已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、六年级Unit1 复习Name:_   Class:_        Marks:_ 一、选出不同类的单词(5分)(    )1. A. clever          B. foolish           

2、0;   C. football(    )2. A. clothes           B. cold                        C. coat( 

3、;   )3. A. live            B. fit                      C. king(    )4. A. angry  

4、0;         B. shout                       C. sad(    )5. A. walk         &#

5、160; B. give                         C. prince二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 许多人                 

6、;        2.point at that old man                 3. 做衣服                   &

7、#160;     4.walk through the forest                 5. 一个愚蠢的男人                 6. turn into a beauti

8、ful girl                 7. 穿一件连衣裙                   8. say a new sentence       

9、;          9. 给我看他的故事书               10. think of                    &

10、#160;     三、单项选择(15分)(    )1.He        help his mother       housework.     A. wants, do         B. wants to,

11、with         C. wants to, does   (    )2.The boy is clever       he tells the truth(事实).     A. with          

12、   B. because              C. but            (    )3. There were       people sitting on the bench.&

13、#160;    A. only one          B. a lot                C. a lot of(    )4.       Mr Smith &

14、#160;        France last year?     A. Did, visited       B. Did, visit            C. Was, visited(    )5.  

15、60;    you at home a day ago?     A. Are              B. Do                 C. Were  (

16、0;          some beautiful stamps       us this morning.A. shows, for         B. showed , to          C.show, for &

17、#160;  (    ) 7.Did Bobby        an e-mail        you that day?A. write, to          B. wrote, to       &

18、#160;     C.writes, for (    ) 8.Long long ago, there         a house on the hill.     A. had              B.

19、was                 C.is      (    ) 9.The boy       go swimming, but he       do his homework.

20、A. wanted, have to        B. wants , has to        C.wanted to, have to (    ) 10.His father         very angry and said , Listen to me  

21、60;     !A. is, carefully           B. was , carefully       C. were, careful (    ) 11.The old lady is nice        

22、0;      .     A. to, us                B. for, me            C. to , I  (   

23、0;) 12.She       the frog well. Then the frog turned        a prince.     A. looks after, to         B. looked at, to      &#

24、160; C. looked after, into(    )13.       he happy at that night?Of course!     A. Was                 B. Is   

25、0;            C. Did(    ) 14. Whos       ?   Its Alices      .     A. next, turn      

26、60;     B. second, turn        C. next, next  (    ) 15.The king      a special hobby. He             new clot

27、hes.A. has, likes wears        B. had, liked wearing   C. had, liked wear 四、连词成句。(10分)1. clothes, look, new, at, kings, the (.)                   

28、;                   2. student, one, each, says, sentence (.)                        

29、              3. turn, Mikes, is, it (?)                               

30、0;       4. again, to, have, start, we, the, lesson (.)                                   

31、   5. the, her, and, children, Mrs. Fox, watering, are, flowers (.)                                    &#

32、160; 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.The king        (not wear) any clothes.2.The      (small)boy is       (walk) along the river.3.He _(look ) at the pictures and _(laugh) two days ago.4.He  

33、;     (try)       the new clothes and       (walk) in the street.5.The queen        (can) not touch the flowers when she       (be

34、) young. 六、完型填空。(10分)Long long   1  , there   2   a king. He loved horses. One day he   3 an artist to draw   4   a beautiful horse. The artist said, "All right, but you must

35、wait." So the king waited. He waited and waited. At last, after a year he   5   notwait any longer. He went to see the artist. Quickly the artist brought out a piece of paper and a brush. In five minutes he   6   drawing a very beautif

36、ul horse. The king was   7  . "You can draw a good horse in five minutes, but you kept me waiting for a year. Why?" "Come   8   me, please." said the artist. They went to the artist's workroom. They saw piles and piles of

37、 paper. On every piece of paper there   9   a picture of a horse. "It   10   me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes." the artist said.(    )1. A. ago    

38、      B. go            C. before(    )2. A. live          B. lives          C. lived( 

39、;   )3. A. asks          B. asked         C. asking(    )4. A. his           B. him     &#

40、160;     C. he(    )5. A. was          B. can           C. could(    )6. A. finished       B. f

41、inish         C. finish to(    )7. A. sad          B. angry        C. happy(    )8. A. in      

42、     B. of           C. with(    )9. A. was         B. has           C. is(    )

43、10. A. take        B. took          C. takes七、阅读理解。(20分)A、阅读判断。(T/F)    It was a spring morning. There wasnt a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot, so Mr. Green was surpri

44、sed(惊讶的)when he saw an old gentleman(绅士)at the bus station with a big black umbrella in his hand. Mr. Green asked him,” Are we going to have rain today, do you think?”    “No,” said the old man. “I dont think so.”    “Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep

45、 the sun of you?”    “No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”     Mr. Green looked at the big umbrella again, and the gentleman said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a walking-stick(拐杖). But when I carry a walking-stick

46、, people say, Look at that poor man. I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, “Look at that stupid man!”(    )1. The old gentleman took a big black umbrella with him because it was a        rainy day.(

47、60;   )2. Mr. Green was very surprised when he saw the old mans umbrella.(    )3. The old mans legs were strong, he could walk well.(    )4. The old man took an umbrella because he need a walking-stick.(    )5. The old gentle

48、man isnt happy to hear that he is poor.B、阅读选择。    A farmer was going to die(死亡). He wished to show his sons the best way of farming. So he called his sons to him, and said to them, “My children, I am going to die. I leave(留下) something for you. They are in the yard(田野).” 

49、60;  The sons thought maybe there was some treasure(宝藏)in the yard. So as soon as the old man died, they began to work with their spades and ploughs(铁锹和耕犁). They turned up the soil(翻土)over and over again, but they didnt find any treasure.    However, in this way, the ri

50、ce grew faster and better than ever before(比以前更好). And the sons got much more money.(    )1. One day the farmer called his sons together because             .A. he was going to die      

51、;     B. he wanted give them some treasureC. he needed their help(    )2. What did the farmer leave in the yard?A. A lot of rice.           B. The spades.       

52、0;  C. Nothing.(    )3. Did the sons find any treasure in the yard?A. Yes, they did.     B. No, they didnt.     C. Yes, but not very much.(    )4. How was the rice after the sons turned up the soil?A.

53、 It grew quickly but bad.               B. It grew well and quickly.C. It grew well but slowly.(    )5. What was the real(真正的)treasure?A. The sons hard-working.    B. Spades and ploughs

54、.    C. The rice.九、完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1. Long long a              , there w            a king.2. He w    

55、;            to f             an honest(诚实的) boy to be his prince.3. He sent some seeds (种子) to the children, “If you ca

56、n g                beautiful flowerswith my seeds, you will be my prince. ”4. All the children s             t

57、heir flowers to the king. But only one child camew             an empty flowerpot (花盆).5. The king l                

58、; , “You are the one! Because all the seeds w               cooked(煮熟的). They cant grow. ”6.  The little boy became the p        &

59、#160;   .6A Unit 2 What a day! 单元试卷一、英汉互译。1. 在早上_ 6. black clouds_2. 今天早上_ 7. some drinks_3. 一场鹦鹉展览_8. fly away_4. 放风筝_ 9. fly high in the sky_5. 吃我们的午餐_ 10. climb the hill_11.在空中_12.爬上_13.飞走_14打篮球_15.抓紧_16.一些饮料_17.干得好_18.在小山附近_19.骑自行车_20一些面包_21.在面包上_22.一些蜜蜂_23.去公园_24.在操场_25.今天上午_26.太

60、高_二、按要求写单词。1. go(过去式)_ 6. sun(形容词)_2. saw(原形)_ 7. cloudy(名词)_3. interest(形容词)_ 8. rainy(动词)_4.became(原形)_ 9. brought(原形)_5. fly(过去式)_ 10. find(过去式)_三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It was _. There was a lot of _(rain).2. It was _. There were black _(cloud) in the sky.3. Children _(go) to the park by bike this Sund

61、ay. 4. We _(see) some bees flying in the flowers just now.5. It _(rain) all day on 20th September.6. He _(look) sad, because he _(lose) a new pen.四、根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。1. When it is r_, we must take a raincoat or an umbrella.2. When it is w_, we like to fly kites in the park.3. It was s_. They took hats

62、and sunglasses.4. Teachers Day is in S_.5. The ants like h_ very much.6. We didnt bring any raincoats or umbrellas. So we were w_.7. Children were h_. They wanted to have some bread.五词汇1晴朗的_2.多云的_3.有风的_4.多雨的_5.变为,变成_6.下雨_7.云_8.带来_9.丢失_10.找到,发现_11.展览,展示_12.有趣的_13.天气_14.饮料_15.遇见_16.潮湿的_17.蜂蜜_四写出下列各词的正

63、确形式.1.Sun(形容词)_2.wind(形容词)_3.rain (形容词)_4.fly(过去式)_5.become(过去式)_6.can(过去式)_7.go(过去式)_8.see(过去式)_9.bring(过去式)_10.take(过去式)_11.run(过去式)_e(过去式)_13.have(过去式)_14.lose(过去式)_15.do(过去式)_ 六根据首字母填空(8分)1.Its a w _ day.Lets fly kites.2.I am thirsty,I need something to d _ .3.The king is so foolish,the boy poin

64、ted at him and l_ .4.There were many clouds in the sky,it was c _ yesterday. Today it is r _ ,you should take an umbrella.5.My mother t _ me a story every day when I was a c _ . 6.Last Sunday we f _kites in the park.七、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.Three days ago,I _ (bring)a new bike.2.I_ (live) with my grandpa

65、rents when I was young.3.The king _ (not wear) any clothes that day,all the people _(point)at him.4.Long long ago,there_ (be) many old men in the mountain.5.Look,the girl _(wear) a nice dress.6.My mother _ (visit) my uncle every Saturday.7.Sam _ (lose) his bike.He was very sad.8.They _ (can )not hol

66、d onto it.It went away.9.The weather _ (become) rainy.Iwas wet.八、选择正确答案。(15分)( )1. Long long ago, there a boy called Ma Liang. A. was B. were C. is D. sre( )2. I _ TV a moment ago. A. watch B. watched C. looked D. look ( )3. Tom visited the farm _ his family yesterday. A. with B. for C. in D. and( )

67、4. The teacher the blackboard,then we copyed the words. A.point at B. pointed at C.is pointing at D. points at( )5. Do you want _? A. visit the forest B. visiting the forest C. to visiting the forest D. to visit the forest ( )6. Each student one picture. A. draw B. draws C. drawing D. to drawing( )7

68、. She usually _ new clothes his doll. A. makeswith B. makefor C. makesfor D. makewith( )8. The lion always walks _ the forest every day. A. on B. under C. through D. behind( )9. Were there _ people in the street? A. some B. any C. much D. a( )10. What _ beautiful girl! A. / B an C. a D. the( )11. Th

69、e shoes are very cool, but they me. A. are fitting B. fit C. dont fit D. fitted( )12. like to wear a kilt. A. The Chinese B. The Scottish C. The American D. The English( )13. The little boy the king, because he is too foolish. A. looked at B. pointed at C. laughed at D. shouted at( )14. Yesterday Na

70、ncy was sick, her mother her carefully. A. looked after B. looked at C. looked for D. looked out( )15. The witch(女巫) the prince the lion. A. turned on B. talkedwith C. toldto D. turnedinto九、选择合适的词填空。(9分)The king _( likes liked) new clothes. The two men (wanted wants) (to make make ) new clothes for the king. The king was very happy. The two men (looked showed) the king his new clothes, and (said pointed) to him, clever people _(could couldnt) see them. Though(虽然) the king (sees saw) nothing, he still _ (walked walks) through the street in his new clothes. A little b


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