some yuanxiao .让我们吃一些元宵。M5U1一、词换

22、1.this(复数)these2.you(宾格)you3.two(同音词)too4.their(同音词)there5.their(名词性物主代词)theirs6.address(复数)addresses(缩写)Add.7.write(同音词)right8.pleased(同义词)happy/glad9.meet(同音词)meat10.cant(完全形式)can not11.hi(同音词)high12.this(对应词)that13.good(同义词)fantastic14.can(否认形式)cant15.Ive got(否认形式)I have got16.speak(三单)speaks二、词组

23、1.speak English 讲英语2.their names 他们的名字3.two friends from the UK 两位英国朋友4.write to your friends 给你的朋友写信5.their address 他们的地址6.my Chinese pen friend 我的中国笔友7.write in Chinese 用汉语写 8.my address in China 我在中国的地址9.play the violin 拉小提琴10.play football 踢足球11.my cousin我的表哥12.Pleased to meet you.很快乐见到你13.their

24、 names他们的名字14.write to写信给15.of course当然16.in English用英语17.play chess下象棋三、重点句1.Pleased to meet you 见到你很快乐2.Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?3.I can speak some English. 我会讲一些英语。4.You speak very good English=You speak English very well. 你英语讲的很好。5.Ive got two friends from England. 我有两个来自英国的朋友。6.Their names

25、 are Sam and Amy. 他们的名字是Sam 和 Amy.7.Can I write to your friends? 我能给你的朋友写信吗?8.Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 你能成为我的中国笔友吗?9.This is my address in China. 这是我在中国的笔友。10.I can dance and I can play the violin. 我会跳舞和拉小提琴。M5U2一、词换1.swim(现分)swimming2.story(复数)stories3.French(国家)France4.ride(现分)riding5.col

26、lect(现分)collecting6.dance(现分)dancing7.paint(现分)painting8.can(否认形式)cant9.lorry(复数)lorries10.like(近义词)love11.dear(同音词)deer12.candy(复数)candies13.email(复数)emails14.want(三单)wants15.American(国家)America二、词组1.sing English songs 唱英语歌2.write emails and stories in English 用英语写电子邮件和故事3.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

27、4.speak French 讲法语5.like music 喜欢音乐6.my pet dog 我的宠物狗7.be my pen friend 成为我的笔友8.want a pen friend 想要一个笔友9.write in French用法语写10.like drawing喜欢画画11.ride my bicycle骑我的自行车12.love candy喜爱糖果三、重点句1.I can speak English and sing English songs.我会讲英语和唱英语歌。2.I like football, reading and swimming.我喜欢足球、阅读和游泳。3.

28、I can write emails and stories in English. 我会用英语写电子邮件和故事。4.I like drawing and playing computer games.我喜欢画画和玩电脑游戏。5.I can speak French.我会讲法语。6.I like music, riding my bicycle and collecting stamps.我喜欢音乐、骑自行车和集邮。7.I like dancing, painting and I love my pet dog.我喜欢跳舞、油画和我的宠物狗。M6U1一、词形转换1.dear同音词deer 2.

29、fly三单flies 3.say三单says 4.difficult反义词easy5.cold 反义词hot 6.cool反义词warm7.they形容性物主代词their8.they宾格them9.their名词物主代词theirs10.write (同音词)right11.postcard(复数)postcards12write过去式wrote13live现分living14difficult同义词hard15chopstick复数chopsticks16can过去式could17will过去式would18fly过去式flew19French国家名France20. one序数词firs

30、t二、短语1一张来自纽约的明信片a postcard from New York2. 想让你们成为我的朋友们want you to be my friends3. 居住live in4. 来自英国的伦敦from London in England5想要参观中国want to visit China6在公园里放风筝fly a kite in the park 7. 一本关于美国的书a book about America8. 给我写信write to me9. 感冒have got a cold10.和玩耍play with11.来自我的笔友from my pen friend12.去游泳go

31、swimming13.游览中国visit China14.对.来说是困难的be difficult for.三、句子1. You ve got a postcard from New York ,but its not from Daming.你有一封来自纽约的明片,但不是来自大明。2. Daming is my friend and I want you to be my friends ,too.大明是我的朋友,我也想让你成为我的朋友。3. I am from London in England.我来自英国伦敦。4. I want to visit China someday.将来有一天,

32、我想去参观中国。5. Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.大明有一个中国风筝,我们在公园里放它。6. Ive got some chopsticks ,but they are difficult.我有一些中国筷子,但它们很难用。7. Have you got a book about America? 你有一本关于美国的书吗?8. I can send you one.我可以寄一本给你。9. Daming says he will write to me and we can be pen friends.大明说他将

33、给我写信,我们可以成为朋友。10. Ive got a violin,but I cant play it.我有一个小提琴,但我不会拉。11. Sam has got a pet dog and he often plays with it.萨姆有一个宠物狗,他经常与它一起玩。12. I live in New York, but I am not American. 我住在纽约,但我不是美国人。13. Ive got a postcard and its from my pen friend.我有一张明信片,它来自我的笔友。14. Shes got an email in French, b

34、ut she cant read it .她有一封用法语写的电子邮件,但她读不懂。15. I want to go swimming, but Ive got a cold .我想去游泳,但我感冒了。M6U2一、 词形词转1.knife复数knives 2.difficult(同义词)hard3.difficult(反义词)easy4.can(否认形式)cant5.address(复数)addresses6.hobby(复数)hobbies7.family(复数)families8.TV完全形式television9.one序数词first10.write同音词right11.happy反义词

35、sad12.Canada(形容词)Canadian13.Japan(形容词)Japanese14.teach(三单)teaches15.study(ing形式)studying二、短语1.一副刀叉a knife and fork2.一个来自中国的风筝a kite from China3.永远成为朋友always be friends 4.你的地址your address5.一些来自中国的邮票some stamps from China6. 写电子邮件write emails7. 一些来自中国的食物some food from China8. 一个日本风筝a Japanese kite9. 一个

36、非常大的国家a very big country10. 在早上有课have classes in the morning11. 在下午in the afternoon12. 骑我们的马ride our horses13. 给我你的地址give me your address三、 句子1.Ive got some stamps from China.我有一些来自中国的邮票。2.Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks?你有一副刀叉还是筷子?3.Chopsticks are difficult.筷子很难用。4.We can write about ho

37、bbies and families and friends.我们可以写关于爱好,家人和朋友的事。5.We can always write emails and always be friends. M7U1一、词形转换1.believe (三单) believes 过去式believed2.give (三单) gives (现在分词) giving 过去式gave3.present (复数) presents4.hours (单数)an hour5.hours同音词ours6.lucky (名词)luck7.picture (近义词) photo8.why (对应词)because9.ou

38、t(反义词)in10.box (复数)boxes11.like (近义词) love, enjoy12.says (原形)say (现在分词)saying (过去式) said13.hear (同音词)here (过去式)heard14.body (复数) bodies15.eat (过去式)ate16.fantastic(同义词)great17.dangerous (反义词) safe二、词组1.give sb sth 给某人某物2.twelve hours a day 每天12个小时3.lucky pandas 幸运的熊猫4.love bamboo 喜欢竹子5 e out of the b

39、ox 从盒子里出来6.like music 喜欢音乐7.it says 据说8.I dont know 我不知道9.cant hear 听不见10.use its body to dance用他的身体跳舞11.get frighted 变得害怕12.a fantanstic present 很棒的礼物13.you are welcome 不客气三、重点句1.I dont believe it. 我不相信那件事是真的。2.Grandma gives Daming a present. 奶奶给了大明一个礼物。3.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. 熊猫每天吃12个

40、小时。4.Lucky pandas! They love bamboo. 幸运的熊猫! 他们喜欢竹子。5.Why does the snake come out of the box? 蛇为什么从盒子里出来?6. Do snakes like music? 蛇喜欢音乐吗? 7. It says snakes cant hear. 据说蛇听不见。8.The snake thinks the flute is dangerous. 蛇认为笛子是危险的。9. What an interesting DVD! 多有趣的光盘!10. Its a fantastic present! 它是一个很棒的礼物。

41、M7U2一、词形转换1.sun(同音词) son (形容词)sunny2.sleep (三单) sleeps (现在分词) sleeping 过去式slept3.sheep (复数)sheep4.children (单数) child二、词组1.love the sun 喜欢太阳2.like water 喜欢水3.like grass 喜欢草4.sleep in winter 冬眠5.play with children 和孩子们一起玩6.learn a lesson 学 到经验 得到教训7.believe it or not 信不信由你8.in a tree 落在树上9.on a tree

42、长在树上三、重点句1. Snakes love the sun. 蛇喜欢晒太阳。2.Elephants like water. 大象喜欢水。3.Sheep like grass. 绵羊喜欢草地。4.Bears like to sleep in winter. 熊喜欢冬眠。5.Dogs like playing with children. 狗喜欢和孩子们一起玩。6.How many legs has it got?它有多少条腿? 7.He likes to hear but not to say. 他喜欢听但不喜欢说。8.We can learn a lesson from that owl

43、today. 我们现在可以学习猫头鹰的经验品质。M8U1一、词换1.do(三单)does 2.see同音词sea3.do(否认形式)dont4.photo(复数)photos5.photo(同义词)picture6.stop(过去式)stopped7.long(反义词)short8.love(过去式)loved9.story(复数)stories10.clean(现分)cleaning11.clean(反义词)dirty12.speak(过去式)spoke13.read(过去式)read14.like(同义词)love15.take(过去式) took16.real(副词)really17.i

44、nteresting(同义词)funny二、词组1.want to see my photos 想看我的照片2.would love to 想要3.look at this photo 看这张照片4.play with dolls 玩玩具5.a long time ago long ago 很久以前6.a picture book 一本图画书7.read books 看书8.read stories 读故事9.of course 当然10.clean your room 清扫你的房间11.not very often 不太经常12.watch films 去看电影13. take photos

45、 take a photo 拍照14. in this photo 在这张照片里15.eat fast food 吃快餐16a good camera 一个好相机17.help your mum 帮你的妈妈18.play computer games 玩电脑游戏三、重点句1.Do you want to see my photos? Yes, Id love to. 你想看我的照片吗?是的,我想2.Youre playing with dolls.你在玩玩具娃娃。3.Do you often play with dolls?你经常玩玩具娃娃?4.Not really.不全是。5.I stopp

46、ed a long time ago.我很久以前就不玩了。6.Theres a picture book in this photo.在这张照片里有一张图画书。7.Do you like reading books now?你现在喜欢看书吗?8.I often read stories.我经常读故事。9.Youre cleaning your room.你正在清扫你的房间。10.Do you often clean you room?你经常清扫你的房间吗?11.Not very often 不太经常。12.Did he show you his photos in China?他展示给你看他在

47、中国的照片了吗?13.He often takes photos of me.他经常给我拍照。 M8U2一、词换1.speak(过去式)spoke2.swim (动名词) swimming3.always(反义词)never4.make(现在分词)making5.laugh(现在分词)laughing6.laugh(近义词)smile (反义词)cry7.run(现在分词)running8.run(过去式)ran 9.fly(三单)flies10.fly(现在分词)flying11.clap(现在分词)clapping12.climb(现在分词)climbing13.good(比拟级)bett

48、er (最高级)best14.remember 反义词forget15.eat(过去式)ate 16.ate(同音词)eight17.go(过去式)went 18.see(过去式)saw二、词组1.clean the blackboard for my teacher 为我的老师擦黑板2.make a list 列清单3.have a picnic 吃野餐4.climb a tree/climb trees 爬树5.read a good book 读一本好书6.go swimming 去游泳7.visit your grandma 拜访你的奶奶8.clean the classroom 清扫

49、教室9.go shopping 去购物10.send emails/send an email 发电子邮件11.drink tea 喝茶12.go to the doctor 去看病13.play chess 下象棋14.do my homework 做我的作业15.cook dinner 做晚饭16.ride my bike to school 骑我的自行车去上学17.eat with a knife and a fork 用一副刀叉吃18.like chopsticks 喜欢筷子19.swim in the sea 在海里游泳20.go swimming 去游泳21.write stori

50、es in English 用英文写故事三、重点句1.I often read English books .我经常读英语书。2.I sometimes write stories in English. 我有时用英语写故事。3.I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teacher. 我有时为老师擦黑板。4.I often eat with a knife and fork. 我经常用刀叉吃饭。M9U1一、词形转换1.build动名词building2.flag复数flags3.country复数countries4.right反义词wrong5.br

51、ing对应词take6.inside反义词outside7.OK完全形式okay8.here同音hear 9.photo复数photos10.say三单says11.make(过去式) made12.fantastic同义词great二、短语1.visit the Great Wall 参观长城2. visit the UN building in New York参观在纽约的联合国大厦3. a big building 一座高大的建筑物4. all around the world/all over the world 全世界/世界各地5.all the flags 所有的旗6. go in

52、side 进去7. the present from China来自中国的礼物8. take a photo/take photos照相9.the flag of China 中国的旗10.member states 成员国11.make a big family 组成一个大家庭12 one of the presents 其中的一件礼物三、句子1. Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?你想参观在纽约的联合国大厦吗?2. What a big building!多么高大的一座建筑物啊!3. There are flags all around the world.有来自全世界的旗。4. How many member states are there in the UN? 联合国有多少个成员国?5. Do you want to go inside?


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