1、 1. 编制说明为高效优质完成调校工作,确保工艺试车进度,并实现长期、安全稳定生产的目标,特编制本DCS系统调试方案。2. 编制依据 2.1工程合同2. 2施工图与产品说明书2.3自动化仪表工程施工与验收规 GB50093-20023. 系统结构 CENTUM-KL集散控制系统结构包括:1) 操作站、操作台2) 工程师站(带19”彩色CRT和键盘)3) 彩色打印机4) 彩色拷贝机5) 大容量存储单元6) 记录仪7) 控制站与I/O单元8) 双冗余通讯系统(包括通讯总线与接口模件)9) 联锁停车操作台10) 超级用户(带打印机)11) PLC(带编程单元与打印机)4. 仪表系统调试程序图一为仪表
2、系统调试程序方框图。本着分层隔离、平行作业的方法,本方案将系统调试分划为经下四个层次:4.1 第一层次:DCS与辅助仪表盘仪表调试在这一层次中,通过设置断点1、2,使DCS调试与辅助仪表盘仪表调试相对独立、互不干扰,从而便于实现对这两个工序的平行作业,并可避免因设备状态不正常或接线错误等原因造成设备的损坏。4.2 第二层次:控制室部系统调试此层次在不连接控制至现场电缆情况下,对DCS机柜、压缩机盘、火警盘等的系统调试。对于其中的联锁系统调试能否做早、做好、做扎实,对“消除隐患、掌握主动、赢得时间”意义重大。4.3 第三层次:全装置仪表二次联校根据现场施工与工艺试车进度要求,逐点连接控制室至现场
3、电缆,通过在现场加信号进行回路试验,并陆续投用。4.4 第四层次:应用软件参数的进一步调整此为在单体试车、联动试车之前、之中、之后,对某些仪表参数如复杂调节系统的计算系数、偏置值、延迟时间、设定值与比例度、积分、微分时间等的试验调整,以获得最佳运行工况。5. 调试容与方法Content and Method of testing:5.1 DCS调试现场调试工作主要是检查使用系统软件,并对应用软件进行组态确认和功能测试。 Local testing mainly including: checking and applying system software. Executing functio
4、n approval and function test.5.1.1 通电前的检查Inspection prior to making contact.电缆绝缘电阻符合要求(大于5M欧),查看电缆绝缘电阻测试记录,必要时抽查实测。Insulation resistance is more than 5M, checking resistance test record. If necessary sampling and testing.核对所有电源线、信号线、通讯总线应连接无误。Checking all power supply lines, signal lines, and commun
5、ication trunk line right and identical.控制站、操作台、工程师站等各机框插卡、适配器与其接口的型号、位置正确无误。For control station, operation table, engineer station, specification and site of all insert cards, adaptors and nozzle connection shall be correct.各插卡予设定旋钮位置正确。Location for presetting button of insert cards is right.扣电源单元与插
6、卡上电源开关均处于“OFF”位置,所有保险丝完好无损。Power unit and switch of insert card shall shut off, and fuses are undamaged and fine.机柜所有连接螺钉均应牢固、无松动。Tightly fixing connection screw to machine and cabinet.接地系统接地电阻测试:Grounding resistance testing:a) 从控制室接地板上拆除“MG”、“CG”接地母线,用接地电阻测试仪分别测量基接地电阻,应符合设计要求(小于10欧)。Dismantling MG
7、and CG, from grounding plate of control room. Measuring grounding resistance and compliance with design (less than10)b) 用万用表检查各机柜接地汇流排是否分别与“MG”、“CG”接地板插通。Testing using multimeter whether grounding bus-bars of cabinet well connect with MG or Cg grounding plate or not.c) 测量“MG”、“CG”间绝缘电阻应符合GBJ93-86规要求
8、(大于5M欧)。Insulation resistance between MG and CG shall be compliance with GBJ9386 (more than 5M)8) UPS电源测试UPS Testing:a) 检查电源盘和电源开关均处于“OFF”位置。Make sure power panel switch and power switch shall shut off.b) 由电气人员将UPS投运,测量送至仪表电源盘主电源开关前电压应为220VAC10%,50Hz2%。Electrican put UPS into use. Measuring voltage
9、delivering to instrument power panel is 220VAC10, 50HZ2.c) 由电气人员作UPS不间断试验。(满负荷投用后,重复此项试验,蓄电池供电时间应不小于30分钟)Electrican execute UPS testing (After overloading running do it again. Time of batterysupplying is no less than 30 minutes.)5.1.2 通电试验Testing of making contact.逐个地将各机柜、操作台进行以下通电试验:Testing every c
10、abinet, operationtable one by one as follow:1) 将电源盘去机柜电源开关置于“ON”位置用数字万用表检查机柜主电源开关前电压,应为22022VAC。The switch in power supply panel to cabinet shall be on. Measuring voltage of cabinet main power prior to closing by digital universalmeter. The range of result is 22022VAC.2) 确认机柜各卡件(除电源卡件外)已拔离卡座,然后依次将机柜
11、主电源开关、电源单元、电源卡件上电源开关置于“ON”,用数字电压表测量各直流电压输出,应符合厂商说明书要求(5.10.02V、-120.3V、120.3V、 24 VDC)。若超过允许偏差围,则进行调整。Make sure all card components shall be pulled from plug. And then switch on main power switch of cabinet, power unit, power components. Applying voltage meter to measure direct output voltage, the m
12、easuring results shall be compliance with manufacture instruction. (5.10.02V,-120.3V, 120.3V,24+3.5VDC). Adjusting if out of deviation allowance.3) 进行双电源手动切换试验Executing manual switch test with double power supply.4) 将各嵌套扇、信号变换器风扇、硬盘驱动器风扇、柜顶、门风扇等电源接通,检查各风扇,应运行正常。Running all ferrule fans, signal conre
13、rtor fans , hardpanddriving fans,top cabinet, doorfans, and checking whether they are normal or not.5) 检查电源报警电路是否起作用。Checking the reaction of power alarm circuit.5.1.3 系统启动、装载System starting up and loading.工程师站起动程序。Starting procedure of engineer station操作站起动程序。Starting procedure of engineer station控
14、制站起动:通电后,调出系统状态画面,确诊状态正常。Control station starting: After making contact, selecting system status screen ans making sure it normal.装载操作Loading operation.。各站装载程序详见说明书。All loading procedures refer to manufacture instruction.5.1.4 系统诊断与冗余试验System diagnosis and redundancy testing.调出系统诊断画面,对各站、台等进行诊断检查。Se
15、lecting system diagnosis screen, and checking.对系统的各种冗余模件,人为地模拟故障(通过切断电源;拔掉电源插头、插卡等方法),观察备用模件能否在规定的时间运行,并在操作台上观察切换过程,观察自动切换过程是否正常。Under the term of man simulation default, observing the running of spare module within specified time and converting. Inspecting automatic converting is normal or not.a) 电
16、源冗余试验Power supply spare testing.b) 通讯冗余试验Communication spare testing.c) 双重化控制器冗余试验Spare testing of doublecontrol controller.d) 操作站冗余试验Operating station spare testing.e) 打印机热备用试验Heatintg spare testing of printer5.1.5 画面测试Screen Testing:1) 流程图画面测试:Screen testing of flowprocess.a) 流程画面以P&I图形式显示,页数与画面容应
17、符合组态要求。Showing flow, in from of PI.Page and content shall be compliance with function requirement.b) 画面静态显示检查:Static display of screen testing:* 检查标题的位置、颜色、文字说明。Checking title including site, color and word description.* 图形的形状、大小、位置、颜色。Shape, size, site and color of picture.* 工艺管线的宽度、位置、颜色与进出接头。Widt
18、h, site, color and inlet or outlet connector of process pipeline.* 测量变量的符号、文字、大小、位置、颜色。Symbol, word, size, site, color of measured variables.* 仪表信号的箭头、宽度、位置、容。Slope, width, site and content of instrument signal.* 页连接符号的形状、大小、位置、颜色、进出箭头。Shape, size, site, color, and inlet and outlet slope of page nex
19、to page.* 工程测量单位符合设计要求。Engineering measurement unit shall comply with design.c) 画面动态显示检查:Active display of screen testing.* 测量变量的变化值应在系统可识别的精度围。Variable range shall be within the pricision recognized by system.* 阀、泵运行状态的颜色变化。Color change of running status of pump or valve.* 报警状态变化,且应是正确的优先级别。Change
20、of alarm status, which are right priority level.d) 从流程画面选择回路,进行调整设定值、控制模式(自动/手动)和手动输出的试验。Selecting loop from flow screen and regulating set data, control model (Auto/ manual ) and manual output.2) 总貌画面测试Genera appearance screen testing:a) 确认总貌画面已按组态数据表组态。Making sure general appearance functioned acc
21、ording to function data.b) 检查总貌画面每个区组和单元的正确组态。Examining correct function of each unit and group of general appearance.3) 组画面调试Groupscreen Testing:a) 确认组画面中回路,与总貌画面中描述的组一致。Affirming loops of groupscreen corresponding with those of general appearance screen.b) 各测量值、设定值、模拟和数字形式的输出均正确组态。Measuring data,
22、specified data, simulation and digital output are identical.c) 进行改变设定值、控制模式和输出试验。Testing of changing set data, control module and output.d) 对数字或程序回路的组画面,通过改变其状态,观察块的颜色或状态显示信息的变化应符合组态要求。For groupscreen of digital or procedure loop, color of observation block or change of indication result shall meet
23、function requirement by changing its status.e) 确认对可选择功能Selection function:高低限报警、偏差报警、输出限制、调整参数、电源故障重新启动模式、串级或前馈回路信息、滤波器参数以与其它与回路或数字程序有关的信息的组态。Functioning of high or low limit alarm, deviation alarm, output restict, modulating parameter, restarting pattern of power default, loop of series or prefeedb
24、ack, filter para. And other messages related to loop or number procedure.4) 回路画面测试Loop screen testing:a) 键入位号,调出回路画面,确认回路类型组态正确。In putting tag No. and finding loop screen.Making sure function of loop type is right.b) 确认测量值、设定值、输出等正确组态。Making sure correct functions such as measured data, set date , a
25、nd output.c) 进行改变设定值、控制模式和输出的试验。Testing of changing specified data, control moclule and output.d) 确认可选择的功能已按设计正确组态。Ensure Selection function:e) 用工程师键盘在此画面上进行修改组态参数,如在线改变调整参数、组态信息的定义、算法选择等试验。Modifying function parameter using engineer keyboard on the screen. Such as, changing regulation para, on line
26、, concept of function, selection of caculation method.5) 历史趋势画面测试Testing of history trend screen:a) 确认该画面已按组态数据表组态。Afirming screen functioned on basis of function data.b) 时间基准变更试验(可从30分钟到12小时变更)Altering test of time basis (from 30 minutes to 12 hours)c) 通过输入信号,观察画面能按实时信息自动更新,对设计指定的变量进行历史趋势系统储存时间检查,应
27、能保存20-30天。Observe screen can renew automaticly according to actual information through inputting signal. Storage time of specified variability history trend shall be checked and preserved 20-30days.6) 报警汇总画面测试Testing of alarm collective screen:a) 检查报警画面应按各报警发生时间先后顺序排列,且报警画面一旦被调用,即在画面顶部显示最新的报警。Inspec
28、ting alarm screen according to alarming time sequence. If selected and used, latest alarm shall be showed at the top of screen.b) 确认每个报警的操作组号、说明文字、优先级别等正确,且不同优先级别的报警的声光区分正确。Making sure operation No, instruction words, priority level is correct. Sound and light classification of different priority le
29、vel alarm is true.c) 确认任一操作台上消声操作均能关闭所有的蜂鸣器。Affirming soundabsorption plant of every operation table can close all sounders.7) 系统状态画面测试Testing of system status screen:a) 调出系统状态画面,检查连接在通讯系统上的各节点已正确组态。Finding system status screen. Checking all joints connecting with communication system have been corr
30、ectly functioned.b) 当其中任一节点发生故障时,应能发出报警信号。Alarming if each joint is wrong.5.1.6 操作键盘功能试验Keyboard Function testing:1) 确认由操作员直接操作的功能键操作正常,能调出各种显示,操作每个回路(包括控制模式、设定值、设定串级、输出信号调整等),报警确认,执行打印机的各种功能。Operating keyboard directty operated by operator is normal. Finding all indications and operating every loop
31、 (including control module, set data, setting serieslevel, output signal ). Alarming and Executing all functions.2) 确认由键锁或口令启动的操作员键盘功能操作正常,能改变测量围,报警值与输出信号限制等。Making sure keyboard function locked by key or password is normal. It can change measuring range, alarming data, and output signal restrict.5.
32、1.7 打印机、拷贝机用报表测试Testing chart for printer and copier.1) 检查打印机能将操作站规定的信息进行打印。Checking printer can print information specified by operation station.2) 确认报警打印自动发生,排列顺序与报警汇总画面一致。Affirming alarmprinting automatically. Sequence keep compliance with alarm collection screen.3) 检查“确认”或“恢复”时间的打印与实际发生时间一样。Keep
33、 printing time of verifying and resuming identical with actual time.4) 检查如报警发生数量比打印速度快,报警打印不会丢失Checking alarmprinting can not lose if alarming speed is faster than printing speed.5) 检查如打印机发生故障,修复后仍能将这段时间的报警点正确打印。If printer is wrong, alarming spot can be correctly printed during default time after re
34、pairation.6) 确认由PLC来的联锁报警在规定的组(整个联锁被划分为组)中具有第一信号显示,并具有300ms的分辨率。Verify interlock alarm signal PLC. In specified group has prior indication, and precision of 300ms.7) 确认拷贝机能对各台CRT屏幕显示的任何画面进行硬拷贝,测试时每台CRT至少各拷贝一个画面。Affirm all screens from every CRT indicating screen shall be hardcopied by copier. At lea
35、st copying a picture to each CRT.8) 确认报表能按组态的格式打印。Affiring chart can print according to function format.9) 检查小时报表、班报表、日报表、月报表的自动打印功能。Checking automatic printing function of hour chart, daychart , monthly month.10) 检查报表数据可是瞬时值、平均值、前30小时累计值(且含有小时平均值)Checking chart data such as movent value, average va
36、lue, and 30 hours acculation value (including hour coverage value5.1.8 系统记录仪测试System recorder testing:确认记录仪已编程,功能符合设计要求。Making sure recorder has been complied. Function is compliance with design.给每台记录仪(3笔)至少加一个输入信号,检查能否经已组态的通道记录。Adding an input signal at least to every recorder. Checking wherher pas
37、s functioned access recorder or not.5.1.9 DCS通道测试Testing of DCS Access:经上述对DCS组态与功能测试后,进行100%通道测试,即从I/O输入端加信号,在操作站CRT上观察指示值,从操作站输出信号,在I/O输出端测量输出值,其偏差应符合精度要求(0.2级)。After testing function, enecuting access-testing completely. Inputing signal from I/O end, observing indication value on operating statio
38、n CRT, and outputting signal from measuring value. Output deviation allowance shall be compliance with accuracy requirement. (0.2 level)测试方法:根据回路图,将输入输出信号按模拟量、数字量、热电偶、热电阻等类型分组调试。Testing method: According to loop drawing, testing input and output signal on the base of classification such as sinullati
39、on signal, digital signal, thermocaple and RTD.调试过程中,注意回路的分支、指示、记录、报警等同时试验。Testing loop branch, indication, record, alarming simulltanously.每完成一个回路(或其中一部分)调试后,用色笔在回路一作出标记,并与时填写调试记录。Making sign on the loop using colorpen and filling testing record on time after testing.对顺序与联锁回路试验:根据逻辑图、输入信号检查顺序与联锁动作应
40、符合设计要求。若不符,检查顺序表组态。Sequence and interlock loop testing:According to logic drawing and input signal, checking action of sequence and interlock compliant with design. If no , checking function of sequence table/schedule5.2 其它层次调试Other grade testing.由于本方案主要述与DCS调试。图3仪表系统调试程序方框图中的第一层次调试(工序2)与第二、三、四层次调试均
41、为常规调试。故本方案仅作简要叙述,其中有关PLC联锁系统调试方案另行编制。The scheme has mainly introduced the testing for DCS. The testing work process in the pane chart (chart 3) is general testing so brief introduce inhere. relevant testing for PLC has other scheme.5.2.1辅助仪表盘仪表调试Testing of auxiliary instrument panel:对其中的压缩机盘主要是调速器、轴
42、瓦温度监视器、机组PLC调试。至于振动、位移监视器调试,需待现场电缆连接后作探头特性曲线测试后进行。Compressor panel testing mainly includes acculator axle temperature monitor, PLC group. After connection of local cable and testing of detector charactertistic contour , testing vibration and sitechange monitor. 对火警和可燃气体检测系统,在不连接现场电缆的情况下,通过接模拟负载进行声光报
43、警试验。For fire alarm and gas detector system, under the condition of nonconnection local cable, executing sound and light alarm test by pulsing simulation loading.5.2.2控制室部系统调试CR system testing:这一层次调试检查DCS与辅助仪表盘间的所有串行信号模拟与联锁报警信号等,它与第一层次一起,构成了装置调试的核心。Checking all series simulation signal and interlock
44、alarming signal between DCS and auxiliary instrument panel. It and firstlevel test is the heart of plant testing.确认接口组态正确,检查串行信号符合设计要求。keeping connector function correct and seriesline signal compliant with design.各机柜间所有模拟、数字(报警联锁)信号传递正确,动作可靠,符合设计要求。All simulation and digital signal conveying betwee
45、n machine and cabinet is right reliable, and compliance with design.5.2.3二次联校Secondary intertesting:二次联校是装置开车前,设计、施工、建设单位对仪表调试工作的全面检查与确认,尤其是对联锁系统要组织电气与工艺专业人员共同确认。It is entire inspection and affirmation of instrument testing before starting up with shared participation of client, designer and contrac
46、tor. For interlock system. It shall be approved by electrican and process technican.1) 首先要对回路电缆进行绝缘和导通试验,然后在现场变送器、发讯开关处加模拟工艺信号。First, executing insulation and conductivity test for loop cable. Then, pulsing simulation signal at place of local transmitter and output switch.2) 在二次联校过程中,对检测系统要进一步核对信号的量
47、程、工程单位、报警上下限等,对调节系统要检查设定置、比例、积分、微分时间预设定、输出正反作用与调节阀气开气闭是否正确,During the course of intertesting, checking signal range, unit upper and lower limit of alarming concerning inspecting or testing system time, portion, differential, Checking setting value, portion , time presetting of integral and different
48、ial; positive and back action of output and air opening and closing of control valve concerning to regulation system. 对联锁所警系统应拟联锁的工艺条件,检查动作的正确与可靠性。For interlock alarming system, checking correction and relianilty of action cooperating with interlock process terms.6. 质量标准6.1 施工图与组态工作单。6.2 厂商说明书。6.3 施工图与组态工作单。6.4 工业自动化仪表工程施工与验收规 GBJ93-866.5 自动化仪表安装工程质量检验评定标准 GBJ131-906.6 化学工业部在、中型装置试车工作规 HGJ231-917. 施工技术与安全措施1) 通过对仪表系统调试程序的划分,实现层次与工序间的隔离,这样既能缩短工期,提高工作效率,又能保证人身与设备的安全。2) 调试时一次完成每个回路与联锁分支的复盖
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