1、program. )program. )program. )total is:第一章 C 语言初步一、 选择题l. C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.D7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A二、 思考与应用题1. A. 字符串常量B. 字符串常量C. 整型常量D. 浮点型常量 (double)2. A. long doubleB. long intC. floatD. 字符型常量3. A. 整型常量B. 字符型常量C. 字符串常量D. 字符串常量4.FirstExample : 10,w is Y z is 5. 124. int main(void) return 0;5. #include int
2、 main(void) printf(Hello World); return 0;)6. #include int main(void) (printf( Z/We are to learn correct); printf(C language here);return 0;/*main*/7. #include int main(void)(/*Local Definition*/ int a; float b; char c;nstateme nts*/6.Bprintf (The end of thereturn 0; Amain*/9. #include int main(void
3、) /*Local Definition*/ int a;float b; char c, d;FStatemen ts*/printf (The end of thereturn 0; Amain*/10. #include int main(void) /*Local Definition*/ int a; char b, c, d; float e, f;/*Statements*/printf(The end of thereturn 0;/*main*/11. A. char option;B. int sum=0;C. float produce=l;12. A. short co
4、de;B. float salesTax=. 0825;C. double sum=0;13. #include int main(void) float cost=172.53; printf(Thesalesn”, cost);printf(a “、);return 0;14. #include int main(void)printf (*n);int xl;prin tf(*n);int x2;prin tf(*n); prin tf(*n);return 0;int x3;prin tf(Please numbers: );scanf(en ter three/% d%d%” , &
5、xl, &x2, &x3);15. #in cludevstdio. hprintf(/nYourint mai n(void)forword:n );n umber(prin tf(* n);printf(/,xl, x2, x3pri ntf(*n); printf (*nprintf(reversed:n ,z);/Yourn umberpri ntf(*nprintf(/,x3, x2, xlreturn 0;16. #i ncludereturn 0;int mai n(void)#in cludevstdio. hint xl=l;int mai n(void)int x2=10;
6、int xl;int x3=100;int x2;3, x4, x5);3, x4, x5);int x4=1000; int x5=10000;zpri ntf (n”,xl, x2, xpri ntf C%fn”,xl, x2, xreturn 0;17. #in cludevstdio. h int main( void) int x;prin tf(Pleaseinteger: n,z);enterint x3;int x4;int x5;int x6;int x7;int x8;int x9;int xlO; prin tf(Pleaseenter10numbers:n );sca
7、nf(%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d,&x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6, &x7, &x8, &x9, an &xl0);printf (,znYour numbers are: nzJscanf ( %d , &x);prin tf(The character: %cn ,z, x);prin tf(The刀n , x);n umbern umberasas,xl, xlO);,x2, x9);prin tf(%8d%8dnprin tf(Thefloat :%fn,z, x);nu mberasreturn 0;return 0;)#in cludevstdio.
8、hint main( void)二、编程题1. #in cludevstdio. hint xl;int x2;int mai n(void)int x3;int x4;,x3, x8);,x4, x7);,x5, x6);int x5;int x6;int x7;int x8;int x9;printf (Input:n);prin tf();sea nf(%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%dl,&x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6, &x7, &x8, &x9);printf( nOutputn );n” , xl, x2, x3);n” , x4, x5, x6); n” ,
9、x7, x8, x9);return 0;第二章表达式与简单程序设计一、选择题int x, y,乙LA 2.D3.C4.B5.B6.D7.Bprintf(Please enter two integers:n);二、思考与应用题scanf(%d%d” , &x, &y);1.A.2B.8C.8D.OE. 11z=x*y;2. A. 4, 4 B. 4, 4 C. 4, 4 D.2, 3 E. 4,printf (%d*%d=%d ” , x, y, z);5return 0;3. A. 12B.-27C. 14D. 2E. 4)4. A. 22.52 B. 4.5C. 13.333333 D.
10、 0.88235312. #includeE. 0.07int main(void)5. ABCEF(6. A. 5B. 2C. 4D. 1E.float x;7. A. 5B. 2C. 4D. -3E. 6int y;8. A.5B.294C.4D. 29E. 9printf(Please enter a floating point9.50 50 100 25number:n);10. #includescanf(%f ” , &x);int main(void)(float x;y=(int)x%10;float y;printf(%d ” , y);float p;return 0;f
11、loat s;)float total;13. #includeprintf(Please enter x and y:n);int main(void)scanf(%f%f ”,&x, &y);(P 二 x*y;float x;s=x+y;int y;total=s*s+p*(s-x)*(p+y);printf(Please enter a floating pointprintf(total=%f ,total);number: n);return 0;scanf(%f ” , &x);y=(int)x/10%10;11. #includeprintfy);int main(void)re
12、turn 0;14. #include int main(void)float x;float y;float c;float s; printf(Please enter length and width:n); scanf (%f%f, &x, &y);c=2*(x+y);s=x*y;printf(The circumference is %fn , c); printf(The measure of area is %f”, s);return 0;15. #includeint main(void)(int a;float r;printf(Please enter an angle(
13、integer):n); scanf&a);r=a/57. 295779;printf(%d is %. 5f radians”, a, r);return 0;)16. #includeint main(void)float c;float F;printf(Please enter centigrade:n); scanf(%f ”, &c);F 二 32+(c*180. 0/100. 0);printfFahrenheit is %f” , F);return 0;17. (1) double m, v, KinEn;KinEn=m*v*v/2;(2) double b,c,res;re
14、s=(b+c)/ (2*b*c);18. (1) #includeint main(void)int x=25;x=x+5;x=x+5;printf( %dn, x);return 0;)(2) #include int main(void)int x=10;x=x+2;n” , x);x=x+2;printf( %dn, x);return 0;)(3) main(vo int id)#includeint x=32;x=x*2;printf( %dn, x);x 二 x*2;printf( %dn, x); return 0;)三、编程题1. A. #include int main(vo
15、id)float y;printf(Pleaseentnumber(inch):n);scanf(%f ” , &x);y=x/12;i %f feetprintf(%fx, y);inches return 0;B. #includeint main(void)float x;float x;float y;ent aprintf(Pleasenumber(inch):n);scanf(%f ” , &x);y=x/36;iprintf(%f inches return 0;%f yards x, y);printf(%dn, x);C. #include第三章分支程序设计l.、选择题C 2
16、.D3.A4.B5.B6.A7.C8.C9.A-二*、思考与应用题1.A.OB. 1C. 1D.OE.2.A. x=yBxy3.A.OB. 1C.1D. 1E.4.x 二 4, y=3, z=205.x 二 4, y=l, z=26.x 二 4, y=2, z二 27.x 二 4, y= 1, z二 28.x=0, y=0, z二 19.x 二 2, y 二 0,z 二 210x=0, y=0,z=l11x 二 0, y 二 0, z 二 112x=-l, y=0,z=013x 二 0, y= 1,z 二 014x=l, y=3,z=l15x=l, y=3, z二 116x=4, y=3,z=
17、017if (aChar二二 E)int main(void)(float x;float y;printf(Pleaseenterannumber(inch):n);scanf(%f ” , &x);y=x*2. 54;printf( f inches is %f centimeters ,x, y); return 0;D. #includeint main(void)float x;float y;printf(Pleaseenterannumber(inch):n);scanf(%f ” , &x);y=x/39. 37;printf( %f inches is %f meters ”
18、 , x, y); return 0;2. #includeint main(void)(int fibl;int fib2;int fib3;fibl二13+21;fib2二21+fibl;fib3二fibl+fib2;printf(z,%d, %d, %d” , fibl, fib2, fib3);return 0;3. #includeint main(void)(int x;int bl:int b2;int b3;int b4;int b5;printf(Pleaseenteraninteger(0-32767):n);scanf(%d ” , &x);bl=x%10;b2 二 x/
19、10%10;b3=x/100%10;b4=x/1000%10; b5=x/10000%10;n” , b5, b4, b3, b2, bl); printf ( z,%4d%4d%4d%4d%rb4, b3, b2, bl);n” , b3, b2,bl);n” , b2,bl);printf(%4d ” , bl);return 0;(c+;printf(Value is En);18. switch(ch)case E:case e :countE+;break;case W :countA+;break;case T:case i :countl+;break; default:prin
20、tf(AError-Not A, E, or lan);三、编程题1. #includemain()(int x, xl, x2, x3;char grade;printf(please enter three text scores(0-100):n);scanf(%d%d%d , &xl, &x2, &x3); x=(xl+x2+x3)/3;if(x=90) grade=A;else if(x=70& x90) grade=A ,;elsegrade=B;else if(x=50& x70)grade=C;elsegrade=D;else if(x50)grade=F;printf(n”,
21、grade);)2. #includemain()(int year;printf(please enter a year:n); scanf(%d ” , feyear);if (year%4=0&year%100!=0| | year%400=0)printf(%d is a leapn” , year);elseprintf(%d is a non-leapn”year);)3. #includemain()intyearNow, monthNow, dayNow, year, month, day, x;printf(Please enter the date today(month
22、day year):n );scanf (%d%d%c” , &monthNow, &dayNow, &yearNow);printf(Please enter your birthday(month day year):n );scanf( d%d%cl, &month, &day, &year);if(monthNowmonth)x=yearNow-year-1;else if(monthNow=month)if(dayNowday)x=yearNow-year-1;elsex=yearNow-year;elsex 二 yearNow-year;printf(You are %d year
23、s old!n, x);4. #include#include#includemain()(int number, Ynumber;srand(time(NULL);number=rand()%20+l;printf ( I am thinking of a number between 1 and20. n);printf(Can you guess what it is? ” ); scanf(%d ” , &Ynumber);if(Ynumber=numb er) printf(ACongratulations!You did it.” );else(if(Ynumbernumber)p
24、rintf(Your guess is high. Try again:); elseprintf(Your guess is low. Try again:); scanf(%d ” , &Ynumber);if(Ynumb er=number) printf(ACongratulations!You didit. ”);else(if(Ynumbernumber)printf(Your guess is high. Try again:); elseprintf(Your guess is low. Try again:); scanf(%d ” , feYnumber);if(Ynumb
25、er=number) printf(ACongratulations!You did it.” );else(if(Ynumbernumber)printf(Your guess is high. Try again:); elseprintf(Your guess is low. Try again:); scanf(%d ” , &Ynumber); if(Ynumber=number) printf(ACongratulations!You did it.” );if(Ynumbernumber)printf(Your guess is high. Try again:);elseels
26、scanf( %d , &Ynumber);if(Ynumber=number) printf(Congratulations!You did it.” );else(printf(sorry. Thenumbe rwas %d. n, number);printf(You should have gotten it by now.n );printf(ABetter luck next time. );)5. #includemain()(int year, month, day, x=0, y, z;printf(Please enter your birthday:(year month day)n );scanf(%d%d%d , feyear, &month, &day);y=(year-1)*365+(year-1)/4)-(year-1)/100)+(yearl)/400)%7;switch(month)(case 12:x=x+30;case 11:x=x+31;case 10:x=x+30;case 9:x=x+31;case 8:x
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