



1、2020 年河南省许昌市市一高高三英语高考预测卷(九)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A B.C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项Mathematical In duct ionBy Titu An dreescu & Vlad Crisa nISBN: 9780996874595Price: US $ 84. 63Buy now at a 20% disco unt!I serves as a very good resource and teach ingmaterial for anyon

2、e who wants to discover thebeauty of induction ( 归纟 内 法 )and itsapplications. The authors explore 10 differentareas of mathematics, including topics that arenot usually discussed in an Olympiad-orientedbook on the subject.The Flight of a Buttrfly or the Path ofa Bullet ?By Larry Cuba nISBN:978168253

3、1372Price: US $ 32.00Buy now at a 10% disco unt!In this book, Larry Cuba n looks at the uses andeffects of digitaltech no logies in K-12classrooms, explori ng if and how tech no logyhas tran sformed teachi ng and lear ning. Inparticular, he exam ines forty- one classroomsacross six districts in Sili

4、con Valley that havedevoted much to in clud ing digital tech no logiesinto their educati on practices.The Fight for Americas Schools ByBarbara Ferma nISBN: 9781 682530962Price: US $ 60. 00Buy now at a 15% disco unt!Thisbookexam ineshowparents ,communities ,teachers, unions,andstudents are working to

5、gether to opposemarket-based reforms in educati on. Draw ing ona series of rich case studies, the book expla inshow different groups work together toward common goals.The White Chalk of DaysBy Mark An dryczykISBN: 9781618116611Price: US $ 27.05Buy now at a 10% disco unt!It presents translations of l

6、iterary works thatimaginatively invoIve important problems intodays Ukraine and express its suffering andhapp in ess. Featuri ng poetry fiction, and essaysby fifteen Ukrainian writers, the anthology (选集)offers English-language readers a widecollect ion of the most appeali ng literaturewritten in Ukr

7、aine in the past fifty years.21. How much is Mathematical In duct ion now?A. About $ 16. 93.B. About $ 64. 63.C. About $ 67. 70.D. About $ 84. 63.22. What do we know about the book writte n by Larry Cuba n?A. It focuses on tech no logical reform in educati on.B. It aims to improve pre-school educati

8、o n.C. It helps with stude nts mathematical ability.D. It is based on various academic studies.23. Which book is the most culturespecfic?A. Mathematical In ducti on.B. The Flight of a Butterfly or the Path of a Bullet?.C. The Fight for Americas Schools.D. The White Chalk of Days.BWhen I first got to

9、 the dojo( 柔道馆)at around 6, the first thing that I rememberseeing was these groups of people,lined up to fight each other, which shook me. I reallydidnt want to come back. But I did. I stayed until my Blue Belt. After that, progressing wasa little frightening. But my friends and instructors got me t

10、o keep coming.I was progressing well, but that took a turn as soon as I reached the Red Belt. Myparents were switching jobs, and it was very difficult to match our schedules so that 1could come to the dojo. During that year, 1 didnt come to the dojo as much. It was hard formy parents, as well as mys

11、elf, to be able to fit it into our schedule as often.When I finally started coming regularly, it was bitter for me to see that all of myfriends and peers were ahead. And that taught me a lesson: You should never be upsetabout yourself if other people are achieving something that you arent.If anythin

12、g, youshould do the opposite for them. After that year, everything was back up to speed, and Ientered Level 3. I couldnt believe how fast my training was going, and I was finally intothe Brown Belt.Getting through the Brown Belt tests as a young student, and a girl, was very tough.And here, in one o

13、f the last stages before my First Degree Black Belt, I learned the biggestlesson - - I could do anything that I wanted to and I was capable of anything that I set mymind to. I just didnt think I could. But I proved myself wrong, and I was able to do it.Finally, getting my First Degree Black Belt is

14、a dream that comes true, literally. I havebeen dreaming about these I days for months on end, and it never loses the excitementthat it gives me. And even after my ceremony, I think I will I look back on this day, andremember every secon,d every moment.24. How did the author feel when she first got t

15、o the dojo?A. Scared. B. Thrilled. C. Annoyed. D. Disappointed.25. What made the author unable to come to the dojo regularly?A. Her dislike of her instructors.B. Her parents not supporting her.C. Her little progress in the training.D. Her parents changes of jobs.26. The author thinks that when other

16、s did better than you, you should27. Which saying can conclude the biggest lesson the author learmed?A. No pain, no gain.B. Well begun is half done.C. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.D. All things are difficult before they are easy.Our dog Sandy is a golden retriever( 寻回 犬). Once we perform

17、ed an experimentto see how keen his nose was.There was one particular pile that must have had hundredsof sticks. We picked up one stick carved an X on it, walked away from the pile and thenthrew it back into the pile, not once but a dozen times into the pile. It was impossible for usto tell with any

18、 certainty which stick we had originally chosen. Each time he brought backthat stick. It wasnt the shape or the size or the look of the stick that he used to pick it outfrom all the others. It was the smell we left on the stick. It is hard to imagine, but for dogsevery living creature has its own di

19、stinctive smell.The noses of people have about 5 million cells that sense smell. Dogs noses haveany where from 125 to 300 millio n cells. Moreover, these cells are closer to the surfaceA. be respectful to themB. be happy for themC. learn from them modestlyD. work harder and hardertha n cells in our

20、no ses, and more active. It has bee n estimated that dogs such as Sandyhave noses that are a million times more sensitive than ours. Clothes that we have ntworn for week,a nd places weve only touched lightly in dicate our prese nee to dogs.His ears are also remarkable. He can hear sounds that huma n

21、s cant and at distances which are ast oni shi ng. It is over our head to know and un dersta nd that world. Yetwe have the advantage of being able to imagine what his experience is like, though heprobably does nt thi nk too much about how we see the world.The environment is the world that all living

22、things share. Living creatures are born into the en vir onment and are part of it. Yet there is no creature who perceive 救 知至 U) allof what is and what happens. For a dog like Sandy a book isnt much different than a stick,whereas for us one stick is pretty much like every other stick. There is no on

23、e worldexperie need by all liv ing creatures.28. Why did the author con duct the experime nt?A. To train Sandy to pick out sticks.B. To show how fast Sandy found sticks.C. To prove sen sitivity of San dys no se.D. To teach Sandy to tell differe nt smells.29. What does the author intend to do in para

24、graph 2?A. Support the con clusi on with nu mbers.B. Summarize the previous paragraph.C. Provide some advice for the readers.D. In troduce a new topic for discussi on.30. What does the underlined idiom in paragraph 3 mean?A. Amazing.B. Difficult.C. Reasonable. D. Inconvenient.31. Which of the follow

25、ing best expresses the authors opinion in the lastparagraph?A. Worlds to experience.B. An environment to share.C. No environment, no creatures.D. One environment, many worlds.DCrude oil (原油) taken from fields in Alaskas North Slope near Prudhoe Bay iscarried by tube to the port of Valdez. From there

26、 it is shipped by tanker to the West Coastof the United States. Just after midnight on March24, 1989,the Exxon Valdez, a tankermore than three football fields long, went off course in Prince William Sound near Valdezand hit rocks underwater. About 42 million liters of oil poured out from several sli

27、ces in theship, creating the worst escape of oil ever in the U. s. waters.In 1990,the National Transportation Safety Board NTSB) found the captain of thetanker guilty of drinking before sailing and of leaving the bridge and turning over the shipto an inexperienced and tired third mate. The NTSB rule

28、d that the accident was the resultof drinking of the captain, an overworked crew member, and inadequate traffic control bythe Coast Guard.In the early 1970s, conservationists said that a large, damaging oil escape wouldoccur in these dangerous waters containing hidden rocks and frequented by iceberg

29、s andviolent storms. They urged that Alaskan oil be brought to the lower 48 states by tube overland to reduce potential damage.Officials of Alyeska, a company formed by the seven oil companies taking oilfrom Alaskas North Slope, said that a tube would take too long to build and that a largeescape of

30、 oil was highly unlikely. They assured Congress that they would be at thescene of any accident within five hours and have enough equipment and trained people toclean up any spill. However, when the S4-ilion Valdez leak occurred, Alyeska and Exxonofficials did too little too late.In the early 1970s,

31、Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton told Congress that all oiltankers using Alaskan waters would have double hulls( 船体 ). Later, under pressurefrom oil companies, the requirement was dropped. After the disaster,the oil industry hadmuch to answer for. The accident led to an international push for

32、 double-hulled oiltankers.What if the Exxon Valdez had a double hull?32. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The consequence of drunk sailing.B. The cause of the Valdez accident.C. The responsibility of the captain.D. The role of the Coast Guard in the accident.33. We can infer that conserv

33、ationists advisedA. building an oil tube to save delivery timeB. stopping shipping oil in dangerous watersC. bringing Alaskan oil to the lower 48 statesD. making full preparations for any oil escape34. What did the author indicate in the end?A. The Exxon Valdez had a double dull.B. Morton worked for

34、 an oil company.C. The accide nt might be preve ntable.D. Oil compa nies favored the requireme nt.35. What is the best title for the text?A. Valdez: The Predicted Oil LeakB. Alyeska: Less ons Not Lear ntC. The Oil Accident: Who to BlameD. The Valdez Disaster: What to Remember第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10

35、 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When it comes to creativity,one of our biggest concerns is usually how we can bemore creative, or how to come up with better ideas. Ive gathered some of the mostpractical studies to help improve creativity. 36Many people thi nk that happ in ess is the idea

36、l state to create someth ing. Rece ntlya study on creativity made a great conclusion. 37 I dont want you to put yourself in a badmood to create something, but next time youre in strong feeling, try to sit down and focusthat en ergy on creat ing someth ing.38Read ing or feeli ng absurd ( or dreamlike

37、) things can help boost(促进)pattern recog niti on and creative thi nking. Because the mind is always seek ing to make senseof the things that it sees, and such objects put it inoverdrive while the mind tries to workout exactly what it is look ing at or read in g. I like readi ng in teresti ng short s

38、tories likeThe Last Questionwhen looking for inspiration.You can also get moving, because its suggested that exercise can actually improvecreative thinking as well, due to its ability to get the heart pumping and put people in apositive mood. 39_ rs not necessarily the act; its the change in moods.

39、f you re stuck ina creative job and want to take a break, try exercise while your brain is subconsciously atwork._ 40 _ I tend to jogging outdoors in this case , and its truly helpful for me.A. Why not stick to readi ng?B. Experie ncing someth ing un reas on able works.C. It may help to speed up you

40、r Aha! mome nt.D. Creativity in creases whe n whatever feeli ngs run high.E. Try a few out for yourself and see which ones work best.F. It can produce more creative thoughts just like thinking about love.G. We are in two very differe nt states of mi nd whe n tryi ng to create someth ing.第三部分语言知识运用(共

41、两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A.B.C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。For over four years, I learned ballet. It was a 41 part of my life. I loved it because ofthe challe nge, the_ 42_ required to improve every sin gle day. However, whe nthe teachers in Florida told us to_ 43_,1 fou

42、nd myself designing an unhealthyweight. Unfortun ately, as my weight went dow n, my _44 got worse.Id heard about eating disorders but I never_ 45 that it would happen to me. BecauseI had lost so many 46_in such a short amount of time, my orga ns_47. Ihad to stay in the hospital for four nights and f

43、ive days.1 realized the serious 48_ I hadcaused to my body, and I was ready to_49As part of recovery from an eat ing disorder, I was not 50_to exercise for a fewweeks. During this time, l_ 51 ballet and whether I truly wan ted to continue it. Did it buymy 52 ? Not any more. It was someth ing that I

44、could 53 _. So I did, but not eve n oncehave I ever 54 it. I began with walks around the neighborhood with my mom whe n I was _55 allowed to exercise, and I also took long hikes. These 56 were in credibly enjo yable forme. Bei ng outside in the sunshine was_ 57 I became happy.As for where Im in my r

45、ecovery, I take every day as a(n) 58 to get a little bit better. Icelebrate every minute I exercise, and every day I am 59 of ano rexia (厌食 症).I do notexercise to 60 calories, and I do it because I love it.41. A. challe ngingB. sig nifica ntC. traditi onalD. harmonious42. A. trendB. chaneeC. effortD

46、. tech nique43. A. slimB. exerciseC. trainD. compete44. A. performa neeB. appetiteC. spiritD. disease45. A. doubtedB. no ticedC. ack no wledged D. imag ined46. A. thi ngsB. mealsC.poundsD. bus inesses47. A. fadedB. struggledC. diedD. suffered48. A. damageB. troubleC. pressureD. loss49. A. danceB. dr

47、opC. returnD. recover50. A. forcedB. askedC. permittedD. expected51. A. thought aboutB. gave upC. called forD. focused on52. A. won derB. joyC. admirati onD. trust53. A. run out ofB. get tired ofC. take adva ntage ofD.let go of54. A. regrettedBrememberedC. prayedD. advocated55. A. i nsta ntlyB. eve

48、ntuallyC. simplyD. con stantly56. A.programsB. servicesC. activitiesD. routi nes57. A.safeB. dreamlikeC. ordinaryD.magic58. A.rewardB. promiseC. opport un ity D. attempt59. A. free B. aware C. ashamed D. scared60. A. digest B. con sumeC. countD. waste第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人 1 个适当

49、的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China has named 24,126 primary and middle schools across the country specialistfootball schools_ 61_ ( lead )youth football developme nt, accordi ngto the Ministry of Education ( MOE). Its required that at least one football class 62(offer) each week in these schools s0 that they can

50、en courage their stude nts to,63 ( active) participate in football trai ning and matches.China aims to have 50 ,000 schools specializ ing in youth football by the end of2025,said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the MOE,_ ( add) that torealize this goal, the ministry will take various measures that i

51、nclude building schoolfootball fields, training football coaches and providing extra funding and policy support. 65those measuresin schools, 47 football training camps have also been built in_ 66 effort topromote the sport among young people. And outstandingor_ 67_(gift) players will also have the chance to join inte-school teams for regional_ 68_( compete) and eve n n ati onal summer camps.In the past four years, local


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