已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、GRE 快速阅读技巧给大家带来了 GRE 快速阅读技巧 ,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享, 来欣赏一下吧。GRE 快速阅读技巧GRE 阅读速度慢该如何解决 ?GRE 考试中阅读量太大, 很多同学 都做不完题, liuxue86 为大家整理了一些关于 GRE 的阅读技巧。想 考 GRE 去美国留学的同学一起来看看吧 !1. 先过了单词关。不用文章所有单词都认识。 甚至要尽量保持文章中一些名词不认 识,这样可以去猜,练习猜词的能力, 毕竟考试中肯定会有词不认识, 要根据上下文推测下。但是一些重要的形容词,名词,动词还是要认 识的,因为这些词反映了作者的态度和文章的转折啊之类的结构。 而 且对这些词

2、要很熟练, 一看到就能反应过来是褒义还是贬义, 不能反 应半天。2. 每天练习下长难句每天都看看长难句,不要看答案,自己尽量分析。每看完一句长难句, 都做一下意群训练, 这个对提高阅读速度非 常非常有帮助,看长难句最好每天都看一个小时,可以增加预感,也 破除了对阅读的恐惧感,看的同时做意群训练可以增加阅读速度。3. 速度训练读 GRE 逻辑框架:很多教材都介绍了很多阅读把握逻辑框架的技巧,比如 not only后的跳过,but also后的重点读,however后的要重点度之类的大家不能盲目记这些技巧,最好要自己亲手总结,适合自己的, 毕竟很多时候 GRE 细节题考的都是一些要 ”跳过的 “插

3、入语, 或者 for example之后的东西。如果读的时候直接跳过了,就会有问题。其实这个读重点的方法是非常好的,however,不应该那么死记 硬背的去用, 要通过自己的总结, 去形成一种直觉, 什么后面的该读, 什么后面的该快速扫过。大家可以在刚开始读文章时,细细的读每句话,读完后,理解了 整篇文章,脑子里默想下文章的框架和主旨,是什么观点,是怎么论 证的,有哪些重要的证据和性质,老观点弱在哪儿,等等。然后回过 头去,划出你认为是非读不可,不读就理解不了文章主旨的。而且只 要读划下文字, 就能达到同样快速理解文章主旨的效果。 然后再做下 一篇,划下一篇。 等做了十篇左右, 就会发现划出的

4、文字越来越少了, 自己也慢慢清楚了 GRE的文章套路,哪些是会考的,哪些可以忽略。举个例子:一般反驳老观点的文章,看到第一个词 many people,就可以扫过这句找 however 了,因为however肯定是指出他 的不足和他对比,通过 however 的观点,脑子里就可以推出 many people 的观点,这样就可以扫过不少内容。一定要边读边动脑子,而不是盲目的吸收信息。大家都知道新GRE 是逻辑考试,不是简答的语言考试,不要用做中学英语阅读的 那套。如果阅读中遇到读不懂的长难句,就仔细破解,找主谓宾,静下 心来慢慢破解个一小时, 一句话总看得懂吧。 这样把握了结构做题的 时候,遇到

5、主旨题,细节题,作者态度题就直接秒杀了,不用回去看 文章。然后遇到细节题,回去快速定位找下,毕竟文章理解了,定位 就很快。现在新 GRE 考试,阅读都很短,作者很难铺开写,所以逻辑非 常清晰,这样做就很适合,练习的时候,每做完一篇阅读,就先心里 默想下新 GRE 考试逻辑结构,用最短的话概括下,再去做题。4. 最后就是漫长的卡时间训练可以从每篇文章 6分钟,5 分钟,4 分钟根据个人情况一步步的 训练。慢慢扔掉一些以前觉得一定要读的,因为没有那么多时间。根 据每篇文章分配的时间,来有取舍的读,每篇短阅读 2 分钟读完,能 读多少是多少,但是要把文章读完,而不是很细的读了前三句,后三 句根本没看

6、。要宏观的读下全文。文章把握住逻辑结构,观点即可, 细节不要太深究,加快节奏。5. 体会下阅读和 arg 的关系阅读和 arg 很像,确实是这样,大家把一片阅读简化后,发现就 是一篇arg,作者举了一堆证据妄图证明一个观点,驳斥其他观点而 新G中很流行的题型,比如怎么怎么样会support,或者undermine作者观点,其实就是 arg 中找反例,找逻辑错误的过程这样去解题就 简单多了。只是我们思考的方式不同,看 arg下意识的去找错,看阅 读下意识的相信作者,所以往往会反应不过来。改革后的新 GRE 考 试,取消了原来的 “类反 ”部分,题目类型也变得多样化了,更加加强 和强调了对逻辑推理

7、的考察还有词汇要求更加高。 但是作为一个标准 化的测试,出题的原则还是万变不离其宗的, 只要同学们保持好心态, 多加练习,增强新 GRE 考试阅读逻辑推理能力。GRE 考试阅读理解模拟题及答案解析P1Many critics of Eamily Bronte s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a “ romantic ” reading receives more confi

8、rmation.Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts.Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their

9、 presencedoes encourage attempts to unify the novel s heterogeneous parts.However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel s diverseelements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any in

10、terpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. (164 words)1. According to the

11、 passage,which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?(A) The second part has received more attention from critics.(B) The second part has little relation to the first part.(C) The second part annuls the force of the first part.(D) The second part

12、providesless substantiation for a romantic IIreading.(E) The second part is better because it is more realistic.2. Which of the following inferences about Henry James s awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?(A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the dif

13、ficulties ofnovelistic construction.(B) James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.(C) Jamess awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading of Bronte.(D) James s awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentatorsto see unity in his individual novels.(E

14、) James s awarenessof novelistic construction precluded him fromviolating the unity of his novels.3. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the e

15、lements in the novel(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novels main structure(E) primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of whichthe

16、author of the novel was awareFor the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply4. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet? A Hamlet has usually attracted citrical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses. B Hamlet has

17、elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation. C Hamlet is less open to an a-lel ncompassing critical interpretation thanis Wuthering Heights.P2The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms and crustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larg

18、er animals.However, near hydrothermal vents, areas of the ocean where warm wateremerges from subterraneansources, live remarkable densities of huge clams, blind crabs, and fish.Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above.The fo

19、od supplies necessary to sustain the large vent communities, however, must be many times the ordinary fallout.The first reports describing vent faunas proposed two possible sources of nutrition: bacterial chemosynthesis, production of food by bacteria using energy derived from chemical changes, and

20、advection, the drifting of food materials from surrounding regions.Later, evidence in support of the idea of intense local chemosynthesis was accumulated: hydrogen sulfide was found in vent water; many vent-site bacteria were found to be capable of chemosynthesis; and extremely large concentrations

21、of bacteria were found in samples of vent water thought to be pure.This final observation seemed decisive.If such astonishing concentrations of bacteria were typical of vent outflow, then food within the vent would dwarf any contribution from advection.Hence, the widely quoted conclusion was reached

22、 that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for hydrothermal-vent food chainsan exciting prospect because no other communities on Earth are independent of photosynthesis.There are, however, certain difficulties with this interpretation.For example, some of the large sedentary organisms as

23、sociated with ventsare also found at ordinary deep-sea temperatures many meters from the nearesthydrothermal sources.This suggests that bacterial chemosynthesis is not a sufficient source of nutrition for these creatures.Another difficulty is that similarly dense populations of large deep-seaanimals

24、 have been found in the proximity of “ smokers ”vents where water emerges at temperatures up to 350C.°No bacteria can survive such heat, and no bacteria were found there. Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fractio

25、n of the vent faunas.It is conceivable, however, that these large, sedentary organisms do in fact feed on bacteria that grow in warm-water vents, rise in the vent water, and then rain in peripheral areas to nourish animals living some distance from the warm-water vents.Nonetheless, advection is a mo

26、re likely alternative food source.Research has demonstrated that advective flow, which originates near the surface of the ocean where suspended particulate matter accumulates, transports some of that matter and water to the vents.Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 mi

27、lligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.Thus, for an average-sized vent, advection could provide more thankilograms of potential food per day.In addition, it is likely that small live animals in the advected water might be killed or stunned by thermal and/or che

28、mical shock, thereby contributing to the food supply of vents. (479 words)For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply5. The passageprovides information for answering which of the following questions EXCEPT? A What causes warm-water vents to form? B W

29、hat role does hydrogen sulfide play in chemosynthesis? C Do bacteria live in the vent water of smokers?6. The information in the passage suggests that the majority of deep-sea faunas that live in nonvent habitats have which of the following characteristics?(A) They do not normally feed on particles

30、of food in the water.(B) They are smaller than many vent faunas.(C) They are predators.(D) They derive nutrition from a chemosynthetic food source.(E) They congregate around a single main food source.7. Select the sentence in the passage in which the author implies that vents are colonized by some o

31、f the same animal found in other areas of the ocean floor, which might be a weakness for the bacterial chemosynthesis model.8. The author refers to smokers in the third paragraph most probably in order to(A) show how thermal shock can provide food for some vent faunas by stunning small animals(B) pr

32、ove that the habitat of most deep-sea animals is limited to warm-water vents(C) explain how bacteria carry out chemosynthesis(D) demonstrate how advection compensatesfor the lack of food sources on the seafloor(E) present evidence that bacterial chemosynthesis may be an inadequate source of food for

33、 some vent faunasP11Many critics of Emily Brontes novel Wuthering Heights see itssecond partas a counterpoint that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a “ romantic ” reading receives more confirmation.许多评论家认为艾米莉 勃朗特的小说呼啸山庄的第二部分,即 便没有颠覆之,也是对 通常被认为表现出一种浪漫风格的第一部分 的一种对比。(if it doe

34、s not reverse 中的 if ,作 even though although perhaps 即使,即便,虽然。)2Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts.而小说中对叙述人称和时间转换的复杂运用, 所表现出的精致的 结构,又使人倾向于认为两部分是一个整体。3Granted that the presence of these elements

35、 need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presencedoes encourage attempts to unify the novel s heterogeneousparts.的确,这些因素不足以得出结论说作者在小说结构上具备了H J那样的作者意识, 但这些因素确实鼓励了把小说不同部分做统一解读 的尝试。4However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of

36、the novel s diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.然而,任何尝试统一小说不同元素的解读, 在某种程度上都缺乏 说服力。5This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has r

37、ecalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.并非因为这样的解读必然堕为一种僵化的理论 (尽管僵化地解读 这本小说或任何一本小说总是危险的 ),而是因为呼啸山庄包含 的不可调和元素有一种无可否认的力量, 最终会抗拒一种总括全局的 解读。In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet. (164words) 在这方面,呼啸山庄有点像哈姆雷特

38、。1. According to the passage,which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?(A) The second part has received more attention from critics.(B) The second part has little relation to the first part.(C) The second part annuls the force of the first part.

39、(D) The second part provides less substantiation for a“ romanticreading.(E) The second part is better because it is more realistic.选D句 1 。第一部分是被认为 romantic 的,第二部分作为第一部分的对比 counterpoint ,即便没有颠覆 if it does not reverse ,可知起码第二部分不像第一部分那么浪漫。2. Which of the following inferences about Henry James s awarene

40、ss of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?(A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties ofnovelistic construction.(B) James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.(C) Jamess awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading

41、of Bronte.(D) James s awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentatorsto see unity in his individual novels.(E) James s awarenessof novelistic construction precluded him fromviolating the unity of his novels.选B句 2 中介绍了一些呼啸山庄的特点,比如叙述人称和时间的转换等,这些特点在句3中明确为,need not argue不必然得出H J 的那种注意小说结构

42、的作者意识,可以认为 H J 更注意小说结构。 所以选 B 。3. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators

43、 or of time shiftsindicates a sophisticated structure(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novels main structure(E) primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of whichthe author of the novel was aware选B句 5 括号里的内容 although rigidity in any i

44、nterpretation of this or of any novelis always a danger ,可以得出一个作者的倾向,作者认为僵化地解释 任何一本小说都不好,符合 B 的描述。For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply4. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet? A Hamlet has usually attracted cri

45、tical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses. B Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation. C Hamlet is less open to an a-lel ncompassing critical interpretation thanis Wuthering Heights.选B根据文章,只有最后一句提到哈姆雷特 ,指两部小说都抗拒 一种统一的解读,所以 A 未知信息B 正确C 不能判断

46、。两个都抗拒,不知道是不是某一个更抗拒。P21The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms andcrustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larger animals. 深海特有一种稀疏的动物群, 主要由小虫和甲壳动物组成, 更大 型的动物则少之又少。2However, near hydrothermal vents, areas of the ocean where warm wateremerges from subterraneansource

47、s, live remarkable densities of huge clams,blind crabs, and fish.然而,海底喷泉口附近,也就热水从地表下喷出的区域,有大量 巨型蛤蜊,盲蟹和鱼存活。3Most deep-sea faunas rely for food on particulate matter, ultimately derived from photosynthesis, falling from above.多数深海动物的食物来源, 是上方的光合作用产生的微粒物质的 沉降。4The food supplies necessary to sustain the

48、 large vent communities, however, must be many times the ordinary fallout.然而,想满足大型海底喷口附近的动物对食物的需求, 必须要数 倍于一般的沉降量。5The first reports describing vent faunas proposed two possible sources of nutrition: bacterial chemosynthesis, production of food by bacteria using energy derived from chemical changes,

49、and advection, the drifting of food materials from surrounding regions.描述喷口动物群的早期报告提出两种可能的食物来源: 细菌的化合作用,由利用化合作用所产生的能量的细菌来提供食物, 和平流作 用,由周围区域的海流循环运来食物。6Later, evidence in support of the idea of intense local chemosynthesis was accumulated: hydrogen sulfide was found in vent water; many vent - site bac

50、teriawere found to be capable of chemosynthesis; and extremely large concentrationsof bacteria were found in samples of vent water thought to be pure. 后来,越来越多的证据支持强烈的本地化学合成说: 喷出的水流 中检测出了硫化氢 ;很多喷口附近的细菌被发现能够进行化学合成 ;而 原以为不含细菌的喷口水样中检测到了极高程度的细菌聚集。7This final observation seemed decisive. 最后这项观察结果似乎是决定性的。8

51、If such astonishing concentrations of bacteria were typical of vent outflow, then food within the vent would dwarf any contribution from advection.如果所有喷口喷出的水都聚集了如此多的细菌, 平流作用带来的 那点食物简直无法和喷口本身提供的食物相提并论。(dwarf侏儒,作动词可以指 通过比较使显得矮小”。 本剧直译大概是,喷口内的食物将使平流作用的的贡献显得矮 小,也就说平流作用带来的食物相比之下太少了。)9Hence, the widely qu

52、oted conclusion was reached that bacterial chemosynthesis provides the foundation for hydrothermal - vent food chains an exciting prospect because no other communities on Earth are independent of photosynthesis.因此,细菌的化合为喷口附近区域的食物链提供了基础成为一个 广泛的共识 这是个令人激动的观点, 因为地球上还有其他群体 的生存能够脱离光合作用。10There are, howev

53、er, certain difficulties with this interpretation. 然而,这种说法也有一些回答不了的问题。11For example, some of the large sedentary organisms associated with ventsare also found at ordinary deep-sea temperatures many meters from thenearest hydrothermal sources.比如,一些在喷口附近出现的大型固着动物也在常温深海区域被 发现,距离最近的喷发热源也有数米。12This sugge

54、sts that bacterial chemosynthesis is not a sufficient source of nutrition for these creatures.这意味着细菌化合不足以为这些动物提供食物。13 Another difficulty is that similarly dense populations of large deep-seaanimals have been found in the proximity of “ smokers vents where wateremerges at temperatures up to 350C.

55、6;另一个难点在于,“ smokers附近也发现了种群密度相似的大型 深海动物,“ smokers”贲出的水温度高达350摄氏度。14No bacteria can survive such heat, and no bacteria were found there. 这种温度下不可能存活、也没有发现任何细菌。15Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitablewarm-watervents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent fauna

56、s. 除非 smokers 附近总有一些更适合动物生存的温水喷口,否则 化学合成只能为一部分喷口附近的动物提供食物。16It is conceivable, however, that these large, sedentary organisms do in fact feed on bacteria that grow in warm-water vents, rise in the vent water, andthen rain in peripheral areas to nourish animals living some distance from thewarm-water

57、 vents.尽管如此,可以想象的是这些固着的大型动物实际上确实靠温水 喷口的细菌提供食物, 从喷口喷出的水最终回落到喷口周围, 以养活 喷口附近的动物。17Nonetheless, advection is a more likely alternative food source. 而平流作用,仍然是另一种更可能的食物来源。18Research has demonstrated that advective flow, which originates near the surface of the ocean where suspended particulate matter accu

58、mulates, transports some of that matter and water to the vents.已经有研究显示,海面附近出现的平流聚集了悬浮的颗粒物质, 其中一部分随水流被运到喷口。19Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.据估算喷口喷出的每立方米水, 会有 350 毫克有机颗粒物质会被 洋流输送到附近区域。20Thus, for an average-sized vent, advection could provide mor


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