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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2020届 新高考英语模拟仿真卷 第3卷1、Best London walking tours Sandemans New London Tours    Cain an attractive insight into London's history. Visit the City of London, stopping at St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London; explore East Londoncovering Brick lane, Cockney cultu

2、re and the criminal underworld; learn about Jack the Ripper; or board on a five-venue pub crawl.    Opening Times: Daily at 11:00 and 14:00City Visitor Trail    The City Visitor Trail takes you on a journey through the heart of London. Take in famous attractions such as

3、 St Pauls Cathedral, Guildhall, the Bank of England and the Tower of London or try the themed "side-tracks", each one moving away from the main path to give a more in-depth look at one part of the city.    Opening Times: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Check with in

4、dividual attractions for entry requirements.Brit Movie Tours    Join a unique movie and TV sightseeing walking tour experience in London and go on location to see incredible sets and fascinating landmarks. Local guides provide fascinating insights into the industry and there are multi

5、ple tours available, including Doctor Who, Gangsof London and Harry Potter Tour of London locations.   Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pmRoyal Tour of London    Visit three royal palaces as you journey from Big Ben to Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. A

6、long the way you will discover plots to destroy Parliament,Churchills hidden shelter,very expensive clubs for the rich and famous, and more. And if that's not enough excitement, listen closely for incredible tales of man-eating pelicans(鹈鹕) and crazy lost tourists. This walking tour is run by St

7、rawberry Tours.    Opening Times: The tour starts at 10 am everyday.1.Which tour can you join at any time?A.Sandemans New London ToursB.City Visitor TrailC.Brit Movie ToursD.Royal Tour of London2.What can you do on a movie sightseeing tour?A.Learn some Londons history.B.Participate in

8、 making films.C.Visit some film-making locations.D.Act as a local guide.3.Whats thrilling on the Royal Tour of London?A.Visiting places of interest.B.Meeting famous people.C.Exploring new spots.D.Listening to amazing legends.2、I am Fionn Ferreira, an Irish teenager. I am very delighted to have won $

9、50,000 for my project. My project came about as 1 was constantly hearing about plastic pollution on the news. And I also see the real effects on our beaches every day. I discovered, to my shock,that at present no filtration (过滤)for microplastics takes place in any European wastewater treatment centr

10、es, so I started looking for a solution. Seeing that there was none,I decided to investigate further,finally finding a way to use the ferrofluid(铁磁流体),a liquid which sticks to the plastic allowing it to be removed using magnets. After over 1,000 tests I have proved that my method would remove 87% or

11、 higher of microplastics. I grew up in West Cork, Ireland. My hometown is surrounded by untouched nature. This has been my primary inspiration about how nature works. I soon discovered that science really was in everything. The fact that I lived in such a remote place meant that I had to build my ow

12、n equipment and lab to conduct tests and experiments. Inspired by scientists such as Ben Feringa and his work with organic chemistry and nanotechnology (纳米技术),I would like to study chemistry or chemical engineering when finishing my last year of secondary school. Both of these subjects will be suite

13、d to me as I really enjoy problem-solving and experiments. One of the most valuable rewards from the science fair for me is the opportunity to present my work to a group of professional judges. Winning the prize is a great honour to me as this is an acknowledgement of my project and ideas. Also, win

14、ning the prize will give my project more attention. There is nothing I would like to see more than my project to be used in addressing microplastics in our oceans worldwide.1. What do we know about Fionn?A. He is studying at college.B. He lives by the sea.C. He works for a science fair.D. He was bor

15、n in America.2. Why did Fionn set up the project?A. To purify the polluted air.B. To recycle microplastics in cities.C. To collect plastic wastes in water.D. To remove microplastics from water.3. Which of the following can be used to describe Fionn?A. Competitive.B. Creative.C. Optimistic.D. Humorou

16、s.4. What is Fionn looking forward to?A. Seeing his project applied widely in real life.B. Going to the science fair to get another prize.C. Attracting more attention to his project.D. Getting his project acknowledged by the judges.3、Some of the most powerful companies in the world have co-founders.

17、 For example, Google (Sergey Brin and Larry Page), Apple (Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs), and Microsoft (Bill Gates and Paul Allen) and so on. Having partners can help to deal with the pressure and the failures that come with running a business. No matter how down on your luck you feel they may provi

18、de emotional support. They may have extra skills, and be on hand to help out with the day-to-day problems. And an alternate point of view may help to broaden your mind and aid the risk of mistakes being overlooked. Everybody knows Samsungs Galaxy Note 7. When the phone was launched in 2016, customer

19、s praised it for its storage, design and usability, and it may well have been a hit if it weren't for the fact that it occasionally caught fire and exploded. It was soon banned immediately from flights, and Samsung had no choice but to recall the entire model. The shortcoming reportedly cost the

20、 company $1 billion, and a further $17 billion in lost sales. But remember, based on the lesson, the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy Note 9 are well received in the world! Now we know that failing is part of business success.One thing that all great companies have in common is that they have failed man

21、y timesand luckily, they bounced back. Take Sarah Blakely, founder of shapewear brand Spanx for example. She credits her business success specifically to her failures. "I'd get kicked out of buildings all day long," she remembered. "People would tear up my business card in my face

22、. But my friends and I knew I could sell and I knew I wanted to sell something I had created I learned that 'no' doesn't always mean 'no', and that you may get 30 nos before you get the one yes. People told me no with Spanx for two years." Spanx is worth just over $1 billion

23、it was a company that Blakely who took a degree in a law school started with just $5 000!(1).What can we learn from the examples in Paragraph 1?A.Two heads are better than one.B.Constant dropping wears the stone.C.God helps those who help themselves.D.All things are difficult before they are easy.(2

24、).Why does the author mention Samsungs Galaxy Note 7, 8 and 9?A.To suggest customers should follow the new trends.B.To prove Samsung is responsible for customers.C.To show Samsung paid for its product failure.D.To explain that failures don't spell the end.(3).What mainly contributed to Sarah Bla

25、kely's success?A.Her friends' help.B.Her will power.C.Her good luck.D.Her education background.(4).How does the author develop the passage?A.By making contrast. B.By making classification.C.By giving examples.D.By giving numbers.4、    The alarm sounds. Students swing their bac

26、kpack over their shoulder, board the school bus, make their way to their homeroom and the bell rings school is back. But for more homes in America, school looks more like students waking up, making their way to the dining room or home office, setting up laptops and learning in the comfort of home.&#

27、160;   Virtual(虚拟的) schooling, described as “a public school that offers only instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or place, and interaction occurs via computers and/or telecommunications (电信) technologies”, has increased over the past decade. According to t

28、he National Education Policy Center, enrollments(注册人数) in virtual schools increased by 17,000 between the 2015 2016 school year and the 20162017 school year to 295,518.    For Arizona Virtual Academy, a full-time online public K-12 school, they use K12 Inc. curriculums. K12 Inc. serve

29、s students in all 50 states and more than 100 countries with digital learning platforms and technology, providing online education. “We always are improving our platforms and the technology that we use to make sure that we've keeping up with the changing trends, not only with education but also

30、with technology," Dr. Kelly Van Sande said. Another piece of new technology they've rolled out is a new app where parents can find virtual schools available in their area.    Carrie Faulkner chose to enroll two of her children in Arizona Virtual Academy. She says theyve done

31、schooling online in Chicago, in California, at restaurants and on her cousin's floor in Kansas. "It doesnt matter whether he (her son) is on the couch, in his bed or at the kitchen table, he can do schooling wherever he wants to," Faulkner said. "I wish they had it for me back whe

32、n I was in school. That would have been awesome."1.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?A.To give an example of virtual schooling.B.To introduce the topic "virtual schooling".C.To describe vividly students' going to school.D.To compare real schooling with virtual schoolin

33、g.2.How many students attended virtual schools during the 2015 2016 school year?A.17,000.B.147,759.C.278,518.D.295,518.3.What can we infer about Arizona Virtual Academy?A.They provide both online and offline education.B.They're intended for students in the United States.C.Their new app lets peop

34、le find schools nationwide.D.Their platforms and technology are very advanced.4.What is Carrie Faulkners attitude to virtual schooling?A.Favorable.B.Doubtful.C.Indifferent.D.Disapproving.5、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。    I did not go on my first hike until my mid-30s. I c

35、ould blame it on the fact that I grew up on the Great Plains of South Dakota and North Dakota. _Having never gone, I didn't see the value and always shook my head when asked.    _At the urging of my wife, and with my two young kids, we walked a beautiful forest path

36、 on a cool August morning. I carried a small backpack with water and snacks (小吃). When we reached the top, we ate lunch together overlooking a perfectly still pond and a scenic Vemiont.    A few weeks ago, my 11 -year-old son, my 61 -year-old dad, and I hiked Camelback Mountain in Pho

37、enix. Last weekend, I hiked down the Grand Canyon with my son along the South Kaibab Trail. And later this week, my wife and daughter will join us to walk the Waterfall Trail in the White Tank Mountains. _    Now, just to be clear, by no means would I classify myself as an expert

38、 hiker. _And I have no plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or walk the Appalachian Trail, But waking early on a Saturday morning to walk 3 5 miles along a forest path with lunch in the backpack is a journey I'd recommend to anyone.    It is healthy physical exercise that cr

39、eates wonderful memories. _And given the chance, hiking teaches us important truths about life.A. Most of our hikes only last 2 hours.B. Ive fallen in love with climbing mountains.C. I love the stillness and calm of an empty path.D. But mostly, to be honest, I just wasn't int

40、erested.E. If you can climb a mountain, you can do anything.F. It provides an opportunity to slow down and disconnect.G. I went on my first hike a few years back while living in Vermont.6、    It was just a harmless joke. Old Lady Hayes     1 

41、60;   it. She used to scream at us for "borrowing" a few of her precious raspberries(木莓),like we were     2     gold.    George practiced     3     the box out of reach by the string. I

42、 couldnt wait to see it fly away when she tried to pick it up.    I was first to notice my dad in the doorway. Dad walked slowly to the empty candy box. He picked it up, and watched it swing back and forth. Then he looked into the eyes of the     4   

43、;  boys.    “It doesn't seem so long ago that I was playing     5    ," he said. "One year my cousins and I decided to try one on our Grandma Walker     6     we loved her. We sneaked up to h

44、er     7     and drew a gift there with red paint. Then we kicked the door and     8     behind the bushes. When Grandma     9     appeared, she looked down. Even from 15 feet away

45、 we could see the     10     in her eyes. Grandma reached for the fresh paint. Slowly, she     11     our joke. She tried to smile, absently wiping red paint on her clean and white apron(围裙). "Dad    

46、 12    , and for the first time I noticed that his eyes were     13    . " Grandma died later that year. I never had another chance to give her a real gift."    Later that night a red, heart-shaped box was    

47、14     on Mrs. Hayes front doorstep. We hid behind the bushes to see how she would     15     to receiving a full box of candy.1.A.deserved    B.got    C.made    D.called2.A.findin

48、g    B.stealing    C.buying    D.giving3.A.opening    B.closing    C.pulling    D.putting4.A.frightened    B.surprised    C.delighted &

49、#160;  D.amused5.A.jokes    B.games    C.roles    D.sports6.A.even though    B.so that    C.in case    D.as if7.A.room    B.house   

50、60;C.doorstep    D.window8.A.sat    B.hid    C.stood    D.fled9.A.room    B.house    C.doorstep    D.window10.A.hurt    B.joy  

51、60; C.trust    D.concern11.A.turned into    B.gave away    C.figured out    D.talked about12.A.left    B.finished    C.started    D.paused13.A.weak &#

52、160;  B.bright    C.open    D.wet14.A.opened    B.carried    C.placed    D.made15.A.reply    B.react    C.refer    D.return7、The H

53、an people have its own spoken and written language-Chinese. Chinese belongs to the Han-Tibetan language family. It is the _ (common) used language in China and among the largest languages in the world.Written Chinese came out in _ (it) earliest form approximately 6,000 years ago. The Chinese charact

54、ers _ (use) today, also called "Hanzi", developed from those used in bones and tortoise shells more than 3,000 years ago. There are about 56,000 characters, of which only about 3,000 are in common use. Mandarin is a category (种类) of Chinese _ (dialect) spoken across most of northern and _

55、(southwest) China. The term "Mandarin" can also refer to Standard Mandarin, which _ (base) on the Mandarin dialect spoken in Beijing. It is officially considered to be the standard for the People's Republic of China.Why do most non-Chinese speakers choose to learn standard Mandarin Chi

56、nese? Mandarin is understood by most Chinese people. As mentioned above, it is China's national language. _ you are interested in basic communication, scholarly research, or _ (pursue) a career in China, standard Mandarin is _ necessary tool for communication. And it often serves _ a bridge for

57、communication.8、假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter即将作为交换生到北京某中学学习,他向你咨询中国高中生课余时间经常参加的活动以及你喜欢的课外活动。请根据以下要点给他回一封邮件:1. 欢迎他来中国学习;2. 高中生常参加的课外活动;3. 你喜欢的课外活动。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_9、阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。To anyone else, it was just a simple white cotton bag, but to me, it was a canv

58、as(油画布) for my latest masterpiece. I laid it flat on the six-foot-long wooden table in my kitchen. With one hand I held down a corner of the bag and with the other clipped my brush in the paint and touched it to the canvas, and slowly an image took shape. Painting was hard, but I enjoyed it. And my

59、friends and family loved the bags. "I get tons of praise for mine,” my mother told me.Only getting those paintings appreciated was quite not the honor I'd dreamed of when I first picked up a paintbrush as a kid. I used to aim higher. I wanted my work to appear in the Louvre Museum in Paris,

60、 right next to the Mona Lisa. But even then, I knew what a wild dream it was.My parents encouraged my interest, and paid for art lessons. In high school, I joined an art club, and showed my work along with other local artists in an exhibition. I started college and majored in fine art, took classes

61、in drawing and design. But the farthest I ever traveled to was New York City. The Louvre might as well have been on another planet. Then things changed. I met and fell in love with Charlie. After we got married, I took a break from art.When I finally picked up a brush, I was rusty and lost my inspir

62、ation. I tried a landscape but it was flat. Things in the foreground were the same size as in the background. I'd lost the ability. I was frustrated and threw down my brush. Maybe I'd never really had any talent at all. Charlie turned me around. "You have a talent,” he told me. “Keep pa

63、inting."Paragraph 1 :One day, walking through town, I found some white cotton bags in a store window. _Paragraph 2 :The next month, Charlie and I visited the Louvre Museum in Paris. _ 答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.D解析:1.根据文中City Visitor Trail部分的"Opening Times: Available 24 hours a day,7 days a week”可知 City Visitor Trail 开放时间是一天24


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