



1、.?Unit 5 Wild animals?单元测试一、单项选择题1. All of us know giant pandas only live in_A. EnglandB. ChinaC. JapanD. Australia2. 一How did he finish his homework?一I hear that he did it_A. on his ownB. in the

2、 ownC. of the ownD. all the own3. The meat smells bad,_,pleaseA. take away itB. take it awayC. bring it awayD. bring away it4. There_ a large number of students in our schoo1The

3、60;number of the students_ over three thousandA. is;isB. is;areC. are;areD. are;is5. My grandfather is very oldHe lives_He sometimes feels_We Should often go to see himA. alone;aloneB. alone;lonelyC. 1onely;lonelyD.

4、 1onely;alone6. I don't know if my friend_here tomorrowIf she_,1will tell youA. comes:comesB. will comes;will comesC. will come;coniesD. comes;come7. After class the students went out of the classroom&

5、#160;one after_A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. another8. If we keep _the land,the farmers will have_to liveA. took; anywhereB. taking; nowhereC. take; no placeD. bring; somewhere9. _did the baby panda look

6、 like?A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. When10. If_a meeting this afternoon,we won't go to the ZooA. there will beB. there hasC. there isD. there will have11. You will find_useful to learn even a 

7、little EnglishA. itB. thatC. thisD. They12. Is there_ in today's newspaper?A. something interestingB. anything interestingC. interesting somethingD. interesting anything13. Let's enjoy the song yesterday once moreIt&#

8、160;sounds_A. wellB. sadlyC. badlyD. Wonderful14. 一I am going to the post office this Sunday一_you go there,please buy some stamps for meA. WhileB. IfC. BeforeD. What15. When Xi Wang was a_panda,she st

9、arted to eat bamboo shootsA. six-month-oldB. six-month oldC. sixmonths-oldD. six month old二、完形填空Mary and Donald Smith lived in the same buildingDonald16 a toy companyOne day Donald gave Mary-the 4-year-old girl a new toyShe played with t and said,"This is fun!

10、"A few weeks later,Donald gave her17 toyShe played with it and then said,I m not18 in this toyIt doesn't work"For years Donald gave Mary new toys and she gave him very good19 about the toys When Mary was 13years old,Donald showed her a new ballMary wanted to20,the ball with small stone

11、s to make it21 The company made this changeMary's idea was a great success! The company sold thousands of the ballsThat Christmas Donald gave Mary an22 gift He made her vice-president副总裁of the toy companyShe made $ 200,000a yearHer job was to see23 the new toys were funShe worked24 three or four

12、 hours a day at her job,then she had to do her homework Today Mary works at a collegeThe little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their2516.  A. ownedB. riotedC. ownsD. closes17.  A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. another18.  A. excitedB. interestedC. relaxedD.

13、 bored19.  A. waysB. designsC. questionsD. ideas20.  A. fillB. fullC. addD. pour21.  A. noisyB. quietC. lightD. future22.  A. specialB. awfulC. amazingD. useful23.  A. whenB. ifC. asD. since24.  A. atB. inC. forD. with25.  A. companyB. toysC. homeworkD. future三、阅读理

14、解AIndia is the home of tigersEvery year,many people are killed by tigersTiger,however,does not always eat menIt likes wild animals betterIt is only when the tiger is old or wounded that it eats menBut once it has tasted the flesh of men,it goes on killing men for foodWhen a man-eater such as this is

15、 discovered,people are much afraid and they have to stop working in the fieldsThere are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animalsOne way is that some men with long guns sit on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards themAnother way is for a hunter to sit on a tree near the place wh

16、ere a tiger has eaten somebodyIf the tiger returns for another meal,the hunter will kill it in the hiding placeA goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to killThe most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot,but the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger26. The

17、tiger doesn't eat men except when it is _ A. in the forestB. very youngC. caughtD. old or wounded27. Once a tiger has tasted the flesh of men, _ A. it no longer wants to eat menB. it seems to be fond of eating menC. it eats no other wild animalsD. it becomes afraid of men28. The underlined phras

18、e "put an end to" in the passage means" _ "A. look afterB. keep awayC. killD. keep29. The most dangerous way to hunt a tiger is _ A. to hide in a treeB. to sit on elephantsC. to go after the animal on footD. to tie a goat to the tree30. Which of the following statements is NOT tr

19、ue? _ A. Tigers eat many people in India each yearB. Sometimes people may tie a goat to a tree to kill a tigerC. Tigers like eating elephants better than eating other animalsD. When a dangerous tiger is discovered 发现,people dare 敢not work in the fieldBRound eyes,round head,round ears,round body! Wha

20、t is this lovely little animal? He looks like a bearBut he is not a bearHe's a KOALA People in Australia love koalas and take care of themThey have set up places for them to live safelyNo one can kill them for their pretty fur毛皮When a koala is born,he has no furAnd he is not as big as your littl

21、e toe脚趾!The mother koala has a pocket m the front of her bodyThe baby goes into this warm pocketThere he stays for six months The koala could not live without a special kind of treeThe tree gives him both his home and his foodFor most of the day the koala sleeps m the tree At night the koala looks f

22、or foodHe may go miles to find itHe likes only the bark树皮 and the leaves of the treeHe eats nothing elseAnd he eats more than two pounds each night! How lovely the koalas really are!31. People in Australia _ A. keep koalas in their homesB. put koalas in the treeC. set up places for koalas to live sa

23、felyD. raise baby koalas in their pockets32. After he is born,the baby koala lives in his mother's pocket _ A. for six daysB. for six monthsC. for a nightD. all his life33. How big is a koala after it is born? _ A. It's as big as a catB. It's as big as a bearC. Ifs bigger than your littl

24、e toeD. It's smaller than your little toe34. Koalas cannot live without a special kind of tree because _ A. they have to keep cool under the treeB. they eat the fruit on the treeC. they stay in the tree all the timeD. they live in the tree and get food from it35. What is the passage mainly about

25、? _ A. How people in Australia protect koalasB. Lovely koalas in AustraliaC. Koalas cannot live without a special kind of treeD. The way mother koalas take care of their babies四、单词拼写-单句36. If animals stay in the_ 野外,they will be free37. Maybe someday 

26、;these animals will be_ 无处to be found38. You will get a good_ 结果if you try your best39. Doing eye exercises is good for_ 保护our eyes40. Listen to me,_否那么,要不然,you'll regret懊

27、悔41. Only one of the rooms_面对south,so I don't like it五、句子翻译42. 我在四岁时就会唱歌了_43. 房价越来越高,许多人没地方住_44. 玛丽擅长画画,因此我决定向她学习_45. 在一小时之内,做完所有的练习对我来说是不可能的_46. 由于干净的空气,越来越多的人喜欢住到乡下去_六、书面表达根据以下要点提示写一篇短文,介绍一下中国的国宝-大熊猫词数6070产地:中国四川、陕西、甘肃等省份;体貌特征:黑白相间的毛皮,大眼睛,圆耳朵,身体虽胖但动作敏捷,非常招人喜欢;爱好:最爱吃竹子,会爬树、游泳;寿命:一般 2025 年;数量:现仅存1000只左右,我们必须尽力保护好它们答案1. B2. A3. B4. D5. B6. C7. D8. B9. A10. C11. A12. B13. D14. B15. A16. A17. D18. B19. D20. A21. A22. C23. B24. C25. D26. D27. B28. C29. C30. C31. C32. B33. D34. D35. B36. wild 


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