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1、.过去分词做定语、表语专项练习1. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa.A. invited B. to inviteC. being invited D. had been invited2. The computer center,_lastyear,is very popular amongthe studentsin this school.A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened3. Cleaning women in big cities usually

2、 get _ by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay4. How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.A. to solving; makingB. to solving; madeC. to solve; makingD.to solve; made5. Don t use words, expressio

3、ns, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.A. being known B. having been knownC. to be known D. known6 _ English is different from _ English in many ways.A. Spoken; writtenB. Speaking; writtenC. Spoken; writing D.Speak; write7 The woman _ there under the tree, _ in a blue shirt, isour h

4、eadmaster.A. sitting; wearing B. sitting; dressedC. seating; dressed D.seated; dressing8 Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing Mining Company, _ as3M.A. knowing. B. known. C. being known. D. to be known9 The _ dishes lay on the floor. A breaking. B. broken. C. broke. D. break10 the ship,_ by

5、a huge piece of iceberg, cam to a sudden stop. A. hitting. B. hit. C. hitted. D. to hit.11 Sandy, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before theparty.A. get changed.B. get change. 12. get changing.D. get to change.13 he seemsquite_ at the idea. A.pleasing.B. pleased. C.please.D. pleasant.14

6、. She felt rather _that she shouldnt drive the car at such a_ speed.A. frightening, frighteningB. frightened, frightenedC. frightening, frightenedD. frightened, frightening15 Tell Mary that theres someone _ for her at the door.A. waiting.B. waits. C. waited.D. to wait.16 there is a big dog_ to a fen

7、ce outside the house.A. tying.B. tied.C. to tie.D. ties.17 The Olympic Games, _ in 776women players until1912.A. firstplayedB.to be firstplayedC.firstplayingD.to befirst playing18. What he has done is really _. Now his parents are _ him.A. disappointing;disappointedatB.disappointing;disappointedabou

8、tC. disappointing; disappointed with D. disappointed; disappointing by19. Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than some store prices.A. are boughtB. bought C. been boughtD. buying20. Mr Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boringB. tiring; bored C. tired; b

9、oredD.tiring; boring21 As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers_ by her mother.A. buyingB. being boughtC. were boughtD. bought22. As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends. A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed23. The students, _ at the way the question was p

10、ut, didnt know howto answer it.A being surprisedB.surprisingC.surprisedD.having surprised24. The firsttextbooks_ forteachingEnglishas a foreignlanguage.came out in the 16th century.A having writtenB. to be written C. being writtenD.written25. Look at the note_ to the door, you will see that someone

11、paid a visit when we are away.A. pinningB. pinnedC. being pinnedD. is pinned26. I was very _ to find all the tickets had been sold out when I got there.A. disappointB. to disappointC. disappointingD. disappointed27 .- A woman was killed.- Where is the body of the _ woman?A. murderB. murderedC. murde

12、ringD. having murdered28 .The _ look on t he girlA. surprising, would expects face suggested that she _ such bad news.B. surprised, should expectC. surprising, shouldnt have been expectedD.surprised, hadntexpected29 .You ll find the word "psychology"_under "P" in yourdictionary.A

13、. have listedB. listC. listedD. listing30 .From the date _ on the gold coin, we decided that it was made fivehundred years ago.A.markingB.markedC.to be markedD.having been markedKey: 1-5 ADCDD 6-10 ABBBB 11 20 ABDABAABA21 30DACDBDBDCB.过去分词作宾补专项训练1:1._ poor at English, I'm afraid I can't make

14、 myself _.A. To be; understand B. I'm ;to understand C. Being ;understandingD. Being; understood2.I have had my bike _ ,and I'm going to have somebody _ my radiotomorrow.A. repair; to repair B .repairing; to be repaired C. repaired; repair.D. to repair; repairing3.You must get the work _ bef

15、ore Friday.A. do B. to do C. doing D .done4._ the room ,the nurse found the tape-recorder _.A. Entering;stealingB. Entering;gone C. To have entered;beingstolenD. Having entered ;to be stolen5.We are pleased to see the problem _ so quickly.A. settled B .having been settled C. be settled D .settling6.

16、Mrs. Brown was much disappointedto see thewashing machine she had had_ went wrong again.(1999 )A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired7.It is wise to have some money _ for old age.(NMET1996)A. put away B. keep up C. give away D .laid up (put away放好 ,储存 .备用 , 处理掉 , 放弃,抛弃 )8.I don't wan

17、t the children _ out in such weather.A .take B. to take C. taken D. taking9.I'm afraid that I can't make myself _ be cause of my poor English.A .understandB. understanding C. to understand D. understood10.The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tied B. having t

18、ied C. to be tied D .tied (表动作完成)过去分词作宾补专项训练2:.1.We found her greatly _.A. improving B. changed C. to help D. having disturbed2.Jane got her bad tooth _ at the dentist's.A. to put in B. pulled out C .pushed out D .drawing out3.When _ ,the museum will be open to the public next year.(2002)A .comp

19、leted B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed4.With a lotof difficulties_ ,theywent to the seashore and had a goodrest.A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled5.The researchis so designed thatonce _ nothingcan be done to changeit.(NMET2002)A. begins B. having begun C. beginni

20、ng D. begun( once begun在句中作状语, begin 为及物动词 : “着手”)6._ ,they went home,_.A. Their work had been finished; singing and laughingB. They had finished their work; sang and laughedC. Their work finished ;singing and laughingD. after their work finished; singing and laughing7.Before he came to London ,he h

21、ad never heard a single English word _A .speaking B. speak C. spoken D. to speak8._ more attention, the trees could have grown better.A .Given B. To give C .Giving D. Having given.9._ from space, the earthwithwater _70 ofitssurfacelooks likea "blue blanket".A. Seen ;covered B. Being seen;

22、covers C. Seeing; covering D. Seen;covering10._,the experiment will be successful.A.Ifcarefullydoing B.Ifitdone carefullyC.Ifcarefullydone D.Ifdoingcarefully11.The girl wrote a composition without _.A.ask B.asking C.being asked D.to be asked12.He finished his homework and then went on _me.A.helping

23、B.with help C.with helping D.to help13._where to go ,he asked a policeman.A.Having lost his way and not knowingB.Losing his way and didn't knowC.Having lost his way and didn't knowD.Lost his way and didn't know14._ her friend was badly hurt,she burst into tears.A.Hearing B.Having heard C

24、.To hear D.Heard15._ his team had won, his face lit up at once.A.Knowing B.When knowing C.After knowing D.When he knew过去分词作宾补专项训练3:.1.They hurried back home only to find their house _ into.A.break B.to break C.broken D.breaking2.When he cameto,hefound himself_ on a chair,with his hands _ back.A.to s

25、it;tied B.sitting;tying C.sat;tied D.sitting;tied3.We do not feel_ to enter modern buildings;everythingabout them seemsunfriendly.A.invited B.inviting C.to invite D.to be invited(feel后加形容词,此处的invited表主语 we 的感受 )4.I'm going to have my letters _ tomorrow if I've got them ready bythen.A.to type

26、 B.type C.typed D.typing5.Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty _ in artand literature.A.expressed B.to express C.being expressed D.to be expressed答案:专项训练 1:1-10 DCDBA CACDD专项训练 2::1-15 BBAAD DDADC CDDAD专项训练 3::1-5 CDACA.过去分词做状语训练:( )1 . _ such heavy pollution already, it may n

27、ow be too late toclean up the river. (01全国 )A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered( ) 2. The researcher is so designed that once _ nothing can bedone to change it.(02全国 )A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun( ) 3. _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universitiesi

28、n the United States.(00)A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding( ) 4 . When _ , the museum will be open to the public next year.(02 春 )A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed( ) 5. Unless _ to speak, youshould remain silentattheconference. (03 春 )A. invited

29、 B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited( )6 . Friendship is like money: easier made than _. (03)A. kept B. to be kept C. keeping D. having kept( )7 . _ time, hell make a first- class tennis player. (03)A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given8.(2004 年全国卷 ) “Wecant go out in thisweather

30、, ”said Bob ,_outof the window.A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked9(2005 年卷) When_ help,one oftensays “Thank you” or “It skind of you”.A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered10. (2006 年卷 )_ with so much trouble, we failedto complete the taskon time.A. Faced B. Face C. Facing

31、 D. To faceKey: 1-5 ADCA A 6-10 ADADA过去分词作状语在高考试题中的应用()1. _ more attention, the tree could have grown better. (90全国 )A.GivenB.To giveC.GivingD.Having given.()2. The computer center, _ last year, is very popular amongthe students in this school(93全国 )A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened()3. The

32、 first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreignlanguage came out in the 16th century.(94全国 )A.having writtenB. to be writtenC.being writtenD.written()4. _ is thought, he almost ran into the car in front ofhim.(96 全国 )A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose.()5. _ the general state of his healt

33、h, it may take him a whileto recover from the operation.(00全国春 )()6. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late toclean up the river. (01全国夏 )A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To sufferD.Suffered()7. The researcher is so designed that once _ nothing can bedone to change it.(02全国 )A. begins

34、B. having begun D.beginning D. begun()8._ in 1636,Harvard is one ofthemost famous universitiesin the United States.(00)A.Being foundedB.Itwas foundedC.FoundedD.Founding()9. When _, the museum will be open to the public next year.(02 春 )A. completedB. completingC. being completedD. tobe completed()10

35、. Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lowerthan store prices.(02京皖春 )A. are boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD. buying()11.Dont use words, expressions,or phrases _ only to peoplewith specific knowledge. (02)A.being knownB.having been knownC.to be knownD.known()12. Unless _ to speak, you sh

36、ould remain silent at the.conference.(03春 )A. invitedB. invitingC. being invitedD. havinginvited()13. Friendship is like money: easier made than _. (03)A. keptB. to be keptC. keepingD. havingkept()14.Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, startedto read a novel.(03 春 )A. tired; boringB. tiring; boredC. tired

37、; boredD.tiring; boring()15. _ time, hell make a first- class tennis player. (03)A. Having givenB. To giveC. GivingD. Given(Key: 1-5 ADDCA6-10 ADCAB 11-15 DAAAD.过去分词综合练习题:1.The song is often heard _ in English.A. to singB. singingC. singD. sung2._ in the rain, he was wet to the skin.A. Be caughtB. C

38、atchingC. CaughtD. Having caught3.WhenMr. Zhang spoke inclass,therewas so muchnoise that he couldn tmake himself _.A. hearingB. heardC. to hearD. hear4.After his journey from abroad, Richard Johns returned home, _.A. exhaustedB. exhaustedC. being exhausted D. havingexhausted5._ for a long time, but

39、he insisted on writing the novel.A. Having been ill B. Although being illC. He being ill D.He was ill6._ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. Having lostB. To loseC. LostD. Being lost7._ from his accent, he is from Shanghai.A. JudgedB. JudgingC. JudgeD. To judge8. Sarah, hurry u

40、p. I am afraid that you can t have time to _before the party.A. get changing B. get changeC. get to changeD. getchanged9. _ fromothercontinentsformillionsofyears,Australiahas manyplants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A. Being separated B. To be separated C. Having separatedD

41、.Having been separated10. Sugar, when _ with water, dissolve quickly.A. is mixedB. mixingC. mixedD. mix11. Do let mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything.A. to be toldB.tohave been toldC.totellD.to betelling12. Having been attacked by terrorists,_.A. the tall buildingcollapsedB.doctors came totheirrescuesC. an emergency measure was takenD. warnings were given to tourists13. Prices of daily good _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. been boughtC. buyingD. bought14. _ the general state of his health, it may take him a w


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