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1、【步步高】2015届高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality同步导学 外研版必修5重点单词1.perform /pfm/ vi.表现2.guarantee /ærnti/ vt.保证;n.保证;保修单3purchase /pts/ vt.& n购买 4.specific /spsIfIk/ adj.具体的;特定的5score /sk/ v& n得分 6.quality /kwlti/ n特性;品德;品性7victory /vIktri/ n胜利 8.dramatically /drmætIkli/ adv.戏剧性地

2、9symbol /sImbl/ n符号 10.ultimate /ltImt/ adj.最后的11advantage /dvntId/ n优势;长处(反义词)disadvantage n劣势12retire /rItaI/ vi.退休retirement n退休13champion /tæmpin/ n冠军championship n冠军地位;锦标赛14declare /dIkle/ vt.宣布declaration n宣布;声明15competitor /kmpetIt/ n竞争者;对手compete vi.竞争,对抗competition n竞争,竞赛重点短语1.rise to

3、ones feet站起身2.be up to sb.由某人决定3every ten seconds每十秒钟 4.have an advantage over比有优势5on the increase正在增加 6.six out of seven七分之六7vote for投票赞成 pete with和竞争经典句型1.But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport,Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.但即使是已经赢得了自己在运动项目上

4、所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败感退了役。2The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase and sport had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。3A pair of Nike trainers,for example,could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双李宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。4If you

5、 go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生。5The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest.马拉松是奥运会的最后一项赛事,因此它被认为是最难的项目。语境记忆The trainer and

6、the gymnasts wear the same track­suits and walk to the stadium.Today they will face a tough competitor,so they cant guarantee their victory.构词记忆explosion /Ikspln/ n1.C&U爆炸/发(声)2.C激增expression /Ikspren/ n1.C&U表达;表示2.C表达方式;词语3C表情;脸色possession /pzen/ n1.U所有;拥有2.C所有物;财产1He is a retired teac

7、her.He has retired from teaching 3 years ago and now he lives in retirement in his hometown.(retire)2Thanks to the competition,the two competitors competing for the contract become good friends now.(competition)3Tickets may be purchased(购买)in advance from the box office.4If you send the application

8、form in a straight way,I can guarantee(保证)you an interview.5Younger workers tend to be at an advantage(优势)when applying for jobs.6To our great disappointment,the team performed(表现)poorly on Saturday.7She rose from her seat to protest(抗议)8A good friend is someone you can always turn to when things ge

9、t tough(困难的,棘手的)1have/gain/win an advantage over占/获得优势have the advantage of有的优势take advantage of利用to ones advantage对某人有利的是at an advantage处于有利地位These books have many advantages.这些书有许多优点。(2012·辽宁·书面表达)I have the language advantages over others.我比其他人占有语言上的优势。(2010·天津·书面表达)夯实基础语法填空(1

10、)We gain an advantage over our opponent because of much more resources.(2)They saw a new opportunity and took advantage of it.(3)He knew it was to his advantage to raise the first objection.(4)Handsome men are always at an advantage.2guarantee sb.sth.保证某人某事guarantee to do sth.保证去做某事be guaranteed to

11、do.肯定做under guarantee在保修期内give sb.a guarantee that.向某人担保All students are guaranteed campus accommodation for their first year.保证安排所有的学生第一年在校内住宿。Even if you complete your training,I cant guarantee you a job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。夯实基础(1)My watch is still under guarantee(在保修期内)(2)Under exceptional condi

12、tions,the method is guaranteed to succeed(肯定会成功) (3)Can you guarantee me a job(你能不能保证给我找到一个工作) when I get there?You know,I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.3in protest (against)抗议without protest情愿地;毫无怨言地protest doing.反对做He protested about the bad food at the hotel.他抗议旅馆的伙食太差。The local p

13、eople have made a strong protest with the minister about the new airport.当地民众为新飞机场问题向部长提出了强烈抗议。夯实基础将下列句子改为复合句(1)She protested her innocence.She protested that she was innocent. (2)We protested his being released. We protested that he was released. 4declare.to be.宣布为declare war on.向宣战declare for/agai

14、nst表示赞成/反对He declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world.他表明自己想要成为世界上最好的高尔夫球选手。The UN.has declared it to be a safe zone.联合国已宣布它为安全区。夯实基础(1)用declare,announce的适当形式填空Our country has declared against any war between South Korea and North Korea,which will be announced.(2)语法填空The governm

15、ent has declared war on illiteracy.5compete in.参加的比赛compete with/against与竞争compete for.为角逐in competition with与竞争competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的)Several companies are competing for the contract.为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies.我们必须更加努力工作以保持对其他公司具有竞争力。夯实基础(1

16、)用compete的适当形式填空The bank isnt performing as well as some of its competitors.Universities are very competitive for the best students.Theres been some fierce competition for the title.(2)语法填空 More than 10,000 competitors from the world came to Beijing to compete with each other for medals in 2008.1.Th

17、ese years trade between China and EC has been on the increase.2Jim rose to his feet and welcomed his guest.3In the first half,we had the advantage over the opposing team.4Its not easy for a small company to compete with a big one.5The choice is up to John.1increase to.增加到increase by.增加了on the rise(物

18、价)上涨;(经济)上升;(人)步步高升on the decrease在减少Reading more can increase ones knowledge.多读书能增长知识。The population has increased by 10%.人口增长了10%。夯实基础(1)The output increased by over 50%(增加了50%多)(2)The total number has (been) increased to(增长到了)2,000.(3)The number of primary school students in this area is on the d

19、ecrease(正在减少)2rise to ones feet站起来;起立;立起;站起身(stand up)on ones feet站着,站起来;病后痊愈;经历困难后恢复 stand on ones own feet独立自主,自力更生jump to ones feet跳起来struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来Rise to your feet when the visitor comes in.来宾进来时请大家站起来。He cant yet stand on his own feet.他尚不能自立。夯实基础(1)The new chairman hopes to get th

20、e company back on its feet within six months.新董事长希望在六个月以内使公司恢复元气。(2)The soldier struggled to his feet and fired at the enemy.这个士兵挣扎着站起来并朝敌人开枪。1They will send kids to college whatever it takes,even if that means a huge amount of debt(即使这意味着债台高筑)2The chances are that (有可能)you wont have to pay.3Einstei

21、n is thought to be(被认为是) the preeminent physicist of modern times.4The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times bigger than the present one(比目前的大三倍)5The number of the books stolen from the library is large(量很大)If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are

22、 you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.,如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生。(The) Chances are (that).The chance is that.有可能There is every chance that.很有可能What are sb.s chances of doing.?What are the chances that sb.?某人做某事的可能性有多大?It chanced (that).碰巧Chances are

23、that you will pass the exam.你有可能通过这次考试。夯实基础(1)There are chances that I will fail the exam.我有可能考试不及格。(2)The chances are that I will be looking for a new job soon.我有可能很快就会去找一份新的工作。(3)It chanced (that) they were staying at the same hotel.碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。选词填空(1)Dont be afraid of asking your teachers for hel

24、p when it is needed.(2)We had to be patient because it would be some time before we got the full results.(3)Jack felt grateful to his teachers even though he couldnt find words to express it.(4)Dont promise anything unless you are one hundred percent sure.(5)Ill come on condition that John is invite

25、d too.You mean if John comes youll come.教材活用根据课文内容完成下面的短文Li Ning was called the prince of gymnasts,who retired 1.at the age of 26.He was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the twentieth century.Although he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport,Li Ning retired with the feelin

26、g 2.that he had failed.He was 3.disappointed (disappoint) because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.After he retired,he began a new career as a businessman.He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear,peting (compete) with global giants.He chose 5.his own name as the brand mark.

27、The logo is made up 6.of the first two pinyin letters of Li Nings name,L and N.Li Ning gained success quickly and his company has also grown 7.internationally (international)But Li Nings goal was not to make money when he retired.In 1991,he opened 8.a school for gymnasts.Since then he 9.has continue

28、d (continue) to help young people achieve their sporting ambitions.If you are a great sportsperson,anything is possible,10.as Li Nings advertising slogan says.课外拓展阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式It was an extremely hot day.A crew of men 1.were working(work) on the road bed of the railroad when

29、 they 2.were interrupted(interrupt) by a slow moving train.The train stopped and a window in the last car with air condition 3.was raised(raise)A friendly voice called out,“Dave,is that you?”Dave Anderson,the crew chief 4.called(call) back,“Sure is,Jim,and its really good 5.to see(see) you.”With tha

30、t pleasant exchange,Dave Anderson 6.was invited (invite) to join Jim Murphy,the president of the railroad,for a visit.For over an hour the man exchanged pleasantries and then 7.shook(shake) hands warmly as the train pulled out.Dave Andersons crew immediately 8.surrounded(surround) him and a man expr

31、essed astonishment that he knew Jim Murphy,president of the railroad as a personal friend.Dave then explained that 20 years earlier he and Jim Murphy 9.had started(start) to work for the railroad on the same day.One of the men asked Dave why he was still working out in the hot sun and Jim Murphy had

32、 gotten to be president.Rather wistfully Dave explained,“twenty­three years ago I 10.went(go) to work for $1.75 an hour while Jim Murphy for the railroad.”.阅读理解Women had a significant part to play during World War ,which was the time when women also made their own contributions.Some womens grea

33、t efforts and their names have been recorded in history.Heres a look at some of the strong figures of women in World War .Tatiana Nikolaevna Baramzina was born in Glazov of Russia on December 12,1919.In 1943,she was sent to the Central Womens Sniper Training School and upon her graduation in April,s

34、he was further sent to the front.She managed to kill around 16 enemies in the first three months!Unfortunately,she was captured(俘虏) by the enemies and was killed on the fifth of July in 1944.Today,the street where she grew up has been renamed in her memory.Anne Frank was a German­born Jewish gi

35、rl who was well­known for the publication of her diary that described all her experiences when the Germans occupied Holland in World War .Anne was born on June 12,1929 and she,along with her family,went into hiding in July 1942.Two years later,her family was captured and seven months from her a

36、rrest,Anne Frank died of illness in early March 1945.Margaret Ringenberg was born on 17 June,1921,in Indiana of America.She began her career during World War when she became a ferry pilot for the Women Airforce Service Pilots.After that she turned a flight instructor in 1945.She even wrote her own b

37、ook named Girls Cant Be Pilots.She passed away on 28 July,2008,after flying for 40,000 hours in the air.Hannah Szenes was born on 17th July,1921 and was trained to parachute(用降落伞空投) by the British army into Yugoslavia during World War .This task was given in order to save the Jews of Hungary.Her sec

38、ret mission was not revealed even when she was tortured(折磨) following her arrest at the Hungarian border.Hannah Szenes had to brave immense tortures,yet she did not lose heart.She bravely battled it out and tried to sing to keep her spirits high!She also kept a record of events in her diary till 7th

39、 November,1944,when she was finally killed.These names are just a few of the women who played a significant part in World War .Their stories go a long way in showing the kind of lifestyles they led and their struggles and sacrifices.1What is mainly discussed in the text?AWomen were braver than men i

40、n World War .BWomen and men made equal contributions in World War .CWomen played a significant role in World War .DWomens death rate was high in World War .答案C解析主旨大意题。纵观全文,文章首段指出女性在二战中发挥了很大作用,做出了重要贡献,紧接着通过对四位女英雄事迹的介绍说明了这一点,末段也做了总结。因此,本文主要讲述女性在二战中的重要作用,故答案为C项。2Which of the four women heroes died the

41、youngest?ATatiana Baramzina. BAnne Frank.CMargaret Ringenberg. DHannah Szenes.答案B解析细节理解题。比较四人的出生及死亡时间,可知Tatiana Baramzina,Anne Frank,Margaret Ringenberg,Hannah Szenes死时分别为25岁、16岁、87岁、23岁,因此可知Anne Frank去世时最年轻,故答案为B项。3Who were killed by the enemy in the war?ATatiana Baramzina and Anne Frank.BHannah Sz

42、enes and Tatiana Baramzina.CAnne Frank and Margaret Ringenberg.DMargaret Ringenberg and Hannah Szenes.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“Unfortunately,she was captured(俘虏) by the enemies and was killed on the fifth of July in 1944.”和倒数第二段最后一句“She also kept a record of events in her diary till 7th November,1944,w

43、hen she was finally killed.”可知Tatiana Baramzina和Hannah Szenes在战争中被敌人杀害。4The underlined word “brave” in Paragraph 5 means “ ”Afully accept Bgreatly enjoyCthink in a cool way Dface without fear答案D解析词义猜测题。根据上一句的“即使她被捕后受尽折磨也没有泄漏自己的秘密使命”和后一分句“她没有丧失信心”,可以推断brave在此意为“勇敢面对”。.阅读填空 1 It is during sleep that o

44、ur batteries recharge and our brains sort out the days collected problems.During the day millions of bits and pieces of information is fed into the average brain.After 16 hours of this,the brain becomes information­logged.It needs a rest.Different brains need varying amounts of time to recover

45、from the input of all this information. 2 A newborn baby needs 15 hours sleep a day,while the average amount of sleep an adult needs is eight hours. 3 There are many things that may keep you awake at night. 4 Many pains seem worse at night than during the day.If this is the case,ask your doctor to g

46、ive you medicine which will help ease your pain. 5 Try a milky drink and a couple of biscuits at night,but try to avoid heavy meals,or meals containing lots of spicy food.If you live in a noisy house or area,then earplugs may help,or doubling your window glass may cut down the amount of noise from o

47、utside.AThe amount of sleep varies just as much as fingerprints vary.BPain,of course,will prevent sleep.CThe brain deals with all problems in the same way.DThe quality and quantity of sleep we get is very important.EPeople cannot solve sleep problems caused by pain.FSome people may get by with three

48、,while others may need ten.GHunger can also keep you awake.答案1.D2.A3.F4.B5.G.语法填空Human wants seem endless.When a starving man gets a meal,he begins to think about an overcoat;when an executive gets a new sports car,visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view.The many wants of mankind

49、 might be regarded 1.as making up several levels.When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,2.another level appears.The first and most basic level of wants involves food.Once this want is satisfied,a second level of wants appears:clothing and some sort of shelter.Then a third level app

50、eared.It 3.included (include) such items as automobiles and new houses.By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was 4.fairly (fair) well satisfied.Then,in 5.the late 1950s,a fourth level of wants appeared:the “life­enriching” level.6.While the other levels involve physical satisfactionthe feed

51、ing,comfort,safety,and transportation of the human bodythis level stresses mental needs for recognition,7.achievements (achieve) and happiness.It includes a variety of goods and services,many of 8.which could be called “luxury” items.9.Among them are vacation trips,the best medical care,and entertainment


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