



1、Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesSection B 3a 教学设计 一、教材分析本节课是该单元Section B 的第2课时,在语法上学生已经学习了含有情态动词的被动语态,内容上,Section A 中,学生也已经对家庭规则进行了讨论,Section B第一课时又进行学校规则的讨论,这些内容都非常贴近学生生活实际,学生都感觉到有话可说,有东西好写。根据实际,我对本节课教材进行了取舍,保留了阅读内容,增加了对阅读内容中的学生穿校服的话题的讨论,然后就讨论内容写一篇书面表达。二、学情分析九年

2、级的学生已经有较为丰厚的语言积累和知识储备,他们有较强的求知欲和探求的好奇心,他们在课堂上善于表现自己,乐于积极思考,敢于发表见解,这些都有利于师生在课堂上的交流。在这一话题里对于学生困惑的就是被动语态的使用。三、教学目标本节课的中心任务是谈论学生在校的规则,提出自己的看法。具体教学目标可细化为以下几个方面:1、知识目标:单词及短语:the other day, concentrate on, learn from, at present, volunteer重要句型: Students should be allowed to I agree. I disagree. Well, I thi

3、nk we should be allowed to 2、能力目标:运用阅读策略培养学生获取文章的主要信息的能力。培养学生的写作能力。3、情感目标:使学生学会对学校规则进行评价,教师引导学生遵守规则。培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的意愿和想法。四、教学重点及难点:五、教学方法:六、教 具:七、教学过程Step1: Warming up1. Greetings2. Listen to an English song. (Im a big big girl.) 设计说明:教师课前与学生沟通,拉近师生距离,创建和谐的课堂氛围,使学生很快进入学习状态。Step 2:Lead-i

4、n and RevisionQuestions:Look at the pictures and talk about the rules in our school.What rules do you think should or shouldnt be allowed in our school? 1. Are you allowed to play basketball after class?2. Are you allowed to watch TV on weekdays? 3. Are you allowed to get your ears pierced? 4. Are y

5、ou allowed to wear your own clothes? 设计说明:通过这些问题,既复习了前面所学的重点句型be allowed to do sth .更自然而然地进入了本节课的阅读练习。Step 3: ReadingTask 1: Listen to the tape and fill in the chart. What rules they talk about?What do they think about the rules? RulesLike (why)Dislike (why) wear study in duringthe evening have

6、 longer Task 2: Read the article again and answer the following questions.1. What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms?2. What kind of clothes do they usually wear?3. How do they like to study?4. What are their ideas about vacations?5. Why are they good for volunteers? 设计说

7、明:通过阅读,学生获取文中的主要信息,在一定程度上,学生的阅读能力获得了提高。利用表格这一形式又使学生对要解决的问题一目了然。此外,通过阅读,学生输入了一定量的语言材料,为后面写作的输出提供了准备。Step 4:Discussion Show some pictures of school uniforms and ask the following questions: What do you think of our school uniforms? Do you think students should wear school uniforms at school? Why ?Then

8、 divide the students into 9 groups and have a discussion about “Should students wear school uniforms at school.” After that, choose the representative to present his/her achievements 设计说明:这既是学生读后,也是写前的一个活动,在学生写前,让学生先进行说的训练,为学生写的练习提供一定的语言材料,有助于学生写的练习。此外,学生合作讨论,培养了学生与他人合作的能力,训练了学生说的能力。Step 5:WritingAs

9、 we know, there is an English corner in our school. If you take an interest in practicing oral English, you can go there. Meanwhile, you are expected to make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed in the English corner. Then give the rules to your English teachers. 设计说明学生通过阅读,和讨

10、论之后,对写作的内容已很清楚,此时安排一篇书面表达,学生有兴趣写,有话可写。设计说明学生将阅读中输入的内容,经过读、说等活动,内化语言和信息,最后落实在写上,以此巩固语言,拓展主题和输出结果。Blackboard DesignTeenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesWhat rules do you have at school?Are you allowed to play basketball after class?Are you allowed to watch TV on weekdays?Are you allowed to get your ears pierced?Are you allowed to wear your own clothes?Should students wear uniforms at school?八、教学反思本节课教学目标明确,课堂结构合理,教学重难点突出,导入自然,我选用了学生较为感兴趣的校服引出阅读课文,然后通过阅读展开小组讨论,充分体现合作学习的要求,再通过小组讨论和汇报的形式,培养了学生的口头表达能力,然后在学生


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