



1、高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 练习课课时教案 新人教版必修5 2014 年 9 月 11 日 星期 第 节Unit2, book5 练习课教学内容the second period of this unitget students to grasp some language points.Train the students ability of using the key words and phrases in sentences.Help the students improve their ability of translation. 教学目标Kno

2、wledge aims: 1: Learn and grasp some new words and expressions.2: Improve students ability of using the key words and phrases in sentences.3: Get all students to learn something more about UK.Ability Aims: Train the students of using the key words and phrases in sentences.Train the students ability

3、of translationEmotional Aims: Train the studentsability to cooperate with others. Encourage the students to learn by talking and discussing.教学策略手段1.Different forms of activities, including pair work, group work, competition, and quiz. Group competition will be carried out all through the class.2.The

4、n the teacher can have the students do some exercise,making sure that they have master the key wods and phrases.3. Later the students will be divided into several groups to finish test.4.By discussion in groups , students can find some new questions andGet answers easily.5.During discussion in group

5、s , some students may find some difficultQuestions and can get the answers by discussion课堂练习一课文重点单词短语练习1. 1) consist of 由组成,包括= be made up ofThe group consists of 4 students .2) consist in= lie in 在于; 存在于Happiness consists in freedom.2. divideinto 把整体分成若干部分separatefrom 把原来连在一起的或靠近的部分分隔开来.Please _ th

6、e good apples _ the bad ones. (separate.from)The teacher _ the class _ seven groups. ( dividedinto)3. puzzle n.1.迷,难题 2.迷惑,困惑a cross-word puzzle 纵横字谜 puzzled (adj.) 感到迷惑的;puzzling(adj.) 令人困惑的(1)英语单词的拼法往往使人迷惑。The spelling of English words is often puzzling.(2)他看起来很困惑. He looks very puzzled.4 . break

7、(broke, broken) break away from 挣脱,摆脱 break out (战争,灾难,疾病)爆发 break down (机器)出故障,(谈判)失败, (身体)垮了break up 打碎,解散,结束 break into 闯入 break in 插话 break off 中断1) Our car _ and we had to push it off the road. broke down 2)Yesterday two thieves _ his house. broke into 3) As she was talking, he suddenly _, sayi

8、ng, "That's a lie". broke in4) He _ a piece of chocolate. broke off 5) War _ in 1914. broke out 6) The meeting _ at ten to three. broke up 7) Nowadays many farmers want to _ rural life and make a living in cities. broken up with 5. convenience n.u 方便 C便利设施Come whenever it is to your co

9、nvenience. 你什么时候方便就什么时候来。常用搭配:for ones convenience为 方便 at ones convenience在方便的时候for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见 for conveniences sake为方便起见adj. convenient 反义inconvenientOur house is convenient for the shops.常用搭配:be convenient to sb. 对方便 It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做是方便的In a modern city,

10、 it's convenient to buy everything.在现代化的都市,要买每样东西很方便。6. attraction n.吸引, 吸引力;吸引人的东西;引力A big city offers many and varied attractions.大城市有多种多样吸引人的东西。拓展:attract v. 吸引attractive adj. 有吸引力的常用搭配:have attraction for sth. 对有吸引力 attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力 be attracted to sth.被所吸引二短语检测1. 由组成_ 2.被划分成_

11、3. 逃脱;挣脱_ 4值得赞扬的是_5.为了方便起见_6.吸引游客_ 7.世界知名的_8使旅行有意义_1.consist of 2.be divided into 3. break away from 4.to ones credit 5.for convenience 6.attract visitors 7.world-famous 8. make the trip worthwhile三课后巩固练习:1.这个队由九名队员组成. The team consists of nine members.The team is made up of nine members.2.让我们把蛋糕分成三份 Lets divide the cake into three.3.他与所有的朋友断绝关系是错误的Its wrong of him to break away from all his friends.4.电视对人们有强烈的影响 Television has a strong influence on people.5.你出错了,你漏掉了


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