



1、.课程新授授课题目Unit 7 Its raining.精彩导学学习目的1.学会用如今进展时议论人们正在做什么,What are you doing? I'm watching TVWhat's he doing? He's playing basketball.2.学会询问天气并作出答复; How's the weather?/Whats the weather like? It's raining.3. 掌握相关天气词汇4. 学会询问生活过得怎么样并做出答复Hows it going?? No bad, thanks. /Great./ Terrib

2、le./ Pretty good./ Just so so./教学重难点1如今进展时态的运用。2.学会询问天气并作出答复。教学过程一、复习导入;听写单词,词组;提问重点知识点二、交代学习目的 ;课程新授1、展示新知识:精讲知识点,辅以造句、对话等多种形式充足练习,使学生掌握并灵敏运用。2采取多种形式检查学生对语法工程的掌握情况,三、目的测试:辅以专项习题练习四、总结归纳授课内容Unit 7 Its raining!短语归纳 1.play computer games玩电脑游戏 2.at the park在公园里 3.have a good/great time玩得快乐 4.take a mes

3、sage捎个口信;传话 5.no problem没问题 6.in picture D 在图画D上7. by the pool在游泳池旁 8.summer vacation暑假 9.write to sb.给某人写信 10.take a photo/take photos拍照 11.not bad不错 12.study hard努力学习 13.in the mountains在山里 14.call sb. back给某人回 15.right for.合适 16.some of. 当中的一些 17.take a photo of.给拍一张照片Section A1.天气词汇 n. adj.rain雨

4、 rainy下雨的 wind风 windy多风的cloud云 cloudy多云的sun阳光 sunny 晴朗的 snow雪 snowy下雪的 fog雾 foggy多雾的补充 ice冰 icy结冰的补充 2. 询问天气 1Hows the weather +in 地点? Its Eg. Hows the weather in Beijing? Its cloudy. 2 Whats the weather like+ in 地点? Its3.询问别人正在做什么 1What are you doing ? Im cooking.2 What are they doing? Theyre playi

5、ng basketball.3 Whats he/she doing? He or she is doing homework.4.询问生活过得怎么样 -Hows it going? 情况如何?-Not bad.不错。 Great.太好了。Terrible.太糟了。 Pretty good.相当好Just so so.马马虎虎5.sound like+n./adj/句子听起来像.It sounds like a good idea. It sounds like good. Sounds like youre having a good time.4. have a good time ind

6、oing sth. 愉快的做某事= enjoy oneselfoneself要随主语的变化而变化 = have fun They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun.他们正玩得快乐。6.take a message for sb.留口信7.tell sb notto do sth.告诉某人不要做某事ask sb. not to d sth.让某人不要做某事6Call back 回 call me back给我回 7. cook 1v. 做饭 2n. 厨师 cooker n. 厨

7、具9.right now 立即,马上注意:一般如今时态和如今进展时态的混合应用。1一般如今时常和以下时间表达法连用。如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, every day, on Sundays, at seven 等。常考察动词的三单2如今进展时态中,句中往往有now、look、listen等提示词。不要忘记be动词SectionB1. 形容天气的形容词。cold寒冷的-cool凉快的-warm温暖的-hot炎热的 2. a lot做程度状语,意为“很,非常。Thanks a lot.=

8、Thank you very much.3.relaxing 令人放松的,一般修饰物; Relaxed 感到放松的,一般修饰人类似单词:amaze/amazing interested/interesting4.summer vacation=summer holidays=summer break暑假3. on a vacation=on vacation在度假;在假期中4.work1n. 工作2v. 表仪器,设备的运行,工作,假设用于否认构造如isnt work,那么表示某一件物品“不工作了或“坏掉了5.Write to表“写信给某人 My friend ,Tom, often write

9、s to me.6. just right for doing sth. 做某事正适宜.7.wear 穿戴 wear hats and sweaters5.take photos照相 take a photo of sb./sth给某人某物照相Grammar:反义疑问句它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。规那么:前肯后否,前否后肯1. 陈述部分肯定式,疑问部分否认式 ? 如:She is ill yesterday, isnt she? 2. 陈述部分否认式或有never,seldom

10、, hardly,few,little,barely, scarcely, nothing 等否认词时,疑问部分肯定式 ? 如:You didnt go, did you? He can hardly swim, can he?3.陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用arent I.4.陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may+主语。 I wish to have supper with you, may I?5.祈使句的反义疑问句,疑问部分用will you. Dont do that again, will you?注意:Lets开头的祈使句,后用shall we? Let us 开头的祈

11、使句,要用 will you?【 反义疑问句的答复】 用yes, no, 但是,当陈述部分是否认形式时,答复要按事实。 如: They dont work hard, do they? 他们不太努力工作,是吗? -Yes, they do. 不, 他们工作努力。 -No, they dont. 对, 他们工作不努力。1. I am  late ,_ ? 2. He can speak Chinese,_3. Alice isn't good at maths,_? 4. Let's go out for a walk ,_?5. Let&

12、#160; us have a rest ,_? 6.He never loves cold weather,_7. Open the door,_? 8. Your brother has lunch at school,_? 随堂练习一选择题 1. -Where is Mr Smith? -He is in Beijing. You can call him_ 1384232813. A. in B. at C, on D. about 2. -How' s it _? -Terrible. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 3. Thank

13、 you for _ me the good news. A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell 4. -_ is the weather like_ London? -It's very warm. A. What; about B. What; in C. How; about D. How; in 5._everyone _ basketball in your class ? . A. Does; plays B. Do; play C. Do; plays D. Does; play 6. Here_ some interesting T

14、V shows for you to watch. A. is B. are C. has D. have 7. -Is your sister doing her homework now, Jack? -Yes,_ _ A. she is B. she' s C. she can D. she does 8. Does your brother enjoy _? A. talking people B. talking to people C. to talk people D. talks to people 9. If you are good with kids, pleas

15、e come and work_ us_ a teacher. A. to; for B. for; to C. for; as D. as; for 10. Look! They_ beach volleyball on the beach. A. playing B. are playing C. plays D. play 11. Look at the _ It' s _ heavily now. A. rain; rain B. raining; raining C. rain; raining D. raining; rain 12. I can' t go to

16、the park _ it' s snowing heavily. A. and B. because C. but D. / 13. -What does your sister do? -_ A. She' s a nurse B. She's watching TV C. She' s singing D. She does some shopping 14. -What are your parents doing? -_ A. They are doctors B. They like walking C. TheY talk to each othe

17、r D. They are taking photos 15.-Let's go to see animals in the zoo this Sunday. - _, I like animals. A. I am sorry B. No, thanks C. That sounds great D.You are welcome 16. -How' s the _ in Wuhan now? -It' s very hot. A. room B. city C. weather D. place 17. Many kids like Jay Chou because

18、 he looks very _ A. cool B. terrible C. boring D. bad 18. -_ is it going in America? -Not bad. My English is much better now. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where 19. -What are you doing in your room? -I am _ . The soap opera is too fun. A. playing computer game B. watching TV C. listening to music D. sle

19、eping 20. -Happy New Year. -_. A. Thank you B. Happy New Year C. Not bad D. It' s terrible 21. -Where are you these years? -I am studying _ Australia.A. at B. in C. with D. from 22. She likes to _ sports clothes when she goes to work. A. play B. wear C. buy D. enjoy 23. It' s very hot in Gua

20、ngzhou, but it' s still very _ in Harbin now. A. hot B. humid- C. cold D. warm 24. I never从末 hear him sing, but I am _ to find that he sings so well. A. interesting B. surprised C. sorry D. scary 25. Look at so many old people _ on the square. A. play sports B. playing sports C. to play sports D

21、. are playing五按要求完成下面的句子。每空一词。1. Mary wants to be an English teacher. 对画线部分提问 _ _Mary want to be?2. My brother is doing his homework now. 对画线部分提问 _your brother_ now?3. It's rainy now. 改为同义句 It_ _ now.4. Mary is playing the piano now. 改为一般疑问句 _Mary_ the piano now?5. Mary can't watch TV becaus

22、e she is very busy. _ _Mary watch TV?6. The weatherin Qingdao is very warm. 对画线部分提问 _is the _ in Qingdao?7. The musician is playing the guitar in the park? 改为一般疑问句 _ the musician _the guitar in the park?8. John is taking a photo in the garden. 对画线部分提问 _John _ in the garden?9. A group of kids are hav

23、ing a good time at the party. 对画线部分提问 _ _ having a good time at the party,?10. How is the weather in London? 改为同义句 _the weather_ in London? .课下作业SectionA一 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Jeff isnt in , can I take a m_ for you ?2.-How is your study going ? -Not b_.3.-Whats the w_ like ? -Its raining.4.I have

24、some p_, can you help me ?5.The TV play Home With Kids is very i_, I want to watch it a_.6.-How is the weather ?- Its w_, we cant go out for a walk .7.I am busy now, could I call you b_?二 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Its snowing heavily , Its _snow today.2  -Whats Mother _do?-She _cook dinner.3.   Listen! It _rain outside.4.   Please tell_he _not  go to the pa


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