



1、现在,许多老师上课都缺乏激情,照书直读,一个课堂一个调,学生也渐渐对课堂失去了兴趣,并会产生厌学的心理。当老师要不要有激情?许多老师会作出肯定的回答。然而我非常同意这样的一个观点。曾在教师博览上看到介绍中国文人教书的文章,其中梁启超先生上课之情状给我留下了深刻的印象:“说讲到精彩处,梁启超有时掩面,有时顿足,有时狂笑,有时叹息,悲从中来,竟痛苦流涕而不能自已,情绪转好又涕泗交流之中张口大笑了,每当讲课,先生大汗淋漓,状极愉快。” 这样的课,这样的教师学生一辈子也忘不了! 作为这样的以为老师,他教育出了什么样的学生呢?我在一本书上了解到,梁启超的学生有三千余人,而且在他的第一批40名学


3、是徒具其形,苍白无力;没有了激情的课堂,教师不再年轻,学生不再生动。  学生需要激情,因为只有激情才能激发激情;教师需要激情,因为只有激情才会有创造,只有激情才能使漫漫教海永远具有探究的魅力。Teacher Need PassionNowadays,lots of students complain classes boring , gradually lose their interests in the curriculum and finally produce the psychological weariness of studying because of teacher

4、s lack of passion and only read the books out in the classes. So shall a teacher have passion while having classes? Most teachers will surely say “yes”, and I cant agree with them anymore.I have ever read an article about Chinese teachers in a magazine. And the story about Liang Qichao which left me

5、 a great impression on his amazing teaching: when the lesson came to a fascinating part, Mr. Liang sometimes hide his face behind the books, sometimes stamped his feet, sometimes laughed wildly, and sometimes sighed deeply. And when it came to a sad part, he always couldnt help crying. However, with

6、 his mood turned good, he laughed again with tears still on his face. When the class was over, he was always dripping wet with sweat, but he enjoyed it very much. I think his students would never forget such good classes as well as such a teacher.And as to be such a passionate teacher, what kind of

7、students did he have?From a book I realized that there are more than 3000 people that had ever been taught by Mr. Liang. And most of them had great influences on Chinese development. Such as famous military strategist, Cai E, poet, Xu Zhimo, the father of the Chinese industrial, Fan Xudong and great

8、 masters, Jiang Liangfu, and so on. Furthermore, he was also a great father. All of his nine children gained great achievement at last, such as architect, Liang Sicheng, archaeologist, Liang Siyong, the expert of Rocket Control System, Liang Sili. Especially, three of them are academician of Chinese

9、 Academy.A teacher who is abundant with passion can get into his students deeply heart. When a teacher walks into a classroom with full of energy and smiles on face, his passion will appeal to the students, just like a spark, the passion of the teacher would ignite the activity of the whole class.No

10、 matter how many modern teaching methods have you got, without passion the class would never be interesting. Without passion, teacher just look like an old man and students never activity.To students, the passion is needed because only with passion can they study hard. To teachers, the passion is needed even more, because only with p


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