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1、一、 有机物命名 (此部分重点,请细心体会)有机物的命名有系统命名法(IUPAC)、习惯命名法,有的有机物还有俗名。一般,在翻译过程中遇到的有机物基本按照系统命名法来翻译即可。命名根据给出的中文命名按顺序译出即可, 即词头+词尾以及和其他的前缀或后缀的组合下面详细说明下:直链烷烃命名:词头+词尾ane,比如:甲烷methane,乙烷-ethane,丙烷propane直链单烯烃命名:与支链烷烃相同,词尾为aneene,如:丙烯propene,丁烯butene直链多烯烃二烯:ane 改为adiene,三烯:ane改为atriene炔烃命名:ane改为yne,二炔adiyne,三炔-atriyne

2、如:丙炔-propyne烃基词尾ane 改为yl, enyl-烯基,ynyl-炔基,dienyl二烯基酯ester,或者与盐的形式相同ate6、醚 ether 如:乙基甲基醚 ethyl methyl ether7、醇 ol8、环氧化物 epoxy 放在主体的前面举例如下:(,)(呋喃基)羟甲基,二氧六环基)乙酸酯2-(4R, 6S)-2-(furan-2-yl)-6-hydroxymethyl-1, 3-dioxane-4-yl) acetate2,2-二甲基丁烷 2,2-dimethylbutane4-甲基-2-戊烯 4-methyl-2-pentene1,2-二甲苯 1,2-dimeth

3、ylbenzene1-甲基丁基 1-methylbutyl2-甲基戊基 2-methylamyl2,3-二甲基丁烷 2,3-dimethylbutane3,4-二丙基-1,3-己二烯-5-炔3,4-dipropyl-1,3-hexadiene-5-yne5,5-二甲基-1-己烯5,5-dimethyl-1-hexene乙烯基三(甲氧基乙氧基)硅烷vinyl tri(beta-methoxyethoxyl)silane羟基甲氧基二苯甲酮2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone羧酸甘油酯 carboxylic glycerol ester ,三甲基苯甲酰基二苯基氧化膦2, 4

4、, 6-trimethyl benzoyl-diphenyl phosphine oxide 二羟基聚甲基乙烯基硅氧烷dihydroxypolymethylvinyl siloxane丁二酸二乙酯diethyl succinate乙二胺四乙酸四钠tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate注意:某某酯和某某盐的书写格式是相同的,区别在于它们的结构是不同的二、 步骤1.各个步骤尽量以doing形式表达;2.“以为原料”, “用”,“得到”,等,这些都不能用作动作, 如果把这些语句用doing形式表达,当做一个步骤,则是错误的举例如下:(1)、A,原文:本发明的制

5、备方法是将乙酰半胱氨酸加氢氧化钠、依地酸二钠等混匀,将对羟基苯甲酸甲酯、对羟基苯甲酸丙酯用注射用水溶解加入上述混匀物中,得药液,翻译:The preparation method disclosed by the invention comprises the steps of evenly mixing acetylcysteine with sodium hydroxide, natrium adetate and the like; dissolving methyl paraben and propyl paraben with water for injection; and the

6、n adding into the uniformly-mixed mixture to obtain liquid medicine,B,原文:本发明所述滴眼液制备方法为:盐酸奥洛他定和相关辅料溶解于水中后,将溶胀的玻璃酸钠水溶液加入药液中,搅拌均匀, 翻译:The preparation method of the eye drop disclosed by the invention comprises the steps of dissolving olopatadine hydrochloride and relevant accessories in water; adding a

7、 swelled sodium hyaluronate aqueous solution to the liquid medicine and then uniformly stirring,.通过上面两个例子,我们要注意,尽量不要将 mixing, dissolving 等表述改写为句子的形式,如果按照下面的表述翻译则是错误跟不规范的, 即:the preparation method comprises the following steps that: olopatadine hydrochloride and relevant accessories are dissolved in

8、water; a swelled sodium hyaluronate aqueous solution is added to the liquid medicine,还要注意的是:各个步骤动作的表述,句式要统一,切勿一下子doing 形式,一下子用句子表达,下面的例子则是错误的:原文:本发明提供的在多孔基底材料上制备高致密度金属氧化物薄膜的方法:一、在多孔基底材料覆盖一层前驱体溶液,二、施加电场并挥发溶剂,三、烧结翻译:The method for preparing the high-density metal oxide membrane on the porous base mate

9、rial comprises the steps of 1, a layer of precursor solution is covered on the porous base material; 2, an electric field is applied and volatilizing a solvent; and 3, sintering(2)、A,原文:电解液中锌的浓度降至,液固分离,得到澄清的脱锌液和超细电解锌粉。翻译:.,obtaining the superfine electrolyzed powder (错误) ., so as to/obtain, or there

10、by obtaining (正确)这里,得到不能用getB, 原文:本发明公开了一种用乙醇胺合成三乙烯二胺的方法,选择液氨为溶剂,乙醇胺与液氨摩尔比为,在一定的压力和温度等操作条件下合成三乙烯二胺。 翻译:The method comprises the following steps: taking liquid ammonia as a solvent (错)总结: 化学领域中,各个动作要用doing 形式开头表达,作为一个步骤;各个动作doing 形式跟句子形式切勿混合用,否则段落结构混乱;表示方式或结果的语句不能作为动作的主体,即不能用doing 形式表达,当做一个步骤;需要注意:1、

11、 在步骤中,有些词语是表示一个步骤,一个过程,而不是两个动作,所以不要用两个动词表达,比如:减压蒸馏 reduced pressure distillation (或者distilling at reduced pressure), vacuum distillation, decompression distillation; 而不是reducing pressure and distilling除菌过滤是一个过程,即通过过滤的方式来除菌 sterile filtration,而不是 sterilizing and filtrating; 用于氧化锆沸腾氯化的热排渣装置 boiling ch

12、lorination而不是chloridizing and boiling;生物接触氧化处理biological contact oxidation; 回流提取, reflux extraction, 不是refluxing and extracting依次包括如下步骤:润滑混合、筛分、改性混合., lubricating and mixing, modifying and mixing;2、be subjected to 的用法,这个词组没有使动的用法,即,没有subjectingto 这种形式3、 标题中,有一种表述“用干”,比如:一种用氢气和氧气制备水的装置- device for us

13、ing hydrogen and oxygen to prepare water (错),device for preparing water by using hydrogen and oxygen (对)4、 某某物质的浓度,比如具有10% 浓度的盐酸,就翻译成10% HCL(hydrochloric acid)即可,尽量不要写成 HCL(hydrochloric acid) with the concentration of 10%5、天然药物组合物由肉桂丁香水煎浓缩提取物、肉桂醛、丁香乙醇提取物与丁香酚按的比例组成The natural pharmaceutical compositi

14、on consists of concentrated extract of cinnamon and clove after being decocted with water, cinnamyl aldehyde, clove ethanol extract and eugenol in a proportion of (1-3):(6-9):(2-5):(5-8).in a proportion of指的是某一个东西占另外一个东西的比例,比如,不能表达几个物质之间的比例的意思,可以用 at (in) the ratio of6,在催化剂的作用下in the presence of a c

15、atalyst, 而非 under the action of a catalyst7、 第一组分原料以重量份数计配比为:硫铝酸盐水泥熟料:减水剂:缓凝剂:增稠剂:水: is 100:():():(0-0.5):(33-55),数字要用括号括起来8、中的含量 the content ofin , 而非 content in 9、 be +形容词to do,而非 be+形容词 to do sth 三(1) 在描述某物质成分时,通常会遇到如下的描述:原文:本发明公开的某某药物由如下百分比含量的原料制备:0.05% A,0.06% B,或者某铝合金板材包括如下百分比含量的成分:0.2% C, 0.8

16、% D翻译:The medicament disclosed by the invention is prepared from the following raw materials by weight percent/in percentage by weight: 0.05% of A, 0.06% of B, or the aluminum alloy sheet comprises the following components by weight percent/in percentage by weight: 0.2% of C, 0.8% of D原文:某铝合金板材包括如下重

17、量份数的成分:1 份C,2份Cu翻译:the aluminum alloy sheet comprises the following components in parts by weight: 1 part of C, 2 parts of Cu总结:在描述某物质成分时,通常的表述为前述部分+具体的组成成分,即 comprises the following components/raw materials by weight/mass percent (or in percentage by weight/mass, or in parts by weight/mass, or base

18、d on parts by weight/mass): A, B, C, 在前述部分的前半部分可以根据原文来翻译,不必拘泥于固有的形式,但是后半部分即重量百分含量、质量百分含量、重量份数,质量份数相应的表述by weight percent, by mass percent, in percentage by weight/mass, in parts by weight/mass, based on parts by weight/mass 则必须按照这种方式翻译。具体地:by weight percent 的用法主要有以下4种:1),by weight percent: 10% (of) A, 20% (of) B, 30% (of) C,2), by weight percent: 10 percent (of) A, 20 percent (of) B, 30 percent (of) C,3), by weight percent: 10 A, 20 B, 30 C, 4),


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