



1、2022年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛商三年级组试题参駱案及评分标准听力局部共三大题计30分I. Response句子虫答共5小超;毎小ffl 1分,计5分15 CBABDII. Dialogued对话理解共10小題;每小題1分计10分Afr10 BCBADB1115 DAABCIII. PassagesCJ®文理解共15小題;每小題1分川15分A1620 ACCBDB21. confirming 22. rrducc 23. serious 24. exciting 25. mcnMyis 26. exposure 27. so that 2X. went on 29.

2、 a hit 3G. patf笔试局部共八大越计120分I. Vocabulary词汇共S小题:毎小越1分计5分31 persuading 32. diet 33. stubborn 34 by chance I by accident / accidentally 35. gave out / went outFI. GrammaH Iff法共】0小flh毎小题1分计10分3640 CDABB 4145 BDACDTTT Clozel疣形滾空共15小题屈小题1分计15分A 46 himlf 47. no much 48 give up 49. plnaMxl 50 shakingBj 51.

3、 nobody 52. eaie 53. save 54. single 55. information 56. whether / if 57. collector 5& checked 59. carriages 60. smokingIV. KeadiiiK Compidiensionl阅谀理解共20小題;6165小題每小观1分.6680小题毎小題2分计 “分A6163 BBC 6465 TFB6670 DACFEC71. Xovmber &72. On a bridge. / On the Hackentwk River Bridge.73. Two / 2.74. T

4、here may be a gap in the track on the bridge / A boat went thmugh the bridge and they dicing clo?«e the bndge completely.7S Neve York and Newark(D) 76. )820TJ England / the I K / Bnuin7& (sick and) injured79. started a school80. wrote a bookV. Translationf觀译)(共5小阪每小題2分计10分)(A) 81 人们更容从去冋想过公

5、本该做什么如不公正视现在应该做什么。82. 住的赵我f从馅溟中吸取教训I并因为右过这些教W絢成为史尢弄的人.83. 那么,如果我切所右人郡想对自己負诚,就必须停止说广如果我曾经采用不同的做法,或许一切都 会好的(B) 84. An for parvntii nothing can be comptirrd with tlirir childrrnV physical and mcntul health85. Having lived together for several ycai>. vrc have a lot in common.VI. Frror Cnmctio(翅文改错)(其

6、10处错血毎处错迎I分计10分)Miss (Jrey lived lonely in a small apartment She waa old and didnl like noise at all. «o she was vny plraw when thr noix young man nnd tlx: wonvin who lived above hrr movrcl out. Another vounK man moved in. and Mim Grey thinks. *Wrll, hr look, quirt.*But at three o'clock the

7、 next mornii. Miss Grey wa« u'oken up to llie baiicing of a dog.ule ever heard a dog here before/ die thought, "h must belong A the young man in the flat above.1' So 血 tplophcnzl thp ymin mw. snv na<iry things to him a hour tho dng, thn haniyd tolpphcno lip Zfnie Z could answer.

8、'llic next morning at three o'clock Mi*n Grey trlrjihofir rang, Jind when «hr drmwrrrd, a voice Mid, *le called you to saying that 1 lu*ven*t gut a dug.*86. alone 87. noisy 8& tf>c 89. thought 90. by 91. nrrer 92. to 93. hung 宋.Grry's 93. sayll. IQ Test(智力测试)(共5小题;毎小逊I分,计5分)9

9、6. 261 T*rniy-*ix.用数学方程式 x y « 30; 4x - 2y =96 解?,97. They can衣I this way: CADBE相邻二人有共同的语育交流即可98. Number 3 is the conect relhdion其他各项情况:1.械f不同;2头发不同;4衣眼不同°99. Steve Jg 数字对应字母从中选择适合名字的字母匚前者楚名:史蒂夫,后者是牲:乔布斯.100. 2C.竖线长短不一。Vin WriUngl写作)(共2 ®hA願満分10分B題潢分20分计30分)(A) One possible version:Ab

10、 ia fthawn in the bar chart* children spend leee time having heart-to-heart talke with their parentB as they grow aider. For example, the 79 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average while the 1 18 age KH)up spends only half the* lime.I think the major reason lor thm 昧 thut IxNh pan*nm

11、 and children are busy uilh their work and Htudies Peepite this, children and p&renu should 料re some time to communicate with each other. Only in thia way can they better undentand each other.(B) One possible version:The reason% for cheating at examinations lie in both students and schools. Slud

12、enU who cheat al examinalions are always tlu»e who dorfl rtudy hard or arc nuher poor at certain nubjecU, w they have no choice but to (thrill. Meanwhile, high marks in cumif)ati<jn» have been the most important slandanJ of being a good sludenU bringing great prvsMirr to tudenls.Ilirm a

13、re Iw ib&in wayn 岭碎h亡 lhi» problem. FinaL the sd ulorild imlediK亡 n<-w 馆M sjririn Munry riuunijibHliiutLii rapm-iolly tullfr CTitrnJice 已1日»|1站11询& 也刚Idl be dottr in diffrrmi *-ays. hor cxdttiiplr if ihcft not frutinv muhi卩怯一<h非时炽 I的qujpHlinns, th tf?slwld rkW Ii-p 凸嫖# 愉 芒opy

14、. Sfif-ariBl, merF hihtwhmeajiB lieh 击呂 vid.E片 F-hould tw* ut?ed in tralehehealin.写作评分KM:Lffljg分为抽分;(A) Wj>| (B)20ibn按列牛档次给3扎1丈章的内客和曲肓初步褊定其所駅档次然后lit谍档抚的要求来楠量,确淀或谓整丰档抚昂后龄分。3. 柞文词数少于或爭刃炮诃0120词帆从总音申懑去2丹.4-如书吗戟差,出全摩响阅备将廿效降低一中档本"»:各呜汝的分数苑围和要求:第四內很幷川切9-10处R! 16-20完卒总应了反題规宦的吧难"旳;S所百内祥號贞科舎

15、英齊虎达可惯.应闪了敦筋轴语展貂构和词兀+ 没的瞎法"同汇辺n帖囲貝蛉较强的跖丫能力,完仝达斟了琪朋的碍杵n的第三撒好h"H 分;11-15分花咸了誠通巍走的甕轧竝用的洛法詰覘也词汇能闆足吧曰的觀荒,砖合直话衣习慣祗姦膨有悟法 和词汇运用塔法诂bi 了 Am的耳怖日的第_t*U «t)tIA3-5 5> (B)6-U*恃当芫做试删噬的要卑崩掉内轄点,#描雄淞主要内锹写TFJt矣内容、有谐地和诃汇 疋用错误,底响f帖写作内辉的理僻信息未能沽莲地传达跆读宿、第-伸兼)】(翻i-2m【一$分為左成试题榄宦的盟求,叩制J6SS士要内春,斗了瞠无关内押,丙法華构单,词

16、匸项H右况.打栓芯 谄也和啲兀阳拓臥畑咆对耳他内容M理軌怕息八眨也达站富氐0分池能倖这给黄者杆何信息:紀有肉容或内窑丈少"无扶评勺写的内容沟芍斫藍字内洋无去或所写内磔 无初音清B仅供参考2022年全国巾学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高二年级组试题听力局部(录音原文)L ResponsesPirate Ihlen to the following fue leniences and ch&ose the ben repcrue to each one you hear. Each nlence will be “ad ofdy oner.1. When* on earth

17、<li<l I pul my glasuwH?2. Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me wha! the time is now.3. I went to an exhibition al Ihr National Galler)- the other day.4. It» a beautiful day. ImU it?S If I decide to rent thib house, when can I move in?II. Dialogues(A) lintn bi /A/* fidlnuing miniKftrhi

18、< fbllml by n /Motion, (hnw the hit<uw««r lo each queslioa according to the dialogue you 屁or. Rack tlitilogue and question will be read fwic仇6. M: Evr lw*n in a l>and (or months. On the wraknck, 诧 pLiy fvom(IumL till <hwn. Wlmt <lo you tliink of mynew job?W: Y<mi,11 never

19、 make it. The city i« mini, and thcrr*rr too many banch nut there thafrr also trying to makr it. Q: Wtuit do«i the man do?7. M: Shall we take a bus uc taxi lu the meeting?W: We*<l brller lake die Mibwny. Ill altticMl irnpuible lu find u luxi during llie ruli hour Ami the bu»e»

20、 air always too crowdedM: Mavl>r you*n» light. Let', take the subway. Huny!Q: How does llie womanthey should go?8. M: Do you have any special plans for ihc weekend?W: Yd I'm guing to lhe conccft on Friday evening and on SaiurdM) Vm going to tlie art exhibition with David. ThenJrc som

21、e new (minting about Mexico.Q: Where io the woman going on Saturday?9 M: I think lherel a mistake in our bill. We didn't have dinner here but eiglitW: Pm son)1. »lr. Herel the bill from the hotel reiMauram. hl got your signature on liM: But thdfs not my Mgnaturc. IM like to speak to the tna

22、nagcr.Q: Who probably » the woman?IO M: Whal time is jrtiur muther aniwin<?W: She planned to leave in the morning She wzi» supposed to citch the noon bus but called to My she mi«i»rcl it, so »he pinna to Ukc the 3:30 pm Ixm, which will 底I her here about dinnertimeQ: When

23、will the mother arrive?(B) /lleaie listen lo the follonng dialogue. The dialogue m followed by Jite quctS/M. Chotnc the bat aruMicr lo each quition according to 山 dialogue you hear. The dialogue and t/UfslioM will bt rtiid Mi".W: Hi, William.M: Oh, hi. Sophie.W: H)is b a (pod mivMcisrfl it? Bcf

24、ijrc it opened, I had to ak my mini to buy me whal I wanted in NewYork because therp wann a good store hnro.M: Your mom *ent uD lhe way to New York Io l)uy wlwt you wunled? ICh uImiuI twenty milen fmm here!W: No. She wc>rl» there.M: So do you go silh her HOfnetimfH and Npend the day nhoppang

25、 in New York?W: Writ I find lhe city a bit loo big im)I get anxioua about getting lost I'd rutlwr tell my mother *hai I nant und-si -呱哦 it|9ta dtii 出qi甘閃暉艸mu 册 gg piimbtiwvd 皿側 juii|j |列i nuiii |pi t»u j JLMiJpjditu 怦ml ujujj “<1屮詁屮占弹甬跆 0】叫|时皿 h诃如叫丄诡込臣 'SuikikfULI 誉屮)W 儿可 |iq W JH| J

26、TH讣耳百朗Hl| |.it|MlLU IVOX VUOIlMnll AUil« puniq nvqv iwi o, JiddHij 哥 ptiM 呻dpi屮 uu juw juiuz BnoX uirqx jui*nojt 叫凯j jfckxi 屮t|j oy hJUEJB,| pwq jn»a( dn 計 q ;nuX 上他 叫屮r *iMJU-vj iiiuui 崛 i q:|M mi uwi口*jridu)Hvqi no un| pi> 训ifo删I 拙M叫常 >I>| 吧 IL1£叫 IJ| i+«p |iiM Ujp|.P

27、汕和A UEH|1M pm畔 sM.MIpl lUrfyip “i 刖机lhe gm"口耳 0|料中lb叫 him JJL£中刖叫鹹pmiUAHJ |OU »AV4| Xo<j| Jt i甲皿1的,口丄屮口屮屮川即日叫眼凹Xi 叫 |1M dm 彗料屮 汕皿 3梓总 疇叫 11虹叫出 讥bQflM UlM 呻 備UULLI VL»I kXjUl>Ul #屮 烛 網 JlIlUJiSH补 加忖"NM nVMM mni MflfM gjM q时*P【PPAd)£ T$ (mniKriidd 丛f 刎 几出血"机刚悯辱

28、“啊 凶麻 卜凤叫旳 4no jty |UdWUJ4Aii9 *qi ujfjjj Xwu<iw *uk网 卓和*.mu 阳屮 3uLU£IIJLl>tJ Xq 哄 JJ|L pj SuLlJhJW till|l 111 SuLLLKIJ 丄呼V 111A 3|UU1|丄 ti|UdJVl pUU UJU屮|州0|p|-| :妣 jjiitij 产山时;hH 油b,fi吋 叫出Jt叫 w.( rru/yrf je qur.F忡 貲族呻 c(r j;y p#狮岬M io 护“騎用吨耳即止抑 剤1叫£ 融恋丽冲可卢屮艸 聊中斡*q黑牺啲(極);qof putjxaJ

29、F* 判1 P!P a»i|M 吋帆 *JH1MAJ Pl" «4 屮熾 g 罰护f ptM)3« 目艸 1R np 2呻?审1质$jipf puy nci| dn mi9 oi 叩!*p jvvkIh 叫i PFP 純A '81 uoijvnpvx 4ijw j 朋聊 iu 冲 kjvdlpp M|i 阳 甲叶?fnh 網、ppp 9u$|£pop!狎 弟4j|n即 吗帝甲iMx 刹1 THiW 'lin 9 ( 'strngZiQ IL 创阳 | <(vf uqi jiuW | jul! "wvjuj

30、J uu 旳14為ad jjwa 闻I伸臥Xifi jm|i. pidp!備p 相甲飢忖軸初j » wijv :剧P°丄弊口迥卵日片闵胡应 fl no列期1幷報如!口询囹妊电會 4l>r !?总III 阀审卜| eEEHNIU|i41 Ilf 9(¥甲(鼻 Mr H L| 卩0花1t吃I#和 1111 |K WM, | UVOIpk pU/Lfj pl> Uf |«*lll 鼻応1|心iwif hiqi pui¥pHiuJKip曬可 itot 9u4i|.| iuiddixip 忖厲却*hnnx| piT Aub 人口阿,1 T|比

31、蚩'JuiraFM.卩 w 屮om 魂 pvq pira 心uom p ino uxj j u“耳丄 片jo| ou p叫 j tjjb /ip hi uq<rf jjiftu 丄即 f。!严如 J彳fllil j IJiy 'JIIMj 11114 HI I" I (it 门 | ' JIBEIIJ i! 111 IF|piJE i4liJILi-M| | 划鼻£ 口 WJIfi- A WMdl| J<| |lf Gil襄IlTKy *3j 曲片抽 |WPJH 卑対 IHJIJI Am 叩KB |l jnq -pml-UPA 1 叭商.

32、(|pvXhk|,,如创 gyjuiupdp |PlM»| » Uf心mujjiw c w 期片砂血 3恵耳环 口 曲止斗珂 vtdm uuip putr "曲叫护总 lei vjiivuiqirui puijniH 尹拖?«£ -Jhi/Al1 戶血 aq /jra 伽何jlf列th pun 蹄喜啦 h科 ha( nrmrf 岬 V)吋twhof呷 *vr曲乜"vuivmb AAtf £q 苦抑岬阿卩 4h/h、ed j収-M/nn/d ihnuffuf 艸 w u严*理| (y) 曲懈现i m 让ipi 4啡JQ) 03 i呻Anq &nq呷网屮创削ST ilE£ pu叫 JL|i p Jbiiui(屮 jrKX|u Am |jii j屮.Mupi jirq 卡


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