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1、Oriental Ginza International Hotels东方银座国际酒店Steward管事部 Chinese and western kitchen 中西厨房SOP标准操作程序 厨房管事部标准操作程序1. 化学品储藏标准程序Chemicals storage-P22. 欢迎顾客标准程序Welcome customers-P43. 仪容仪表及个人卫生标准程序Grooming and personal hygiene -P54. 清理容器和锅具标准程序Cleaning the container and pot-P85. 清洁餐具标准程序Clean tableware-P106. 洗

2、碗机的正确操作程序The correct procedure is dishwasher-P127. 正确给洗碗机除尘的标准程序Right to the dishwasher dust-P148. 正确洗盘子(在接触不洁物后)The correct washing dishes-P159. 正确清洁保养真空包装机Properly clean and maintenance of vacuum machine-P1710. 确认厨房设备是否需要清洁Confirm whether need to clean the equipment-P18 中西厨房标准操作程序1. 卫生法和卫生防疫标准程序2.

3、食品中毒与事故处理安全管理责任制度3.食品原料管理与验收检查制度4.卫生管理责任制范制度标准5干货管理责制度标准6.厨房设备及用具管理制度标准7.厨房冰箱管理制度标准8.厨房各区域卫生管理制度标准9.厨房燃油、液化气及设备安全责任制度10.厨房安全管理检查制度11厨房防火安全管理责任制度12安全管理责任管理制度13.厨房事故预防安全操作规程标准14.管事部清洗消毒卫生管理制度标准15.厨房防风、防汛的应急措施责任制度16.厨房会议制度的标准17,厨房纪律 18,厨房值班交接班制度标准19. 厨房员工仪容仪表规范制度标准 20,厨房纪律处惩条例管理制度标准21,调岗与晋升及优秀员工评选管理制度N

4、O.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:化学品储藏标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第2页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: -ST-SOP-001TASK 标题:化学品储藏标准程序STANDARD 标准:1. 确保化学品安全储存。To ensure chemicals are safely stored.2. 确保化学品与食品隔绝存放。To ensure chemicals are kept separate from

5、 food.PROCEDURE 程序:需要记录的重点。Important points to note and follow.化学品标签标识不准确可能致使食品污染而导致顾客或员工严重患病。Chemicals stored in improperly labeled containers may result in contamination of food and lead to serious illness of guest or employee.1. 储存Storage化学品应与食品、食品包装或其他操作装置分开储存。Chemicals to be stored separately f

6、rom food, food packaging or other operating equipment.化学品必须有充足的存贮以便系统性的替换。Chemical store must have sufficient racking to allow systematic placement of stocks.化学品需在洁净、干燥、凉爽、明亮、通风的地方存储,避免阳光照射。Store to be clean, dry, cool, well lit, ventilated and out of sunlight.2. 特殊存储Special storage酸类和碱类产品需要分开存放。Aci

7、dic and alkaline products should be stored separately.氯与酸类混合会形成有毒气体。Mixing chlorine and acid forms toxic gas.3. 标签Labeling所有化学品需要准确标识物品名称。All chemical to be properly labeled with name of product.4. 记录Recording每件现成可用化学品的原料安全数据表文件。Material safety data sheets on file for each chemical readily available

8、.5. 操作Handling化学品储藏室需要有可用的安全工具(护目镜、手套、防护服)。Safety gear (Goggles, hand gloves and Lab coat) should be available in chemical store.严禁吸烟Smoking strictly prohibited.出入化学品储藏室人员受限。Access to chemical store should be restricted.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:欢迎顾客标准程序POSI

9、TION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第4页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-002TASK 标题:欢迎顾客标准程序STANDARD 标准:1.确保得体地欢迎所有客人。To ensure all guests are greeted properly.2.确保培训所有员工如何得体地欢迎客人。To ensure staff is trained on how to greet a guest nicely.PROCEDURE 程序:1. 当看见或遇到客人。When

10、meeting or passing by a guest.微笑Smile2. 致敬Greet向客人/顾客/你的同事致敬。Greet the guest / customer / your colleague.请说:“你好,早上好,下午好,晚上好先生/女士或XXX先生/女士。”Say: “Ni Hao, good morning, afternoon, evening sir / madam or Mr. / Mrs. XXX” 保持眼神接触。Keep eye contact. 注意你的身体语言。Take care of your Body Language. 以友好的方式表达。Speak i

11、n a friendly manner. 热情Be enthusiastic. 语气礼貌Use a courteous tone.3. 当客人询问一些事情。When the guest requests something.请说:“谢谢,我将立刻为您查询。”Say: “Thank you, I will check that out immediately for you.”重要的是尽快解决问题,如果可能请告诉客人答复时间。Important is to solve the issue as soon as possible and give the guest a timing if pos

12、sible.如果你不能解决问题,请马上向你的上级汇报。In case you cant solve the issue, bring it forward immediately to your supervisor.4. 当被问问题时。When a question is asked.个人负责得出答案。Take personal responsibility to get the answer.如果你不能解决问题,请马上向你的上级汇报。In case you cant solve the issue, bring it forward immediately to your supervis

13、or.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:仪容仪表及个人卫生标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第5页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-003TASK 标题:仪容仪表及个人卫生标准程序STANDARD 标准:1.确保员工整洁。To ensure staff are clean.2.确保所有员工保持高度的个人卫生。To ensure all staf

14、f keep hygiene in high command.3.确保所有员工明白个人卫生的标准要求。To ensure all staff is aware of the required hygiene standards.PROCEDURE 程序:1.梳理头发并且短发。Keep hair groomed and short.整洁短发Short and neat.每日清理Wash daily长度不得超过制服衣领。Not exceeding the collar of the uniform.2.清洁双手并且保持短指甲。Clean hands and short nails.双手干燥洁净。H

15、ands are clean and dry.指甲修剪整洁。Nails are trimmed at all times.清洗清洁两次。Wash and rinse twice. 3.清洁牙齿口气清新。Clean teeth and fresh breath.饭后规律性刷牙。Brushed regularly specially after a meal.使用口腔清洁剂。Use mouth freshener.4.良好的仪容仪表。Pleasant body appearance.每日洗澡两次。Bath twice daily.使用除臭剂。Use deodorant.避免强烈味道的除臭剂。Avo

16、id heavily scented deodorant.5.清理胡须。Cleaned shave.每日并且必要时清理胡须。Shave daily and when necessary.6.整洁的制服。Pleasant uniform.恰当按压Nicely press整洁并且无损坏。Cleaned and no tears.工作时间穿着得体。Wear properly during duty hours.在正确的位置佩戴名牌。Wear a name tag in the proper manner.7.穿黑鞋黑袜。Wear black shoes and soaks.清洁擦亮鞋子。Cleane

17、d and well polished.皮鞋得体Proper leather shoes8.佩戴手表和金饰。Wearing watches and gold chains.只允许带一只手表。Only one watch is allowed.只允许带一枚戒指。Only one ring is allowed.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:清理容器和锅具标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第8页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DAT

18、E ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-004TASK 标题:清理容器和锅具标准程序STANDARD 标准:1.确保容器锅具清洗和冲洗洁净。To ensure pot and pans are properly washed and cleaned.2.确保容器和锅具一贯性清洗和冲洗洁净。To ensure pots and pans are consistently washed and cleaned properly.3.确保容器和锅具完整保存。To ensure pots and pans are properly stored.PROCE

19、DURE 程序:1. 准备Preparation使用热水洗涤并冲洗水槽。Fill the wash and rinse sinks with hot water.使用洗涤剂在清洗锅具水槽。Add detergent to the pot wash sink tank.使用消毒液消毒水槽。Add sanitizer to the sanitizing sink tank.2. 擦拭Scrape擦拭干净锅具和容器的污垢。Scrape excess soil from pots or pans.尽可能长时间的浸泡。Soak for as long as possible.当水变凉或变脏时更换清水。C

20、hange water when it cools or becomes dirty.3. 刷洗Scrub刷洗所有表面。Scrub all surfaces.锅具与容器放回原处。Remove pots and pans.多余的清水返回清洗水槽。Let excess water run back into wash the sink.4. 浸泡和漂洗。Immerse and rinse.浸泡于热水中进行漂洗。Immerse in clean hot water to rinse.锅具与容器放回原处。Remove pots and pans.多余的清水返回清洗水槽。Let excess water

21、 run back into the rinse sink.5. 摆放Place 倒放致干燥。Invert to drain.风干Air dry请勿擦拭。Do not wipe.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:清洁餐具标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第10页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-005TASK 标题:清洁餐具标准程序STANDA

22、RD 标准:1.确保容器锅具清洗和冲洗洁净。To ensure pot and pans are properly washed and cleaned.2.确保容器和锅具一贯性清洗和冲洗洁净。To ensure pots and pans are consistently washed and cleaned properly.3.确保容器和锅具完整保存。To ensure pots and pans are properly stored.PROCEDURE 程序:1. 清洗的标准程序是按照顺时针的方向进行的。Sequence of operation standard is clockw

23、ise from server.将碗碟放在碗碟桌上。Place dishes on top dish table.从碗碟中清除掉污物。Remove soil from dishes.2. 做好洗碗区域的准备工作/倾倒区域。To prepare the dishwash area / drop off zone.将碗框放在架子上。Place racks on overhead shelf.确认所有碗碟都是向上的。Make sure items are placed upside down.将餐具按照不同的大小款式分类。Place dinnerware decoy (pre-cleaned ite

24、m), so that dishes of the same kind are stacked and racked together.准备银器浸泡的所需用品。Set up the silver pre-soak system.为防止重的污物损坏洗碗机,在进入清洗机之前应先从餐具中去掉污物和纸类的污物。To prevent heavy soil in the dish washing machine, remove excess soil and paper from tableware before racking.3. 架上冲洗Overhead Rinse将架子上的盘子再次冲洗以便清洁掉残

25、留的污物。Rinse racked tableware with hand -held spray to remove remaining heavy soil.4. 银器Racked silver将银器放入容器内。Rack silver in holders.清除掉覆盖,以便充分的浸泡。Avoid nesting, by mixing utensils.5. 将框子有序的放好。Stack the racks.碗框如果满了,有序的推入洗碗机。Once the racks are full, slide them into the dishwasher.Why should rack silve

26、r?编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:洗碗机的正确操作程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第12页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-006TASK 标题:洗碗机的正确操作程序STANDARD 标准:确保洗碗机按照卫生标准清洗干净,并在适当的温度下操作。That the dishwashers are maintained and working on

27、 the right temperatures to ensure equipment is hygienically washed.PROCEDURE 程序:所有洗碗机的操作都必须按照说明进行。All dishwashing machines should be operated according to manufactures instructions. 不正确的温度会存在一些潜在的危险。Improper dishwashing temperature will increase the danger of potential contamination.1. 检查温度Check tem

28、peratures正确的操作程序如下。Document correct function beginning of each shift.1) 洗涤的水温5565度。Wash temperature 55C-65C.2) 标准的冲洗温度82-86度。Gauge final rinse temperature 82 C -86 C.3) 洗碗的盘子温度不可低于71度,时间不得少于15秒。Exit temperature of a plate greater than 71 C for 15 seconds.4) 机器不能超过82度。Machine that cannot achieve 82 C

29、, chemical disinfections should be used.建议操作方法:每天早晨进行敏感度测试,并做出详细记录。Recommended Option: Test with thermo sensitive stripes each morning, result to be paste into record book.2. 维护保养的程序。Maintain throughout the operation每32个小时换一次废水。Change water waste tank every 32 hours.确认废弃物存放在安全的地方。Ensure the soil fil

30、ters are securely in place.3. 使用结束后的操作。After operation.清空废弃物。Empty soil filters.拆除使用过的管子并在水槽中清洗。Dismantle waster pipes and rinse in the sink.彻底清洗机器内的所有软管。Hose the machine on the inside thoroughly.最后打开机器所有的门使其风干(整夜)。Left the machine doors open to air dry overnight.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DA

31、TE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:正确给洗碗机除尘的标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第14页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-007TASK 标题:正确给洗碗机除尘的标准程序STANDARD 标准:1.确保洗碗机有规律的除尘。To ensure the machines are de-limed regularly.PROCEDURE 程序:除尘De-lime1.加入1/2升的清洁剂到机器内部。Add ½

32、; liter of de-lime detergent solution inside the dish machine tank.2.打开机器开关,让机器先运转15分钟。Turn the machine on, run for about 15 minutes.3.用刷子把机器内外都洗一遍。Wash all surfaces inside by using a handled brush.4.将机器内部的水全部沥干。Drain out all the water from the tank.5.用清水冲洗机器的表面,侧面,上面和四周。Hose all surfaces, sides, to

33、p and walls, with fresh water.6.再用洁布巾擦试。Wipe all exteriors by using a cloth.7.将一切都准备就绪。Set up the dishwashing machine ready for use.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:正确洗盘子(在接触不洁物后)的标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第15页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:20

34、13-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-SOP-008TASK 标题:正确洗盘子(在接触不洁物后)的标准程序STANDARD 标准:1. 确保在洗碗机无法正常工作的情况下,也应正确地清洗盘子。To ensure the dishes are washed properly when the machines are not working.PROCEDURE 程序:1. 准备工作Preparation分别在3个水池准备好温水或热水。Fill wash and rinse sinks with hot water or warm water.(3 sinks)准备好冲洗的热水。Fill

35、 final rinse with hot water.2. 第一个水池Sink No.1用于清洗碗碟污物。Use for washing the dishes.按照标准加入洗涤剂。Add detergent solution.加入温水用手刷干净碗碟在第一个水池。Fill warm water and wash the items with a hand brush in the sink No.1.3. 第二个水池Sink No.2在第二个水池中加入热水。Fill sink No. 2 with hot water.在第二个水池中冲洗碗碟并确认没有任何洗涤剂残留。Rinse the wash

36、 items in sink no 2 and make sure all left over soap and others is taken off.4. 第三个水池Sink No. 3在第三个水池加入热水。Fill sink No. 3 with hot water.并且再热水中用手仔细的再次清洗。Do a final rinse by sinking the tem totally in the water and “wash” it by hand.5. 清理Clean up作完所有清洁工作后,将碗碟按照程序放入碟框中进行清洗和烘干。After all items has been

37、cleaned up by this thorough process, put in or fill up the racking system.使其自然风干。Invert and allow to air dry.编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第1版SET DATE制订日期:2013-9DEPT 部门:管事部TASK 标题:正确清洁保养真空包装机的标准程序POSITION职务:洗碗工PAGE 页码:共18页第17页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2013-09-10SOP NO.编号: FB-ST-S

38、OP-009TASK 标题:正确清洁保养真空包装机的标准程序STANDARD 标准:1. 确保真空机每日清洗。To ensure the vacuum machine is cleaned daily.2. 确保真空机保持良好的工作环境。To ensure the vacuum machine remains in a good condition.PROCEDURE 程序:清洁Clean1. 保证机器表面是擦拭过的。Ensure all surface areas of the vacuum machine have been wiped.2. 机器内的盒子内确保没水。Drain out w

39、ater inside the container.3. 清洁并去除污物。Cleaning solution to remove the soil.4. 用抹布擦拭其他的地方。Wipe all sides another clean cloth.5. 风干Air dry6. 清洁后重新组装。Reassemble items back accordingly.7. 合理的储存在仓库。Store properly back to tools storage store.8. 如有任何损坏,应及时报损。Report any damage, spillage or if out of order.编制

40、:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期:NO.第2版SET DATE制订日期:2016-12-15DEPT 部门:餐饮厨房TASK 标题:卫生法和卫生防疫标准程序POSITION职务:全体厨房员工PAGE 页码:共 页第18页STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序DATE ISSUE:生效日:2016-12-15SOP NO.编号: FB-KC-SOP-010TASK 标题:坚持卫生法和卫生防疫的标准程序STANDARD 标准:确保所有的厨房员工在工作时间内必需遵守安全卫生防疫及卫生的规定,保证工作区域卫生的干净和清洁的环境卫生PROCEDURE 程序: th

41、e process of cleaning, ensure that all surfaces not only look clean, but also are also hygienically clean - free from dirt, oil and debris. 1. 在清洁过程中,我们必须保证不能只是看上去表面干净,还要清除污垢,油渍和残留物。Germs can multiply at a rapid rate, and infection from people is a critical problem. Ensure the following steps are fo

42、llowed to halt that multiplication.2.细菌的繁殖能力很强,并会传染给人是个危险的问题。我们必须保证我们要按照下列步骤去制止细菌的繁殖。USE DISINFECTANT - to halt the spread of germs. 使用洗涤剂来制止细菌的传播。USE BOILING WATER AND DETERGENT - to stop infectious organisms. 使用沸煮的方法或洗涤剂来防止易传染的生物。All cleaning products are of industrial strength and have been tested to pass set standards of effectiveness and should be used at all times. 在工作其间所有的清洁成果都必须达到并通过卫生防疫的检查。编制:审核:批准:编制日期:审核日期:批准日期: NO.第2版SET DATE制订日期:2016-12


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