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1、论文题目A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in(英文)English Study论文题目简析英语学习中的自主学习(中文)目 录Abstract ii摘要. iiOutline iii提纲. .iv1. Introduction 11.1 Definition of learner autonomy 11.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-study 22. The factors influenced learner autonomy. 32.1 Moti

2、vation 32.2 Attitude 42.3 Learning strategy 52.4 Cognitive style 53.The roles in learner autonomy in EFL.63.1 Roles of autonomous learners 63.2 Teachers roles 63.3 Roles of materials.73.4 Roles of institutions.74.Conclusion.8Works Cited9A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English StudyWang Pi

3、ngAbstract: With China entering into WTO, the development of Chinas economy and opening policy brings new challenges to English learning. English has become more and more prevailing .So more and more people will pay attention to English learning. School education is very important and useful. Yet, n

4、o one can learn everything from school. Because of the limit of the time, money, energy or some other personal reasons, many things will be learned outside school by the students themselves. So to some extent, it is essential for anyone whos relevant to English to master the ability of self-study. W

5、hereas, it commonly has a serious problem that most people have difficulty in English autonomous learning, owing to some factors influencing it. The paper mainly focuses on a brief analysis of self-study in English learning, so as to find out the factors influenced learner in self-study and the role

6、s in learner autonomy in EFL.Key words: English learning; autonomous; factors; roles简析英语学习中的自主学习汪萍摘要: 随着中国加入WTO,中国经济的发展和对外开放政策给英语学习者带来了新的挑战,当今世界英语变得越来越盛行。所以越来越多的人重视英语学习。学校的教育是十分重要和有效的,但是没有人可以从那里学到一切。由于受到时间、财力、精力或者其他一些个人因素的影响,许多知识我们要靠自己从学校之外获得。所以从某种程度上来说,掌握英语自主学习能力是必不可少的。然而,因为一些因素的影响,大多数人普遍会在英语自学中遇到问

7、题。本文主要对英语学习中的自主学习作简要分析,并找出其影响因素和在自主学习中每个人所扮演的角色。关键词:英语学习;自主的;因素;角色 A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English StudyOutline1. Introduction1.1 Definition of learner autonomy1.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-study2. The factors influenced learner autonomy2.1 Moti

8、vation2.2 Attitude2.3 Learning strategy 2.4 Cognitive style3. The roles in learner autonomy in EFL3.1 Roles of autonomous learners 3.2 Teachers roles 3.3 Roles of materials 3.4 Roles of institutions4. Conclusion简析英语学习中的自主学习提纲1. 引言1.1 学习自主性的定义 1.2 发展英语自主学习性的重要性 2. 影响英语自主学习性的因素2.1 动机2.2 态度2.3 学习策略2.4

9、感知方式3. 在英语自主学习中的角色3.1 自主学习者的角色3.2 老师的角色3.3 学习材料的角色3.4 教育机构的角色4. 结语A Brief Analysis on Autonomous Learning in English StudyFLC 2001 (04 (English Wang PingTutor: Professor1. IntroductionThere can be no doubt that English is one of the worlds most widely used languages. People use a language in one of

10、three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign language. English is spoken as a native language by over three hundred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some Caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is oft

11、en necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few working languages of the United Nations. And with China entering into WTO, the development of Chinas economy and opening policy brings new challenges to English learning. English h

12、as become more and more prevailing .So more and more people will pay attention to English learning. School education is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. Even a very good teacher cannot teach his students everything they want to know. Because of the limit of th

13、e time, money, energy or some other personal reasons, many things will be learned outside school by the students themselves. So to some extent, it is essential for anyone whos relevant to English to master the ability of self-study. Recently, much attention has been paid on the importance of develop

14、ing English learners autonomy. Self-study, as a skill of getting knowledge and information, it is extremely essential in such an information-increased and international communication-frequent society. This kind of study skill is not only helpful for us to pursue our educational goal-to get knowledge

15、, also cultivate a learners independence of autonomy which should be regarded as the end goal. The paper mainly focuses on a brief analysis of self-study in English learning, so as to find out the factors influencing learner in self-study and the roles in learner autonomy in EFL. 1.1 Definition of l

16、earner autonomyThe concept of learner autonomy has been introduced into foreign language teaching over twenty years. Nowadays, autonomy has been widely accepted as an educational goal and few teachers will disagree with the importance of helping language learners become more autonomous as learners.

17、But as to what learner autonomy really is, various interpretations proposed by different researches and scholars in different contexts. In spite of the various interpretations proposed by different research and scholars in different contexts, even during different periods of time, the definitions of

18、 learner autonomy can be classified into the following categories.First, a lot of researches define it in terms of ability or capacity. Holec defines learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of ones own learning”. Many researchers agree with Holec that learner autonomy is ability or capacity.

19、 For example, D.Little sees learner autonomy as a capacity for “detachment, critical reflection, decision-making and independent action”. Nunan also believes that this ability is extraordinary important. The learners who are able to fix their own aims and produce chances for learning are autonomous

20、learners. Littlewood talks about learner autonomy as “the ability to use the knowledge one has learned without the help of the teacher”. One of the widely accepted of learner autonomy is put forward by Benson who defines it as “the capacity to take control of ones own learning”. Second, some writer

21、defines it in terms of performance. Huttunen insist that a certain kind of learning behavior is important. Third, some researcher defines it in terms of attitude. Dickinson sees autonomy very much as an attitude to language learning. In his opinion, autonomous learners are ready to take responsibili

22、ty for their own learning and show their willingness by setting their own goals, selecting their materials, deciding on their own methods, place time and pace for study, monitoring their study and making proper evaluation. Fourth, some researches define it in terms of ability and willingness. They d

23、efine an autonomous learner as one who has the ability and willingness to act independently and decisively. In this view, attitudes translate into practice, and motivation is a necessary precursor of autonomy.Finally, with the development of researches on learner autonomy, the term autonomy has come

24、 to be used in at least five ways:1 For situations in which learners study entirely on their own;2 For a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning;3 For an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education; 4 For the exercise of learners responsibility for

25、 their own learning;5 For the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning. 1.2 The importance of developing learner autonomy in English self-studyIn general, importance of developing learner autonomy in EFL can be summarized as follows:1 It matches our educational goal. The fi

26、nal product of education is an independent learners and cultivating a learners independence of autonomy should be regarded as the end goal that teachers or educators try to pursue. And it also meets life-long learning and creative education. 2 It helps students to make improvements beyond knowledge.

27、 The present epoch is one with an explosion of knowledge and information. So it is impossible for one to adapt to this changing society with the knowledge acquired at school. If learner autonomy is developed, then students become skillful in learning how to learn. And they will be able to master new

28、 knowledge, new technology, face new challenges and task. 3 It can adapt to students individual differences. Different students have different preferred ways of learning. However, every teacher has his or her own relatively stable teaching method and teaching style. Therefore, it is particularly har

29、d for teachers to satisfy the need of each student in traditional language teaching. In autonomous learning, students participate learning by their own volition, make their own decisions on learning goals, learning pace and progression and learning strategies, and self-evaluate their learning outcom

30、es.4 It facilitates personal growth. Once students become autonomous, they have acquired a life-long learning skill and a habit of independent thinking, which will benefit them long after leaving schools. Moreover, it supports individualism but does not exclude collaborative learning. Therefore, in

31、autonomous learning, students learn to how to get along with others. This is also important to them.5 It can lead to better, more effective learning. Learner sets the agenda, learning should be more focused and more purposeful, and thus more effective both immediately and in the longer term.2. The f

32、actors influenced learner autonomyLearner autonomy is not an article of faith, a product ready made for use or merely a personal quality or trait. Rather, it should be clarified that autonomous learning is achieved on certain conditions: motivation, attitudes, learning strategies and cognitive style

33、s etc. Therefore, it is very necessary for teachers to pay much attention to these factors for the aim of developing students autonomy English learning. 2.1 MotivationMost scholars seem to agree that one of the key factors that influences the rate and success of the second or foreign language learni

34、ng. And it provides the primary impetus to initiate learning the foreign language and later the driving force to sustain the long and often tedious learning process. A number of reviews and discussions provide evidence that motivation and learner autonomy go hand in hand. Therefore, no matter from w

35、hich angle we consider the relationship, we must recognize the important role that motivation plays in learner autonomy.Intrinsic motivation means the kind of motivation caused by the interest, pleasure, satisfaction or curiosity directed to the activity. Intrinsic motivation is generally considered

36、 as that produces more benefits than extrinsic motivation. Because the intrinsically motivated learners undertake a task from their genuine will but not from some external pressure, they perform the action harder and deeper and sustain their efforts longer than the extrinsically motivated learners d

37、o.There are various internal and external factors influencing students intrinsic motivation. However, it is affected to a great extent by what happens in the classroom, and by students personal factors and mood at that time as well. Therefore, we consider factors affecting intrinsic motivation under

38、 the heading of interest, learning environment, English teachers teaching method and material. Extrinsic motivation, on the hand, derives from an anticipation of rewards such as praise, awards, prizes, evaluation, and fear for punishment. Although extrinsic motivation is also beneficial sometimes, t

39、here are some negative aspects of it. They state that learners will lose motivation and reason to do something when rewards are no longer available, and that giving external rewards to them previously with intrinsic motivation can harm the good effect of it.2.2 AttitudeLanguage learning is not merel

40、y a cognitive task. And success of a learning activity is, to some extent, contingent upon learner stance towards the word and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn. The term “attitude” has been defined in many ways. Common to psychological theories on a

41、ttitudes is the notion that attitudes actually have three components: affect, cognition, and behavior. Affect concerns feelings, moods, and emotions toward the attitudinal object. For example, some learners may agree with the idea that they should take more responsibility for their learning, while o

42、thers may prefer to depend on the teacher. Cognition refers to what a person knows about the attitudinal object. In language learning, it refers to “attitudes learners hold about their role in the learning process and their capability as learners”. And the third attitudinal component, behavior has t

43、o do with intentions or actions related to the attitudinal object. Learners who hold positive attitudes toward learner autonomy may be more likely to take the responsibility than those who hold negative attitudes. It is these affective reactive reactions, cognitions, and behaviors comprise the overa

44、ll attitude toward the language and culture.In general, attitudes have a profound influence on learning behavior. And the attitudes may either contribute to or impede the development of their potential for autonomy. Positive attitude towards learner autonomy can be expected to enhance learning and n

45、egative attitudes to impede learning. So for teachers, identifying learners attitudes and modifying negative attitudes should be the important step in autonomous learning.2.3 Learning strategyLanguage learning strategies were generally defined as specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques that

46、 learners employed to comprehend, store, remember new information, and to use the second language. Unanimous opinions that most researches have been reached are as follows:1 Strategies refer to both general approaches and specific actions or techniques used to learn a second language;2 Strategies al

47、low learners to become more self-directed;3 Strategies are problem oriented;4 Strategies are flexible;5 Strategies are influenced by a variety of factors;6 Strategies support learning both directly and indirectly;7 Strategies can be taught or trained.All learners have certain preferred learning stra

48、tegies and employ them more or less consciously. Learning strategy is firmly believed to be the key to promoting learner autonomy and when students are inhibited to use their preferred strategy, it is impossible for them to learn the English efficiently. We can find that learning autonomy is the mos

49、t important individual factor relating to learner autonomy and helping students understand the importance of strategies and train them to use some strategies suited for them is an effective way to enhance their learner autonomy.2.4 Cognitive style Cognitive style refers to the ways that individuals

50、organize, analyze and recall new information and experience. Cognitive style has been identified as field dependence vs. field independence. Persons who are more predominantly field independent tend to be generally more independent, competitive, and self-confident while field dependent persons tend

51、to be more socialized, tend to derive their self-identity from persons around them, and are usually more empathic and perceptive of the feelings and thoughts of others. The factors briefly touched on the above are necessary but not sufficient conditions for the development of learner autonomy, and m

52、any more factors such as needs, language awareness, teachers, social and cultural influences have to be taken into consideration. Therefore, it is of consequence to note that autonomy is a process, not a product.3. The roles in learner autonomy in EFLLearner autonomy is characterized by its initiati

53、ve, independence, effectiveness and relativity. This involves a change both in teachers roles and learners roles, and even in the roles of educational institutions. The traditional teachers roles: the instructor and container of knowledge, and learner role: the passive “empty vessels” waiting to be

54、filled with knowledge by the teachers will change dramatically.3.1 Roles of autonomous learnersWhat are the characteristics of autonomous learner? Do they always do their homework and follow the teachers instructions? There are the typical characteristics of traditional good students, and as to auto

55、nomous learners.In the relevant literature autonomous learners are defined as those who-understand the purpose of their learning plan;-explicitly accept responsibility for their learning;-share in the setting of learning goals;-take initiatives in planning and executing learning activities;-regularl

56、y review learning and evaluate its effectiveness.From the definitions we can conclude that an autonomous learner first should be willing to take responsibility for their own learning, then he/she should be conscious of or aware of the learning process involved and learning strategies needed, finally

57、 he should have the ability to carry out his learning activities and the ability to monitor and evaluate his learning results and effectiveness.3.2 Teachers rolesThe ever-increasing necessity for teaching students how to become independent and autonomous learners has brought new perspectives to the

58、teaching profession and changed traditional ideas about language teachers roles.Teachers are traditionally viewed as authority figures, identified with roles like parent, instructor, director, manager, leader, controller, or even doctor who must “cure” the ignorance of the students. But things change now. Teachers assume new functions as a consultant, advisor, coordinator, helper, communicator, guide, facilitator, and organizer. The change in the


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