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1、冬至 Winter Solstice冬至 Winter Solstice1冬至1起源2传统习俗3“冬至大如年"3“画九4酿米酒4吃烧腊与姜饭5吃番薯汤果5吃饺子5喝羊肉汤6诗词文学6冬至唐.杜甫6小至唐.杜甫6冬至夜寄京师诸弟兼怀崔都水唐韦应物7冬至贵谷子7谚语8Winter Solstice8Origin10Customs10Eating nuts11The Winter Solstice Festival12Eating dumplings12Eating wontons13Eating tangyuan13Eating mutton and vermicelli soup14E

2、ating rice cakes14Offering nine-layer cakes to ancestors14Eating red-bean and glutinous rice15冬至冬至,又称日南至、冬节、亚岁等,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统祭祖节日。冬至是四时八节之一,被视为冬季的大节日, 在古代民间有冬至大如年的讲法。冬至习俗因地域不同而又存在着习俗内容或细节上的Similarly, the weather becomes colder in general as the heat absorbed by the ground is

3、less than the heat loss due to the shortest daytime and lowest sun height on this day.OriginThe reasons behind its other name "DongJie”From of old, the winter solstice has been a solar term accepting people' s great attention. It is also known as "DongJie" in Chinese, which means

4、a Winter festival.According to records, the first month of the Zhou calendar is November of the lunar calendar, which means that the first month of the Zhou Dynasty is equivalent to our present November. At that time, the Zhou Dynasty treated the Winter Solstice as the first day of the New Year, so

5、there is no big difference between "worshiping the year" and "holding congratulatory ceremony".The ancients believed that since the winter solstice, Yang Qi of the universe began to flourish, representing the beginning of the next cycle. It is a highly auspicious day. Therefore,

6、some traditional customs such as ancestor worship, family dinner parties, which later are popular during the Spring Festival took place on this day.CustomsEat dumplings, drink mutton soup. and what' s more for the Winter Solstice?As a traditional festival, the winter solstice naturally holds a n

7、umber of interesting customs.As an old say goes, "Eat dumplings during the winter solstice” . In the north of China, like Tengzhou, Shandong, it is the custom to eat dumplings on the winter solstice, while in the south, such as Chongqing, it is popular to eat tangyuan or sweet soup balls on the

8、 day, which means to keep the cold out. This year, the winter solsticejust falls on Sunday. Walking in the streets and a I ley ways of Chongqing, you can smell the rich aroma of mutton everywhere. People are busy buying mutton to cook at home, or going to restaurants for a meal. Mutton restaurants a

9、re very crowded. While in the water town south of the Yangtze River, people strive for the family reunion at the winter solstice night to eat red-bean glutinous rice. Interestingly, Suzhou also has the custom of drinking winter wine. It is a kind of rice wine that is brewed with osmanthus flowers. A

10、t winter solstice night, people taste a variety of marinated beef and other dishes while drinking delicious winter wine. The home is full of laughter.Eating nutsWhen midwinter arrives, vital movement begins to decline and calm down. In this period, eating an appropriate amount of nuts, such as peanu

11、ts, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, is good for one's body. Traditional Chinese medical science teaches that the quality of a nut is tepidity and most nuts have the function of nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the brain and heart.The Winter Solstice FestivalThere was a saying

12、in ancient China, "The Winter Solstice is as significant as theSpring Festival."一上汩宫始宰下®'r保手摩As early as the Zhou Dynasty (c.llth century-256BC), people worshipped the gods on the first day of the Winter Solstice, which also was the first day of the new year. The Winter Solstice b

13、ecame a winter festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC- 220AD). The celebratory activities were officially organized. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest.During subsequent dynasties, such as the lang (618-907), Song (960-1279) andQing dynasties (1644-1911), the Winter Sol

14、stice was a day to offer sacrifices toHeaven and to ancestors.Eating dumplingsDuring Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes "Have dumplings on the first day of WinterSolstice and noodles on the first day of Summer Solstice.&quo

15、t;Eating wontonsPeople in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, are accustomed to eating won to ns in midwinter. According to legend, during the midwinter feast 2,500 years ago, the King of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period) was disgusted with all kinds of co

16、stly foods and wanted to eat something different. Then, the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make "wontons" to honor the king's wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much. To commemorate Xishi, the people of Suzhou made wontons the official food to celebrate the festival.Eati

17、ng tangyuanIn places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour, to celebrate Winter Solstice.Eating mutton and vermicelli soupIn Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, people call midwinter the "Ghost Festival". On that day,

18、 it is customary for people there to drink mutton and vermicelli soup and eat the dumplings in the soup. They give the midwinter soup a strange name - "brain" - and share it with their neighbors.Eating rice cakesDuring the Winter Solstice, Hangzhou residents traditionally eat rice cakes. I

19、n the past, before the approach of the winter solstice, every household would make the cakes to worship their ancestors or use as gifts for relatives and friends. Today, though fewer families eat homemade cakes, people there still buy rice cakes for the Winter Solstice Festival.Offering nine-layer c

20、akes to ancestorsTaiwan residents keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.People with the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in order of their ages. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.Eating re

21、d-bean and glutinous riceIn some regions south of the Yangtze River on the first day of Winter Solstice, the whole family gets together to have a meal made of red bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things.差异。在中国南方地区,有冬至祭祖、宴饮的习俗。在中国北方地区,每年冬至日有吃饺子冬至是“二十四节气“之第22个节气,斗指子,太阳黄经达270

22、° ,于每年公历12月 21-23日交节。冬至是太阳直射点南行的极致,冬至这天太阳光直射南回归线,太阳光对北 半球最为倾斜,太阳高度角最小,是北半球各地白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天。冬至也是太阳 直射点北返的转折点,这天过后它将走,回头路“,太阳直射点开始从南回归线(23°26*S ) 向北移动,北半球(我国位于北半球)白昼将会逐日增长。冬至这天,太阳虽低、白昼虽短,但是在气象上,冬至的温度并不是最低。实际上,由 于地表尚有“积热”,冬至之前通常不会很冷,真正的严寒在冬至之后。由于我国各地的气 候相差悬殊,这种气候意义的冬季对于我国多数地区来说,显然偏迟。时至冬至,标志着即 将

23、进入寒冷时节,民间由此开始”数九”计算寒天(民谚:"夏至三庚入伏,冬至逢壬数九X起源关于冬至的来历有很多种说法。不过据史书记载,冬至源于汉代,盛于唐宋。清嘉录 有"冬至大如年”之说,这表明古人对冬至十分重视。人们认为冬至是阴阳二气的自然转化, 是上天赐予的福气。汉朝以冬至为“冬节”,官府要举行祝贺仪式称为“贺冬”,例行放假,朝庭上下要放假 休息。唐、宋时期,冬至是皇帝祭天祭祖或到郊外举行祭天大典的日子,第二天就在殿里接受 文武百官的朝贺,百姓在这一天要向父母尊长祭拜。现代冬至日一般都在公历的12月22 日或12月23日这两日。传统习俗“冬至大如年"冬至,兼具自然与

24、人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的 传统节日,素有"冬至大如年”之说。冬至,冬至是太阳回返的始点,自冬至起太阳高度回 升、白昼逐日增长,冬至标示着太阳新生、太阳往返运动进入新的循环,所以古人把冬至看 作"大吉之日”,在时年八节当中,冬至的重要程度不亚于立春岁节。在中国南方地区,有 冬至祭祖、宴饮的习俗。在中国北方地区,每年冬至日有吃饺子的习俗。冬至节,民间历来十分重视。先秦时期,南北各地风俗文化各异,各地的风俗尚未融合 普及,很多节日有历史,乏记载。很多古已有之的节俗活动在著作上鲜有记载。据现存著作记述,周人(陕西一带)以冬十一月为正月,冬十一月一

25、日为岁首。周人的 冬十一月_日岁首与现行”二十四节气”的冬至日期在同阴历十一月,因此有说从周时期起 周人就有在冬至(十一月)祭祀的活动。易曰:先王以至日闭关,商旅不行。后汉书礼仪:"冬至前后,君子安身静体,百官绝事。"还要挑选”能之士",鼓瑟吹 笙,奏"黄钟之律”,以示庆贺。唐宋时,以冬至和岁首并重。南宋孟元老东京梦华录: ”十一月冬至。京师最重此节,虽至贫者,一年之间,积累假借,至此日更易新衣,备办饮 食,享祀先祖。官放关扑,庆祝往来,一如年节。”冬至大如年。”(清嘉录嘉兴重冬至,俗谚"冬至大似年”,保留古风。据嘉兴 府志(卷34风俗)记载:

26、"冬至祀先,冠盖相贺,如元旦仪”。民间崇尚冬至进补。"画九"所谓的画九,实则是冬至后计算春暖日期的图。明代帝京景物略载:”冬至日,画 素梅一枝,为瓣八十有一。日染一瓣,瓣尽而九九出,则春深矣,曰九九消寒图”。"九九消 寒图”有三种图式,分别为文字、圆圈、梅花三种。酿米酒传统的姑苏人家,会在冬至夜喝冬酿酒,冬酿酒用糯米或者黄米,加入桂花酿造。吃 汤圆是冬至的传统习俗,在江南尤为盛行。"汤圆”是冬至必备的食品,”圆”意味着"团圆” "圆满”,冬至吃汤圆又叫"冬至圆”。民间有”吃了汤圆大一岁之说”。/(/吃烧腊与姜饭南方

27、一些地方在冬至日要吃烧腊,冬至这天,晒制好的烧腊就成为两广餐桌上一道必不 可少的美味,寓意加菜添岁。冬至日,吴川人素有冬至“吃姜饭“的习俗。吃番薯汤果在宁波的传统习俗中,番薯汤果是冬至必吃的美食之一。番和翻同音,在宁波 人的理解中,冬至吃番薯,就是将过去一年的霉运全部”翻”过去。汤果,跟汤团类似,但 个头要小得多,而且里面没有馅。汤果也被叫做圆子,取其"团圆"、"圆满”之意。老宁波 也有"吃了汤果大一岁”的说法。宁波人在做番薯汤果时,习惯加酒酿。在宁波话中,酒酿 也叫"浆板”,"浆”又跟宁波话”涨”同音,取其"财运高涨”、&

28、quot;福气高涨”的好彩头。6吃饺子在我国北方许多地区,每年冬至日,有吃饺子的习俗。我国北方地区在这天要吃饺子因 为饺子有消寒之意,至今民间还流传着冬至不端饺子碗,冻掉耳朵没人管”的民谚。冬至阳主春又采夭时人手日梢4喝羊肉汤每年的冬至日,连接四川成都到简阳的成简快速通道迎来了一年中较热闹的时候,人们 驱车涌入位于龙泉山脉东侧的简阳市,只为寻得一碗热气腾腾的羊肉汤。诗词文学冬至唐杜甫年年至日长为客,忽忽穷愁泥杀人。江上形容吾独老,天边风俗自相亲。杖藜雪后临丹壑,鸣玉朝来散紫宸。心折此时无一寸,路迷何处见三秦。小至唐杜甫天时人事日相催,冬至阳生春又来。刺绣五纹添弱线,吹葭六瑁动浮灰。岸容待腊将舒

29、柳,山意冲寒欲放梅。云物不殊乡国异,教儿且覆掌中杯。邯郸冬至夜思家唐白居易邯郸驿里逢冬至,抱膝灯前影伴身。想得家中夜深坐,还应说着远行人。冬至夜寄京师诸弟兼怀崔都水唐韦应物理郡无异政,所忧在素餐。徒令去京国,羁旅当岁寒。子月生一气,阳景极南端。已怀时节感,更抱别离酸。私燕席云罢,还斋夜方阑。邃幕沉空宇,孤灯照床单。应同兹夕念,宁忘古攵岁欢。 11途恍悠邈,涕下一阑干。冬至贵谷子日照数九冬至天,清霜风高未辞岁。又是一个平衡日,子线从南向北回。谚语冬至西北风,来年干一春。(晋)清爽冬至面遢年,谢遢冬至清爽年。(赣)冬至晴,正月雨;冬至雨,正月晴。(浙)冬至晴,新年雨,中秋有雨冬至晴。(黑)冬至晴,

30、新年雨;冬至雨,新年晴。(鲁、湘)冬至冷,春节暖;冬至暖,春节冷。(湘、粤)冬至不冷,夏至不热。(湘)冬至暖,冷到三月中;冬至冷,明春暖得早。(桂)冬至暖,烤火到小满。(桂)Winter SolsticeThe traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Winter Solstice (Chinese:冬至),the 22nd solar term of the year, begins this year on Dec 21.On the first day of Winter Solstice, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and the longest night in the year, as the sun shines directly at the Tropic of Capricorn. From then on, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. The Winter S


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