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1、写作点拨系列:看图作文看图进行书面表达的基本要求是:认真审图,确立主题,提炼要点,展开联想,变点为句,连句成篇。要达到这些要求,我们就必须认真审图,善于利用图中人物间的关系、人物的对话、人物的活动及所处场所,以及图中的文字说明和标识来提炼要点;要围绕主题展开合理的想象切忌游离于主题展开不着边际的联想。高考看图作文技巧/ 方法指导五步法:1.仔细审题:包括文体,人称,时态. / 理解到位:整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。2.归纳要点:保证文章内容的完整. / 基础到位:用简单句写出每幅图的主题句。3.扩展成句:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子. / 细节到位:注意每幅图的次要内容(时间

2、,地点,方式,原因等)4.连句成篇:利用一些表示转折,因果,选择等关系的关联词和过渡句,把句子连接起来. / 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。5.全面检查:格式文体,要点,语法,字数等. / 检查到位:对照各幅图检查全文定稿。高考看图作文的体裁:记叙文:要抓住记叙文的六要素:when, where, who, what, why, how. 即五个“W”和一个“H”。要注意人物与空间的关系,画面与画面的关系,要点与发挥的关系。说明文:(另见图表式作文)议论文:(见漫画作文)记叙类例题展示1:下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据画面及图中的有关提示,写一篇120字左右的短文。

3、注意:可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想象,使使故事完整连贯。 第一步:认真看图,确立主题 结合文字和图画,确立所要表达的主题是什么。根据“四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历”一段文字提示,结合第一幅图中的日历上所表示的时间( 3月8日) ,我们可以确立本篇书面表达的主题是:李华要做些家务事来为他的妈妈庆祝“3.8”妇女节。第二步:围绕主题,提炼要点第一幅图:李华把他的主意告诉父亲 第二幅图:李华扫地、父亲洗衣服 第三幅图:李华和父亲下厨房做菜 第四幅图:餐桌上有花瓶、饮料、鱼、肉等等第三步:合理想象,补出要点第一幅图:李华为什么要把他的主意告诉父亲? 求得父亲的帮助或配合第二幅图:李华和父亲为什

4、么要选择做家务?这些家务平时都是由母亲做的第三幅图:可想象他们做了除图画表现出的 fish, pork外,还有没有其它菜 。比如: chicken, soup and other delicious dishes.第四幅图中没有一个人出现,为什么,留给考生进行合理的想象:李华和父亲是不是藏起来了?其目的是什么 :可能是等母亲回家时以给她一个惊喜。第四步:确定时态,译出要点 确定表达时所用的正确时态,将围绕主题初选出的要点和经过合理想象补出的要点翻译出来。本篇叙述的是李华一家过去某一天(“3.8”妇女节)所发生的事,应该用过去时来表达。写作题纲:1、体裁: 2、主要时态:本篇叙述的是李华一家过去

5、某一天(“3.8”妇女节)所发生的事,应该用 。3、人称: 4、要点: 第一幅图 On March the eighth, Womens Day, LiHua had a good idea and told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him.第二幅图 They decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. LiHua cleaned the house

6、completely. His father did some washing.第三幅图 They made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and some other delicious dishes.第四幅图 LiHua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. They hid themselves behind the door, waiting for Mother. They wanted to give her

7、a happy surprise. When his mother came back and saw delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very curious and happy. 第五步:连句成篇,过渡自然 对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加上必要的连接词或词语以及照顾到文章的首尾呼应,再加上必要的结束语。学以致用:运用以上方法把下面这篇文章写出来1.(2012·陕西高考) 假定你是李华。下面的图画描述了教师节那天你们班组织的一次活动,请根据写作要点并参考图画内容,为校刊“英语角”版面写一篇短文。 写作要点:1.

8、活动的策划;2. 教室的布置; 3. 活动的内容;4. 你的感想。 Ms. Li, our English teacher, did not receive a single greeting card from us students early on Teachers Day. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her. _项 目结 论体 裁_话 题_时 态_人 称_【定点把握要点,遣词造句】第1段:点明话题令人吃惊的教师节(已给出)第2段:教师节准备【信息】图画描述了教师节那天你们班组织的一次

9、活动【点拨】转化人称,分析图画,结合提示确定活动内容【运用】(1)随着教师节的来临,作为今年的一次改变, 我们班决定举办一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的日子。一般表达:Teachers Day was approaching. Our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. 高级表达:(用连词合并句子)_, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this y

10、ear. (2)9月10号的那天下午,我们中的一些同学用纸花和气球来装饰教室,其他同学去买蛋糕、饮料和水果。On the afternoon of September 10,_, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. (3)黑板上装饰有漂亮的字,上面写着“教师节快乐”。The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, 第3段:活动的内容【信息】分析图画中的内容:女教师、学生站队、鲜花等【点拨】适度发挥,切合图画内容即可【运用】(4)走进教室,李老师吃惊地发现我们正列队等候,拍着手大声

11、地说“教师节快乐”。_, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, _ and saying loudly “Happy Teachers Day! ”(5)我们班的班长王华把准备好的花送给了她。Wang Hua, our monitor, _(6)一些女生为李老师唱起了歌,三位男生表演了功夫。Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, _第4段:你的感想【信息】紧扣教师节,表达对老师的感谢【点拨】感想符合教师节话题内容即可【运用】(7)李老师与我们一起愉快地度过了教师节,但我们知道她的辛

12、勤劳动和对我们的指导我们再怎么表达感谢也不为过。Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, _. 2.假设你是一位生活在某城市的中学生,暑假打算去乡村度假。请根据下面两幅图提供的信息,写一篇短文。简要说明城市生活的不足,重点说明你去乡村度假的原因。注意:1短文应包括图中所提供的主要信息,并做适当发挥,使短文内容连贯、完整; 2词数:100左右。 命题目的与解题技巧:本题考查图表作文。【解析】 此书面表达有图画兼文字提示,因此考生在动笔前先要审阅提示。如:文章的体裁为说明文,说明要去乡村度假的原因。写作提纲 1.人称: 。2.体裁: 3.时态:以 主。陈述城乡环

13、境差别时可用 4.写作要点: (1“我”要去乡下度假的打算。 (2城市化所存在的问题(拥挤、嗓音、空气污染)。 (3乡下的环境(空气、山、水、树木、鸟儿等)。 关联词:although,still,so,whats more,besides,also,above a11等。 3.假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文:(1.简要描述下图内容,并点名主题;(2.联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示 注意:A.词数不少于120个; B不能使用真实姓名和学校名称 写作提纲 1.人称: 2.体裁: 3.时态: 4.写作要点:第一段描写:海洋由水滴组成、森林由树木组成、社会有个人组成三幅图

14、画;最后一句点明主题“积少成多”,第一段就轻松拿下。第二段:文章的主体段:分析图画的深层含义,在提纲中也已经有规定“联系实际”。找准文章的主题“积少成多”,联系同学们的校园生活就不会“无言以对”。 比如Unity is strength.(团结就是力量)A little progress a day makes you a big success(每天进步一点点,点点积累成大器)第三段:结尾段的个人总结将第一段提到的“积少成多”的图画主题重声,并给出一个较为深刻的思想,比如we should work together harmoniously and try our best to make

15、 a contribution to human society.(我们应该一起和谐地工作并尽我们最大的努力来为社会作贡献)。Nobody can be great successful just overnight. 任何人都不可能一夜之间获得巨大的成功结构紧凑、逻辑明确的“三段式”写法永远是高考英语写作的“不二法宝”,基础词汇和表达的平时积累定能为你的高分作文保驾护航。范文欣赏:1. It was March the eighth that day, Womens Day. LiHua had a good idea and told his father that he was goin

16、g to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him. First they decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. LiHua cleaned the house completely while his father did some washing. Then they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and some other delicio

17、us dishes. LiHua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. After that they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for Mother so as to give her a happy surprise. When his mother came back and saw delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very surprised and ha

18、ppy. LiHua thought it was an unforgettable and meaningful day, because he did something for his mother.2. Ms. Li, our English teacher, did not receive a single greeting card from us students early on Teachers Day. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her.As Teachers Day w

19、as approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. On the afternoon of September 10,some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. The blackboard was decorated with beautiful w

20、ords, which read “Happy Teachers Day!”Entering the classroom, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly “Happy Teachers Day!” Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared flowers. Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, and three boys showed t

21、heir kung fu talent. Before we left, we enjoyed a new English song by Ms. Li. Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.3. I will spend this summer holiday in the countryside. Although the city is modern and convenient, ther

22、e are still some problems, such as air pollution, crowdedness and noise. In the countryside I can enjoy a comfortable and quiet life. There, the air is fresh and the water is clean; trees are green and birds are singing. I can also go boating, fishing and swimming in the lake. What's more, I can

23、 climb the hills. All these will be interesting and good for my health. Above all, I can learn more about nature. So I want to go to the countryside for a change. I'm looking forward to the coming of my summer holiday. 4 Unity is powerMany drops of water can make up a sea. Many trees can turn in

24、to a forest. And society consists of individuals and individuals live in society. The picture is simple but very instructive. It tells us a truth that unity is power. Life is full of ups and downs and there are always many difficulties lying on the road that leads to success. When we come across som

25、e difficulties, what should we do to solve the problems? Of course unity can help us a lot.For example, on 5th December,2008, a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan province. Many people were injured and lots of people died but those who were still alive didnt lose confidence , because not only t

26、he whole nation were united and went there to help them out but also some individuals and organizations abroad gave their hands to the area. With all the help, Sichuan has been rebuilt well now.Unity is power. It makes us walk together and live better. Im sure that with the help of unity we can overcome any difficulty. As the picture shows, only when the drops of water come together can they become a wide sea; only when t


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