1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2020.9月(卷一)茅台:茅台(Moutai)是中国最有名的白酒,在新中国成立前夕,被选为国宴用酒。据说赤水沿岸的村民四千年前就开始酿茅台。在西汉时期,那里的人们生产出了高质量的茅台,并把它贡给皇帝。自唐朝开始,这种地方酒通过海上丝绸之路运往海外。茅台味道柔和,有一种特殊的香味;适量饮用可以帮助缓解疲劳,有镇静作用,因而广受国内外消费者的喜爱。参考译文:Moutai is Chinas most famous liquor which was selected as the drink for national banquets right before the f
2、ounding of the Peoples Republic of China. lt is said that the villagers along the Shishui River started to make Moutai 4,000 years ago. In the West Han Dynasty, the people produced Moutai liquor of superior quality,which was paid as the tribute to the emperor. Since the Tang Dynasty, this local beve
3、rage has been shipped overseas by the marine silk road. Moutai features mild flavour and unique fragrance,and helps relieve fatigue and achieve tranquility if taken properly, thus winning great popularity among domestic and foreign consumers.(卷二)北京烤鸭:你如果到北京旅游,必须做两件事:一件是登长城,另一件是吃北京烤鸭。闻名遐迩的北京烤鸭曾仅限于宫廷,
4、而现在北京数百家餐厅均有供应。北京烤鸭源于600年前的明代。来自全国各地的厨师被挑选出来到京城为皇帝做饭。人们认为在皇宫做饭是一种莫大的荣誉,只有厨艺出众者才能获得这份工作。事实上,正是这些宫廷厨师使北京烤鸭的烹饪艺术日臻完善。参考译文:If you travel in Beijjing, you must do two things: climbing the Great Wall and tasting Beijing roast duck. The well-known Beijing roast duck used to be available only in the imperia
5、l court, but now is supplied in hundreds of restaurants in the city. Beijing roast duck originated in the Ming Dynasty 600 years ago, when chefs from all parts of the country were selected to cook for the emperor in the capital. People believed that its a great honour to cook in the palace for only
6、those with outstanding cooking skills could be offered the job. Infact, its these royal chefs who have gradually perfected the cooking of Beijing roast duck.(卷三)茶:茶拥有5000年的历史。传说,神农氏(ShenNong)喝开水时,几片野树叶子落进壶里开水顿时散发出宜人的香味。他喝了几口,觉得很提神。茶就这样发现了。自此,茶在中国开始流行。茶园遍布全国,茶商变得富有。昂贵雅致的茶具成了地位的象征。今天,茶不仅是一种健康的饮品,而且是中国
7、文化的一个组成部分。越来越多的国际游客边品茶,一边了解中国文化。参考译文:Tea has a history of 5,000 years. One legend goes that when Shen Nong was about to drink some boiled water, a few wild tree leaves fell into the kettle and gave off sweet fragrance. He drank a little and found it very refreshing, which led to the discovery of tea
8、. Since then, tea became popular in China. Tea gardens appeared everywhere, tea merchants became rich, and expensive and graceful tea set even became a symbol of social status. Today, tea is not only a healthy drink but also part of the Chinese culture. More and more international tourists begin to
9、understand the Chinese culture as they drink tea.2020.7在中国火锅已有2000多年的历史,最早流行最寒冷的地区,然后在很多地区盛行,出现了具有地方特色的种类。吃火锅时,家人和朋友围坐在桌边,桌子中间放着热腾腾的火锅。吃火锅时,人们可以根据自己的口味放肉,海鲜,蔬菜和其他配料,自己烹饪。人们可以一边尽情地聊天,一边享受美餐。【参考译文】Hot pot has a history of more than 2,000 years in China. It first became popular in the coldest regions a
10、nd gradually became popular in many regions, with the emergence of varieties with local characteristics. When having hot pot, family and friends gather around the table with a steaming hot pot in the middle of the table. According to personal taste, people can put vegetables, seafood, noodles and ot
11、her ingredients into the pot and then cook it by themselves. They can fully enjoy the meal while chatting with others. 2019.6(卷一)剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式,已有2000多年历史。剪纸很可能源于汉代,继纸张发明之后。从此,它在中国的许多地方得到了普及。剪纸用的材料和工具很简单:纸和剪刀。剪纸作品通常是用红纸做成的,因为红色在中国传统文化中与幸福相联。因此,在婚礼、春节等喜庆场合,红颜色的剪纸是门窗装饰的首选。【参考译文】Paper cutting is a un
12、ique form of Chinese traditional folk art with a history of more than 2,000 years. Paper cutting probably originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of the paper. Since then, it has been spread widely in many parts of China. The materials and tools for paper cutting are simple: paper and
13、 scissors. Paper cutting works are usually made of red paper, because red is associated with happiness in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, in the wedding, the Spring Festival and other festive occasions, red paper cutting is the first choice of door and window decoration.(卷二)舞狮作为中国传统民间表演已有2 0
14、00多年历史。在狮子舞中,两位表演者同披一件狮子服,一个舞动头部,另一个舞动身体和尾巴。他们熟练配合,模仿狮子的各种动作。狮子也是兽中之王,象征幸福和好运,所以人们通常在春节和其他节日期间表演狮子舞。狮子舞也可能出现在其他重要场合,如商店开业和结婚典礼,往往吸引许多人观赏。【参考译文】Lion Dancing is a traditional Chinese folk performance with a history of more than 2,000 years. In the Lion Dancing, two performers share one lion costume, o
15、ne performer moves the head of costume, the other moves his body and tail. They work together skillfully, imitating the lions movements. The lion is also the king of animals, symbolizing happiness and good luck, so people usually perform the Lion Dancing during the Spring Festival and other festival
16、s and holidays. Lion Dancing can also be seen on other important occasions, such as the opening ceremony of a shop and wedding ceremonies, often attracting large audience.(卷三)灯笼起源于东汉,最初主要用于照明。在唐代,人们用红灯笼来庆祝安定的生活。从那时起,灯笼在中国的许多地方流行起来。灯笼通常用色彩鲜艳的薄纸制作,形状和尺寸各异。在中国传统文化中,红灯笼象征生活美满和生意兴隆,通常在春节、元宵节和国庆等节日期间悬挂。如今
17、,世界上许多其他地方也能看到红灯笼。【参考译文】Lanterns, which originated from the East Han Dynasty, was first used for lighting. In the Tang Dynasty, they were used to celebrate the peaceful life. From then on, lanterns have become popular in various parts of China. A lantern is usually made of thin paper, in various col
18、ours, shapes and sizes. Red lanterns symbolize happy life and prosperous business, traditional Chinese culture and thus are hung up in holidays and festivals such as the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and National Day. Today, red lanterns can be seen in many places of the world.2019.12(卷一)中国汉族人的全
19、名由姓和名组成。中文姓名的特点是,姓总是在前,名跟在其后。千百年来,父姓一直世代相传。然而,如今,孩子跟母亲姓并不罕见。一般来说,名有一个或两个汉字,通常承载父母对孩子的愿望。从孩子的名字可以推断出父母希望孩子成为什么样的人,或者期望他们过什么样的生活。父母非常重视给孩子取名,因为名字往往会伴随孩子一生。【参考译文】The full name of Chinas Han ethnic group is made up of family name and given name. One characteristic of the Chinese name is that the family
20、name always comes first, followed by given name. For thousands of years, the fathers family name has been passed on from generation to generation. However, it is not uncommon now for a child to have the mothers family name. Generally speaking, a given name contains one or two Chinese characters, whi
21、ch carries the parents hope for the kid. Therefore, its easy to infer from the name what kind of person the parents expect their child to be, or what kind of life to lead. Parents attach great importance to naming their kid as names usually go with them for a whole life.(卷二)中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。许多父母认为应该努力工
22、作,确保孩子受到良好教育。他们不仅非常情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花很多时间督促他们学习。多数家长希望孩子能上名牌大学。由于改革开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参与国际交流项目,以拓宽其视野。通过这些努力,他们期望孩子健康成长,为国家的发展和繁荣作出贡献。【参考译文】Chinese families place a great premium on their childrens education. The majority of parents hold that they should work hard to ensure that their children can get
23、a good education. Not only are they willing to invest in childrens education, but also they spend plenty of time urging them to learn. Meanwhile, most of them want their children to go to prestigious universities. Due to the reform and opening up, an increasingly number of parents can send their chi
24、ldren to study abroad or participate the international exchange programs to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they anticipate that their children can grow up healthily and make contributions to the development and prosperity of our nation.(卷三)中国的家庭观念与其文化传统有关。和睦的大家庭曾非常令人羡慕。过去四代同堂并不少见。由于这
25、个传统,许多年轻人婚后继续与父母同住。今天,这个传统正在改变。随着住房条件的改善,越来越多年轻夫妇选择与父母分开住。但他们之间的联系依然很密切。许多老年人仍然帮着照看孙辈。年轻夫妇也抽时间探望父母,特别是在春节和中秋节等重要节日。【参考译文】The concept of family in China is related to its cultural traditions. The large and harmonious families were once very enviable. The four generation family used to be very common,
26、 in the past. As a result of this tradition, many young people continue to live with their parents after marriage. Today, the tradition is changing. With the improvement of housing conditions, An increasing number of young couples choose to live apart from their parents. But the connection between t
27、hem remains strong. And many old people still have to look after their grandchildren. Young couples also get around to visit their parents,especially during the holidays, such as the spring festival and Mid-autumn Festival.2018.12试卷一 由于通信网络的快速发展,中国智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人度增长。这极大地改变了许多人的阅读方式。他们现在经常智能手机上看新闻和文章,
28、而不买传统报刊。大量移动应用程序的开发使人们能用手机读小说和其他形式的文学作品。因此,纸质书籍的销售受到了影响。但调查显示,尽管能手机阅读市场稳步增长,超半数成年人仍喜欢读纸质书。【参考译文一】Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has grown at an alarming rate in recent years. This has dramatically changed the ways of reading for many peo
29、ple. They now often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of buying traditional newspapers. The development of a large number of mobile applications enables people to read novels and other forms of literature works on their mobile phones. Therefore, the sale of paper books has been aff
30、ected. But the survey shows that despite the steady growth of the mobile phones reading market, more than half of adults still like to read paper books.【参考译文二】With the rapid development of the communication network, the number of Chinese smartphone users has increased at a surprising speed in recent
31、 years, which has significantly changed the way for many people to read. Nowadays, they often read news and articles on their smartphones instead of from traditional newspapers. The development of hosts of mobile apps enables people to use smartphone read novels and other forms of literature works,
32、thus, the sales of the paper books have been affected. Despite the steady growth of the smartphone reading market, more than half of adults still prefer paper books, a survey shows.试卷二过去几年里,移动支付市场在中国蓬勃发展。随着移动互联网的出现,手机购物逐渐成为一种趋势。18到30岁的年轻人构成了移动支付市场的最大群体。由于现在用手机付款很容易,许多消费者在购物时宁愿用手机付款,而不愿用现金或信用卡。为了鼓励人们
33、多消费,许多商店给使用移动支付的顾客打折。专家预测,中国移动支付市场未来仍有很大发展潜力。In the past few years, mobile payment has been thriving in China. With the advent of the mobile Internet, shopping through the phone has gradually become a tendency. Youngsters aged 18 to 30 constitute the largest users group in the mobile payment market.
34、 Since mobile phone payment is very easy, many consumers prefer to pay by mobile phones rather than pay by cash and credit cards. To encourage people to buy more products, many stores give discounts to those who use mobile payment. According to the experts prediction, Chinese mobile payment market s
35、till has a great potential for development in the future.试卷三越来越多的中国人现在的确离不开手机了。他们中的许多人,包括老年人,都使用手机应用程序(apps)保持联系并拓宽朋友圈。他们也用手机购物、查找信息,因为手机便于携带。此外,使用手机应用程序通信比传统电话便宜。然而,这种新趋势导致人们在社交时过度依赖手机。事实上,一些年轻人己经变得十分上瘾,以至于忽视了与家人和朋友面对面的交流。【参考译文一】An increasing number of Chinese people are inseparable from mobile pho
36、nes. Many of them, including the elderly, use mobile applications to keep in touch with friends and broaden their circle of friends. Because the mobile phone is easy to carry, they also shop and look for information with it. In addition, communicating through mobile applications is cheaper than usin
37、g traditional calls. However, the new trend has led people to rely on the mobile phone excessively when socializing. In fact, some youngsters have become so addicted to mobile phones that they neglect the face-to-face communication with their family and friends.【参考译文二】More and more Chinese people re
38、ally cannot live without mobile phones now. Many of them, including elder people, use apps to keep in touch with each other and broaden their circle of friends. They also shop and look up information on mobile phones, because mobile phones are easy to take. In addition, using mobile apps to communic
39、ate is cheaper than using traditional phones. However, this new trend has led people to rely too much on mobile phones on social occasions. In fact, some young people have become so addicted that they neglect face-to-face communication with their family and friends.2018.6(卷一)近年来,中国有越来越多的城市开始建设地铁。发展地
40、铁有助于减少城市的交通拥堵和空气污染。地铁具有安全、快捷和舒适的优点。越来越多的人选择地铁作为每天上班或上学的主要交通工具。如今,在中国乘坐地铁正变得越来越方便。在有些城市里,乘客只需用卡或手机就可以乘坐地铁。许多当地老年市民还可以免费乘坐地铁。In recent years, a growing number of Chinese cities have started constructing subways. Developing subways helps reduce the amount of traffic jams and air pollution. Subway has a
41、dvantages of safety, fast speed and comfort. A growing number of people choose subway as a main mode of transportation on their way to work or school. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly convenient to ride subways in China. In some cities, people can take the subway as long as they have cards or c
42、ellphone. A large number of local senior citizens are eligible for free subway rides.(卷二)过去,乘飞机出行对大多数中国人来说是难以想象的。如今,随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,越来越多的中国人包括许多农民和外出务工人员都能乘飞机出行。他们可以乘飞机到达所有大城市,还有很多城市也在筹建机场。航空服务不断改进,而且经常会有廉价机票。近年来,节假日期间选择乘飞机外出旅游的人数在不断增加。In the past, travelling by airplane was unimaginable for most Ch
43、inese. Nowadays, with the development of economy and the improvement of peoples living standard, more and more Chinese including many farmers and migrant workers can take airplanes. They can travel to all the big cities by air, many cities are also planning to construct airports. The quality of air
44、service is being improved, and discounted tickets are offered frequently. In recent years, the number of people choosing to travel by air during holidays has been increasing.(卷三)公交车曾是中国人出行的主要交通工具。近年来,由于私家车数量不断增多,城市的交通问题越来越严重。许多城市为了鼓励更多人乘坐公交车出行,一直在努力改善公交车的服务质量。车辆的设施不断更新,车速也有了显著提高。然而,公交车的票价却依然相当低廉。现在,
45、在大多数城市,许多当地老年市民都可以免费乘坐公交车。Buses used to be the most significant means of transport in China. In recent years, the continuous increase of private cars has led to the extremely serious traffic congestion. Consequently, in order to encourage more people to travel by bus, an increasing number of cities
46、are making great efforts to improve the quality of services of bus,including updating the facilities and accelerating the speed. Meanwhile, the price of bus tickets is still low, some local elderly citizens are even allowed to get free rides in most cities.2017.12(卷一)黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山
47、的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is located in southern Anhui Province. The area is well known for its unique scenery, especially sunrise and sea of clouds. To enjoy the magnificence of a mountain,
48、you have to look upwards in most cases. To enjoy Huangshan, however, youve got to look downward. Furthermore, Huangshans moist climate facilitates the growing of tea trees, therefore the mountain is one of Chinas premier tea-growing areas. In addition, Huangshan has multiple hot springs which help p
49、revent and cure skin illness. Huangshan is one of Chinas major tourist destinations and the most frequent subject of photography and traditional Chinese painting.(卷二)泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观, 而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72 位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因 此留下了许许多多的文物古迹
50、。泰山如今己成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。Located in western Shandong province, Mount Tai stands over 1500 meters above sea level and covers an area of about 400 square kilometers. It is a renowned mountain which is not only spectacular but also of historical and cultural significance. Pilgrims have been visiting Mount T
51、ai for the last over 3000 years. In recorded history, 72 emperors once came here to make a tour. Mount Tai has seen many writers who have traveled here for inspiration to make poems and compositions. Artists also come here for painting. That explains why Mount Tai features numerous cultural relics a
52、nd historic sites. It has now become one of the leading tourist attractions in China.(卷三)华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分,秦岭不仅分隔陕南与陕北,也分 隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同,华山过去很少有人光临,因为上山的道路极其 危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自 上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。Located in western Shandong province, Mount Tai Mount Hua is
53、 located in Huayin City (Shaanxi, China), 120 kilometers away from Xian. It is part of the Qinling or Qin Mountains, which divide not only northern and southern Shaanxi, but also south and north China. Unlike Mount Tai that used to be frequented by worshipers/pilgrims, Mount Hua was not well visited
54、 by pilgrims from the rest of China as the roads in the mountain were extremely dangerous/because of inaccessibility of its summits. Back then, however, those who wished to enjoy longevity/immortality seekers ventured in Mount Hua quite a lot because it was believed that numerous herbs, rare ones in
55、 particular, grew in the mountain. Since cable cars were installed in Mount Hua in the 1990s, the number of visitors has increased dramatically / significantly / exponentially / the mountain has seen a dramatic rise in tourist arrivals.2017.6(卷一)珠江是华南一大河系,流经广州市,是中国第三长的河流,仅次于长江和黄河。珠江三角洲 (delta)是中国最发达
56、的地区之一,面积约11,000平方公里。它在面积和人口方面也是世界上最大的城市聚集区。珠江三角洲九个最大城市共有5700多万人口。上世纪70年代末中国改革开放以来,珠江三角洲已成为中国和世界主要经济区域和制造中心之一。The Pearl River, an extensive river system in southern China, flows through Guangzhou City. Itis Chinas third-longest river, only after the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The Pearl River
57、 Delta (PRD) is one of the most developed regions in China with an area of about 11,000 square kilometers. It is the largest urban area in the world in both size and population. The nine largest cities of PRD have a combined population of over 57 million. Since the reform and opening up (economic li
58、beralization) was adopted by the Chinese government in the late 1970s, the Delta has become one of the leading economic regions and a major manufacturing center of China and the world.(卷二)长江是亚洲最长、世界上第三长的河流。长江流经多种不同的生态系统,是诸多濒危物种的栖息地,灌溉了中国五分之一的土地。长江流域(river basin )居住着三分之一的人口。长江在中国历史、文化和经济上起着很大的作用。长江三角
59、洲(delta)产出多达20%的中国国民生产总值。几千年来,长江一直被用于供水、运输和工业生产。长江上还坐落着世界最大的水电站。The Changjiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world. Flowing through many types of ecosystems, the Changjiang River is the habitat of various endangered species and irrigates one fifth of China. One third of the population of China lives on the river basin of t
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