



1、实用文档Unit 1 How can we become good learners?语法一.介词by的用法1.by意为“W ,其后常接名词或动词-ing形式。用来表示“以、通过、用 (某种方法或手段)”而达到某种预期的目的,常用来回答 how引导的特殊 疑问句。by doing sth 意为“通过做某事” How does the boy improve his spoken English? By talking with a foreigner.(1) How do you learn English so well? chatting with my uncle in America

2、online.A. By B. With C. In D.And(2)Jackson studied Chinese by tapes.A. listening B. to listen C. listening to D. to listening to2 .by+时间,意为 “不迟于,在之前" I have to go to bed by ten o ,clock.3 .by+地点, 意为 “在旁” Jim sat down by the window.4 .by+交通工具,意为“乘” I go to school by bike.5 .由by构成的固定短语:by the way

3、 顺便说一下 by oneself 独自=alone 二.现在完成时的用法(一)用法:1 .表示过去发生的某一动作或状态对现在造成的影响或结果.常用的标志词有already( “已经”,用于肯定句),yet( “还,已经”,用于否定旬和疑问旬),ever(“曾经”),never (“绝不,从不”),just (“冈U冈'),before (“以前”),once (“一次”),twice (“两次”).I have already eaten the dinner.(说明我现在饱了)。I have already seen the film.(1)You don ' t need

4、 to describe her. I her several times.A. meet B. will meet C. have met(2) Hi,guys.Where are you heading( 向行进)now?Home.We all our money,so we have to walk home now.A. spend B.spent C. have spent D.are spending (3)Have you ever seen him?A. ago B. two days ago C. before D. just now2.表示过去发生的某一动作或状态,一直持续

5、到现在。经常与时间状语for+时间段,since+ 时间点或一般过去时从旬 ,如:for Ive minutes(5 分钟)since 1985 (自 从 1985 年一直至U现在).since he was five years old (自 从他是五岁的时候一直到现在) 现在完成时的标志语还有so far ”到目前为止”注意:此时谓语动词要用延续性动词,若是非延续性动词要变成延续性动词。 leave-be away borrow-keep buy-have begin-be on die-be dead join-be a member of go/come-be in open-be o

6、pen become-be _ I have waited for you for three hours.我直等你等了 三个/、时。He has been away for a month.他已经离开一个月 了。 ( has been away 不能用 has left )Her brother has been a member of army for three years.(has been amember of army 不能用 has joined army )Han Mei has kept the book since last week.( has kept 不能用 hasb

7、orrowed)(1)I my hometown for a long time.I really miss it.A. left B.went away from C. have left D.have been away from(2) How do you like your English teacher?He is great.We all love him.We friends since three years ago.A. were B.have made C. have been D.have become(3) Anna,you Chinese is good.have y

8、ou been in China? Since I was ten.A.How long B.How far C. How often D.How soon (4)Has the movie begun? Yes, it for five minutes.A. has begun B. began C. has been on(二)现在完成时的肯定句,否定句和疑问句的构成1 .现在完成时的肯定句的构成是 :主语+have/has+动词过去分词 +其他.(have 用于各种人称,has用于第三人称单数)He has already posted the letter.(他已经寄了那封信)2 .现

9、在完成时的否定句的构成是 :主语+have/has+not+ 动词过去分词 +其他.He hasn' t posted the letter yet.他还没有寄那封信(注意:否定句中要把already 变成yet)3 .现在完成时的一般疑问句的构成是:Have/Has+主语+动词过去分词+其他.肯定回答是 Yes, 主语+have/has否定回答是 No, 主语+haven' t/hasn 'LHas he posted the letter yet? Yes,he has/No,he hasn' t(三)have/has gone to 与 have/has

10、been to 的区另U1 .have/has gone to 意为 “已经去地方了(还没回来,不在说话人所在的地方)”Where is Li Lei? He has gone to school.2 .have/has been to 意为 “曾经去过地方(已回来)Where have you been? I have been to the library.(1)She isn ' t at the cinema now because she the library.A.has been to B.have been to C.has gone to D.have gone to

11、(2) I think the man over there must be Bob. It be him.He has to Australia.A. can' t;gone B.can ' t;been C. maynot;been D.mustn ' t;gone(3) Have you ever been to Canada?Yes,Ithere last year with my parents.A. have been B.have gone C. went D.go(4) Where is Jhon? He the supermarket.A. has g

12、one to B. has been to C. has goneSection Al.ask for sth 索要某物 ask sb for sth“向某人索要某物”He asked his mother for some money.(1)He always asks me advice whatever he does.A. for B. onC. of(2)She wrote to her friend and information about computer programming.A. asked for B. went for C. cared forD.paid for2

13、.the way to do sth=the way of doing sth.“做某事的方法”3 .区分 watch,see,read 和 look(1)watch强调看正在运动或变化的事物。多指看电视、录像、比赛、表演等。(2)see 用于看电影, We saw a wonderful film yesterday.另外see侧重于结果,指“看见,看到" Can you see the bird in the tree?(3)read意为“看”时,指“阅读;朗读”,后面接也报至杂志等。He likes reading storybooks.(4) look 强调“看”的过程,后面

14、接宾语,则用look at.Look at the blackboard,please.Look! The boy is watching the football game.His father is seeing a film,and his mother is reading a newspaper.(1)Jim has many books.He likes them very much.A.reading B.seeing C.looking D.watching(2)! Yao Ming is in the basketball game.Let' s it.A.Look;

15、100k B.Watch;watch C.Look;watch D.Watch;100k4 .have conversations with sb.“和某人交谈”He had conversations with his son yesterday.5 . What about? =How about?意为 "怎么样” 或 “好不好? ” 接代词宾格或动词-ing 。I think this is a good idea.What about you?What about visiting the East Lake?We don' t have much homework

16、this weekend.Can we go out together?OK.What abouta movie?A. to see B.seeing C. see D. sees6 .aloud "大声地,出声地" read aloud 朗读loudly ”大声地,吵闹地”,强调声音喧闹,不悦耳。The boys are talking in the class and it makesthe teacher unhappy. A. aloud B. loudly C. louder D. loud7 .在英语中,可以用动词不定式形式表示目的.译为“为了”。We have

17、 to study hard to find a good job.(1) to school on time,I need to get up at 6:00 am.A.Gets B.Getting C.To get D.get(2)How kind you are! You always do what you can others.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help8 . practice doing sth.“练习做某事”We should practice English as much as possible.A.speak B.speaking

18、C. to speak D.speak in9 . that way=in that way用那种方法 this way=in this way用这种方法Finally I found my uncle that way.10 . It + is+ 形容词 + (for/of sb ) to do sth. 意为 “做某事对于某人来说 是的”在此句型中,iL是形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth Q 当形容词是描述人的性格、品质的词如kind,nice,clever,foolish 时用ofsb,其他大多都用for sb.It was very difficult for me to fi

19、nish the work on time.It ' s kind of you to tell me that.It ' s polite for students hello to teachers.A.to say B.saying C.says D.say11 . a little =a bit =a little bit=kind of 意为 “一点儿; 少许”者B可以用来修饰形容词/副词。a little bit quiet. 止匕外,a little 还可以直接 修饰不可数名词,而a bit须和of连用才可以修饰不可数名词。The weather here is

20、a little bit hot. a little water=a bit of water一点儿水What is your new friend like? She is shy.A. a bit of B. a lot of C. a little bit D. a kind of12 .Why don' t you do sth?或 Whynot do sth?意为“你为什么不做某事呢?”Whydon' t you buy your mother some flowers?=Why not buy your mother some flowers?13 .finish

21、doing sth“完成做某事”Have you finished cooking?Whynot your teacher for help whenyou can' t finish the story by yourself.A.to ask;write B.to ask;writing C.ask;writing D.asking;towrite.14 .常见的系动词可简记为 :一是 be (am, is ,are ,was ,were,)二是感觉feel ,三是保持 keep, stay,四是变 become,get,turn ,五是起来 taste 尝起来,smell 闻起来

22、,look 看起来,sound 听起来,feel 摸起来 后跟笑(1)I feel to see that my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.A.proud B.angry C.upset D.lonely(2)The cookies good. Could I have some more?A. taste B. smell C. feelD. sound(3)What is the matter with you? You so sad.A.look B.seem to have C.look like D.seem like1

23、5 .祈使句的用法:祈使句表示请求、命令、劝说、号召、警告等意思。(1)肯定的祈使句:以动词原形开头,动词原形前可以加Please,please也可放在旬末。Come and have fun.(2)否定的祈使句:“ Don' t+动词原形+其他” Don t smoke here!(1)late. It ' s your first day to work.A. Don ' t to be B. Don ' t be C. Don ' t D. No(2) draw on the wall.A. Not B. No C. Doesn ' t D

24、. Don ' t16 .祈使句在表示禁止时,可与含有 mustn' t的句子互换 Don' t smoke here.=You mustn ' t smoke here.17 .记住两个表示 “首先” 的词: at first,first of all(1)at first的意思是“超生 开始”,暗示后来的情况有所变化。其反义词组是at last 意为“最后,终于”At first I didn ' t want to go,but I soon changed my mind.(2)first of all的意思是“首先,第一",相当于fi

25、rst ,表示顺序,是时间上或一系列行为动作的开始,后面往往接next,then等。First of all,open the windows,then turn off the gas,and if necessary,call an ambulance( 救护车).(1)If we want to work for our country in the future, we shouldhave strong body and rich knowledge.A.at first B.first of all C.for the first time D.after all(2) ,the

26、Internet was only used by the government.But now its widely used in every field.A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far.18 .try to do sth”试图做某事,尽力做某事”She tried to carry the basket.19 .be patient with sb.“对某人有耐心”You should learn how to be patient.20 . “the+比较级+主语+谓语,the+比较级+主语+谓语”意为“越,就越”The busie

27、r she is ,the happier she feels.The more you smile,the you will feel.A.happy B.happier C.happily D.more happily21 .find+it+ 形容词+(for sb) to do sth 意为“发现做某事对某人来说什么样的" L是形式宾语,to do sth是真正的宾语I found it very difficult to learn how to drive.(1)We find necessary to protect the earth.A.it B. this C. t

28、hat D. what(2)My pen pal found it difficult Chinese well.A.learning B.learn C.to learn D.learned22 .the secret to 的秘诀。 the answer to the question问题的答案the key to the bike自行车钥匙1 3.so That”如此以致于” so意为“如此”,后接形容词或副词, that意为“以致于",后接句子。sothat常和not enough to及tooto进行同义句转换Heis too young to go to school.=

29、He isn 't 01d enough to go to school.=He is so young that he can ' t go to school.(1)The problem is too difficult for me to work out.(改为同义句)The problem isn ' t for me to work out.(2)She was angry she walked out and closed the door heavily.A.so;that B.too;and C.very;that D.such;that24 .(1

30、)be afraid to do sth=be afraid of doing sth. 意为 “害怕做某事” (2)be afraid of sth 意为“害怕某物" She is afraid of the dog.(1)I ' m afraid out at night alone.A. go B. going C. to go D. goes(2)The student is see the teacher because he a mistake.A. afraid of; has B. afraid to; has madeC. afraid to; make D

31、. afraid of; made25.区分 because of 和 because(1)because of 其后不接句子。We didn ' t go fishing yesterday because of the heavy rain.(2)because 其后接句子.He is late for shool because he gets up late(1)Liu Xiang had to give up the race his foot.A. because of B. because C. though D.even if(2) Mary didn't ge

32、t to the party yesterday she didn't feelwell.A. if B. because C. but D. until26 .过去分词短语可作后置定语,意为“被的”。The novels written by Lu Xun are very educational.a boy called/named Li Lei 一个被称作李雷的男孩27 .fall in love with 意为“爱上(某人或某物)”They fell in love with each other after working together for many years.28

33、 .区分 exciting 和 excitedexciting意为“令人兴奋的",修饰物。He told me the exciting news. The story is exciting.(2)excited 意为“感到兴奋的",修饰人。What are you so excited about? Everyone looked very excited.29 .begin to do sth=begin doing sth. 意为 “开始做某事”She began to cry.30 .区分 the other,another 和 other(1)the other

34、 指"两者中的另一个",接可数名词单数。常用短语:onethe other 意为两者中 ”一个另一个”I have two pencils,one is short,the other is long.(2)another泛指三者或三者以上中的另一个,后接单数可数名词。The shirt is too small for me.Show me another one,please.(3)other 意为“其他的”,后接可数名词复数。other students其他的学生(4)someothers意为泛指 “一些另一些”Some people believe it ,othe

35、rs not.注意:others=other + 名词复数(1)He has two sisters. One is a doctor and is a teacher.A. another B. other C. the other D. One(2) Would you like to have cake?No,thanks.I ' ve had two.That ' s enough.A.other B.others C.another D.the other31.although=though引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”在一个句子中,although/thoug

36、h“虽然”和but_ “但是”不能同时连用,即用了 although/though 就不能用but ,用了 but ,就不能用 although/thoughAlthough/Though he is poor,he is very happy.(1) many children like KFC.I think they ' d better try not to eat it too often.A.Because B.When C.Although D.If(2)he is ill,he goes to school.A. Although, but B. /, / C. Alt

37、hough, / D. But, although(3) The boy can speak both English and Japanese he is only ten.Wow,what a clever boy!A.if B.because C.although D.but32 .help的用法(1)help sb do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事" I can help you learn English.(2)help sb to do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事"I can help you to learnEnglish.(3)help sb with

38、 sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”I can help you with (learning) English.Our teacher always helps us our English.A. for B. into C. to D. with33 .区分 invent 和 discover(1)invent 指客观上不存在的东西后来被人发明(2)discover,指发现或找到某种自然界本来已存在,但以前未被人发现或认识的事物。Edison invented the electric light.Columbus discovered America on the 12th of Octo

39、ber, 1492.(1)We all know who the telephone.A.find B.found C.discovered D.inventedGilbert(吉尔伯特) electricity and Edison the electric light bulb.A.discovered;invented B.discovered;discoveredC.invented;invented D.invented;discovered34 .形容词修饰不定代词的语序是:不定代词+形容词。something interesting一些有趣的东西Myhost family tri

40、ed to cook for mewhenl studied in NewZealand.A.different something B.different anythingC.something different D.anything different35 . want “想要” =would like后面接三种形式(1)want sth“想要某物"They want good jobs.(2)want to do sth"想要做某事"I want to go to Hangzhou for myholiday.(3)want sb to do sth.“想

41、要某人做某事”He wants me to go shopping with him.(1)I want them (stay) for dinner with us.(2)They want some green tea. (同义句)They green tea.(3)My brother want a friend of.A. to see, him B. seeing, him C. to see, his D. seeing, his36 . 100k up ( 在字典,参考书中)查阅;查找.代词必须放在中间I don ' t know the word.Let ' s

42、 look it up in the dictionary.37 .so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为了,以便”Please turn on the light so that we can see it clearly.You have to leave now you can catch the early bus.A.so that B.as soon as C.because. D.so-that38 .take notes. 意为“做笔记”。You ' d better take notes in class.39 .memorize 意为“记住;记忆”,相当于 rem

43、ember 名词形式是 memory意为 “记忆,记忆力”She memorized the number of the car.40 .Howoften “多久一次”,对频率副词(often,always,every day,twice a week)提问,常用于一般现在时。-How often do you exercise? Once a day.How long “多长时间”对for+时间段或since+时间点提问,用于现在完 成时。How long have you worked in Beijing?For five years.How soon ”多久以后将”对in+时间段提问,

44、用于一般将来时。 How soon will Mr. Li come back? In a week.Howoften "多久次”,对频率副词(often,always,every day,twice a week)提问,常用于一般现在时。-How often do you exercise? - Once a day.How long “多长时间”对for+时间段或since+时间点提问,用于现在完 成时。-How long have you worked in Beijing? -For five years.How soon ”多久以后将”对in+时间段提问,用于一般将来时。

45、How soon will Mr. Li come back? In a week.does your cousin go to the gym?Twice a week.A.How long B.How soon C.How oftenSection B1.在英语中,疑问词+to do形式 如:how to get to the park可以作宾语,相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)如:I don' t know how to solve the problem.=I don' t know how I can solve the probl

46、em.Can you tell me when to leave? =Can you tell me when I will leave?背:I don ' t know what to do=I don ' t know what I can do?(1) I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation.What about you?I haven ' t decided where.A.go B.went C.going D.to go(2) Which dress do you like best,Madam?Sorry,I

47、can ' t decide now.A.to buy which one B.buy which oneC.which one to buy D.which I should buy it.2 . make mistakes in=make a mistake in ”在方面犯错误.I used to make mistakes in spelling.3 . keep sth+形容词意为“保持某物是什么样的”keep the door open 保持门是开着的(这里的open是形容词,意为“开着的",open还是动词,意为“打开”)keep the door closed

48、保持门是关着的(这里的closed是形容词,意为“关着的",close是动词,意为“关上”)keep the room clean保持房间是开净的(这里的clean是形容词,意为“干 净的",clean还是动词,意为“打扫”)4 .get sth+形容词,意为“使某物是什么样的” .The work gets everyone tired. get the pronunciation right. 使发音是正确的。5 .动词不定式常作后置定语,意为"的” 。a good place to eat 吃饭的好地方。something to eat 一些吃的东西 a r

49、oom to live in一个居住的房间-Why don' t you go out to play,Rose? I' m afraid I can ' t.I have much homework .A.do B.does C.doing D.to do6 .ability to do sth 意为“做某事的能力”He has the ability to speak English fluently.7 . depend on“依赖; 取决于"The price depends on the quality.You can ' t depend

50、on your parents forever.Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well,it all the weather.A.belongs to B.happens to C.depends on D.concentrates on8 . if引导的条件状语从句要用“主将从现”的原则。主将从现是指: 当主句为一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时If you ask him,he will tell you the answer.(2)当主句中含有情态动词 can,may,must 等时,从旬用一般现在时You can pass the e

51、xam if you work hard.(3)当主句为祈使句时,从句用一般现在时。Put up your hands if you have any problems.(1)I ' ll go out for a walk after supper if it rain. A.didn ' t B.won ' t C.isn ' t D.doesn ' t(2)If I find his phone number,I you.A.tell B.told C.will tell D.have told(3)There serious air pollut

52、ion if people use more and more cars.A.will be B.will have C.has D.have(4)Boys and girls, up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp.A.putting B.to put C.put D.will put9 .区分 interesting 和 interested (1)interesting 意为“令人感兴趣的”,修饰物。 (2)interested 意为“感兴趣的”,修饰人。be interested in "对感兴趣”

53、The students in Class Two are interested in this interesting story.I,m in the story.A.interested;interested B.interesting;interestingC.interesting;interested D.eresting10 .active 形容词,意为“活泼的,积极的”。常用短语take an active part in_ "积极参加”Although he is over 80,he is still very active.We al

54、l take an active part in the sports meeting.11 .pay attention to doing 意为“注意做某事”,多指要留心、注意比较特殊的东西或事物。Please pay attention what he said.A. for B. of C. in D. to12 .connect with"把和连接或联系起来”Please don ' t connect this thing with that one.A railway connects Beijing with Shanghai.13 .(1)sb need to

55、 do sth.“某人需要做某事”You need to take good care of your mother.(2)sth need doing sth.“某事需要被做" My flowers need watering.(1)You need(add) some red sugar to the soup.(2)The bike is broken,it need .(repair)14 .以must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn' t或don' t have to 。Must I go home now?Yes,you must

56、/No,you needn ' t/No,you don ' t have toMust I be in hospital for a week,Doctor?No,you.You can go back home tomorrow.A.mustn' t B. needn ' t C. must15 .区分 boring 和 bored(1)boring 意为“令人厌烦的”,修饰物This is a boring film.(2)bored 意为“感到厌烦的”,修饰人 She is bored with her job.16 .think about doing

57、 sth. 意为“考虑做某事”He is thinking about going to Beijing for vacation.think over”仔名田考虑“Let me think it over.17 .与good相关的常见搭配(1)be good at 意为 “擅长” =do well in I am good at math.=I do wellin math.(2)be good for 意为 “对一有益”反义词组是 be bad for "对有害处”Swimming is good for our health.(3)be good to 意为 “对好”=be f

58、riendly to sb=be kind to sbShe is good to us.Miss Readis good music. Shecan be good with children in the musicclub.A.at, B.with C.for D.to18 .even if=even though 意为“即使,尽管",引导让步状语从句。Even if you work till midnight,you won' t finish it.19 .unless 意为“如果不;除非”。引导条件状语从句,相当于if not You will fail unless you work hard.(1)A tourist will


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