



1、高二英语模块7 Unit 1 复习学案(教师用) 1. 短语翻译 (1)与某人保持联系 keep in touch with sb(2)促进、有助于 contribute to (3)有许多缺陷 have many drawbacks(4)作出重要的突破 make an important breakthrough (5)推迟做某事 delay /put off doing sth(6)把分发给某人 distribute sth to sb (7)从得益 benefit from sth(8)跟上某人的步伐 keep pace with sb (9)重视做某事value doing sth(1

2、0)专心于,全神贯注于be absorbed in /concentrate oneself on (11)浪费宝贵的时间waste precious time(12)集中于 foucs on (13)以牺牲为代价at the sacrifice of(14)去除某人的恶习 rid sb of the bad habit 2. 按要求写出下列单词 (15)evolven. (evolution)(16)constructv.(construction)(17)distributionv.(distribute)(18)adaptn.(adaptation)(19)suitadj.(suitab

3、le) (20)insuren.(insurance) (21)religionadj.(religious)(22)rejectionv.(reject)(23)oppositionv.(oppose)(24)wind(过去式、过去分词)(wound wound) 3. 句子改写(25)Since they value seeing each other face to face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. They refuse to have telephones in their houses because of v

4、aluing face-to-face communications.(26)When attending the Academy Awards, all the guests should wear formal dresses as required. All the guests should not wear casual clothes to attend the Academy Awards.(27)It is known to us that doing eye exefcises benefits our eyes. As is known to us, doing eye e

5、xercises is beneficial to our eyes.(28)At last, he made a motor boat, using his old car engine. He adapted his old car engine to drive his boat.(29)Satellites make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities. Thanks to satellites, people living far away from cities is accessible to TV.(30)

6、The people who received the invitations all promised to attend the party on time. The receiver of the invitations all promised to attend the party on time. 4. 重点词汇、句型操练(31)到得这么迟,这是他一贯的作风。It is typical of him to arrive so late.(32)这座桥一旦竣工将是亚洲最大的。Once completed, this bridge will be the largest in Asia

7、.(33)邮局在银行的对面。The post office is opposite the bank.(34)交流时,电话非常方便,当今更多的人没它无法生活。The telephone is very convenient for communication, and most people in the world today cant live without it.(35)直到上个世纪上半叶,绝大数盒式录音机才开始使用塑料磁带。It is not until the early 1950s that most tape recorder began using platstic tape

8、.(36)在1982年,最早的CD光盘制作使用了。In 1982, the first CD were made available.(37)要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。Its not easy to rid oneself of a habit.(38)无论在什么情况下你都不能离开这所房子。Under no circumstance are you to leave the house.5. 单元重点知识和语法训练(39)Would you like a piece of this kind of cloth? It _ well.A. is sold B. is selling C. is

9、being sold D. sells(40)Take care! Dont get the ink on your shirt, for it _easily.A. wont wash out B. wont be washed out C. isnt washed out D. isnt washing out(41)In warm weather, fruit and meat _ long.A. dont keepB. cant be keptC. are not keptD. are not keeping(42)Wen had wanted to finish our task b

10、y noon, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A. find outB. give outC. work outD. hand out(43)The problem _ to be much more difficult than we had supposed.A. was provedB. turnedC. provedD. was turned out(44)He devoted most of his time to his research, believing his hard work would _ sooner or later.A. put

11、 offB. pay offC. turn offD. give off(45)This problem may lead to more serious ones if _ unsolved.A. makingB. remainedC. keepingD. left(46)Public places are becoming more _ to people with disabilities.A. easyB. accessibleC. hardD. suitable(47)I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is too late.A. yo

12、u to delay makingB. your delaying makingC. your delaying to makeD. you delay to make(48)Look, a group of students are playing the violin there, _ their teacher as the conductor.A. in front fo them standsB. in front of them standsC. in front of whom standingD. in front of whom stands(49)-Mr. Wang got

13、 the first prize in the singing competition last week.-Oh. Thats what he _ for years.A. had been expectingB. has expectedC. expectedD. has been expected(50)A communicative satellite_ as much as 3.5 tons was sent up into space last week.A. weighingB. weighedC. to be weighedD. being weighed(51)Our new

14、 house is very _ for me, as I can get to school in five minutes.A. comfortableB. convenientC. accessibleD. available(52)_of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend _her.A. Warned; followedB. Warning; followingC. Having warned; followingD. Having been warned; following(53)We

15、are in a difficult situation, _ we dont develop new products, we will end up closing our doors.A. ifB. whereC. where ifD. if where(54)They _ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _ on it as no good results have come out so far.A. had been working; are stillB. had worked

16、; were still workingC. have been working; have workedD. have worked; are still working(55)The days are gone_physical strength was all you need to making a living.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. which(56)His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out _ it is he is trying to express.A. that B. ho

17、wC. whoD. what(57)-How do you think I can make up with Jack?-Set aside _ you disagree and try to find _ you have in common.A. what; whatB. where; whatB. what; whetherD. where; whether(58)-Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.-What do you think of _ over there?A. the one B. thisC. itD. that(

18、59)Life in the oceans comes in different sizes, _ from the tiniest fish all the way up to the biggest blue whales.A. rangB. rangingC. to be rangedC. rangedD. ranged(60)The author of the article believes that it is the test system, _ teachers, that is to blame for the pressure on students nowadays.A.

19、 other thanB. less thanC. rather thanD. more than6. 习作操练(61)请你根据下表信息,简要介绍微信通信工具。注意:表达地道,文理通顺。名称微信(Micro Letter)推出时间腾讯公司(Tencent Company),2011年1月21日功能1. 支持发送语音短信、视频和文字2. 支持多人群聊(不超过20人)3. 支持查看所在位置使用微信的人优点1. 即时通讯工具2. 零资费、跨平台(cross-platform)沟通3. 显示实时输入状态4. 与传统的短信沟通方式相比,更灵活、智能,且节省资费Micro Letter is a new

20、type of communication,which, developed by Tencent company, came on to the market on Jan. 1st, 2011. At present, a great number of people in the world like to use it to communicate with others.Its features attract many users. It is convenient for users to send voice messages, videos and text messages, which can enrich information


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