1、1.The past cant hurt you anymore not unless you let it.过去的事再也伤不到你分毫,只要你愿意让过去的事过去。2.Holding on to the unchangeable past is a waste of energy, and serves no purpose in creating a better future.执着于不可改变的过去是浪费力气,对创造更好的未来毫无裨益。3.The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong
2、 one, we get lost, and we turn back. But maybe it doesnt matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark .通往终点的道路并不总是一条笔直的大道。我们会走错路,会迷路,会走回头路。有时候,我们走了哪条路并不重要,重要的是要迈开步子上路。4.It doesnt matter if youve failed. All that matters is that you learnsomething, get back up, and try again.
3、Because winning is a good feeling, but winning when nobody else thought you could is an awesome feeling.你是否失败并不重要,重要的是要从失败中吸取教训,站起来,重新开始。获胜会带来喜悦,不过,当别人都认为你不可能赢的时候,你却赢了,这种喜悦更是无与伦比。5.Knowing yourself is one thing, but truly believing and living as yourself is another. With so much social conditioning
4、in our society, we sometimes forget who we are.认识自己是一件事,能够真正地相信自己、按照自己的方式生活则是另外一件事。生活中发生的种种,有时候使我们忘记了自己到底是谁。6.Things change, but the sun always rises the next day. The bad news: nothing is permanent . The good news: nothing is permanent.世事无常,太阳总会照常升起。坏消息是:没有什么是永恒的。好消息是:没有什么是永恒的。7.Its your road, and
5、yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.这是你自己的路,你一个人的路。别人也许可以陪你一起走,但永远不能代替你走。8.If someone cant accept you at your worst, they dont deserve you at your best.如果有人不能接受最失意的你,那么他们也不配拥有最得意的你。9.Without communication there is no relationship; without respect there is no love
6、; without trust theres no reason to continue.没有交流,就没有关系;没有尊重,就没有爱;没有信任,那就没有必要再继续了。10.Choose your words carefully they cant be taken back once you give them away. Harsh words are like bullets they can leave deep wounds . And most of the time saying “sorry” is not enough to heal the wounds you leave.
7、谨慎说话,说出去的话就像泼出去的水,覆水难收。伤人的话就像子弹一样,会留下深深的伤疤,而很多时候一句“对不起”并不能治愈伤疤带来的痛。What has life taught you? Think about all the things you would love to tellyourself if you could travel back in time to give your younger self some advice about life.生活教会了你什么呢?如果可以回到过去,想想你会告诉过去的自己什么样的生活哲理。1.In life, you usually get w
8、hat you ask for, but it rarely comes in the package you think its supposed to come in.生活中,你往往能得偿所愿,但是你想要的东西并会以你认为的方式摆在你面前,而是经过了一层特殊的包装。2.Never let one bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.绝对不要让糟糕的一天变成倒霉的一生。3.Just because today is a terrible day doesnt mean tomorrow wont be the best day of
9、your life.今天的不顺心并不意味着明天不能成为生活中最美好的一天。4.A mistake is an accident. Cheating and lying are not mistakes. They are intentional choices.犯错是意外;欺骗和撒谎不是犯错,而是有意为之。5.Surround yourself with positive people who are going to push you toward greatness. Eliminate those who are trying to keep you from it.与那些能助你走向成功
10、的乐观积极的人在一起,远离那些会阻碍你成功的人。6.Dont let something that doesnt matter cause you to lose something that does.别让那些不重要的事来影响你,从而让你失去那些真正重要的东西。7.Sometimes people arent who they seem to be, and sometimes people are so much more than you originally thought.有时候,人们并不是外表看上去的那样,而是比你以为得要复杂得多。8.Loving someone isnt jus
11、t about saying it every day, its showing it every day in every way.爱一个人并不是每天说说就可以的,而是要体现在每天的每一个动作之中。9.Of all the things that can be stolen from you your possessions , your youth , your health, your words, your rights what no one can ever take from you is your freedom to choose what you will believe
12、in, and who and what your heart will love.财富、青春、健康、话语、权力,即使这些东西都能从你身边被偷走,有一样东西是谁也偷不走的,那就是你选择相信什么和真爱什么的自由。10.Age wrinkles the body. Quitting on your dreams wrinkles the soul . 岁月使身体长出了皱纹,而放弃梦想则会使灵魂生出皱纹。1.Never make a big decision when youre angry, and never make a big promise when youre overjoyed .生气
13、的时候不要做大决定,兴奋的时候不要留大承诺。2.Dont count the number of friends you have; count the number of friends you can count on.别去数你有多少朋友,去数数有多少你可以依靠的朋友。3.Life is not about making others happy. Life is about sharing your happiness with others.生活不是要让别人开心,而是与别人分享你的开心。4.When someone tells you, “Youve changed,” it migh
14、t simply be because youve stopped living your life their way.如果有人对你说“你变了”,那么这句话可以理解为,你不再以他们的生活方式来生活了。5.The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do. 获得自信的最好方式是去做那些你害怕的事。6.The mind is like a parachute . It doesnt work unless its open.大脑就像降落伞,你不去开启它,它是不会工作的。7.The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do.你是谁和你想成为谁的区别在于你做了什么。8.If you really want to know where your destiny lies, look at where you apply your time.如果你真的想知道你的命运如何,那就看看你现在都把时间花在了哪。9.You are where you are right now because of the actions
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