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1、语法练习They in sisted that theyun til the work is fini shed.A. didn ' t restB. not restC. wouldn ' t restD. don' trestI have no objecti onthe evening with them.A. to spe ndB. of spe ndingC. spe ndingJoh n is the only one of the workers whoto Fran ces.A. has bee nB.

2、have bee nC. had bee nD. to spe ndingD. has beingThe fearI might not be able to finish the work disturbed me greatly.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. whoSo badlyinthecar accident that he had to stay in hospital for a fewmon ths.A. did he injureB. injured himC. was he injuredD.he wasinjuredTherenothingmore f

3、or discussion.the meeting came toan end halfan hourearlier.A. to beB. beingC. to have bee nD. beform the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.A. SeeingB. Having see nC. To seeD. SeenBy the end of this year, sheEn glish for ten years.A. have studiedB. am study ingC. will have studiedD. stu

4、diesThousa nds of productsfrom crude oil are now in daily use.A. to makeB. be madeC. makingD. madeThe grain output of this year is much higher tha nof last year.A. thatB. whichC. thoseD. whatI have n ever bee n to Paris, but it is the place.A. where I ' d like to visitB. I most want to visitC. t

5、hat I want to visit itD. in which I ' d like to visitthe tickets by his friend, he hurried to the cinema with it.A. Being give nB. Having bee n give nC. Give nD. Havi ng give nwere pla nned by our gover nment on econo mic developme nt.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. WhoI love watch ing TVto the cin ema

6、.A. more tha n to goB. tha n goingC. more tha n goingD.rather tha n to goIt is importa nt that heabout the advice give n by his frien ds.A. thoughtB. thinksC. thi nki ngD. thi nkThe year we ' II producesteel as we did last year.A. three times as muchB. as three times muchC. as much three timesD.

7、 three times much asThey worked late into night,a speech for tomorrow' s opening ceremony.A. to prepareB. prepari ngC. was prepari ngD.preparedI think you are supposedyour tasks last week.toA. to be finishingB. to finishC. to finishingD.have fini shedIt ishe is determ in ed.A. buying a new car t

8、hatB. to buy a new car thatC. to buy a new car whatD. buying a new car whichBeethove n is my favorite musicia n. I regard him asother musicia ns.A. superior toB. more superior tha nC. more superior toD. superior tha n12. is not terribly interested in the project, and he

9、' d rather that he out to play golf. goB.goesC. wentD. goingPaul would rather that his brotherto the park last Sun day.A. did n't goB. hadn ' t gone C. not to goD. not gomight be expected, the resp onse to the questi on was very mixed.A. ThatB. ItC. As

10、D. WhatAll things, the pla nned trip have to be called off.A. be con sideredB. con sideredC. con sideri ngD.hav ingcon sideredEvidenee came upspecificspeech sounds are recognizedby babies as youngas 6 mon ths old.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whoseYouher in her officelast Friday.She' s been out of to

11、wn fortwo weeks.A. n eed n' t have see nB. can' t have seen C. must have seenD.should seeit is you have found, you must give it back to the pers on it bel ongs to.A. HoweverB. ThatC. WhoeverD. WhateverGo through this door, and youthe man wait ing for you there.A. can seeB. will seeC. have se

12、e nD. seeNobodyany more to say, the meeti ng was closed.A. hadB. has hadC. havi ngD. had hadIf he were reallyinterestedin buying the flat, Jackan offer before now.A. must have madeB. will makeC. would makeD. wouldhave madeThe old engin eer talked of the difficulty theythe tower.A. builtB. had buildi

13、 ng C. had builtD. buildwith the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedB. CompareC. While compari ngD. Compari ngThe wedd ing prese nt bought last week is saida large amount of mon ey.A. to be cost himB. hav ing cost him C. to have cost himD. tocost

14、himMany people favormore nu clear power pla nts.A. to buildB. buildi ngC. buildD. builtA doctor, together with two nu rses,sent to that faraway village to helpthe sick. have bee nB. haveC. hasD. has bee nHe found a nu mber of men alreadyA. workedB. workC. work ingD.

15、to workBy the time I come back from my holiday, youyour paper.A. will have finishedB. will be fini shed C. would finishD. havefini shedthe sad n ews, she lea ned over the desk and cried bitterly.A. To hearB. To be heardC. Havi ng heardNot un til Mr. Smith came to Chinawhat kind of country she is.A.

16、he knewB. he didn ' t knowC. did he knowD. Have heardD. he couldn ' tknowMany people are reportedin the n atural disaster.A. being killedB. to be killedC. to have killedD. to havebee n killedHe must be helpi ng the old man to water the flower,A. is heB. isn ' t heC. mustn ' t heD. di

17、dn ' theThoughto see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surpris ingB. surprisedC. was surprisedD.being surprisedin this way, the situation doesn' t seem so disappointing.A. Looked atB. To be looked at C. Looking atD. To lookatIn fact, Peter would rather have left for Paris tha nin N

18、ew York.A. to stayB. stayingC. stayedD. having stayedThe owner and editor of the n ewspaperthe conference.A. is to atte ndB. were to atte ndC. are to atte ndD. wereatte ndingThese people once had fame and fortune; nowis left to them is utter poverty.A. all whatB. all whichC. that allD. all thatHe wa

19、sto tell the truth even to his closest frie nd.A. too much of a cowardB. too much the cowardC. a coward eno ughD. eno ugh of a cowardfor the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.A. Had n' t it bee nB. Had it not bee nC. Were it notD. Wasit notAgriculture is the country'

20、; s chief source of wealth, wheatby far thebiggest grain crop.A. isB. bee nC. beD. beingFoolJane is, she could not have done such a thing.A. whoB. thatC. asD. whatshould not become a serious disadva ntage in life and work.A. To be not tallB. Not bei ng tallC. Bei ng not tallD. Notto be tallThe coupl

21、e had no sooner got to the stati onthe coach left. whenB. asC. un tilD. than53. mandenied anything at supermarket when he was questioned by the police.A. To have stole nB. to stealC. hav ing stole nD.hav ingbee n steali ngThe goalshe

22、 had fought all his life noA. after whichB. for whichIon ger seemed sig ni fica ntto him.C. with whichD. atwhichThe girl won ' t have her lunch before sheher homework.A. will finishB. finishesC. had finishedD. finishedAll the villagers returned home,that the dan ger was over.A. convin cedB. hav

23、ing convincedC. to convinceD. convincingThere are sig nsrestaura nts are beco ming more and more popular withfamilies.A. whichB. whatC. whe nD. thatHe hurried to the bus stop,the last bus had already left.A. only findingB. only hav ing foundC. only to findD. only to findingI had no choice buton camp

24、us at weeke nd.A. stay ingB. to stayC. stayD. stayedThe faster we get the assig nment, the sooner we can go and relax.A. be doneB. donebe doneD. to doMost of the peopleto the recepti on are old friends.A. to in viteB. being in vitedC. i nvitedD. i nvit ingThey often invite me to have dinner with the

25、m,is very kind of them.A. thatB. itC. whichD. whyThe conferencen ext month is bound to be a great success.A. to take placeB. take placeC. tak ing placeD. willtakeplacean an swer, he decided to make ano ther pho ne call. Not havi ng receivedB. Not received C. Not r

26、eceivi ngD. Not beingreceivedShe ought to stop work; she has a headache because shetoo long.A. had readB. has bee n readi ng C. is readi ngD. readsLily unknowin gly left a packageon the shop coun ter.A. layi ngB. to lieC. laidD. lyi ngI don ' t suppose you are working today,A. do IB. aren '

27、t youC. are youD. don ' t IThe traffic was very heavy; otherwise, Ihere 50 minu tes sooner.A. would beB. should beC. would have bee nD. had bee n, follow the direct ions on the bottle carefully.A. When take drugsB. When drugs are take nC. whe n tak ing drugsD. whe n one takes drugsby the police,

28、 the crim inal had no choice but to give in.A. To be surro un dedB. Having surroun dedC. Surro un dedD. surro undingIt is gen erally thought to be of importa nce to a man that hehimself.A. knewB. knowC. knowsD. must knowBecause of bad weathers, we have to postp onethe football match.A. holdi ngB. to

29、 holdC. holdD. heldAlthough Anne is happy with her success, she won derswill happe n to herprivate life.A. thatB. whatC. itD. thisAsia is larger tha nin the world.A. any continentB. any of the other con ti nentsC. all the continentsD. any other continentsOne should n ever lost heart whe nwith tempor

30、ary difficulties.A. Being confron tedB. confron tedC. havi ng bee n confron tedD. confrontingMany a manlife is meanin gless without purpose.A. thinkB. thinksC. has thoughtD. thoughtShe con fessed tothe mon ey.A. takeB. have take nC. hav ing take nD. takesThe teacher held that this wasfor the begi nn

31、ers of the computer.A. A too difficult bookB. too a difficult bookC. too difficult a bookD. a difficult too bookI would rather youin other people' s affairs.A. would not interfereB. didn ' t interfereC. should not interfere D.don' t'interfereHe dema nded that we expla in what was hap

32、pe ning,A. had n't weB. did n ' t heC. had n ' t heD. did n ' tweA professor, along with some stude nts,now work ing in the laboratory.A. wereB. areC. isD. wasThe only thingreally matters to the parents is how soon their children75. retur n home.A. what

33、B. whichC. thisD. thatA. Asurge nt the situati on maybe, you will n eed to make one cha nge atB. Whe neverC. WhateverD. Howevera time.Americans eatas they actually n eed every day.A. Twice protein as muchB. protein as twice muchC. protein as much twiceD. twice as much protein85.

34、93.94.9The beliefman was the master of the earth used to be widely held earlylast cen tury.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whereThey are going to have the servicema nan electric fan in the officetomorrow.A. to i nstallB. i nstallC. to be in stalledD.in stalledI find these problems are easy toA. be worked o

35、utB. work outC. work ing outD. being worked outThe sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audieneeon ben ches,chairs or boxes.A. havi ng seatedB. seati ngC. seatedD. hav ingbee n seatedYou must have read the book last mon th,A. must n' t youB. needn ' t youC. haven ' t youD

36、. didn ' tyouIt is highly desirable that a new preside ntfor this college.A. appo in tedB. is appo in ted C. be appo in tedD. has beenappo in tedThe man ager promised to keep meof how our bus in ess was going on.A. To be in formedB. on informing C. informingD. i nformed,the ship ' s captain cha


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