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1、肇庆市2022届高三第二次模拟考试英语注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本 试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADallas ZooWith over 2,000 animals and more than 400 speci

2、es, the whole fomily will learn so much about aniimls and conservation here. Bring your walking shoes because the Dallas Zoo is 106 acres, and you want to be comfortable as you walk iiom the gorillas to the giraffe feeding area and everywhere in between. Fora behiiKi-the-scenes tour of the Dalkis Zo

3、o operations, sign the foniily up for a 90-minute guided tour called the Backstage Safari.LeRoland Discovery CenterWhen the summer gets hot, it's nice to have some indoor iiin with kids. Check out the Legoland Discovery Center, where the whole iiunily can play with LEGO Bricks or take photos wit

4、h their favorite characters from LEGO films. Rchx in the 4D cinema and watch some stclkir short, action-packed films. Grab a quick snack at the cafe before letting the kids run wiki on the phyground.Dallas Vbrld AquariumDallas may not be anywhere near an ocean, but that doesn't mean the family c

5、an't learn about the fish and mammals that call it home. At the Dallas World Aquarium, which is housed in a couple【答案】12. D13. B14. A15. C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了斯坦福大学商学院的学生Jen因早期的照顾弟弟的经 历而研究人们对自己年龄的认知对其助人行为有何澎响。研究发现,当人们认为自己较年长时, 更愿意实施一些助人行为。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段中"'When I was 14, I'd p

6、ick my younger brother up from school/ Jen says. Td be in charge of checking his homework and making sure that he was fed until our parents got home.' That is one of the things that led Jen, a Stanford Graduate School of Business student, to become interested in how people's perception of th

7、eir own age can influence then* actio ns.(4 当我 14 岁的时候,我会去学校接弟弟,珍说。,我会负责检查他的作业,确保他吃饱了,直到我们的 父母回家。,这是让斯坦福大学商学院的学生Jen对人们对自己年龄的感知如何影响他们的行 为感兴趣的原因之一)”可知,研究课题的灵感来自于Jen早期的照顾弟弟的经历。故选D项。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第三段中“In some instances, they asked teenage volunteers to collect the money, a trick to make participants

8、feel older. In other instances, the volunteers were in their 50s.(在 某些情况下,他们让十几岁的志愿者收钱,这是一个让参与者感觉自己变老的把戏。在其他情 况下,志愿者都是50多岁)"可知,用青少年是为了让参与者感觉自己更年长,由此推断,用 年长者是为了让参与者感觉年轻。故选B项。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句"We found that when people are led to feel older, they feel more responsibility/我们发现,当人们感觉自己变老

9、时,他们会感到更有责任感)"可知,当人们发现自己比别人年长时,他们会肩负更多的责任。故选A项。 主旨 大意题。根据文章最后一段'Organizations involved in social causes might take advantage of the new insights about subjective age to make their recruiting (征 募)and fundraising efforts more efficient. 'If you want to create an older subjective age amon

10、g the audience you're trying to reach, recruiting younger volunteers might hclp/Huang says.(参与社会的组织可能利用对主观的年龄新 见解,使他们的征募和筹款工作更有效率。黄说:,如果你想在你的受众中创造一个更年长的主 观年龄,招募年轻的志愿者可能会有帮助')可知,本段主要解释了如何利用以上研究的结论, 更好地开展工作。C项"The practical value of the study(研究的实用价值)”为最佳选项。故选C 项。【点睛】第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12

11、.5分)阅读下面短文,从短丈后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项OHave you ever been caught like a deer in headlights when asked to tell others about yourself?16 A simple 'Tell me about yourself* is a great way to get to know someone because it's open-ended and allows the person to choose a topic they're c

12、omfortable to discuss. Yet, the way to answer the question can be as difficult as the answer itselfIf the question catches you off-guard, you might simply be unprepared or uncomfortable talking about yourself 17 Here are two situations where you're likely to be asked this question and how to ans

13、wer it."Tell me about yourself is a common way for an interviewer to warm up a candidate at the beginning of a job interview. 18 The key here is to avoid getting too personal or talking too much. Before a job interviews have an answer prepared that hits on your past experience, present situatio

14、n and future goals. Keep your response tuider two minutes and make it interesting to differentiate you from the other candidates.Ydu nailed the interview and got the job! You're likely to meet many people and answer some variation on the 4"tell me about yourself1 question numerous times. 19

15、 Share your name andyour role at the organization, and past information, if relevant. If you want to take the focus off yourself ask the person about their role. 20A. Again, keep it simple and professional.B. If it hasn't happened yet, it will eventually.C. What should you do if you are asked th

16、e question?D. Who do you think is most likely to ask this question?E. It's a good opportunity to learn more about your new work males.F. It tests the candidate's confidence and sets the tone fbr the conversation.G. Whatever you do, don't Iluti around and ask the person the same exact que

17、stion.【答案】16. B 17. C I8.F 19. A 20. E【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了 11 me about yourself'这个问题在工作场合中的作用 和应答建议。【16题详解】上文“Have you ever been caught like a deer in headlights when asked to tell others about yourself? (当你被要求告诉别人关于你自己 事情时,你有没有像鹿一样被抓住?)"这是问读者是否 被问过这样的问题,B项“If it hasn't happened yet,

18、it will cvcntiuilly.(如果还没有的话,最终也 会有的)"这正好是和这个问句相顺承的一句话。故选B。17题详解】上文"If the question catches you off-guard, you might simply be unprepared or uncomfortable talking about yourself (如果这个问题让你措手不及,你可能只是在亳无准备或不自在地谈论自 己)",而且,此空的下文"Here are two situations where you're likely to be as

19、ked this question and how to answer it.(在以下两种情况下,你可能会被问到这个问题以及如何回答)",C项"What should you do if you are asked the question?(如果被问到这个问题,你该怎么做?)”可知,此选项承接前后文意。故选C。上文“Tell me about yourself* is a common way for an interviewer to warm up a candidate at the beginning of a job interview.我介绍”是面试官在面试开

20、始时为应聘者热身的常用方式)”,而 F 项"It tests the candidate's confidence and sets the tone fbr the conversation.(它考验候选人的 信心,并为谈话定下基调)"可知,这正好解释了为什么面试官会用这个问题。故选F。【19题详解】上文“Ybu nailed the interview and got the job! YbuYe likely to meet many people and answer some variation on the "tell me about you

21、rself* question numerous times.(你成功地完成了 面试,得到 了 这份工作!你可能会遇到很多人,并多次回答“告诉我关于你自己”的问题)”而A项“Aga in, keep it simple and professional. 强调,保持简单和专业)''这句话告诉读者回答这个问题和面试 时回答这个问题的原则一致。故选A。【20题详解】上文"If you want to take the fbcus off yourself ask the person about their role.(如果你想把注意力 从自己身上移开,问问对方他们的角色

22、)"可知可以问对方有关他们角色的问题,而E项"It'sa good opportunity to learn more about your new workmates.(这是一个 了 解新同事的好机会)"可 知这句话就解释了这么问的好处。故选E。第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。It's the textbook beginning of a nightmare lost on a hiking track,

23、with no water, and an iiijureddog too heavy to carry. 21, for the family of three this story happened to, they 22 akind-hearted boy.For JD, Aimee, and their dog Smokey, a two-mile hike had become a 23 Tlic dog's paw(爪子)had many cuts on it, and it must have been 24 when it walked.25, their phone

24、was dead, and it was getting dark. That's when they met 12-year-oldDavid King and his mom Chiistine.Although David had finished a 15-milc-hike and 26 a soccer match earlier that day, he decided to lend a hand without 27 He suggested they build a stretcher (担架)with sticks and T-shirts. 4tWe didn&

25、#39;t think it would 28 because we didn't think the dog would get onto it.29, Smokey was just happy to and we just 30 him out,” said Christine.David and his mother worked together with the couple to get Smokey to 31 Smoknv occasionally hopped (Ur)off to give some 32 to the tired hikers, despite

26、his 33David 34 that when you're off on a hike, a good way to be prepared should be to35 what could go wrong, and plan for that.21. A. OriginallyB. ObviouslyC. ActuallyD. Fortunately22. A. crashed intoB. ran intoC. consulted withD. spoke with23. A. failureB. memoryC. disasterD. battle24. A. painf

27、ulB. tiredC. flexibleD. useless25. A. Above allB. After allC. Worse stillD. Strange enough26. A. watchedB. playedC. reportedD. lost27. A. instructionB. permissionC. exceptionD. hesitation28. A. matterB. workC. fitD. improve29. A. ThereforeB. StillC. BesidesD. However30. A. guidedB. figuredC. carried

28、D. called31. A. troubleB. safetyC. peaceD. success32. A. reliefB. courageC. treatmentD. care33. A. hungerB. curiosityC. injuriesD. efforts34. A. demandedB. arguedC. orderedD. recommended35. A. imagineB. describeC. recordD. avoid【答案】21. D22. B 23. C24. A25. C 26. B27. D 28. B 29. D30. C 31. B32. A 33

29、. C34. D35. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了 JD、Aimee带着他们的狗Smokey去徒步。在徒步 过程中,Smokey的爪子受伤,行走困难,两人无能为力。这时候,他们遇到了 David和他的妈妈Christine,并且得到了他们母子的帮助,摆脱了困境。21题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,对于这个故事发生的三口之家来说,他们偶然碰见了一 个善良的男孩。A. Originally 原来;B. Obviously 显然;C. Actually 实际上;D. Fortunately 幸 运地。根据前文的"It's the textbook be

30、ginning of a nightmare: lost on a hiking track, with no water, and an injured dog too heavy to carry.(这是一场噩梦的教科书式开始:在没有水的徒步轨道上 迷路,一只受伤的狗太重而无法携带)"可知,两人一狗在陷入困境的时候,遇到了帮助他们 的人是一件幸运的事。故选D。【22题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:幸运的是,对于这个故事发生的三口之家来说,他们偶然碰见了一 个善良的男孩。A. crashed into 闯入;B.ran into 偶然碰见;C. consulted with 商量;

31、D.spoke with 和谈话。根据下文第三段第二句"That's when they met 12-year-old David King and his momChristine.(就在那时,他们遇到了 12岁的David King和他的妈妈Christine)"可知,他们遇上 了 Davido 故选 B。23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:对JD、Aimee和他们的狗Smokey来说,两英里的徒步旅行成了一 场灾难。A. failure失败;B. memory记忆;C. disaster灾难;D. battle战斗。根据下文提到狗受 伤且手机没电等可知,他们

32、的徒步之旅遇到了麻烦,因此成了一个“灾难,不幸的事”。故选C。【24题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:狗的爪子上有很多伤口,它走路的时候一定很痛苦。A. painful痛苦的;B. tired累的;C. flexible灵活的;D. useless无用的。根据上文“The dog's paw (爪子) had many cuts on it"可知狗的爪子上有很多伤口,走起路来肯定是“痛苦的"。故选A。25题详解】考查固定短语词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,他们的手机没电了,天也黑了。A. Above all尤 其是;B. After all毕竟;C. Worse sti

33、ll更糟糕的是;D.Strange enough足够奇怪的。根据下文*heir phone was dead, and it was getting dark1'手机没电,大色变暗,这些都使得情况"更加糟糕"。故 选C。【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管David已经完成了 15英里的徒步旅行,并在那天早些时候踢 了 一场足球比赛,但是他亳不犹豫地决定伸出援助之手o A. watched看;B.played玩;C. reported 报道;D.lost丢失。根据"a soccer match"可知,此处指参加足球比赛。故选B。【27题详解

34、】考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管David已经完成了 15英里的徒步旅行,并在那天早些时候踢 了一场足球比赛,但是他毫不犹豫地决定伸出援助之手。A. instruction指示;B.permissio n允 许;C. exception期待;D.hesitation犹豫不决。without hesitation表示''毫不犹豫",此处说明 David十分乐于助人。故选D。28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们认为它不会奏效,因为我们认为狗不会爬上去。A. matter重要; 奏效;C. fit 适合;D.improve 提高。根据下文'"

35、;because we didn't think the dog would get onto it”可知,他们认为用担架抬狗的方案可能不会“奏效故选B。29题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而,Smokey很高兴这样做,我们就把它抬了出来。A. Therefore 因此;B.Still仍然;C. Besides另外;D.However然而。前面提到担心用担架的办法不会奏效,后面说'Smokey was just happy to",前后为转折关系。故选D。【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,Smokey很高兴这样做,我们就把它抬了出来。A. guided指

36、导;B. figured认为;C. carried携带,运送;D.called称作。因为S mokey配合担架的方案,所 以人们就可以把它“抬出去故选C。31题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:David和他的母亲与这对夫妇一起努力把斯莫基送到安全的地方。A.trouble麻烦;B.safety安全;C. peace和平;D.success成功。David和妈妈施以援手的目的 就是让Smokey平安无事。故选B。【32题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Smokey偶尔跳下来,给疲惫的徒步旅行者一些宽慰,尽管它受伤 了。A.relief 宽慰;B.courage 勇气;C. treat me nt 治

37、疗; 关心。尽管 S mokey 有一些伤, 但它偶尔跳行表示伤势不重,这会给疲惫的人们带来一些“完慰”。故选A。【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Smokey偶尔跳下来,给疲惫的徒步旅行者一些宽慰,尽管它受伤T。A.hunger 饥饿;B.curiosity 好奇心;C.injuries 伤 口 ; D.efforts 努力。根据“The dog's paw (爪 子)had many cuts on it”可知,Smokey 有一些伤。故选 C。34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:David建议,当你徒步旅行时,一个做好准备的好方法应该是想 象可能出现的问题,并为此

38、制定计划。A.demanded要求;B.argued争论;C. ordered命令; D.recommended建议。根据本句内容可知,这是Davici给徒步者的"建议故选D。35题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:David建议,当你徒步旅行时,一个做好准备的好方法应该是想 象可能出现的问题,并为此制定计划。A. imagine想象;B.describc描述;C. record记录;D. a void 避免o根据“what could go wrong"可知,此处是指在进行徒步旅行前应该想象可能出现的问题。故选Ao第二节(共10小题;每小题L5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在

39、空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I'm an international student fiom Bangladesh, working on a PhD program in Shanxi University.I've been in Taiyuan, the provincial capital of Shanxi, for two years since I 36 (admit) to the university. Over the two years, 1 found myself 37 (fall) in love with Taiyuan as

40、 I got more familiar with the city and the life here. Taiyuan has a history of more than 2,500 years. The ancient structures like Jinci arc the matcrkil evidence to show you 38 ancient China looked like.My experience in Taiyuan is an opportunity to help39(broad) my view and life here islull of surpr

41、ises. The pleasant changes are made possible40the help of my teachers andschoohnates. My teachers at Shanxi University are excellent. They 41 (hi«h) value critical thinking and encouiage us to conduct researches in 42 innovative imnncr.After a while at the university, 1 didn't fccl much pre

42、ssure in my study. I had much time to visit43 (vary) parts of the city and I found it convenient44 (hire) bicycles here. I liked tocycle and visit places I encountered randomly. The cycling 45 (tour) helped deepen my understanding of the city.【答案】36. was admitted37. Ming38. what39. broaden40. with41

43、. highly42. an 43. various44. to hire45. tours【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了来自孟加拉国的留学生在太原学习两年来的经历 和感受。【36题详解】 考查时态和语态。句意:自从我被大学录取以来,我在山西省会太原待了两年。分析句子结构 可知,主语用现在完成时,连词since后应用一般过去时,动词admit与逻辑主语I为动宾关 系,故用被动语态,且主语I为单数,be动词用waso故填was admittedo37题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:两年多来,随着我对太原这座城市及这里的生活越来越熟悉,我发现 自己爱上了它。动词短语find sb

44、doing sth,意为“发现某人正在做某事",设空处应用falling, 作宾语myself的补语。故填 卸ling。【38题详解】考查宾语从句。句意:像晋祠这样的古代建筑是向你展示古代中国面貌的物证。分析句子结构 可知,短语show yo u之后接了宾语从句,且从句中缺宾语,设空处应填连接代词what,引导 宾语从句,且作动词look like的宾语。故填what。【39题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我在太原的经历给我机会开阔了我的眼界,这里的生活充满了惊喜。 分析句子结构可知,动词短语help do sth,意为“帮助做某事",设空处应填动词。broad,意为 &qu

45、ot;宽广的,宽阔的",为形容词,其动词为broaden。故填broaden。【40题详解】考察介词。句意:在老师和同学们的帮助下,这些令人愉快的变化成为可能。with the help of., 为固定短语,意为“在.的帮助下”。故填witho41题详解】考察副词。句意:他们高度重视批判性思维,鼓励我们以一个创新的方式进行研究。分析句子 结构可知,设空处应填副词,修饰动词valueo high为形容词,副词为highly。故填highly。42题详解】考查冠词。句意:他们高度重视批判性思维,鼓励我们以一个创新的方式进行研究。分析句子 of old storehouses in Do

46、wntown Dallas' West End Historic Distinct, the family can admire colorful fish, sharks and sea animals while walking through the aquarium.Dallas Arboretum and Botanical GardenWalk through 66 acres of beautiful parkland, creative nature displays, and an ever-changing selection of art. Children wi

47、ll love exploring the Rory Meyer's Children's Adventure Garden. In addition to an adventure bridge, the garden has various interactive exhibits that teach kids about the science of nature and space. Families with older children might enjoy cooking classes or Thursday night concerts in the ar

48、boretum.1. What are visitors to the Dallas Zoo advised to do?A. Wear comfortable shoes.B. Sign up for the tour early.C. Avoid feeding the animals.D. Learn about the animals in advance.2. What can children enjoy in the Lego land Discovery Center?A. Feed animals.B. Watch a 4D movie.C. Learn about the

49、fish.D. Experience an adventure bridge.3. What do the four places have in common?A. They all offer free snacks.B. They are all nature-related.C. They all have playgrounds.D. They are all family-friendly.【答案】LA 2. B 3.D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四个游玩目的地。1题详解】细节理解题。根据 Dallas Zoo 部分"Bring your walking

50、shoes because the Dallas Zoo is 106 acres, and you want to be comfortable as you walk"(带上你的步行鞋,因为达拉斯动物园占地106英 亩,你想在走路时感到舒适)可知,建议去达拉斯动物园的游客带舒适的鞋。故选A项。2题详解】细节理解题。根据 Lego land Discovery Center 部分"Relax in the 4D cinema and watch some stellar short, act ion-packed(在4D影院放松一下,看一些精彩的动作短片。)可知,孩子们在

51、 结构可知,设空处应用冠词修饰单数manner,表泛指。因innovation以元音音素开头,故用an。43题详解】考查形容词。句意:我有很多时间参观了这个城市的不同地方,我发现在这里租自行车很方便。 分析句子结构可知,设空处应用形容词作名词part的前置定语。vary为动词,其形容词为variouso 故填 variouso44题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我有很多时间参观了这个城市的不同地方,我发现在这里租自行车很 方便。分析句子结构可知,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式,find it +adj+ to do sth, 意为“发现做某事很.",为固定短语。故填to hir

52、eo45题详解】考查名词复数。句意:骑自行车旅行有助于加深我对这个城市的了解。根据上文“I liked to cycle and visit places I encountered randomly.,-5T知,作者经常骑自行车。设空处应用名词复数形式。 故填toursq【点睛】第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)46. 假定你是李华,你校计划组建英文辩论队。请你写一则通知,内容包括:1. 团队目标;2. 报名条件;3. 报名方式。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Notice【答案】One possible version:Noti

53、ceOur school is to start an English debate team, which aims to improve us students' spoken English and ways of thinking. Team members will also be provided with valuable chances to make new friends and gain iiTcplaccablc experiences. Therefore, if you arc enthusiastic about English and have a sh

54、arp mind, don't hesitate to join the debate team. Make sure you will be devoted to the training and teamwork.Want to become a member of us? Downfoad the application form fiom the school website and send it to Edcbatctcam after filling in it.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。学校将组建英文辩论队,要求考生就相关事宜写一则通知。【详解】1.词汇积

55、累计划,目 标是:aim to>intend to独一无二的,从未有过的:irreplaceable>unpara 1 leled热情的,狂热的:be enthusiastic aboutbe crazy about专心于,致力于:be devoted to一concentrate on2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原 句:Team members will also be provided with valuable chances to make new friends and gain irreplaceable experiences.拓展句:Team members will

56、 also be provided with valuable chances, tlirough which you can make new friends and gain irreplaceable experiences.【点睛】高分句型 IJOui* school is to start an English debate team, which aims to improve us students' spoken English and ways of thinking, (which 引导的非限制性定语从句) 高分句型 21Therefore, if you are

57、enthusiastic about English and have a sharp mind, don't hesitate to join the debate team.(运用了祈使句和if引导的条件状语从句) 第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I was silting at my desk surrounded by New Year gifts, feeling happy that I had managed to buy some hard 一 to 一 find items. These were

58、for Kids Need More, a charitable organization offering services to socially disadvantaged children. One of its most popular events is the Holiday Cheer Bus. The organization always fills the buses with donated gifts for the families on the Cheer Bus routes. Each bus is manned by a team of volunteers

59、. My family had been volunteers for years. I had a list of the ftimilies on our route.Just as I was packing up the items with my husband and my son, I received a call from the director of the organization. She asked if I could add a family to my route一 here was a young mother, Leanne, and her son.I called Leanne and told her that a Holiday Cheer Bus would be visiting her family. Leanne seemed really excited and began to cry. I comforted hei; &#


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