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1、Passive Voice被动语态何时用被动语态何时用被动语态l1. 不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者l Many building will be built in our town.l2. 强调动作的承受者l The woman has been brought to hospital.l3. 动词的执行者有较长的修饰语l The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chance to speak Japanese。主动语态变被动语态的方法主动语态变被动语态的方法l1. 宾语变为被动语态的主语l2. 谓语主语变被动l3.

2、主语变为介词by的宾语(by后的人称代词用宾格,意义明确时可省略)。lWe speak English in our school.l 主 谓 宾lEnglish is spoken (by us) in our school.Many people speak English in the world.He wrote this book in 1994.We will hold a meeting tomorrow.He said that they would build a bridge. They are discussing this question now.English is

3、 spoken by many people in the world.This book was written in 1994.A meeting will be held tommow.He said that a bridge would be built.This question is being discussed now.He was fixing my car at six yesterday.We have already cleaned our classroom.I had finished my composition before supper.My car was

4、 being fixed by him at six yesterday.Our classroom has already been cleaned. My composition had been finished before supper.主谓宾句型nI parked my car outside the park.My car was parked outside the park.主谓宾宾句型nShe told us an interesting story. An interesting story was told to us by her.We were told an in

5、teresting story by her.主谓宾补句型nWe chose Jack monitor. nShe named the child Lucy.Jack was chosen monitor by us.The child was named Lucy.介词短语句型nShe took good care of the children.nHe didnt pay attention to what I said.nHe is laughing at the boy.The children were taken good care of by her.What I said wa

6、snt paid attention to.The boy is being laughed at.含情态动词的句型nWe can change water into ice.nHe is going to teach us English.nHe used to teach us English at that school.Water can be changed into ice.English is going to be taught by him.We used to be taught English at that school.nHis sister left home in

7、 1998, and _ since.nA. had not been heard ofnB. has not been heard ofnC. had not heard ofnD. has not heard ofBnThe wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _ to arrive.nA. is expected B. is expectingnC. expects D. will be expectedAnLeonardo _ birds kept in cages in order to have the ple

8、asure of setting them free.nA. is said to be buying nB. is said to have boughtnC. had said to buy nD. has said to have boughtBnThe flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time.nA. sold nB. had been sold nC. were sold nD. would sellCnOnly when your identity has been checked _.nA. you are allowed in

9、nB. you will be allowed in nC. will you allow in nD. will you be allowed inDn-I dont suppose the police know who did it.n-Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _ now.nA. has been questioned n B. is being questionednC. is questioning nD. has questionedBnI got caught in the rain and my suit _.nA. has ruined nB. had ruined nC. has been ruined nD. had b


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