已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 4 Review and check(沈峰)Step 1 GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning,Mrs Shen.T:There are some teachers here,theyer listening to our lesson. Lets say “Good morning”to the teachers.S:Good morning ,teachers.(Ts 无语,只有个别与生问候)T:Theyre happy,they dont want to say anything.(Listen to t

2、his,Ts laugh.)Step 2 Free talk Try to know each other1. Know studentsT:May I know/have your name?S:My name is-(a girls name)T:Hi, Miss -Do you have any hobbies?S:I like playing the violion.T:How to play the violion?S: (学生此时好像不明白,于是T做动作提醒this or this?)Show us how to play.T:Thank you,Miss violion.(Giv

3、e the student a nick name)T:Call a boy, ask the same way. (Mr basketball)2.Know the teacherT:Im new here. Do you have any questions?S: Whens your birthday? (Feb.25, maybe youll give me some birthday presents)How can I study English well?(Thats a big question.)Can you play the piano?(Of course,I cant

4、) 出示名片:个人资料,照片T:Whats my name?S: Shen Feng.T:Whats my nick name?Read Passage One,try to know me.(课前发给学生短文,通过阅读,学生从中找出有关老师的信息。通过师问生答的方式完成表格。)New English TeacherName:Shen FengNick name:HappyHome town:Nan JingHobbies:Listening to musicPerforming magicBirthday:Feb.25Birthday present:-T:What would I like

5、 as a birthday present?Guess according to the hobby.Ss:CD Walkman, CDs 道具T:Whats my道具? New cards.Step 3 Ask and answer1. T变魔术,学生数cards(eight cardsfour cards)2. Look at this card. Whats on the card?(呈现卡片,卡片上是公共标志)T:What does it mean?S:It means-T:根据出示卡片快速回答Group1 What does it mean?Group2 It means-T: 出

6、示两张A little difficult. How to ask? S: What do they mean?(全班鼓掌表扬)T: How to answer?“They mean-”Step 4 Presentation 21.呈现Jack图,介绍新朋友Whats his name? How old is he? Hes only 4 years old. 3. Read the passage 自读文章,并尝试回答问题。Hello. Today is my birthday.I want to go to the park. I want to see the birds in the

7、cage. I want to teach them English.So Ill talk to the birds louldly. I also want to climb the tall trees and play football on the grass. Thatll be great fun. Will you join me?Q1What does Jack want to do in the park? (What else does Jack want to do?)Climb the tall trees,see the birds in the cage,talk

8、 to the birds louldly, play football on the grass. Q2 Can Jack do them in the park?Lets help him.Q3Which public signs can help him out? Please choose the right ones and tell the meanings of the sign 两人小组完成 Check the answerJack wants to talk to the birds louldly.Jack wants to climb the trees.Jack wan

9、ts to play football on the grass.Keep quiet No climbing Keep off the grasspicturespicturespictures4. Read the signsT领读,S跟读;S领读, T跟读:Ss be the teacherStep 5 Presentation 31. Jack is talking to you now. Read by yourselves. You are the teacher, Im the student ,I read after you.(呈现文字资料)Jack: Thank you.

10、Now I know a lot about public signs in the park.Now its time for my birthday party. Would you like to come?T:What do you usually do at your birthday party?Sing a song<Happy birthday to you>S领唱T跟唱T:What else do we do?S:Eat a cake.T:Small or big? Whats on the cake? Are there any candles on the c

11、ake? How many candles are there on the your cake?T:小结 We can sing, play games, get presents. What presents can you get?Ss: AnswerA guessing game: Jack gets some presents. What presents has Jack got?Guess: Read Passage 3 freely and try to find out the answers.(三段文字猜礼物)Its a ball game. Boys like it ve

12、ry much. They often play the game in the playground after school. There are 11 boys in each team, and one of them is always a goalkeeper.Jack like listening to music. But he always makes the music too louldly. Mum does not want him to disturb others with his music.What present will mum give him?They

13、 have round .When you put them into the video player, you can enjoy lots of funny cartoons.I am a dancing ball.But I always dancing with a string you hold by your fingers.(football , earphones , VCDs of caroons , Yo-yo)T: What does has Jack got?Ss: He has got a-Step 6 Play a game呈现卧室的图:A room , Jacks room1.T:Jack puts his presents in his room. Can you find them? Work in pairs.S1:Wheres the-? S2: Its in/on /near/under the- Where are the-? Theyre in/on /near/under the-T:Quick responding .师问生快速回答 ,生快速向老师提问。2.呈现图,变换原来物品的位置Wher


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