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1、2022-3-21 形容词的比较级形容词的比较级2022-3-22短语归纳:短语归纳:1.have fun 2.work hard3.as.as 4.care about5. be different from 6.the same as7.as long as 8.bring out9.be similar to 10.be good at 11.be good with 12.make friends 13.in fact2022-3-23Liu Xiang is tall. Yao Ming is taller than LiuXiang.Yao MingLiu Xiang2022-3-

2、24Zen Zhiwei is short .Xiao xin is shorter than Zen Zhiwei .Zen ZhiweiXiao xin2022-3-25Summer is hot.Summer is hot.Summer is _ than spring.Summer is _ than spring.Winter is cold.Winter is cold.Winter is _ than autumn.Winter is _ than autumn.2022-3-26Liu Yifei is thin.Mike is thinner than Liu Yifei.L

3、iu YifeiMike2022-3-27Li Yong is funny.Pan Changjiang is funnier than Li Yong.Li YongPan Changjiang2022-3-28一、规则变化一、规则变化二、不规则变二、不规则变化化 三、形容词比较级的用法三、形容词比较级的用法2022-3-29一、单音节和、单音节和 部分双音节词部分双音节词Q1:形容词比较级的规则变化有些?形容词比较级的规则变化有些? 1.slow fast young tall2.fine late3.thin big4.easy luckysloweryounger一般在词尾加一般在词尾

4、加 er, 以字母以字母e 结尾的词结尾的词,加加r重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字双写辅音字母母,加加 er,以辅音字母加以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词结尾的双音节词,先改先改“y”为为“i”再加再加er,finerlatereasier thinnerbigger luckier tallerfaster2022-3-210二二.多音节和部分双音节词在词前加多音节和部分双音节词在词前加moredelicious more deliciousimportant more importantboring more boringpopular more

5、popular2022-3-211 Q2:形容词比较级的不规则变化有哪些?形容词比较级的不规则变化有哪些?2022-3-212Q3.通常在什么情况用形容词比较级?通常在什么情况用形容词比较级?The earth is larger than the moon.1.两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词 than。数学和英语,哪个更容易?数学和英语,哪个更容易?变式练习:这本书比那本书有趣。变式练习:这本书比那本书有趣。Which is easier, maths or English?2.Which/Who is + 比较级比较级, A or B ?变式练习:周杰

6、伦和张杰,谁更受欢迎?变式练习:周杰伦和张杰,谁更受欢迎?This book is more interesting than that one.Who is more popular ,Zhou jie lun or Zhang jie?2022-3-213Q4.有哪些特殊情况下也使用形容词的比较级?有哪些特殊情况下也使用形容词的比较级?汤姆是这两个男孩中汤姆是这两个男孩中 较高的一个较高的一个Tom is the taller of the two boys.1. is the +比较级比较级 + of the two.(两者中两者中较较)天变得越来越黑。天变得越来越黑。变式练习:实验中学

7、是两所学校中较好的一所变式练习:实验中学是两所学校中较好的一所。Its getting darker and darker.2、越来越、越来越比较级比较级+ and + 比较级比较级 “越来越越来越” 变式练习:他有越来越多的朋友。变式练习:他有越来越多的朋友。Shiyan Middle School is the better of the two schools.He has more and more friends.2022-3-214利辛变得越来越美丽利辛变得越来越美丽. Lixin is becoming more and more beautiful.2)More +and +m

8、ore+原级原级 (该原级为多该原级为多音节或部分双音节形容词音节或部分双音节形容词) “越来越越来越” 你吃得越多,就变得越胖。你吃得越多,就变得越胖。练习:练习:英语越来越重要。英语越来越重要。The more you eat, the fatter you will become.3.The + 比较级比较级,the + 比较级比较级 “越越,就越,就越” English is more and more important. 2022-3-2154. much,a lot ,a bit ,a little ,even ,far 等等修饰比较级修饰比较级. Lucy比她姐姐胖的多。比她姐

9、姐胖的多。 Lucy is much heavier than her sister.练习:练习:她今天比我更高兴。她今天比我更高兴。 Today she is much happier than me.2022-3-216写出下列形容词的比较级写出下列形容词的比较级shortillbiglateeasydelicious shorter目标检测目标检测worsebiggerlatereasiermore delicious2022-3-217 1. A horse is _ than a dog A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D.

10、 more heavy 2. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _ A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless 3. Which subject is _ , physics or chemistry ? A. interesting B. most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting CDC2022-3-2184. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in Augus

11、t A.hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D. hot, hotter5.The bread is _ than these cakes A.very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious6. _ you work , _your future will be . A.Harder ; better B.The more hardly ; the more beautiful C.The more hard ;the better D.The harder

12、;the brighterDcD2022-3-219 7.Everyone knows China is getting_ A. strong and strong B. stronger and stronger C. more strong and strong D.strongest and strongest 8 In order to keep healthy, you should eat _junk food, _fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. Afewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, mor

13、e D.less, less BB2022-3-2201.necessary:形容词形容词必需的,必要的必需的,必要的e.gSleep is necessary to health.常用结构:常用结构:It is necessary for sb to do sth.=It is necessary that. “对某人来说做某事是必要的对某人来说做某事是必要的”e.g 对我来说学习英语是必要的。对我来说学习英语是必要的。 It is necessary for me to study English. =It is necessary that I study English.2022-3-

14、2212.both:两个,两者都两个,两者都,其主要用法:,其主要用法:1.both单独做主语时其谓语动词要用复数单独做主语时其谓语动词要用复数形式。形式。e.g Both are students.2.both.and.两个都两个都否定形式:否定形式:neither.nor.既不既不.也不也不.,都不都不e.g 露西和丽丽都在吃晚餐。露西和丽丽都在吃晚餐。 他既不是教师也不是医生。他既不是教师也不是医生。Both Lucy and Lily are having supper.He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.3.similar:形容词形容词“相似的,

15、类似的相似的,类似的”常用结构:常用结构:be similar to=be like和和.相似相似e.g Your new haircut is similar to mine.similar与与same:1.similar=like大致相似的,类似的大致相似的,类似的但不但不一样。一样。 e.g这姐妹俩看上去很像。这姐妹俩看上去很像。2.same“相同的,同样的相同的,同样的”前面需加定冠前面需加定冠词词the,常用结构:常用结构:the same as与与.相同相同e.g他的书包和你的一样。他的书包和你的一样。The sisters look similar.His bag is the

16、same as yours.4.as.as与与.一样一样,表示两个人,表示两个人/物在某物在某方面程度相同。两个方面程度相同。两个as中间是形容词或副中间是形容词或副词的原级。词的原级。e.gTom和他的爸爸一样高。和他的爸爸一样高。当表示当表示“甲方在某一方面不如乙方时甲方在某一方面不如乙方时”用:用:not as.as=not so.as.e.g体育不及英语重要。体育不及英语重要。5.as long as只要,既然只要,既然e.gAs long as it doesnt rain we can go.Tom is as tall as his father.PE is not as imp

17、ortant as English.=PE is not so important as English.2022-3-2246.6.be good with sb 和.相处很好 =get along/on with sb=get along/on with sbe.ge.g他和他的老师相处的很好。He is good with his teacher.=He gets along/on with his teacher.2022-3-225所给词的正确形式填空:1.She is much_(good) at drawing than I am.2.Hollys best friend is_

18、(funny)than she is.3.The reporter spoke very_(clear)so that we could hear every word.4.There are_(many)boys in our class than in theirs.2022-3-2265.There is a_(say)that behind every successful man theres a woman.6.When she came in,Bob_(break) off his talk with Jane.7.We approached(靠近)the birds _(qui

19、et) and watched them.1.I think computers are very useful.They can help us get much_on the Internet.A.gameB.informationC.ideaD.message2.The teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her_.A.slowlyB.quietlyC.clearlyD.carefully3.The mother walked into the room_in order not to wake up her baby.

20、A.quicklyB.quietlyC.heavilyD.fast7._you study,_knowledge youll get.A.The harder,moreB.The harder,the more C.Harder,the more D.Harder,more8.Ted is_more serious than JohnA.few B.a lot of C.a little D.very9.His bike is the same as_.A.I B.me C.my D.mine10.They_swim across the river.A.can both B.both can

21、C.are both D.both are11.We dont look the same,_were twins.A.although B.but C.however D.so12.English is_than Japanese in China.A.important B.importanterC.more important D.much important13.Dick.is Nick your twin brother? Yes,and Im thirty minutes_than him.A.fatter B.taller C.heavier D.older14.Dont_at

22、him.He tried his best.A.smile B.laugh C.cry D.cough15.Can a dog run_a horse?A.so fast as B.as fast asC.as faster as D.so faster than16.Soccer is becoming_in China today.A.most and most popularB.most popularC.popular and popularD.more and more popular17.The more careful you are,the_mistakes you will

23、make.A.few B.fewer C.fewest18.Its summer now.The weather is getting_.A.higher and higher B.lower and lowerC.hotter and hotter D.colder and colder19.Lili isnt as_as Peter.She often makes mistakes.A.careless B.careful C.carelessly D.carefully2022-3-23120.Lin Taos watch is the same_yours.So I dont know whi


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