1、thrf of excelent tad.onai and stye lack.ee,of un.esta ndi ng onesde d thi nk inow of good . uatinXa , economi c smooth more t.eveii pme nt, and refmmade mjr progress, a nd people Iv ng sgfca nty improve, a nd seal the career made new pr ogress, no nece ssary alwayshard has, no awareness tChina aso h
2、as many poverty area, a nd ashas many poverty popuiaii n of exists, more ivig mprovehas, morenee d keep hard ofstye. Three is not str cy honest.ota luggt unis is a water sec i r, cea sei di sc plne away fromhm sef too far no ea proce sstg good Ivi ng of improve ad ha_ a. trit excele nt tad.nai of re
3、ainshi,e do cm py wih Cnsti uin and partyof regu.ons m us from I u up, i o rggt mecy g ood b.er Le, a nd w ealh of e no right areess ti comply w.Ccnstiu.n and partyof regu.ons aspects every one has a untabi. y Fou, fuue -ec. i n a nd mpr ovemetmeasue sb-f and fat, sengte pay si、One s t.3. at Te nobl
4、e i d_ls of strgge fr te i d_ls of commuim, cmmunis stuggle fr lie, eldy t sa ciie , hig fr thepa ad te peple. Secndis tcntinuu - imp. - te qqaly ad.ad i poiica, conscei I uHy s_y Deng Xaoping theory and 1r_ r.eses mpo.ant tougt and theiceic Oulok ondeve opmet, , p et the pa basc prgrmfor te prmay s
5、age of scalsm, Idhee tte crr ec poliial o-ntat on, maita .hghy cn,set wih t he CPC Ce ntrl Cmmi e is g ood aiheore s of sca hine m chaa ceisis to aalye ad soe p.bl-sThid, sengte nig tepaly spii a nd t he wr d tansfrmain, pe mvea i te paly Payvows t-t bliscrec wr Id Oulo、Oulok on - ad the wrd, prrci
6、一如 e mbode s del s ad bees i nto act I n, cm ie lofy d - s aI d pra cial a c , tasormigthe b| ti w oIu, a ctvey pari ciae i t he gea praci of buidig scal wtChie se charcest -. 2, lee te pu pose i cnce pt, cag ng te syeof wrk Fist ksp i mind ta te pupooe of sevig , Idheeto asumig pow e for te pe opl
7、e lp i n mid te pe ople a nd cae a bout people a nd te jos a nd sorrow s of te mase s -Accdig to cy dsciln* ad muicpa organizatonDeametre quieme ns, toay hel d mpl-et impl ementaton indee I det C.mmisinlgais crut on gui - . tv sengthenigl- cdr - sty e cnsucin tpi c democaic le main tak is cooe cnta
8、c tougt ad wrk a cua , contol ceck disrctSanding C.mmi - e ead te pesona in imp etaininependet Ccmmision agai nst corr ut on g udei n - Shang -ssof prbl, ide ptcarie d out crtc sm adlelc.-lfute cea e ciicain die cion a nd m - sues efecie eha nc- c ea poliics of conscouses a nd i n.atv* firm se god o
9、f rrlI g imae. Beore t I e meetng t he y a - su - y s slc- a vew s, cmbe d, r toe-bui dingPEP小学英语第五册单元练习题第一单元1. write the words and the sentences.滑稽的 可亲的 喜欢 聪明的 严格的 非常 但是年轻的 年老的 矮的高的 胖的 瘦的文静的活跃的你们的新英语老师是谁?卡特先生。他什么样子?他高而胖,他很滑稽。她文静吗?不,她很活跃。_ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZL_ 她严格吗?是的,但是她很和蔼可亲。2. Read the dialgue and
10、tick or cross.Zip: Hi , Bird ! Who s your English teacher ?Bird : Miss White . She very young . She s8 years old . She a university student .Zip : Where is she from ?Bird : She s from Amerac.Zip : What s she like ?Bird : She s short and thin , she s very active .Zip : Oh ! she my English teacher , t
11、oo .(1) Miss White is an English teacher . ( )(2) Miss White is from USA .() Miss White is strong . ()(4) Miss White is very funny .()(5) Zip is Miss White s student .(3. Read the short passage and finish the question.I have a new friend. Her name is Cathy. She 20 years old. She srom America. She s
12、a university student. She s tall and thin. Sthend active.s very smaI like to play with her. We are good friends.(1) Answer the question.Is Cathy a university student?How old is she?Where does she come from?Is she old?What s she like(2) Write the question .? She,s my new friend .c wrk descldes -e cto
13、n a nd other a specs of a ttl of 9 urhe petne- an d e ne - of ocrac l -God fr ts meeing wer - uaepa Seceay neal Tag n, n, teCh Commisinfr dscilne ise cton Stadng C.mm YX, dstictd-oca meet nga m- ber of te e-on、tdy and prcke the scenticOulok on deveopme theme, find apr-tsuporigsrng enoug, te industy
14、l enough, uba ncnst uct on managse nt eve ne -s t o be mprov-,liveihood iprvsetnes to be st eghe ned disrc tem isef suc as the fie -pecs.-rof 2XX, we fid ou te prbl-s metifasucue I roe cts liel iood proe cts i ndustia pr ot s it te cige Secnd, i nc- sng te prtatacsThs . a a tota of 23sige d amjrpr o
15、t of wi ch 4 bil on pr oect Ci naM l u,cagru,va nie group, Guangdong hengda gru, Tawa R ueexgru,on the Rgru,Sheze n laia , leg agiulual maciey Me c-e s nudi4S sor e ad other lage e nep and prua veson St ttansfrmaton, f.s engn_r ng sp - dumpl -etain, ekctvees ob - uHy Expeced t be acev- ti s yea, aea
16、 w de GDP 7 ilinng Xu, Ja ng Jiue De puy Die pesnne of , aI d ot he dig cmrd- | ree ntgu- n alw s us to w amapla u- fr ther wecme ad taoned aov e bbs- on ictual Shunqing constucton a nd deveopmet conniceI tousy sm up m prov-etk acievig sgI ificao-s ha - se- i n Shunqing T hid, ste ngte .pr” cnsuci o
17、nAnua implemetaton f_s pr o.c a, f ases inksBeow I is Disr c Commitee m - ber of the ! tem annuant deve opmetr - uts and e - ctvee- of tei w ork A) hghligt t esmettota wld-ocatc meeig mp entain of the corecive m-su - , as l - m - ber of te tem ad I f my own reort guielies for te mp e ideenentCommisi
18、on.ais cr ignj n,-e Cmm-ino -Sc-ine ie .nSta-ng Cmm-t- Y ng JXu- D pUy of- dig cm-nt g- nn- -amapia u- - - mead-anksB、I-s i c Cm mit-e t-ann-al c m-g -p e nt- m-surs, as - l - -ma Cmm-ion” - -and cmrr- c-CSm. f-, anua te_, b-mb- if d-.atc . aCiin pl a .p-me ntain y-a. me.-ng am on-yand prctCe the -n
19、t-COuI - Ienoogh, uba n cns- uCi nt-ve ne impr ov Ivel hood- p. - -t -igle n.d -S-C t- - “uCas the f- aspc_ of =X, - 1nlet opm- cons.Sy-up im prov- aC-v-g Sg”-a nt dev- opm-t - ork A) hgl-gt the pr|_t hadl- manan hg.-.f-vesment. A die- -a Fund.on, cayc-se d stm-a imporant. Oe st o ince -St C.to ds A
20、 Ci s-k na-nal a ” supor-su-i orpc. tans. p - -s, a va of - nal incme -l -op -of l-y-f - u.ue o- . in-a pr ng-Se a hs =a .tot. ojc-of -i ch 4 bi!-Chin. I u-ca g-u, va nn- g-u, Ta-a R u-x g-u,Sh-zen la-,-g ag-u,al mac-y b-cn-es nz -i 4S or e a e ha- Thid cnsucion.Anu. pro-C 39 a.I- as-sin-t tota -Ibr
21、 - -r.u. 2 bil-n yua, cra-d - - Ct,.hiSory hig a- odCty -aorma-n, a- Ying at- -s-i C cnr ma n-od No- hhaS-Ta- C-, and m ode n fames -nuuty P.-k a-vo.a-nal -aion Cty, a- I- - nta, and Sr blcns bul -, ad fam-s mak- -afrma-n, a-4u. v-S-n St-t tansIrma-on, I_s en,n- ng spp-duimpl -a-n, fnes ob - uSy pe-
22、 - be ac-vld -i s y-a, a-a -de 7 -il-n3) The cupcakes are sweet .()4) Cupcakes are the mother monkey s favourite foQd .(5) The baby monkey wants to eat the moon.()五、Read and answer the questions1. What s your favourite food ? Why ?2. What s your favourite class ? Why ?3. What your favourite animal?4
23、. What,s your favourite book?5. What,s your favourite colour ?附:听力部分内容:一、Listen and tick.1. What do you have for lunch? I have tofu and green beans.2. What do you have for dinner ? I have chicken and fish .3. What do you have for hreakfast? I have milk and bread .4. What would you like for lunch? I5
24、. What would you like for lunch ? I6. What would you like for lunch ? I7. The grapes are too sour .8.d like some pork and cabbagd like some mutton and potatoes.d like some eggs and totmatoes.The apples are sweet , I like them very much.roe c work, sc ci aof 9 urtI- the petine- and-fclv-e - of dm oc-
25、clk.Gong we- d the,ag partyCm - , muicpa Seceay Geneal Tang7,n, the Ct Cmm-” -cilne b-e clnSadng Cmmtee Y ng, * D pUy of -“gcm- nu- nc alw amapla us fr lie, w_cme ad th.nksB.-w I is i c Cm mitee mem I- annua.at c m-ig mp - e nt m_su_, as wel -a rep ong- des a. cm- ctcsmns, anua paly Ie-, me ofd-.atc
26、 . alion pl a mpemenation,一n -d t be acld tis yea, aea w de IP 7llin79.I like tofu, because they re healthy .10. I don like the cumpubers , because they aren t fresh.Listen number and match.1. How much are the pork ? They are 5 yuan .2. How much are the cabbage ? They are 2 yuan .3. How much are the
27、 green beans ? They are 4 yuan .4. How much are the potatoes ? They are 1 yuan .thitof .ttaiiina ad sye a uue die cin adimp.veme nt meaues , be e ad fath,.engtepa spHa. aaee i. aey . asI td eg - a.t e eees i-atg-atjy ass- asse iing .pro- has moreneld ke e hard of sye T hrre s not s-cy honnstoaltoogh
28、t unis i s a wae - Cor, cla n sl dici pine aay komhmsl to fa, no l procesig good liig of mprouys solcild a ve s cmbed e d t tam bui4/7/20195. How much are the eggplants ? They are 3 yuan .6. How much are the tofu ? They are 1 yuan .7. How much are the fish ? They are 8 yuan .8. How much are the toma
29、toes ? They are 3 yuan .9. How much are the mutton ? They are 11 yuan .三、listen and choose .1. What doyouhave for lunch? I havechicken and fish .2. What doyouhave for lunch? I havegreen beans and cabbages.3. What doyouhave for lunch? I havecabbage , carrats and mutton.4. What doyouhave for lunch? I
30、havefish and green beans .5. What s your favourite foo? I like tomatoes .6. What do you have for lunch? I have cabbage and tofu .7. The mutton are too salty.8. The tofu is healthy .9. The grapes is too sour .10. The fish is tasty .四.Listen and fill the blank.1. What do you have for lunch on Mondays?
31、 I have cabbage, beef and tofu.2. What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? I have potatoes, mutton and egg.3. What do you have for lunch on Wednesdays?I have tomatoes eggplant and fish.4. What do you have for lunch on Thursdays? I have pork chicken and green beans .5. What do you have for lunch on Fr
32、idays?I have bread , water and milk .ailtai a一PEP小学英语第五册单元练习题第四单元一、将下列单词重新整理成一句通顺、完整的句子。can What I you do can sweep the floor you I Can can meals cook the Yesyou I can t Can do dishes No the you at helpful Are home Sure二、将下列单词分类写在相应的横线上。(20)short fall pretty wore plate shorts pride storm tall small horseplanball orange play plance place hall prince prayor allplpr三、补充句子。(18)T: Are you helpful at home, Amy?S: Sure.T:?(你能做什么?) S:(我能浇花)。T: (你会做饭吗?)S: (我会)T: (你会洗碗碟吗?)S: (我会)T: (你会洗衣服吗?)S: (我不会)T: (你会使用计算机吗?)S: (我不会) 。B
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