1、外贸英语函电课教案学期:2008-2009学年学时:_j40系 (部):外国语学院教 研 室:专业英语教研室授课教师: 安然授课班级所在系授课班级授课班级所在系授课班级外国语学院2006英语教学目的:本课程是英语(水产贸易英语)专业的核心课程。通过本课程的学习,熟悉 翻译和写作外贸业务中各类书信,掌握外贸业务中英语术语、缩略语、惯用句型和表达 方法。教学手段:教师授课和互动式教学结合,教学方法:复习,导入,教师讲解,学生练习iEnglish Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Preface2课时教学目的:掌握商务沟通的基本原则及英文书信的写作格式教学任务: Part
2、One: Principles of Good CommunicationThe Structure of Business LettersThe forms of business letters Addressing an envelope 重点、难点:1. The Three Features f Business Communication2. The Basic Principles of Business Letter Writing3. The three forms4. The principles of addressing envelopes教学内容提要:The Three
3、 Features:1. It has its own special language style and words.2. It is full of business termination, abbreviations and abbreviated phrases.3. It has close connections with international business practice.The 7 c ' s: consideration courtesy clarity conciseness concreteness correctness completeness
4、The Standard Parts:The Optional Parts:1.the letterhead1.the references2.the date2.the attention line3.th inside address3.the subject line4.the salutation4.the enclosure5.the body of the letter5.the postscript6.the complimentary close6. the carbon copy notation7.the signature7. the identification lin
5、e复习思考题、作业:What is the relations between EBC and foreign trade?Page No.10 Ex. I课后小结:1.Grasp the unique characteristics of EBC2. The difference between social communications and EBC3. Grasp the Standard Parts and the Optional Parts of EBC3English Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Preface 2课时教学任务:Skill Tra
6、ining重点、难点:1. Arrange a letter in proper form as they should be set outin a letter2. How to write self-introduction lettersThe Structure of Business Letters1-1 The full blocked style1-2 The modified blocked style1-3The indented style1-4The Semi-blocked style with indented-paragraphs open punctuation
7、 close punctuationAddressing envelopes : three requirements:1. accuracy2. clearness3. appearance4. Explain C/O复习思考题、作业:Page No.10 Ex. II#课后小结:Grasp the three forms of EBCHow to fill in an envelope?Write a letter to an exporter and address an envelopeEnglish Business Correspondence 教案 章 节: Chapter On
8、e Establishing business relations 教学任务:Letter 6 Letter 7重点、难点:1. Self-introduction letters2. transferring business relations3. Credit inquiries1. owe one' s name and address to sb2. Commercial Counsellors Office3. inform sb. of sth./ inform sb. that/ be informed that4. be in a market for sth.5.
9、textiles6. avail7. approach = get in touch with8. establish business relations with sb.9. a state-operated corporation10.handle11. acquaint sb with sth12. be well acquainted with sth复习思考题、作业:Page No.12 Ex.I课后小结:熟练掌握自荐信的写作及其惯用表达法。自荐信的写作要点=(1)说明情报来源(2)说明写信目的(3)自报家门(4)说明经营方针或政策(5)说明资信状况English Business
10、 Correspondence 教案章 节:Chapter One Establishing business relations 教学目的:掌握建交信函的写作内容、写作方法及相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1 Letter 2重点、难点:1. Introduction of your company and its businessscope2. Information on products1. the leading importers= the largest = the principal2. engage in3. enjoy a good reputation.4. sp
11、ecific requirements = details5. at competitive prices6. reasonable price7. favorable price8. enclose9. favor sb. with inquiries for your specific requirements10. Inquiry Note11. attach12. keenest quotation复习思考题、作业:Page No.13 II课后小结:熟练掌握转移贸易关系书信的撰写及其惯用表达法转移贸易关系:(1)说明情报来源(2)明确介绍贸易关系转移的对象(3)结束语5English
12、 Business Correspondence 教案章 节: Chapter One Establishing business relations教学任务:Letter 2 , 3重点、难点:1. The first touch2. The reply to the letter you have received教学内容提要:1. cooperation2. be desirous of doing sth = be desirous to do sth3. have a good connection4. be obliged if5. be pleased if6. be grate
13、ful if 7. to appreciate it if 8. capable and reliable9. on this respect10. appreciate11.long-standing and high reputation12 .expand = enlarge = extend13 .provide sb with sth= supply sb with sth= furnish sb with sth14 .give sb complete(entire , full ) satisfaction15 .financial position = credit stand
14、ing= financial status= trade reputation16 .refer sb to复习思考题、作业:Page No.13 Ex. III课后小结:熟练掌握建立业务关系书信的撰写及其惯用表达法,了解获取信息、如何与国外客户接洽的渠道。章 节:Chapter One Establishing business relations教学任务:Letter 4 Exercises on page 12重点、难点:1. the source the information2. your intention for export or import1. CCPIT2. be in
15、good relations with sb = be well connected with sb3. be interested in sth4. be interested in doing sth5. be interested to do sth6. specifications7. sales possibilities8. at your end = in your place= in your district= in your area复习思考题、作业:Page No.14 Ex.IV课后小结:熟练掌握建立业务关系书信的撰写及其惯用表达法,了解国外 客户资信状况的渠道及资信状
16、况调查信的主要内容。7English Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Chapter One Establishing business relations教学任务:Skill Training重点、难点:1. Write a letter to importer for establishment of business relations2. write a letter to a bank, asking for all information about the importer将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行建立业务关系的实际案例操作,各 组推荐合格书
17、信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀作品。目的通过案例分析,加强学生对建立业务关系书信的深入了解,提高学生的 分析判断能力,培养学生的实际应用能力。Training Situations:Mr.Thomas, the managerof Freeman & Sons Company,wants to import some silk products from China. He has learned the name and address of China National Silks Import & Export Corporation on the We
18、b. Now he is going to write a letter to China National Silks Import & Export Corporation to get some more information.复习思考题、作业:Page No. 15 Ex.VIio课后小结:大部分同学能掌握业务关系书信的写作技巧,能比较准确的表达清楚信的宗旨,运用得当的语言;但也有少数同学对商务英语惯用法及基础语法掌握得不够理想,还需要加大力度多作练习。English Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Chapter 2 Enquiry教学目的:掌握
19、询盘信函的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1重点、难点:1. general enquiry2. specific enquiry1. happens to be = happen to coincide2. sample books3. effect delivery4. material and workmanship5. place an order with sb for sth6. all necessary information7. delivery date8. on the terms and conditions9. by return10. worka
20、ble prices11. on a substantial scale12. learn from13. intend to do sth复习思考题、作业:Page 28 No.Ex.I课后/J、结: A specific enquiry should be included the following parts:1 .the reason of the letter2 .state your detailed enquiry3 .give the hints (mention the most important terms)114 .the closing sentence of th
21、e letter章 节:Chapter 2 Enquiry教学任务:Letter 2, 4重点、难点: Making familiar with inquiry lettersExpressions on making inquiries教学内容提要:1. be in receipt of2. of all descriptions3. quote4. quotation5. most favourable prices6. dispatch7. be given to understand that8. have confidence in9. moderate prices10. prom
22、ising market11. on the terms and conditions12. prompt attention13. by return14. owing to = on account of = because of15. business chance16. wholesalers17. retailers复习思考题、作业:Page No.29 Ex. II 课后小结: A general enquiry letter should be included in the followingparts :1 .the reason the letter2 .make a ge
23、neral enquiries by asking for catalogues price lists etc.3 .the closing sentence of the letterEnglish Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Chapter 2 Enquiry教学任务:Skill Training重点、难点:1. Making familiar with inquiry letters2. Expressions on making inquiries1. on the recommendation of2. come up to our expectat
24、ion3. regular orders4. with this in mind5. 川ustrated catalogueTraining Situations :Mr. Lawrence, General Manager of the United Textiles Company Ltd. (26 Lawton Street , Liverpool , England ), is a large dealer in textiles in England. He is interested in all of the Chinese silk products and now appro
25、aching China National Imp. & .Exp. Corp. , Shanghai Branch for a quotation for specific products. 将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行询盘信的实际案例操作,各 组推荐合格书信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀 作品。目的通过案例分析,加强学生对询盘信的深入了解,提高学生 的分析判断能力,培养学生的实际应用能力。复习思考题、作业:Page No.29 Ex.III ; IV课后小结:要求学生熟练掌握询盘信的撰写及其惯用表达法。学生对具 体询盘和一股询盘的区别掌握得不错,并能运用恰
26、当的表达法来撰写询盘信, 需要注意的是学生对个别词汇的使用不当造成书信表达得不太流畅。例如English Business Correspondence 教案inqurie; inquiry; require; request章 节:Chapter Three Quotations & Offers教学目的:掌握报盘信函的翻译和写作内容、方法、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1重点、难点:1 . The definition of an offer2 .The contents of an offer3 .How to judge a firm offer and a non-
27、firm offer1. The definition of an offer2. The meaning of a firm offer and a non-firm offer3. The three points of a firm offer4. confirm5. offer6. make sb. an offer for sth.7. European main ports8. firm9. subject to10. entertain11. counteroffer12. as regards13. under offer14. a large demand for15. ac
28、ceptance复习思考题、作业:Page .46 Ex. I13课后小结:熟练掌握实盘与虚盘的含义、实盘的三要素(清楚、完整和无 保留)、报盘信的撰写及其惯用表达法。章 节:Chapter Three Quotations & Offer教学任务:Letter 2 Letter 6-1 Letter 6-2重点、难点:Making familiar with offering lettersExpressions on making offers1. at your request2. as requested3. on requested4. offer make sb.an of
29、fer for sth. Offer sb. sth.5. remain valid6. negotiation7. perfect combination of warmth, softness and easy care8. profitable business9. with thanks10. proforma invoice11. import licence12.there is no question about doing13.1 n compliance with1.1 in triplicate15 .meet with a favourable reception16 .
30、without delay复习思考题、作业:Page No. 47 Ex.IIEnglish Business Correspondence 教案课后小结:熟练掌握实盘与虚盘的区别、不同形式报盘信的撰写及其惯用 表达法。章 节:Chapter Three Quotations & Offer教学任务:Skill Training重点、难,电:Making familiar with offering lettersExpressions on making offers教学内容提要:根据以下提供的背景完成行文式和列表式报盘信的写作:谢谢彳方1月12日的询价。现报盘如下,以你方十日内复到
31、为条件:10公吨罐装产笋,每罐£3.2伦敦到岸价,船期3/4月份。支付条款是凭即期 汇票支付的,保兑的,不可撤销的信用证付款。相信上述报盘能为你方所接受。殷切期待好消息。将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行报盘信的实际案例操作,各组推荐 合格书信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀作品。目的通过 案例分析,加强学生对报盘信的深入了解,提高学生的分析判断能力,培养学 生的实际应用能力。复习思考题、作业:Page No.47 Ex.I II; IV课后小结:1要求学生熟练掌握行文式的报盘信和列表式的报盘信的写作及其惯用表达法。通过上述模拟实训I,同学们对列表式报盘信的写作明显好
32、于 行文式,这是值得肯定的;但不容忽视的是必须要使学生明确对行文式的报盘 形式熟练掌握的重要性,这关系到口头谈判的胜算多少的问题。2要求学生明确实盘的三要素,尤其是对其中“交易条件的完整性”的规定涉及到对报盘有效期作出规定的重要性的理解。17章 节:Chapter Four Making Counter-offers & DecliningOrders教学目的:掌握还盘的翻译和写作方法、内容、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1重点、难点: Making familiar with CounteroffersExpressions on making Counteroffers1
33、. on usual terms2. in reply.3. regret4. find5. out of line with6. indicate7. such being the case8. to be easily obtainable at a much lower figure9. to be prepared to do10.say, 10%11 .come to terms12 .at your earliest .convenience复习思考题、作业:Page No.61 Ex.I课后小结:要求学生熟练掌握婉言拒绝的表达法,学会在交易中如何拒绝 客户的不合理要求并掌握原则:
34、 拒绝还盘或反还盘,并不意味着拒绝客户。交 易不成有情在。切不可图一时痛快而造成有损于买卖双方贸易关系的事情。章 节:Chapter Four Making Counter-offers &Declining Orders教学任务:Letter 2 Letter 3重点、难点: Making familiar with CounteroffersExpressions on making Counteroffers1. be on the high side2. while3. appreciate your cooperation in doing sth4. be regretfu
35、l that5. reduce6. level7. be out of line with8. be firm with an upward tendency9. likelihood10.lapse11 .turn down12 .conclude the business with sb13 .take full advantage of the market14 .finalize the business with sb.15 .protracted exchange of correspondence16.sales contract复习思考题、作业:Page No.62 Ex. I
36、I要求学生熟练掌握婉言拒绝的表达法,学会在交易中如何拒绝客户的还盘。English Business Correspondence 教案拒绝还盘信应具备以下内容:1说明写信原因;2拒绝还盘或反还盘;3说明 拒绝的理由;4说服对方接受原来的报盘;5分析市场行情意在敦促对方接受。章 节:Chapter Four Making Counter-offers &Declining Orders教学任务:Letter 5 Skill Training 重点、难点: Making familiar with CounteroffersExpressions on making Counteroff
37、ers教学内容提要:1. shortage of stock2. the same3. undertake4. on account of5. uncertainty of raw materials6. revert7. feel free to do sth.8. rely on9. fresh order10. heavy commitments11. keep your inquiry before us将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行还盘信、拒绝信的实际案例 操作,各组推荐合格书信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评 选出优秀作品。目的通过案例分析,加强学生对还盘信、拒绝信的深
38、 入了解,提高学生的分析判断能力,培养学生的实际应用能力。复习思考题、作业:Page No.62 Ex. III课后小结:要求学生熟练掌握拒绝信的写作技巧及相关的表达法。1.We regret to say that 2.We are regretful that 3 Much to our regret that19章 节:Chapter Five Acceptance & Orders教学目的:掌握成交信函的写作、合同的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1 Letter 2重点、难点: Making familiar with ordersExpressions
39、on conclusion of orders1. confirm have done the business with sb.2. through your full cooperation3. revised price4. purchase confirmation5. for our file6. be in urgent need of7. make punctual shipment8. delay in shipment9. detrimental to10. to find a good market for11. a high demand12. conclude an o
40、rder with sb.13. sales confirmation14 .make15 .repeat orders复习思考题、作业:Page No.76 Ex.I课后小结:1.要求学生明确有效接受的四个标志;2.熟练掌握接受的表达 法和接受信、订货信及签订合同信的写作技巧。章 节:Chapter Five Acceptance & Orders教学任务:Letter 5重点、难点: Making familiar with ordersExpressions on conclusion of orders教学内容提要:1. confirm have done the busine
41、ss with sb.2. through your full cooperation3. revised price4. purchase confirmation5. for our file6. be in urgent need of7. make punctual shipment8. delay in shipment9. detrimental to10. to find a good market for11. 11.a high demand12. conclude an order with sb.13. sales confirmation14. make15. repe
42、at orders复习思考题、作业:Page No.76 Ex.II课后小结:熟练掌握接受的表达法和接受信、订货信及签订合同信的写作 技巧。明确什么是说明信及撰写说明信的要点。English Business Correspondence 教案章 节:Chapter Five Acceptance & Orders教学任务:Skill TrainingSales Contract / ConfirmationPurchase Contract / Confirmation重点、难点: The contents of a contractHow to fill in contract1.
43、 contract No.2. Sellers/Buyers3. Commodity4. Specifications5. Quantity6. Unit Price7. Total Value8. Shipping Mark9. Insurance10. Time of Shipment11. Port of Shipment & Destination12. Terms of Payment13. Packing14.Signing place & Date复习思考题、作业:Page No.78 Ex. III课后小结:熟练掌握合同的基本内容以及用英文填写合同的基本方法。章
44、 节:Chapter Five Acceptance & Orders教学任务:Skill Training重点、难点: Making familiar with ordersExpressions on conclusion of orders教学内容提要:根据以下提供的背景完成行文式和列表式订货信的写作:兹高兴地确认按照下列条款卖给你方 29英寸东芝彩色电视机2000台:2000台29英寸东芝彩色电视机,横滨成本、保险家运费价每台美元,木箱装,每箱装4台。收到信用证一周内,从横滨运至大连。请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途中受损。我们现在正在洽办开信用证,在接到你方确认书后,即
45、可开出以你方为受益 人的信用证。将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行接受信、订货信的实际案例操作, 各组推荐合格书信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀作品。 目的通过案例分析,加强学生对接受信、订货信的深入了解,提高学生的分析 判断能力,培养学生的实际应用能力。复习思考题、作业:Page No. 78 Ex.IV 课后小结:熟练掌握接受的表达法和接受信及签订合同信的写作技巧。熟练掌握行文式和列表式订货信的写作方法。注意accept; acceptance ; confirmhaving done sth 的区别使用。29章 节:Chapter Six Terms of Paymen
46、t教学目的:掌握与支付条款有关的各类信函的翻译和写作、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1 Letter 2重点、难点:I.The Mode of Payment2 .The relationship between business letters3 .The useful expressions on Payment1. pay2. .to pay in advance3. to pay by instalmentsa) to pay on deliveryb) to pay by 30 days L/Cc) to pay by time L/C at 30 days4. invol
47、ve =5. means6. at hand7. tie-up of funds = tying up funds8. extend = accord , give9. accommodation复习思考题、作业: 1 What are the modes of payment in international trade?2 What is D/P? What is D/A?课后小结:要求学生明确支付在国际贸易中的重要作用,了解国 际贸易中常用的支付方式以及用英语表述的方法。章 节:Chapter Six Terms of Payment教学任务:Letter 3 Letter 4 Lett
48、er 5重点、难点: Making familiar with the mode of paymentExpressions on payment terms教学内容提要:1. nothing unusual2. arrangement3. in addition4. the goods are ready for shipment5. adhere to6. usual practice7. affect8. in the amount of9. for the amount of10. to the amount of11. in value12. CAD13. meet with you
49、r approval14. make it clear that15. direct payment16. equivalent in RMB17. figure18. exception19. in the light of复习思考题、作业:Page No.96 Ex.课后小结:熟练掌握国际贸易结算方式.支付信的撰写及其惯用表达法章节:Chapter Six Terms of Payment教学任务:Skill Training 重点、难点: Making familiar with the mode of paymentExpressions on payment terms教学内容提要:
50、根据以下提供的背景完成支付信的写作:1 .十一月十二日来函收到,获悉你方有意在贵国推销我们的自行车。对此, 我们非常感兴趣。2 .对你方为推销自行车所做的努力我们甚为感激。3 .但对你方要求以见票后六十天承兑交单方式付款一事,我们歉难考虑。4 .我们的通常做法是要求即期信用证付款。5 .为了促进我方自行车在贵方市场上的销售, 我方准备接受即期付款交单方 式,以示特别照顾。希望你方能接受上述付款条件并盼早日收到回音。将学生分为四组(进口商一出口商)进行支付信的实际案例操作,各组推荐合 格书信并做分析、讲解,通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀作品。目的通过案 例分析,加强学生对支付信的深入了解,提高学
51、生的分析判断能力,培养学生 的实际应用能力。复习思考题、作业:Page No. 97 Ex. II课后小结:要求学生熟练掌握国际贸易结算方式.支付信的撰写及其惯 用表达法。章 节:Chapter Seven Letter of Credit教学目的:掌握信用证的开立和修改信函写作、相关句型和词汇。教学任务:Letter 1 Letter 2重点、难点:1. The basic contents of an L/C2.Advising the opening of an L/C1. expire2. delay in doing sth3. applicant4. beneficiary5. a
52、dvising bank6. negotiating bank7. paying bank8. notifying bank9. issuing bank10. on examination11. direct steamer12. partial shipment13. more often than not14. infrequent15. speed matter up16. amend复习思考题、作业:Page No.112 Ex.I课后小结:要求学生明确信用证的基本内容、当事人;信用证的 性质以及用信用证支付的基本程序。章 节:Chapter Seven Letter of Cred
53、it教学任务:Letter 6重点、难点:1. Checking an L/C2. The basic contents of checking an L/C3. Amendment to the L/C1 .the nature & terms of the L/C must be exact accordance with S/C1. the names of parties concerned2. the number of the L/C3. the amount of the L/C4. Is it sight L/C or term L/C5. the expiration
54、 of the L/C6. shipment terms8.on the part of suppliers9 .to that effect10 .consignment11.in the early part of12.S.S "Blue Seas13.effect shipment4.discrepancy复习思考题、作业:Page No.112 Ex.II课后小结:要求学生熟练掌握审核信用证的基本要点及如何审证 并能写出一封要求买方修改信用证的书信。章 节:Chapter Seven Letter of Credit教学任务:Letter 4 Letter 5 Letter
55、3 Letter 7重点、难点:1. Extension of an L/C2. Urging establishing an L/C学内容提要:1. on the part of2. get the shipment ready3. consignment4. to that effect5. in the early part of6. unduly inconvenience7. abide by8. expedite9. execute the order10. due to11. be in strict conformity with12. match13. ensure14. e
56、xtend15. amendment notice复习思考题、作业:Page No.114 Ex.III课后小结:要求学生掌握催证信、展证信的写作技巧及惯用表达 方式。章 节:Chapter Seven Letter of Credit教学任务:Skill Training重点、难点:掌握信用证的基本内容依据合同内容来审核信用证及其基本步骤依据提供的背景完成催证信、展证信的写作教学内容提要:依据提供的背景完成审核信用证并写出改证信:将要求改证的信函示例展示给学生,根据所掌握的信用证的审核内 容进行实际案例操作,通过讨论大家推荐合格书信并做分析、 讲解, 通过对照比较,大家讲评选出优秀作品。目的通过案例分析,加强 学生对信用证审证和改证的深入了解,提高学生
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