国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法 --★【汉魅】_第1页
国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法 --★【汉魅】_第2页
国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法 --★【汉魅】_第3页
国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法 --★【汉魅】_第4页
国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法 --★【汉魅】_第5页
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1、国家英语四级考试语法解题技巧词汇答题推导法通过分析总结历次大学英语四级考试的语法试题,我们发现:四级考试语法考查重点是:虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句、动词的ing形式和过去分词、动词不定式、倒装、主谓一致、词序、省略、强调、不常用的时态等。四级语法试题考查的多是这些语法项目的不常见用法,详细内容请参看大学英语四级考试90分突破语法分册。下面,我们以历次四级考试语法试题为例,说明其考试重点。一、虚拟语气考查点1.essential,important等词后的虚拟语气1It was essential that the application forms back before the deadl

2、ine.(90年1月四级试题Amust be sent Bwould be sent Cbe sent Dwere sent(答案是C2It is vital that enough money to fund the project.(97年1月四级试题Ais co11eeted Bbe co11ected Cmust be co11ected Dcan be co11ected(答案为B2.if only,wish后的虚拟语气1Look at the terrible situation l am in!If only I your advice.(93年6月四级试题Afo1low Bha

3、d followed Cwould fo1low Dhave fo1lowed(答案为B2I wish I longer this morning,but l had to get up and come to class.(95年6月四级试题Ahave slept Bslept Cmight have slept Dcould have slept(答案为D3If only the committee the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible,(97年1月四级试题Aapprove Bwould approve C

4、can approve Dmill approve(答案为B3.动词desire,recommend,suggest后跟虚拟语气1We desire that the tour leader us immediately of any change in plans.(93年6月四级试题Ainform Binforms Cinformed Dhad informed(答案为A2his recommended that the project until all the preparations have been made.(95年6月四级试题Anot be started Bwi11 not

5、 be started Cis not started Dis not to be started(答案为A3He suggested to tomorrows exhibition together.(89年1月四级试题Aus to go Bwe went Cwe shall go Dwe go(答案为D4.条件从句中的虚拟语气1Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she a job she probably wouldnt be able see her friends very often.(96年

6、1月四级试题Ahas to get Bwere not get Chad got Dcould have got(答案为B2 before we depart the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party,(97年1月试题AHad they arrived CWere they to arriveBWould they arrive DWere they arriving3He must have had an accident,or he then.(90年1月四级试题Awould have been here

7、Chad to be hereBshould be here Dwould be there(答案为A二、动词的ing形式和过去分词本部分的考查重点是分词的独立结构和动名词作宾语。1.分词的独立主格结构分词的独立主格结构通常考两种结构:1名词、代词十分词A new technique ,the yields as a whole increased by 20percent.(90年1月四级试题Aworking out Chaving been worked outBhaving worked out Dto have been worked out(答案为C2With+名词(代词+V-ed或

8、V- ingAfter the Arab states won independence,great emphasis was laid on expanding education,with girls as well as boys togotosch001.(97年1月四级考题Ato be encouraged Bbeing encouraged Cbeen encouraged Dbe encouraged(本题答案为B2.动名词短语作宾语1They are considering before the prices go up.(89/1,No.55Aof buying the ho

9、use Cbuying the house Bwi t h buying the house Dto buy the house(答案为C2Building that railway was very difficul t and involved ten tunnels.(92/6,No.58Adig Bdigging Cto have dug Dhaving dug(答案为B3She was so angry that she felt like something at him.(92/6,No.68Ato throw Bthrowing Cto have thrown Dhaving

10、thrown(答案为B4Its no use me not to worry.(89/1,No.48Ayou tell Cfor you to have toldByour telling Dhaving told(答案为B5. The money wi11 be used to keep a space vehicle on t he moon busy back to the earth photographs and other information about the surface of the moon.(92/6,No.45Ato send Bsending Cto be se

11、nt Dbeing sent(答案为B6The traditional approach with complex problems is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems.(95/1,No.33Ato dealing Bin dealing Cdealing Dto deal(答案为A7I remember to help us if we ever got into trouble.(93/6,No62Aonce offering Bhim once offering Chim to offer Dto

12、 offer him3.分词短语作状语with the picture,Mary tore i t to pieces.(92/6,No.59 。ADissatisfying thoroughly CBeing thoroughly dissatisfiedBto dissatisfy thoroughly DTo be thoroughly dissatisfied(答案为C一、利用动词词组中的介词或副词确定正确选项命题人员想考查考生是否掌握了某一动词词组的用法,在设计四个选项时,有时会让一个动词出现在四个选项中,只是后边的介词或副词不一样。在做这一类题时,如果我们认识某一词组,根据自己的判

13、断毫不犹豫地选择你认为是正确的选项。如果不认识或拿不准他们的意义,我们可以根据上下文以动词后边的介词或副词进行推导,如下例:1.Having decided to rent a flat,we contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.(1998年1月CET4Aset about Bset down Csetout Dsetup答案为A。本句前边说“已经决定租房,我们联系房产中介商”,这里需要填“开始”的意思。从动词后的四个介词来说,只有about有表示“将来”(be about的意思,所以A为正确答案。需顺便补充的是,set

14、about 这一结构中,about是介词,因此它后面如果跟表示动作的词,需要用动名词形式。2.One day Ia newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.(1998年1月CET4Acame across Bcame about Ccame after Dcame at答案为A。由于文中有"One day"这一时间状语和下文的意思,如果大家知道come across表示“(意外碰到”,那就毫不犹豫地选A。但如果不知道Come across

15、有此意义,我们根据四个介词的基本意义也可以判断A为正确答案(across交叉、穿过,come across碰巧读到。3.When he realized the police had spotted him,the man the exit as quickly as possible.(1991年1月CET4Amade off Bmade for Cmade out Dmade up答案为B。这里空格处要填的是表示“走向”之意,这里只有"for"表示在同一水平上“向方向”。注意,句中有exit一词,因为the man是在一建筑物内,所以不可能用out the exi t(

16、注意上下文,而且out是一个副词,后面接名词时需要有介词。f,所以答案是B而不是C。二、利用动词词组中的动词确定选项有些题的四个选项中的介词或副词一样,而动词则不样,这时我们就可以利用动词的区别来确定答案,如下例:If you the bottle and cigarettes,youll be much healthier.(1997年1月CET6Atake off Bkeep off Cget off Dset off答案为B。keep与off合在一起是“与保持距离,远离”的意思,根据句子的意思“如果你不喝酒(这里bottle是替代,以名词bottle代动词喝酒、吸烟,你就会更健康”,答案

17、为B。三、利用句中的释义推导此种方法的依据是词汇题的题干中一部分词是对另一部分词汇意思的解释。1.The medicine is on sale everywhere.You can get it at chemists.(1997年6月CET4Aeach Bsome Ccertain Dany答案为D。本题中前一句中的everywhere就决定了第二句中的空白处填any。2.The manager spoke highly Of such as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.(1998年1月CET4Avirtu

18、es Bfeatures Cproperties Dcharacteristics答案为A。本句中as后面的名词loyalty(忠诚,courage(勇气和truthfulness(实事求是是对空格处名词进行的解释。本句中的三个名词归纳起来都属于人应当具有的“美德”。3.I hope that you1l be more careful in typing the letter.Dont anything.(1991年1月CET4A1ack Bwi t hdraw Comit Dleak答案为C。前边的1 hope that you11 be more careful决定了后边的空白处要填C项

19、omit,意思是“遗漏”。四、利用句中的因果关系推导这种方法的依据是题于中的分句之间存在的因果关系。1.Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant so much noise.(1997年1月CET4Aresist Bsustain Ctolerate Dundergo答案为C。本句从dont like.,推出后边的cant tolerate,表示“不能容忍”的意思。2.The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains

20、 so manyreferences.(1997年1月-CET6Aobscure Bacute Cnotable Dobjective答案为A。通过结果"difficult to understand"推出答案"obscure",意思是“含糊的,难解的”。其他三个选项的意思分别是:B敏锐的,剧烈的;C显著的,明显的;D客观的。3.Being some what short-sighted,she had the habit of at people.(1997年1月CET6Aglancing Bpeering Cgazing Dscanning答案为C。通过原因"short-sighted"推出答


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