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1、模块三Unit1 知识点讲与练Welcome to the unit1. sense n. 感觉;感官;意义 vt. 感觉到Eg. a sense of direction/ humor/ shame/ responsibility/ safety/ pride/achievement _ common sense _ make sense 讲得通,有意义 make sense of 了解意义,理解.(通常用于疑问句和否定句) lose ones senses 失去理智 come to ones senses 醒过来;醒悟过来 in a / one sense 从某种意义上来说 There i

2、s no sense (in) doing 做某事没有意义/道理 Can you _ _ _ this telegram? 你弄得懂这电报的意思吗? One day hell _ _ _ _ and see what a fool he has been. 总有一天他会醒悟过来,认识到自己是多么愚蠢。 _ _ _ _ getting upset about the matter now. 现在为那件事苦恼是没有意义的。2affect vt. 影响;让.感动(常用被动语态) _ _ _ _, the weather _ the amount of rainfall. 众所周知,气候影响降雨量。

3、We were all deeply _/_ by the heros story. 我们都被那个英雄的故事所感动。辨析:affect 与 effect affect vt. 影响(affect sth = have an effect on sth) effect n. 后果(affect 影响的结果)eg. His new way of teaching produced a good _(效果)。 Scolding sometimes brings about a bad _ _(对有效果)a child.Reading1. observe vt.(1) 观察;注视They observ

4、ed how the parts of the machine fitted together.他们观看了机器零件的组装过程。(2)注意到;观察到 observe sb. do sth. 观察到 做某事(强调事情的过程) doing sth. 某人 在做某事(强调动作的进行) Observe + that 从句 I _ that some students were _. 我注意到有一些学生睡着了。 Someone _ them _ /_the hall. 有人注意到他们正在进入/进了大厅。变为被动句:_提醒:observe sb. do sth. 用于被动结构中要加to.(3) 遵守(规则,

5、法令等)Everyone should observe the traffic rules. 2 glance vi.看一下,瞥一眼 n. (c) 一瞥常用短语 glance at 看一下,浏览, 扫视 glance over/ through/ at 浏览 at a glance 看一眼就. at first glance/ sight 乍一看 give/ take a glance (at) (朝)一瞥 He glanced around the room. Tom glanced _the report and handed it to me. 汤姆浏览了一下报告后递给我。 He cou

6、ld tell _ _ _what was wrong. 他一眼就看出了问题所在。辨析:look at, glance at, stare at 与 glare at look at 看,看着。把眼睛转向目标。 glance at 匆匆一看,一瞥。 stare at 盯着看,注视,凝视。表示吃惊,害怕,好奇等情绪。 glare at 瞪眼,怒目而视。表示愤怒的情绪。即学即用: The man is able to tell if the diamonds are genuine _ _ _(乍看一下)。 He said nothing but _ at her silently, which

7、made her frightened. (单词拼写) _ him and then try to copy what he does. A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch 3 sight n.(u) 视野;视力;视觉; n.(c)景象; sights(用复数) 名胜g常见短语: in/ within sight 在视野内,看得见 out of sight 在视野之外 catch sight of 突然看到 at the sight of 一看见 at first sight 初见,乍看 lose sight of 不再看得见 lose ones

8、 sight 失明 She _ _ _ her own face in one of the shop windows. 她在一间橱窗里瞥见了自己的脸。 The driver _ _ _ in an accident. 司机在一次事故中失明了。beat:其宾语必须是人或一个集体。是游戏比赛的专门用词。4. 打败 defeat:与beat同义,其宾语也必须是人或一个集体。尤指在战场上打败敌人。击败 win:表示在较强的竞争中取胜,其宾语常是game,war,prize,fame,battle等。 beat:着重连续地击打,如殴打、体罚、海浪拍岸、心跳。hit:指打中,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。

9、 打 strike:着重“敲打,敲”,还有“打动”“摖火柴”“钟敲响”“某想法突然出现在脑海”等含义 tap:一般指轻轻拍打的意思。I saw Jackson _ by Jack yesterday.He is still alive- I can feel his heart _.to _ a match on the wall 在墙上划火柴5. wish for 盼望,企盼 翻译:我们都企盼幸福/和平。_辨析:wish与hope wish/ hope to do sth. wish sb. to do sth. (hope 不能这样用) wish sb. a good journey (h

10、ope 不能这样用) wish (that) (虚拟语气) + 主语 + did (were) (与现在事实相反) had gone (与过去事实相反) could/ would/ might do(与将来事实相反) hope (that) .(陈述语气)翻译:我们希望有一天去参观长城。_我希望你能按时完成作业。_我祝你成功_我多么希望一年到头都是春天。_他多么希望上星期在这里。_我多么希望明天他们会再来。_6.still 表示绝对静止或安静,只能用于物理上的安静,强调静止,不能指心理状态。quiet “安静的,宁静的”,强调没有声音,不吵闹或心里没烦恼和焦虑。silent 侧重不说话,强调不

11、发表意见。不弄出声响,但不一定没有活动。calm 修饰人,表示人镇静自若;修饰物,多用来指天气,海洋等平静无风。7。find oneself. 发现自己处于某种状态 “ find + 复合宾语 ”结构如下: find + 宾语 + 宾补 现在分词 (表示主动,动作正在进行) 过去分词 (表示被动,动作已经完成) 介词短语 形容词+ to do sth (此时常用it作宾语,to do sth作真正的宾语) At midnight, he found himself _ on the wet ground.午夜时分,他发现自己躺在湿地上。 When he woke up, he found hi

12、mself _(tie) to a tree.当他醒来时,他发现自己被捆在一棵树上。 When he came to himself, he found himself _and the light on.他苏醒时发现自己在地上,电灯亮着。 You may find _ to accept your illness. 你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。8 pay back 报答;偿还(借款) pay off 还清(债务);取得成功 pay sb. for sth. 为付钱给某人 pay money for sth. 付的钱 pay sb. money for sth. 因付给某人钱 pay for

13、sth. 支付的费用9。freeze vi&vt. (使)呆住;(使)冻结;(使)冻僵freeze _(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)freeze with fear be frozen with fear _freeze to death be frozen to death _freezing point 冰点 freezing cold 冰冷翻译:水在0 摄氏度结冻。_两个男子在山上冻死了。_重点短语:1. in our daily life _ 2.affect one another_ 3. hold your nose _4. people with hearing prob

14、lems_ 5. sign language_ .6.even if / though_ 6. make great achievements _8.a sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch_9. a sense of humor/direction/ shame/ acheievement_10. be lost in the fog_ 4.be covered in a grey mist _5. step out into the fog_ 6. the rest of _7. glance at_ 8. nowhere to be seen

15、_9. in sight _ 10. feel ones heart beating with fear _11. wish for _ 12. hold sb. still _13. reach out _14. stare up at _15. watch out for _16. hold sth firmly _17. rest for a while _ 18. a rare fog _19. pay back _ 20. be frozen with fear _21. a deserted street/village/ baby_ 22. The office is compl

16、etely deserted_Word power & Grammar and usage1. reduce vt. 减轻;减少;降低reduce sth. to sth. (从)减少到reduce sth. by sth. 减少了.reduce sth. by half/ ten percent 减少一半/ 百分之十reduce speed 减速reduce costs 降低成本 All the shirts were reduced _ 10. 所有衬衫都减价至10英镑。 He _ _ _ from 100 to 90 kilos. / _ 10 kilos.他把体重从100公斤减少到90

17、公斤(减少了10公斤)。2. add vt. 补充说;添加;把加起来; vi. 增添(to) add that. add sth. up 把加起来 add.to. 把.加到.上去 add up to 总计 add to “增添”, 其宾语多为困难,欢乐等抽象名词。 Shall I _ your name _ the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗? The music _ _ our enjoyment. 音乐给我们增添了快乐。 All these figures_ _ _ 500. 所有这些数字加起来总数是500.3. turn down guess: 1) He turned do

18、wn his coat collar. 2) The radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little ? 3) Please turn down the gas. 4) He has turned down an invitation to visit the country.拓展:turn in _ turn on_ turn off _ turn up_ turn to sb. for help_ turn over _ turn out_用以上所给的词组填空1) He never _ anyone who asked for his

19、 help.2) You are the only person I can _.3) For some reason she didnt _.4) Then she _ the water /gas/radio.5) The job _ to be harder than we expected.6) The thief was _ to the police.4. ring out (铃声,枪声等)突然响起ring (sb.) back (给某人) 回电话ring off 挂断电话ring (sb.) up (给某人)打电话 A number of shots _ _. 几声枪声突然响起。

20、 Can you ask him _ _ _ _when he gets home? 他回家后你能让他给我回电话吗?5. cant help doing sth 忍不住做 cant help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做即学即用:1) Seeing the fat lady burst into tears, the children couldnt help _.A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. being laughed2) She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake.A. c

21、leaned B. cleaning C. clean D. being cleaned3) While doing shopping, many people cant help _ into buying things they dont really need. A. persuading B. being persuaded C. to persuade to be persuaded相关短语:1. an answer to the problem_ 2. go hungry _2. reduce pain _ 4. as long as possible _6. breathe in

22、 _ 6. sniff pleasant smells _7. take the pain _ 8. be related to _9. another 60 volunteers = 60 more volunteers_ 10. be in a better position _ 11. be linked to _ 12. make sense _13. have something/anything/nothing/much/little to do with _ 14. make use of _ make full/good use of_ make the most/best o

23、f_15.Later on _ 16. have high blood pressure_17. rather than do sth _ 18. sleep deeply _19. make ones way to _20. cant help doing sth _ 21. warm up _ 22. get close to _23. lose sight of sth _24. sweat with fear_25. all of a sudden _26. ring out _27. give sb the chance to do sth_Task & project1. rece

24、ive 客观上“收到” accept 主观上(愿意)“接受”He _ a gift, but he didnt _ it.他收到了一件礼物,但他不一定接受。2. whisper vt.& vi. 低声说,耳语;n.(c)耳语 whisper(sth.) to sb. 对某人小声说(某事)whisper sth. in ones ear 附耳对某人说 whisper about sb. / sth. 密谈某人/某事 It is whispered that 有人私下说传闻说 In a whisper/ in whispers 低声说 What are you two whispering abo

25、ut? She whispered to me that she felt afraid. It_ that he would soon die and he did. 有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。 They are speaking _. 他们在低声说话。提醒:whisper 后面不能接双宾语。如:whisper sb. sth. ( 错) whisper sth. to sb. = whisper to sb. sth.(对)3. 辨析 likely, probable 与 possible (三者)均表示“可能的”,可能性由大到小依次为 probable likely poss

26、ible. 但用法不同:(1)likely 的主语可以是人,物或形式主语it,其句型结构为:主语(人或物)+ be + likely + to do. 和 It is + likely + that 从句。(2)probable 的主语用形式主语it, 其常用句型为:Its probable that (3) possible 的主语用形式主语it,常用句型为:Its possible that和Its possible (for sb.) to do sth. It is _to rain. 看来要下雨了。 They are _ to come to attend the party. =I

27、t is possible/ probable/ likely that they will come to attend the party. 他们可能会来参加这个聚会。 It is _ to get there b bus. 可以乘公共汽车去那里。4. 辨析:wound, hurt 与 injure wound 一般指刀伤,枪伤,刺伤或在战斗等中受伤;也可以指感情上的伤害。 hurt 指精神或肉体上的“创伤,伤害”,作不及物动词时,意为“疼”。 Injure指意外伤害或事故造成的伤害。 Gunmen killed two people and _ six others in an atta

28、ck today. 在今天的一次袭击中,持枪歹徒打死2人,打伤6人。 Several people were seriously _ in the accident. 好几个人在事故中受了重伤。 Where dose it _? 哪儿痛?5. 表示倍数的几个句型A是B的几倍之大 (长,宽,高等)A is . times + the size (length, width, height, etc.) of BA is .times as + 形容词原形(big, long, wide, high, etc.)as BA is . times + bigger (longer) than B A

29、sia is four times as large as Europe. = Asia is four times _ Europe. = Asia is four times _ Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 相关短语:1.grow dark_ 2. in the distance_ 3.set sail for our destination_ 4. manage to get on a lifeboat_5.go missing _ 6. sound like _7. hear a loud bang_ 8.taste sweet_9. hear the thunder ove

30、rhead_9. work out a plan_10.be grateful to sb. for sth._11.bang into _ 12. feed on _-13. compared to/ with_(常用作状语)14. fly to _15. be likely to do sth._ 16. be attracted by_17. last for_ 18. make progress _19. follow ones advice_ 20. the latter/ former _语法专练: 用适当的连词填空1. _ he is ready to help others i

31、s well-known. 2. _ he will attend the meeting is not decided.3. _ team will win the match is still unknown.4. _ we need is your help.5. _ he became a famous musician is known to all.6. Its a pity _ she has made such a mistake.7. That is _ I didnt attend the meeting.8. _ breaks the rule, he must be p

32、unished.9. The possibility _ the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.10. I have no idea _ he will be back.11. _ I am most interested in is American movies.12. _ he says is of no importance.13. _ he will come is certain.14. _ he is often late for class is more than I can

33、tell.15. _ is going to attend the important meeting has not been decided by the manager.16. It is possible _ they will complete the building in three months. 17. The news _ a professor from USA will visit our school spreads all over the campus.18. It depends on _ he is ready or not.19. You should ma

34、ke a decision _ you will go or stay.20. The idea _ we can master a foreign language in a short time is totally wrong.21._ he said at the meeting surprised us.22. _ you go or stay at home wont make any differences.23. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That is _ I got wet through.24. - What is

35、 the building? - Thats _ the medical equipment is stored.名词性从句重点一、 It 在名词性从句中的用法:1. It is time that(虚拟语气)2. It is the first time that(现在完成时)3. It is necessary (important) thatshould do(虚拟语气)4. It is likely(possible, obvious, clear, natural, certain,) that5. It is a pity(a fact, good news, no wonder,

36、 an honour, a shame, common sense, a common practice) that6. It turned out that; It happened that; It occurred to sb. that; 7. It is said(reported, believed, estimated, announced, expected) that;8. It is suggested(required, ordered) that(虚拟语气)二、 What 与that 在名词性从句中用法比较:That Tom fell off his chair by

37、accident got the classmates laughing.What Tom learned in university helps him a lot in his job.注:that 在从句中不作任何成分,what 在从句中必须担当主语或宾语。We have reached what is called XinJie kou.三、 宾语从句1. 一个动词后跟多个宾语从句时,第二个开始的连词that不能省略。He said (that) he didnt attend the party and that he didnt want to.2. 否定转移I dont thin

38、k he is fit for the job, is he?I never thought that he would come for the dinner party.3. 有些不可直接跟宾语从句的动词。I hate it when; I dislike it when; Id appreciate it if I will see to it that4. 与定语从句的转换Jerry told us _ he had seen abroad. A. what B. all that C. all what D. all 注:本题四个答案都正确。答案C 可以看作all 是前面的us 的同

39、位语。 四、 主语从句a. 主语从句与定语从句的转换 What is needed has been bought. = All that is needed has been bought.b. 几个特殊句型之间的转换 It is known to all that China has joined the WTO. = As is known to all, China has joined the WTO. = What is known to all is that China has joined the WTO.五、 表语从句a. 表语从句中的虚拟语气 My suggestion

40、is that we should carry out the plan as soon as possible.b. 几个表语从句的切换 The reason why I came late is that my car broke down on the half way. = He came late. Thats because his car broke down on the half way . = His car broke down on the half way. Thats why he came late.六、 同位语从句a. 与定语从句的区别 It is a fact

41、 that he has done his best. It is a fact that you cant deny.b. 同位语从句中的虚拟语气 The proposal that he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting. The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed.c. have no idea 后面跟同位语从句 I have no idea where Green Park lies.从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳

42、选项。1. We wont give up _ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. since C. whether D. until2. The teacher spoke loudly _ the students could hear him clearly.A. so as B. that C. so that D. in order to3. You can have the magazine _ I finish reading it.A. in the moment B. the moment C. the moment as D. i

43、n the moment when4. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A. The person B. Anyone C. Who D. Whoever5. The reason _ he was late for school was _ he had to send his mother to a hospital. A. that; why B. why; because C. why; that D. that; because6. Father made a promise _ I passed the exa

44、mination he would buy me a bicycle.A. that B. if C. whether D. that if7. _ you dont like him is none of my business. A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether8. _ the old mans sons wanted to know was _ the gold had been hidden.A, That; what B. What; where C. What; that D. What; if9. It is said _ _ was all _

45、 he said.A. that; that; that B. what; what; what C. that; which; what D. that; that; which10. He told us _ he had done. Which of the following is WRONG?A. what B. all that C. that D. all what11. He always thinks of _ he can do more for the people.A. what B. how C. if D. whatever12. The monitor suggested that we _ for a picnic on Sunday.A. went B. must go C. could go D. go13. _ Wang Feng looked after the old woman a whole year moved us all.A. That B. What C. When D. Why14. _ gets homes first is to cook the supper.A. Who B. Whom C. Those who D. Whoever15. It depends o


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