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1、meten黄联英iswww. metenxo rm捷卵脚就员小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.mete 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 古巴向好莱坞敞开大门本土电影人喜忧参半During a shoot for the Showtime comedy series“ House of Lies ” last mon th,Don Cheadle sat outside a cafe in Old Hava na, puffi ng on a fat cigar and cli nking glasses with three compadres.上月,唐钱德尔(Don Che

2、adle)坐在哈瓦那老城的一家咖啡馆外,拍摄Showtime 的喜剧剧集谎言屋(House of Lies)。他抽着粗胖的雪茄,和三位同伴碰杯畅饮。It was a novel scene an america n actor filming an america n TV show on aCuba n street and one that, un til last mon th, would have bee n illegal un der the United States s economic embargo.这是新鲜的一幕:美国演员在古巴街头拍摄美国电视节目。而在上月之前,按照美

3、国经济禁令的规定,这种行为还是违法的。But regulati ons published by the Treasury Departme nt on Jan. 26 now allowamericans to shoot scripted movies and shows in Cuba for the first time in half acen tury. The rules ope ned the door to america n projects which could in cludesce nes for the n ext “ Fast & Furious ” m

4、ovie and an Etha n Hawke film andto collaboration between Hollywood and the island s underfunded film sector.但美国财政部1月26日颁布新规,允许美国人在古巴拍摄有剧本的电影和节目。这是半个世纪以来的第一次。新规为美国的电影项目,也为好莱坞与古巴资金不足的电影产业之间的协作敞开了大门,其中包括下一部速度与激情(Fast & Furious)和伊桑霍克(Ethan Hawke)的一部电影。“ The world just got bigger because Cuba has be

5、come accessible, ” said Matthew Carn aha n, creator of“ House of Lies. ”“因为可以进入古巴,整个世界都变大了,”谎言屋的主创马修卡纳汉(MatthewCarn aha n)说。as a location, Cuba was inspiring,if challenging, he said, but added, “I mdream ing up reasons to go back. ”卡纳汉称,作为一个取景地,古巴虽然充满挑战,但很能启发灵感。他接着表示,“我正在琢磨理由再去古巴一次。”a stream of amer

6、ica n filmmakers n eedi ng to hire Cuba n equipme nt and crewswould be a boon to the country s independentproductionindustry, which sprouted in the late 1990s as digital tech no logy made filmmak ing more accessible meten 肆英 iswww.metenxomand state money for movies ran dry.一连串需要租借古巴设备,雇佣古巴剧组人员的美国电影人

7、,可能会让该国的独立制片业受益。古巴的独立电影产业出现于 90年代末。当时,数字技术降低了电影制作的门槛,且国家用于电影制作的资金也枯竭了。Some Cuban filmmakers worry, though, that their governmentwill open itsarms to Hollywood while continuing to give its own filmmakers the cold shoulder.In depe ndent product ion compa nies in Cuba operate in a legal limbo, gett ing

8、 littleor no funding from the state and often struggling to get their movies past the cen sors.但一些古巴电影人担心,他们的政府会在向好莱坞张开怀抱的同时,继续冷落本国的 电影人。古巴的独立制片公司运行在法律的边缘,从国家获得的资金非常少,甚至没有,并且常常难以让自己的影片通过审查。“ It s great that people from Hollywood want to come to Cuba, but it s caughtus at a bad mome nt, ” said Carlos

9、 Lechuga, a Cuba n director.“ We have stories totell, and right now we don t feel that we can do that. ”“好莱坞的人想来古巴是好事,但现在时机不是很好,”古巴导演卡洛斯莱丘加(CarlosLechuga)说。“我们也有故事要讲,但目前,我觉得我们做不到。The thaw between the United Statesinquiries from americans eager to shoot installment may be partly shot in Cuba, Picture

10、s, said, addi ng that the compa nyUn ited States and Cuba n gover nmen ts.”and Cuba in 2014 prompted a swell of there. The next “ Fast & Furious ” a spokeswoman for its studio, Universal“ is currently seeking approval from the2014年,美国与古巴关系缓和,渴望去古巴拍片的美国人于是开始积极地咨询。速 度与激情系列的制作方环球影业(Universal Pictur

11、es)的一名女发言人称,下一部影片的部分镜头可能会在古巴拍摄。该发言人接着表示, 公司“目前正在争取获得美国和古巴政府的批准”。and Cuban filmmakers have been fielding inquiries.“ There isn t a day that Iam not meeting with a potential client from the United States,” said Oscar Ern estoproduces music videos, commercialsOrtega, 29, whose El Central Produccionesan

12、d documentariesfor clients like the PuertoRica nband Calle 13 andRed BullMedia House from offices in Miami and Hava na.古巴的电影人也一直在打听。“我没有哪天不是在接待美国来的潜在客户,”29岁的奥斯卡埃内斯托(Oscar Ernesto) 说。他所在的中心制片公司(El Ce ntral Produccio nes) 为波多黎各乐队“ 13街” (Calle 13)及红牛媒体公司(Red Bull Media House) 等客户摄制音 乐视频、广告和纪录片。制作工作在该公司

13、设在迈阿密和哈瓦那的办公场所进行。Boris Crespo, founder of BIC Producciones, in Havana, said he had been work ing flat out for the past year, providi ng product ion services for Conan O Briens four-day visit to Cuba last year and the History channel s “ Top Gear, ” whichfilmed an episode in Cuba in Janu ary.哈瓦那BIC制片

14、公司(BIC Producciones)创始人鲍里斯克雷斯波(Boris Crespo)称, 去年一年,他一直在满负荷工作, 为科南奥布莱恩(Conan O Brien)去年在古巴停留四天, 以及历史频道1月在古巴拍摄的一集“极速巅峰”(Top Gear)提供制作服务。Mr. Carn aha n, who worked with Isla nd Film, ano ther Hava na producti on compa ny, said he was struck by the“ passi on ate ” crew and the quality of Cuba nactors.

15、(The “ House of Lies ” shoot was pla nned before the new regulati ons went into effect, so producers had to get a lice nse from the Treasury Departme nt.)和哈瓦那另一家制片公司海岛电影(Island Film)合作的卡纳汉表示,他被古巴剧组人员的“热情”和古巴演员的素质所打动。(谎言屋的拍摄是在新规生效前安排的,因此制片方必须得到财政部的许可。)What Cuba is miss ing, he said, are dece nt cellp

16、h one connections, fast Internet access and even “basic things hammers things that we don t give much thought to.卡纳汉说,古巴缺的是像样的手机信号、较快的网络接入,甚至“像锤子这种我们没 太在意的基本用品”。and the process of procuring shooting permits was extremely slow, he said.获得拍摄许可的过程极其缓慢,他说。Mr. Crespo said that the state-fundedCuban Insti

17、tuteof Cinematicart andIn dustry“ drow ns in its own bureaucracy. ”克雷斯波说,政府资助的古巴电影艺术与工业研究所(Cuban Instituteof Cinematicart and In dustry)“受制于自身的官僚体制”。Some Cuban filmmakers worry that american producers will steer clear of con troversialthemes in order to get permissi onto film from Cuba n culturalaut

18、horities, who require all filmmakers to submit a syno psis or script of their project.Mr. Carn aha n said that the “ House of Lies ” script was reviewed by the Cuba n culture mini stry, but that the authorities requested no cha nges and had“ a sense ofhumor about the material, ” which ribbed Cuba n

19、bureaucracy.一些古巴电影人担心,美国的制片方会有意避开有争议的主题,以便获得古巴文化部meten黄联英iswww. metenxo rm捷卵脚就员门的拍摄许可。古巴的文化部门要求所有制片方提交拍摄项目的剧情梗概或剧本。卡纳汉称古巴文化部检查了谎言屋的剧本,但表示当局未要求修改,而且“对题材很有幽默感” 该剧的拍摄内容是拿古巴的官僚体制打趣。But Cuban filmmakers said the authorities were intolerant of works that touched on issues like the early treatme nt of H.I.

20、V.-positive Cuba ns or the culture ofcitizens spying on one another, topics that have been covered in their films.但古巴的电影人表示,如果作品触及HIV病毒阳性患者的早期治疗,或古巴民众相互监视的文化现象,当局是不能容忍的。他们的电影关注的便是这类题材。Mr. Lechuga said that his first feature, “ Melaza, ” about a destitute former sugar-producing town, which was showna

21、t the Havana film festival in 2012 andwon an in depe ndent critics prize, was not released in Cuba n theaters for n early ayear, and the n only in one cin ema.莱丘加称,他的第一部长片蜜糖(Melaza)讲述的故事关于一个曾是产糖基地的贫困小镇。影片在2012年的哈瓦那电影节上放映,并荣获“独立影评人奖”,但在之后近一 年的时间里并未在古巴放映,后来也只在一家影院上映。“ The government doesn t mind if yo

22、u shoot Fast & Furious here, buthe doesn t want the local industry to make movies about our reality,“政府不介意在这里拍速度与激情,但它不想让国内电影业拍摄关于现实生活的 电影,”他说。LazaroGon zalezGon zalez, whosedocume ntaryaboutcross-dress ingperformers, “ Mascaras ”(2014), has had a very limited release in Cuba, said hehop

23、ed the new rules would make it easier to distribute work in the Un ited States.拉萨罗冈萨雷斯冈萨雷斯(Lazaro Gon zalez Go nzalez) 表示,希望新规能减少在美国 发行影片的难度。他2014年的纪录片作品面具(Mascaras)把镜头对准了异装演出的表 演者,在古巴只进行了非常有限的放映。Curre ntly, only a few orga ni zati on s, like the Vermont non profit americas MediaIn itiative, distrib

24、uteCuba n in depe ndentfilms in the Un itedStates. Broader,commercial releases would gen erate more in come, Mr. Gon zalez said.目前,只有少数几个组织,如佛蒙特州的非营利机构美洲媒体倡议” (americas MediaInitiative),在美国发行古巴的独立电影。冈萨雷斯称,更广泛的商业放映会带来更多收入。Claudia Calvi , executive producer at Producci ones de la 5ta aveni da, said sh

25、e was disappo in ted that america ns, so far, did not seem in terested in co-product ions.Her compa ny has bee n in volved in a han dful of such films with Europea n producers,like “ Hotel Nueva Isla ”(2014), a feature-le ngth portrait of life in an aba ndonedhotel that she producedwith El Viaje Fil

26、ms of Spain. She said no americanfilmmaker had asked what 5ta ave nida was work ing on or talked about develop ing joint projects.第五大道制作公司(Producciones de la 5ta avenida)执行制作人克洛迪娅卡尔维诺(Claudia Calvi )称她感到失望,因为迄今为止,美国人似乎无意于联合摄制电影。她所在 的公司和欧洲制片方合作,参与了几部影片的拍摄,如新州旅店(Hotel Nueva Isla)。她与西班牙旅行影业(El Viaje Fi

27、lms)共同制作的新州旅店是一部电影长片,描述的是一 家废弃旅馆里的生活。她说,没有哪个美国电影人问过第五大道公司在做什么项目,或是讨论发展合作项目。Still, the d Rente has spurred exchanges. During Havana s film festival in December, a delegati on of actors, directors and writers orga ni zed by the Sundance In stitute s feature film program offered workshops on scree nwri

28、t ing, product ion, documentary editing and scoring for film.但两国关系的改善推动了双方的交流。在去年12月的哈瓦那电影节期间,圣丹斯学院(Su ndance In stitute)长片项目组织了一个由演员、导演和编剧组成的代表团,开办了以剧本创作、制片、纪录片剪辑和电影配乐为主题的研讨班。Etha n Hawke, who was part of the group, told reporters at the time that he meten 肆英 iswww.metenxomwan ted to film an adaptati on of Tenn essee Williams s “ Cami no Real. ” He con firmed his pla ns in a stateme nt to The New York Times, and sai


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