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1、.精品文档.2019届高三英语模拟试题含解析河北省衡水中学 2019届高三模拟试题(押题卷) (二)英语试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)做题时,先将答 案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试 卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给 的A、B、三个选项中选由最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:Hw uh is the shirt?A. ?19.15. B. ?9. 18. . ?9. 15.答案是。1. Hw

2、des the an prbably get t wrk?A. By bus. B. By ar. . n ft.2. hat ' s the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?A. Teaher and student. B. Dtr and patient. . ther and sn.3. Hw des the an feel abut his high shl life?A. Puzzling. B. Exiting. . Disappinting.4. hat are the speakers talking abut?A

3、. Different greetings. B. apanese ulture. . Gd anners.5. hat des the wan ean?1. She desn ' t like the new anager.8. The new anager went t Shanghai.She hasn ' t et the new anager yet.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选由最佳选项,并标在试卷 相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题

4、5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给由5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。9. here des the nversatin take plae?A. At a stre. B. At a pst ffie. . At an insurane ffie.10. hy did the an pay 20 re dllars?A. T buy se lthes. B. T pst a pakage. . T insure a pakage.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。11. hat was wrng with the an?A. He tk a wrng bus. B.

5、He felt terrible. . He frgt t pay the fare.12. here will the an get ff the bus?A. At the Fifth Avenue. B. At the next stp. . AtHiltn Htel.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。13. hat is the an ding?A. Buying a phne ard. B. harging a bile phne.Exhanging a phne ard.14. Hw uh des the lal all st per inute?A. 5 dllars. B. 2

6、0 ents. . 2 ents.15. hat des the wan suggest the an d at last?A. Insert the ard in. B. Buy a prepaid ard. . keep the ard hiself.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。16. hy des the an ake the phne all?A. T hek in. B. T bk a r. . T hek ut.17. hat des the an ' s wife think f the hneyn r?A. It ' s t big. B. It '

7、; s t sall. . It's t expensive.18. hat des the an st expet t have in the r?A. A lr TV set. B. An air nditiner. . A bathr.19. Hw uh will the an pay at last?A. $ 240. B. $ 260. . $280.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。20. hat will Shania be?A. A tehniian. B. A anager. . A seretary.21. hat did Shania ar in?A.

8、puter siene. B. uniatins. . Eduatinal tehnlgy.22. hy is a reeptin sheduled fr Nveber 2?A. T entertain Shania herself.B. T hnr exellent wrkers.T wele new eplyees.23. hat is the speaker ding?A. Giving staff tasks.B. nduting an interview.Intrduing a new eplyee.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

9、阅读下列短,从每题所给的A、B、和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIf yu' re new t San Franis, paying the ity a visit, r siply lking fr a new playgrund fr yu and yur dg, here are fur f the finest dg parks in San Franis. rna Heights Dg Parkften visited by residents fr all ver the ity beause f its nearness t the Randall useu, rna H

10、eightsDg Park ffers pets and wners breathtaking views, after a steep hillside lib, and a fened dg area that allws dgs t let lse withut a leash(狗链).wners willals eny the playgrund, tennis urts and basketball urts. Dlres Dg ParkThe grunds f Dlres Park ne served as aps fr thse wh were left heless by th

11、e 1906 earthquake, but nw ften visited by rwds f issin Distrit peple. Fur-legged friends an als wander abut arefree ff-leash while aking friends with ther ebers f the dggie unity. Pine Lake Dg ParkNtewrthy fr its plae as a rest stp fr hundreds f speies f birds t fly t and fr warer liates, Pine Lake

12、Park is als prized by ity dgs and their wners fr their nie hiking paths, pituresque lake suited fr swiing, and an ff-leash area n the park's west end that lets dgs run free. Buena Vista Dg ParkAt 146 years yung, Buena Vista Park is San Franis ' s ldest park. Dgs and wners with plus energ

13、y will lve burning it n this park ' s steep paths and winding stairases. Dg wners shuld have gd ntrl ver their dgs, as it ' s quite easy fr dgs t get separated when ging thrugh Buena Vista ' s any twists and turns.1. hy d dg wners take their pets t Dlres Dg Park?A. T let the sialize. B.

14、T give the resue lessns.T help the lse weight. D. T inrease their physial ativities.2. hih dg park is ppular with bird lvers?A. rna Heights Dg Park. B. Dlres Dg Park.Pine Lake Dg Park. D. Buena Vista Dg Park.3. hat is speial abut Buena Vista Dg Park?A. It is suitable fr swiing. B. It is lse t a useu

15、. .Dgs ust be n a leash. D. Dgs an g libing.【答案】1. A 2. 3.【解析】本介绍四个旧金山最好的狗公园。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Dlres Dg Park 中 Fur-leggedfriends an als wander abut arefree ff-leash while akingfriends with ther ebers f the dggie unity.可知, 养狗的人会把他们的宠物带到 Dlres Dg Park 是让他们交往。故 选A。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Pine Lake Dg Park 中 Ntewrthy

16、 frits plae as a rest stp fr hundreds f speies f birds t fly t and fr warer liates,可知,Pine Lake Dg Park 在鸟类爱好者中很受欢迎。故选。【3题详解】唯理判断题。根据Buena Vista Dg Park 中 Dg wnersshuld have gd ntrl ver their dgs, as it' s quite easyfr dgs t get separated when ging thrugh Buena Vista's any twists and turns.

17、可知,在 Buena Vista Dg Park 狗必须被拴住。故选。Bhen Gitanali Ra shared hw she likes “ finding slutins t real prbles ” , it was hard t iagine this dynai 11-year-ld girl uld settle a prble that has esaped sientists fr years.In ust three nths, Ra ae up with a devie(装置)that an replae the stly and lengthy tests urre

18、ntly used t reliably deterine lead levels in ur fresh water.Inspired by the urrent litigatin(诉讼) in Flint,ihigan, a ase f water pllutin fr 2014 t 2015, Ra designed a new testing syste that resulted in her being naed Aeria ' s Tp yung Sientist fr 2017.Ra had been fllwing the water prble fr abut t

19、w years. She was aazed by the nuber f peple affeted by lead pllutin in water and wanted t d sething t hange this.Gitanali spent nths trying t nvine lal high shls and lleges t give her lab tie t ntinue her experient. At he, Gitanali wrked n her pret in the“siene r ” sheasked her parents t reate fr he

20、r. Ra has reated a devie that uses three parts: a artridge, a Bluetth reader and an app. T put it siply, the artridge ntains arbn nantubes (纳米管)that reat t lead. This reatin is thenregistered by the Bluetth reader, whih sends a signal t a bile app that an tell yu iediately if yur water is safe t dri

21、nk.Ra apprpriately naed the devie Tethys after the Greek gddess f fresh water, and is hping t ake a little iprveent t get the devie n the arket. hile we ay nt be aware f any lead pllutin present in ur aging pipelines, lead pisning an ause delays in physial and entaldevelpent. ith Ra believing that t

22、he“ purpse f sieneis t ake a differene ” , her inredible inventin uld ake a differene t illins f peple in the United States.4. hat d we knw abut Ra ' s devie?A. It ' s heap and quik.B. It ' s heap and inaurate.It ' s expensive and reliable.D. It ' s prtable and tie-nsuing.5. hat

23、ade Ra have the idea f designing the devie?A. Her parents ' suggestins.B. The nae f the Greek gddess.Her interest in settling real prbles.D. The water pllutin litigatin in Flint.6. hat d the arbn nantubes funtin as?A. Sending iediate signals.B. Rerding the reatin results.Deteting the presene f l

24、ead.D. Shwing the water quality results.7. hat des the authr think f Ra' s inventin?A. It will lead Ra t ake a frtune.8. It will help illins f Aerians drink safe water.It will prte the develpent f siene in Aeria.D. It will sn settle the lead-plluted prble thrughly.【答案】4. A 5. D 6. 7. B【解析】本是一篇记叙

25、。介绍 Gitanali Ra 在分享“找到解决 实际问题的方法”时,这个充满活力的11岁女孩怎样解决一个多年一直困扰着科学家的问题。Ra相信“科学的目的是为了改变现状”,她那令人难以置信的发明可能会对美国数 百万人产生影响。【4题详解】唯理判断题。根据第二段中 Ra ae up with a devie (装 置)that an replae the stly and lengthy tests urrently used t reliably deterine lead levels in ur fresh water. 可知,关于Ra的设备我们知道它既便宜又快速。故选Ao【5题详解】细节

26、理解题。根据第二段中Inspired by the urrentlitigatin (诉讼)in Flint, ihigan,可知,Flint 的水污 染诉讼让Ra想到了设计这个设备的想法。故选 Do【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中 T put it siply, the artridge ntains arbn nantubes (纳米管)that reat t lead. 可知,碳纳米管的作用是探测到铅的存在。故选。【7题详解】唯理判断题。根据最后一段中ith Ra believing thatthe “purpse f siene is t ake a differene "

27、;,her inredible inventin uld ake a differene t illins f peple in theUnited States.可知,作者认为Ra的发明将帮助数百万美国人饮用安全的水。故选BoIagine et-setting fr Tky t Paris, enying first-lass travel, a fur-urse dinner and a ity tur all withutleaving the grund. This is the future f air travel arding t apanese pany First Airli

28、nes, whih has used the pwer f virtual reality t reate drea vaatins.Passengers avid the stly airprt transfer, the baggage fees r busy airprt terinal(航站楼)一andinstead eny the privileges f business r first-lass travel and an expensive tur f Paris all while reaining tinless in Tky. As well as Paris, Firs

29、t Airlines als ffers the virtual destinatins f Newyrk, Re and Hawaii.After barding, guests an settle dwn fr the tw-hur flight n their advaned Airbus seat surrunded by deratin that is deled n the inside f an airraft, fr axiu realis. There is flight servie and VR, fds, usi fr every destinatin. Passeng

30、ers will be served a deliius eal by air stewards, alngside drinks and ther desserts. The enu depends n the destinatin f hie anhattan la hwder and heeseake fr New yrk and saln tartar and nin sup fr Paris. After landing at the destinatin, guests an eny a 360-degree tur f the destinatin all thanks t pr

31、etin (投影)apping and vide.It akes fr a suppsedly stress-free vaatin, perfet fr thse whse ability t travel abrad is liited by st r health. Virtual reality is being inreasingly present everywhere at all ties in the wrld f travel allwingtravelers t appreiate the wnders f the wrld, all withut leaving the

32、ir huse.At ust 4,980 yen ($ 46) fr business lass and 5,980 yen ($ 56) fr first lass these tw- hur flights are far re affrdable than their real-life flights. Tky itizens eager t experiene First Airlines an bk a trip n the website, with reservatins urrently being taken until ay 2018.8. hat an we learn

33、 abut the future f air travel fr Tky t Paris?A. It is high-flying. B. It is ney-saving.It is pwer-wasting. D. It is tie-nsuing.9. hen an passengers eny the beauty f the destinatin?A. Upn arrival. B. During the flight.After barding the plane. D. n getting ff the plane.10. The flight is perfet fr trav

34、elers wh .A. d little physial exerise B. wrk under great pressure.desire t travel a lng distane D. have health r ney trubles11. hat an be the best title fr the text?A. A Sientifi Fantasy B. The Pwer f Virtual Reality.apan ' s Virtual Air Travel Abrad D. Appreiatin f the Glbal nders【答案】8. B 9. A

35、10. D 11.【解析】本是一篇科普类。根据日本公司第一航空公司的说法, 描述了航空旅行的未,它利用虚拟现实的力量创造了梦幻般 的假期。【8题详解】推理判 断题。Passengers avid the stly airprt transfer, the baggage fees r busy airprt terinal(航站楼) 一 and instead eny the privileges f business r first-lass travel and an expensive tur f Paris- allwhile reaining tinless in Tky.可知,从东京到巴黎,我们能了解到航空旅行的未是省钱。故选Bo【9题详解】唯理判断题。根据第二段中 As well as Paris,


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