1、rbe., ong Li Xi ang Liu ja pi g eemenay school mac206 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehancef_ ey protec prope" a nd the lie ad propey ey of eaces and st udents scooi Ie ey it-ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie ey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens of t
2、he Fr Seves “ stat .one has of keei g .e control saey, protect ng .e contr oi acata> “ prnt".”* of .e施工人员考核办法1 .总则1.1 为了加强对施工人员的管理,落实施工责任,规范施工人员行为,提高施工人员素质, 激励施工人员敬业爱岗,特制定本考核办法。1.2 本标准依据建设工程施工规范、建筑工程施工质量统一验收标准、公司管理制度和施工人员的素质要求,并结合目前我国的施工现状而编制。2 .考核分项及评分方法2.1 本考核办法分项内容共分为9项。包括:施工准备、投资控制、进度控制、
3、质量控制、安全环保控制、施工资料、德勤评价和施工业绩2.2 本标准9个考核分项基本分值(既 9个考核子项应得分值)总和为 100分,其中,质量 控制24分,进度控制6分,安全环保控制 8分,施工例会8分,施工资料14分,其余4 个分项均为10分2.3 本标准考核评分表各考核子项实得分值为应得分值与加减分值之和。既:子项实得分值 =子项应得分值+子项加减分值2.4 本标准每一考核子项实得分值的最终取值等于各考评人给定子项实得分值的平均值2.5 本考核最终分值为各考核子项实得分值之和2.6 本办法在执行过程中,根据实际情况如遇缺项则其他分项的分值按其比例相应增加:如 遇增项则相应的考核分项分值进行
4、分配,可由公司检查考评小组依据现场项目施工机构实际情况具体进行调整 tci,l nns, e_i pment ise ctons found hi dden i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ieicuiy 9, do not use a -pen f-e in t he ca Is.om, pr ohi bi burig so<e, ndes mos - .reeBntno sm okig, and bannig . wrng. Wi hout us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iwd. lw oncam l
5、us . 一 m bes mus ladby pe, a nd idiuae ies and ickeneld,tfe. 11, hooseod uue of g - in sicools to m-teprope usge ppy atetonttelek proof, plIson prof, IerooI clsig <a afe use to ensue le - iy 1| dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the cate nw.e s mus be ceiid
6、, sr ctybyopeainopeain, g - ank and stole -e,dsanceof 15 mees, to preent iccLets 13, the aese conne Lienies ca uued by gnorng ie saey e.lain* wl be puni sed, unti i'estggae d for、a esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu Ja pi ng e-eta,sicoolMacc H6 XXagrbe., ong Li Xi ang Liu ja pi g eemenay school mac2
7、06 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehancef_ ey protec prope" a nd the lie ad propey ey of eaces and st udents scooi Ie ey it-ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie ey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens of the Fr Seves “ stat .one has of keei g .e control sa
8、ey, protect ng .e contr oi acatas .e peton.epors of ie2.7 考核结论根据施工人员评分情况分为优良、称职、合格、基本合格四个等级1)优良:施工工程未发生质量事故,事故人员无违法违纪行为,考核最终分值90 (含)以上;2)称职:施工工程未发生质量事故,事故人员无违法违纪行为,考核最终分值80 (含)至90分;3)合格:施工工程未发生质量事故,事故人员无违法违纪行为,考核最终分值70 (含)至80分;4)基本合格:施工工程未发生质量事故,事故人员无违法违纪行为,考核最终分值60(含)至70分;2.8 各等级比例为优良约占20%、称职约占30%、
9、合格约占30%、基本合格约占20%3 .对施工人员考核的有关要求3.1 凡是在项目施工机构工作的施工人员均由项目经理按此考核办法组织考核,每月考核一次,具体考核时间及安排由现场项目部根据公司要求进行,考核结果报公司技术监察部备录;公司成立审计考核小组对施工人员考核情况进行抽查3.2 各项目施工机构应建立施工人员管理和考评资料,并按年度报公司技术监察部备录,公司由技术监察部负责建立施工公司施工人员资料档案,统一管理所有施工人员考核情况3.3 考核结果作为提高工工资待遇及是否续聘的依据,对考核优良的施工人员适当逐年提高待遇,有限安排任用重要施工岗位;对考核不合格的考虑待岗学习,必须进行培训学习,自
10、行制定学习培训计划,有考核小组组织考核答辩,经考核答辩合格者可重新上岗,仍不合格者辞退或清退 tci,l nns, e_i pment ise ctons found hi dden i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ieicuiy 9, do not use a -pen f-e in t he ca Is.om, pr ohi bi bu.ig sole, ndes mos - .reeBntno sm okig, and bannig mis. wrng. Wi hout us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iw
11、d. lw oncam lus a _ly m - bes, mus ladby pe, a nd idiuae ies and ickeneld,tfe. 11, hooseod use of g - i n sicoos to maser prope usge ppy atetonttelek proof, plIson prof, IerooI clsig <ale afe use to ensue le - iy 1| dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the ca
12、te nw.e s mus be ceiid, sr ctybyopeainopeain, g - ank and stole saey dsanceof 15 mees, to preent - cLetL 4 te a ese conne Lienies ca uued by gnorng ie saey e.lains wl be puni sed, unti i'estggae d for、a esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu Ja pi ng eeta,sicool Macc H6 XXagIn orde to e n-enormal tea uh
13、i ng or de ng Sudet s ' heat h y gowh, e-ig t hat nai ona (pr opety) S not ls, Ipe<ent or miimiy theouuure nue of saety auu det s flw the "pe<en. rrs . e eu othe r, ensuesaey ad redue ls" pr nui pl, a uudi ng tothe l I ual undiions male t he maaeme nt ss. 1, t he pr nuipa ist he
14、esonS biiy of “ool saey,suool se uuiy unde the liaShi of Prsi dent suuiy w o. la dig gru. Theheld ue tothe l shiei s rrsponsilSuool S udents epor mjrauunt wihi n a nhourof ld . ain; studet rua nd db pppaa nuesto epor; re| or of the a uui det to a wite neport i tri ,ae, a uorreui I na ue nte a pol ue
15、 stain, a to-wshi p pe opl eS Goverme nt shal not unnea the auie.I 4 uhes ae I n duty ss, eSa blS ad mpr<ethe ea -lill-s steg hei he e duuain, maageme it of uiglutviesisuhools to e nsue norma teuhigorder esonSbe for “ool saey lader Sp awas ma ntaie.-L|.|l-.-dLL-L.l . .n-I L -一 一一 -.1.1._ -一i- LiL
16、 IL.I.I 1 - . I.-. - - 一 he suool r uls and eg ulins on tme ontme home t o prevent lu»e nts 8, “ool to se uins on a eg ua bbsl fud hi dde i n tme and is e uass,i S had topaliupae i n the ue eraions areabe.ssI a s parcpaig iong Li Xi ag Liu ja pi g menay ichoolMnott e soial wrkw.outapp.-iI f the
17、 Ccreui ona C.eteLi xang Lujapi ng p_ay suool >e sems i eha,suool pr nu paS uon-nt wtoutnc.f. saeyoraiaiI n. Wtout the prop” nd the le adapproval of rrmant depa1mlets pr0Pey of eices aorganie Huients topa>c pate i fire fgtnd s ud1ntssUool" itI g, dsste r f and se-piI n. 7, suool should(du
18、uae s udents to obby tng the flwig ” 1ysem. , siegtontme home t oI ol e suool A_oro prevent luude nts 8,-hool todng to Ie rrqurrmes of the Fr,e uinss Au, sta eeyone haon a eg ua bbss fud hidde i n time and ie for, impl emetatonof Ie aunabily .2, scool monthy s udet kowe dge about safety . in, e - ua
19、inSoUdd ulooe cnt a nd dsti ut polce sain* nvasS ng pokesain on sUool - ,a nd hep 5 SreL. - I Ld_-. .I. I I . L. - I _ 一 _. II IL . Iemiae immoaeypro-I ng “ -nt ol “lon.r.orsof ".sd, and reortd to th e lua ieples Govenmet ed_at on, and ueof law se uin. 9, the suoolbe dier Siid i t ngthe "g
20、tta uhes ' morl e.l . I .l. .1 - _shoU d H .d in, eta " blUek teiner- IduIon fr Stu-s of ua s pe Soul d be a. ,o uaybls a de duatd lv e mprovi ng e in quaiy obsel the S_ets 'psynal was reaiing wls "n.s raii ngs haais doors n- ege” i s deaig -一1 on inGe nea| selhel | and muua e kowe
21、-e Eme - nuy luholgua cage s a a,tme a nd tae pr etiemiues nourora puni sment ad uovel upa puni.met. _l . ILJI .1 _ _ LIL. .L . l-l -IW do , Sar use s ad a <aley of sorts eXauuri_arauivtis, aultis 0 ie saety ifasruuues cu - 10,19 ID, 20 adio on) u- ummon se - iedutin. I t he eSablSme nt of mlor a
22、 Ont e poring systm.on S_etS, Sudent out of the ulssoom, suooS may not be I units or de | atmets -eSu nt See pr oppgada_l_L -I-II -. I- L I, I tey epai ad duolin to ensue that tiauhes an studets wrk ean, l . nuus ad faiite.ors ae sae andIi>,lnns, e_i pment iseUions found hidden i tme for eUikatio
23、n, mai ntea nue, and leuuiy9, do not use a I open flme in the ua IIs.om, pr ohi bi burigso - , ua nnjes mosquioreplenlno sm okig, and bannig mly Wng.Wi hout uS ng ay I ou-hodaplauus s not a lwd. 0 lw on uamI us a l, m bes, mus ladbype, and Iduate ies and u'en suool* to mteprope u-e ppy 1atetI so
24、npning room mus beqqalle d, and anua teSing of presue vesOs to e-yueuk theua - n wke s mus beueti id, sr ulybyopeain opeatin, g tank albe puni s.d,untii<eSigaed for、a esonsii y Song Lii ang Lu ja ping eeay suoolMau 16 -aghhgiee , uutua eeena nue salobta n Wie ad ful uopeatinof the uommuiy. Onthel
25、uroundig eI vrnmet inluhoos soudbe u ooe" monisoul d ppy atetit h e saey manaent of luhool eI vrnme nt, Sould ethe iia- tountau the disru poke sain, the vilge Ccmmite,Coreuina Ceeteownsi gve I met,I usies manaeI t ad othe ement. 3, taue on-ywth the - uet ons i”ool s Soud alpay atetontevionme nt
26、aise uions ne a the u_pus found tha the jble mgants frm ual aeof Sudets a nd a <a”of auie ,S,luurdng tod - ent stuaions eportd suoolng and improv ng S_et s ' sl ua ene for reais. 5 euh auivy muS hhae -一一 . -i -d uon Core uinal Ce I ter . red t o mpe met. Ogaiztin to the 3d eaiey ar or auviis
27、epuy Dre Ed - aion4 .本办法的解释权归公司技术督察部5 .本办法紫霞发之日起执行(施工人员考核评分标准附后)考核评分表Lu ja pi ng eentay | ie slppssu.undig _> ma>g_entsystm 1ttaues and s - ets t he surudng araof the luhool gvera nue uoves pesna a nd foodofuas or the poie stain i n a tmey manne,Iprote ut the saey of Sude nts 4, y ddy beoresuo
28、ol eaues rrmid student“py ateti on Itafu saety5, Sou d ld . aeFura u in uage of - uuit y 2, lau a uivty shou d hhae a speufu resonSbiiy ppy atetion to t he pe sns ae, phhsial mauh. Route 3, lutvies,luain,fed ves Soud be uarients ad ot heraseusie. dgovstudents to re seut soua e hu、and .os e.aid out i
29、 I ada nue. 4, auiviis fori he meas oons, maita ning publi u or de, and fgt t he bad guys and grsp theure ut was ad mlans of maitaiiof trasort Sou d eali n the Siuati”ool , umpl y wih veu e saey reui ets befe the l-1 . _ llorrd.2 suool w o. a the s_e time,-I I I _ I ILd .1.1.-,. ,- -一y 6, t h e esal
30、isme nt of emegeuy rsuue es_rt y, egeuy rrsponne pa n fr au nts6,;of -ues insuool s onhig h aletand de ploed Sng Li n-a I g Li u Ja pi ng eementay suool Mauh sng Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primay suool ttaues ad su - nt,piunius hii ng, piuniu to ppy ittet"tie pree ntin, iood polnig , preenti on
31、of al luudeS 7, the lutvite s nea terives esevoil no mesue s or do lot mee thes ogai zztins ou of saey manaement leuuiy rrqurrmesi f the Oganipatmets too a god job maig l _ - l-Sem organiati on auiiis bewe I teuhes ind S_et -ain a nd n> le S_e ntsito t he wae_. lutivites igee.I. . Ill. 1-die i n
32、i.e and iemiae immoaInorde I e nnuenormal eaihi ng or de ng sUdet s ' heat " gowh, enu.g that nalona (pr opey s not ls, Ipe<ent or miimi Ieoi_re nie of saey aii det s .w the "pe<ent rrs . e - i ole r, ensue sa- ad re due lsel" prniipe a iidi ng IIe l . - l indti ons make t h
33、e . nt ssIm. 1, t he pr niipa is t he esons bltyof siool - ey siool se ., unde Ie l- deship of Prsi dent siuiy w o. dig gru. Theheld ie Ite l shie-i s rrsponsilSiool s udens epor mjraiide nt wthi n an hourof (d . ain. studet ru a nd dia pppaa nies to e po*re | oI of the a _i det to a wIe n eport i t
34、i 111ae, a iorreiiI na nIe a pol ie stain, a t owshi p pe opl, Govme nt shal not innea the aiieI I 4ek ihes ae I n.ysystm, m a Ils ad .pr<eIe ea -rsi<al-s stegghet Ie ed_ain, maagemeit of taiigIviesilih001sto e nsue norma teihigorder esons be forlihool lader s, awas ma ntane.-L|.|l-.-dLL-L. i
35、. .n-I L - 一一 -.1.1._ -一i-LiL IL.I.I 1 - . I.11 he siool r uls and eg ulains on Ime ontme home toprrve nt Hide ns 8, lihool Isise iions on a eg ua bbss fud hi dde i n time and i seee iass, it s had topalilpae in Ie le erHons as wel a s partcpaig inott e .o» wrk,w.outapp.vaiI f Ie Cc.eli on. C.e
36、te,siool pl ni pas connent wIouto”zaiI n. WIout theappro.lof r - nt de mmets miyorganlestdetsto palllpae i fie igl I g, dssle reef and sI n. 7, sioos shot*ld m e suienb i obby ton-e home t oo prrve nt ide nlL 8, uhool Isi llnson a eg ua bbss foud hidide i n tme and le fr,mpl emetaton of Ie aunabily
37、sstm. 2, siool monthly s udet kowe dge aout ey e in, . insoudbe d r sfid itd ilooe iontit a nd dsri it polie stains nvass ng rm the pokestain on siool lae, and hel. 5, sre ngthe .ig tta ihes ' mora e . . -1 I eimiae immidieyteabe. s ong Li Xi ag Liu,a pi g menay1chool mai I6 sng li xang lu,a pin
38、g ptmay siool fe saey .sems toeha.e saey ptopety a-the le 1adptopety saey of teaies and s ."nts siool fe saey into-ytoy maaemet, sping the i.-i. fe saey .sem. , sttegthen fie -me siool A-otdng tie ttqui-es of the Ft Seves ac. stha eeyone has of leei g fte 10ntol saey,pt01ctng fte11ntol -nes ie
39、peton. teots of fte.osd, and reortd to tI e Ii. I eples Govenmel eL_al on, and ueof law se iin. 9, Ie siool.uitimeveysae-iek the interdualon fr st udelts of - ses pe soul d be tagetd. To iaybls a de d td lv e improvi ng e “ qualty obse<e thesudets 'nal was reani ng wls 10nds tali ngs hadals d
40、oorsWdo , satps.ise.n-ege I iy i _ie s delng wt h Iduation in nnsl sOhel| and mutua e Hie kowe dge Emegeniy ial s (ui - 10,19 ID, 20 adlo on)u<e im mon sene ie duatin.,t he esablsme nt of maor a iiient e poti ng systm.iholgiia ihage s a ay time and tae pr et mesue s no itota puni sme nt ad iov_ i
41、to_ punismeton sides, s udent out of the ilssoom, sioos may not be 6 , units or de | atmetsuse sudent See pr oppgadas ad a .y of sorts etaiuti-at a iivtis, a i.is <ui Is ie saety ifasruiuesiuiy, uefaliy tmmedat- epai ad ddm oltin to e nsue tattta ihes and sudets wtk e an, lie . nuus adfalie s ae
42、sae a nd考核人员姓名:考核日期: 年 月 日序号考核分项考核子项加减分标准应得分数加减分数实得分数考核人有图纸审查记录,列有图纸问题清单者不加分,也不减分施工图没有图纸审查,也没有图纸问题清单者减2分纸熟悉情况图纸有明显错误,后严重影响,应该发现没有发现者减4分2施施工组织设计后相应审查忌见,且忌见有针对性者不加分,也不减分施 丁_L 组 织 设 计 审对施工组织设计突出重大修改意见,且意见合理,加快了施工进度或节约了投资者加2分一准备情 说施工组织设计没后审查或却审查意见者减3分3编 制二等及二等以上工程编制施工实施细则者加2分1施 工 实 施 细 则二等及二等以上工程为编制施工实施
43、细则者减2分2产工程开工/复工报审表附件内容后恰当审批意见者不加、减分复工审杳一工程不具备开工条件,审差不实就签署了同意者减6分 lilyl nns,e - i pment ise iions found hi dden i tmefot eilkation, mai ntea nie, andleiiuiy9 do not use a I open flme in t he iaIstom, pt ohi bi butigso<e,l iandes mosiul teeent,no sm okig, and bannig m.wlng. Wi hout us ng ay I oueho
44、d aplaiis s not a 1wd. lwon iam | us aiuly m»bes, mus ladby pe,a ndIduate fmies and iken eldy to fe. 11, houseod use of glsi n siool, to maser prope usge ppy aeton to the lek proof, »p1Ison prof, feroof ilsig <ale fe use to ensue leiuly 1| dinig room mus be qualfe d, and anuattesi ng of
45、 ptesue veses t 0 e.lay ieikthe iate n w.e s mus be ietiid, st ily by opeain opeatin, glstank and st o'esaeyditanieof 1,me ,to pteent ,ets 3 the a e ionne quenies ia uued bygnotng lesaey egulains w be puni sed, unti i'esiggaed for lga esonsii By Song Li n X ang Lu Ja pi ng elmetay siool Mai
46、XXag322投资控制工程变更程序合理,手续及时、齐全,符合安全质量标准者不加、减分4未经项目总经理签发就擅自同意实施工程艾更者减4分因设计变更或工程变更的实施降低了程质量标准,影响结构安全或致质量部合格者扣减8分工程计量质重驷收口格、“里正TE及时值,不加、减分4该进行现场计量而没有计量的,减1分质重不口格而£口予U里若减8分计量有较大偏差,不真实者减 4分签证记录合同约定或业主授权可以签证的项目施工人员应当签证,且签证及时、真实(基本要求)者不加、减分4该签证而未签证,以致引起业主与施工方事后争议者减2分签证/、实者减8分进度控制月进度计划施工方制订的月进度计划经施工人员审核,审
47、核意见恰当这不加、减分3施工方制订的月进度计划施工人员审核,审核意见不恰当者减4分掌握进 度情况定期绘制施工进度示意图,掌握工程施工进度情况者不加、减分I ide ie nnue ni.al ea Lhi ng i de ng sudei s ' heai " g wh, enuig i hai nai na (pi pe- s ni Is, ipe-ni i .ii.i<e ieLcuie ncef S y a-LL dei s I-w i he "pe-ni, i>s_e -U ie i, ensuue sae- ad ie duue ls-s&qu
48、ot; pincipe a ULidi ng iie l I -a l Undii ns .aae i he .ange.e ni ss. 1, i he pi ncipa is i he iesnsbii- f (Uhl sae-,sLl Se .i, unde ie lla deiship f P i deni sUui- w i ding giu. Theheld Ue iie l shie-i S iispnsilSUI sudenis epi .aa-LLde ni wihi n an huif ld . ain; siudei iuu a nd pppaa nLes i e pi;
49、 ie | i f ihe a -Ui dei i a wie n epii iii | lUae, a L iieLi I na -e nie apl Le sain, a i wshi p pe pl es G ven.eni shal ni Uncea ihe acideI i. I Lhes ae I n dui- ss, esa Ils ad .pi- ie ea -isilals Sieg hel he e du-ain, .aa - .e I i f UiglU ieSiSLhlSi ensuue ni.a ieUhigidei esns be f i -hl sae-l_dei
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