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1、大学英语(高起专)阅读理解Passage 1Moving cold air will create a rain belt which will move from west to east in the north today and tonight. The potential of heavy rain is being weakened in areas along the Huaihe River. Eastern areas in the northwest will have light to moderate rain, to be accompanied by heavy r

2、ain or short thunder showers in some places. Light to moderate rain is also expected in areas along the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, the lower reaches of the Hanshui River, western and northern areas south of the Yangtze River, South China and eastern areas of the Southwest. Western and southern areas

3、 in South China will be hit by heavy rains or rainstorms. Heavy rain is also likely in western areas south of the Yangtze River and eastern part of Southwest. 1. What will be created according to the passage? ( A )(A) A rain belt (B) The potential of heavy rain (C) Moving cold air (D) Short thunder

4、showers 2. What is being weakened? ( B )(A) A rain belt (B) The potential of heavy rain (C) Moving cold air (D) Short thunder showers 3. What is also expected in some areas? ( D )(A) Heavy rain (B) Moderate rain (C) Light rain (D) Light to moderate rain 4. Where will heavy rains or rainstorms occur?

5、 ( C )(A) Southern areas in South China (B) Western areas in South China (C) Western and southern areas in South China (D) Northern areas south of the Yangtze River 5. What is this passage? ( D )(A) An advertisement (B) A notice (C) A piece of news (D) A weather forecast Passage 2Coca-Cola is the be

6、st-selling soft drink in the world. 165 million "Cokes" are sold every day, from the equator to the Arctic. But whereas outside the USA Coke tends to be a young person's drink, inside the USA anybody of any age, of any income can drink it without embarrassment on any occasion. Coke is

7、not the only " cola" drink. Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees, for it is not as sweet as Coke. Cola drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only soft drinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing. There are excellent wines produced in California which

8、 are praised by European connoisseurs(行家), but some Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails-mixture based on spirits like whisky, gin and vodka. Hamburgers and hot dogs are perhaps the best-known American food. Hot dogs - sausages (香肠)between bread rolls can be bought in smack ba

9、rs and from hot dog stands on streets corner. And from San Francisco to New York, in cheap or medium-priced restaurants, hamburgers will be on all the menus, in company with steaks, fried chicken and seafood. They come with French fries and crisp green salad, and for dessert you will be offered appl

10、e pie, cheese cake, chocolate layer cake, ice-creams and ice-cream sundaes(圣代). No ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream. 1. What may be the best title for this passage? ( C )(A) The Competition Between Coke and Pepsi   (B) American Food and Wine   (C) American F

11、ood and Drink   (D) American Ice cream 2. Which of the following statement about “coca-Cola” is true according to the passage? ( D )(A) It gives one new strength or vigor when one is tired.   (B) It is more popular outside America than inside America.   (C) It is not as sweet as Pepsi

12、.   (D) It is stimulating because it contains alcohol. 3. “Gin” mentioned in Para. 3 is most likely to be _C_. (A) another cola drink   (B) a kind of soft drink   (C) a kind of alcohol   (D) a kind of mixed liquid 4. Which of the following may appear on the table of cheap or medi

13、um-priced restaurants in the US.( B ) (A) Bread, seafood and ice-cream sundae(B) Hamburger, fried chicken and ice-cream.(C) Hot dog, salad and apple pie (D) Hamburger, steak and coffee  5. What is the purpose of this article? ( C )(A) To boast (称颂) Americans excellence in food and drink. (B) To

14、 attract people to taste American food.(C) To introduce American food and drink to the readers (D) To persuade the readers to drink Coke instead of Pepsi. Passage 3In the old day, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters

15、 who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member. Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they get sick, we transfer them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally ill patients-even

16、 when those patients are their parents. This deprives(剥夺)the dying patient of significant family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children of an experience of death, which is an important learning experience. Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed and followed a

17、pproximately 500 terminally ill patients in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We are most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite

18、aware of its potential outcome. It is important for family members, and doctors and nurses to understand these patients' communications in order to truly understand their needs, fears, and fantasies(幻想). Most of our patients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly

19、, and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their tremendous need to be informed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition and to be told when the end was near. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the approach

20、 of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance prior to death. 1. The elders of contemporary Americans _C_. (A) were often absent when a family member was born or dying (B) were quite unfamiliar with birth and death(C) usually witnessed the birth or death of a family member (D) had often

21、experienced the fear of death as part of life 2. Children in America today are denied the chance _A_ (A) to learn how to face death (B) to visit dying patients(C) to attend to patients (D) to have access to a hospital 3. Five hundred critically ill patients were investigated with the main purpose of

22、 _D_. (A) observing how they reacted to the crisis of death (B) helping them and their families overcome the fear of death(C) finding out their attitude towards the approach of death(D) learning how to best help them and their families 4. The need of a dying patient for company shows _A_. (A) his de

23、sire for communication with other people (B) his fear of approaching death (C) his pessimistic attitude towards his condition(D) his reluctance to part with his family 5. It may be concluded from the passage that _D_. (A) dying patients are afraid of being told of the approach of death (B) most doct

24、ors and nurses understand what dying patients need   (C) dying patients should be truthfully informed of their condition (D) most patients are unable to accept death until it is obviously inevitable Passage 4Thanksgiving and American Family       “Please pass the t

25、urkey and dressing.” What does this simple request make you think about? If you are an American, you think about Thanksgiving. A turkey dinner symbolizes Thanksgiving for Americans. What does Thanksgiving remind Americans of? Their families. Thanksgiving is a family time. What does “family” mean to

26、Americans?       The traditional American family is a “nuclear family.” The average American family today has two or three children (and maybe a few pets). In some cultures, people live close to their extended family. Several generations may even live together. In Ameri

27、ca, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.       American values receive a warm welcome in the home. Many homes are run like democracies. Each family member can have a say. A sense of equality often exists in American homes. Husbands and w

28、ives often share household chores. Instead of fearing Mom and Dad, children may think of them as good friends. Young adults generally make their own choices about what career to pursue and whom to marry. Even though social pressures are breaking apart more and more American homes, there is still rea

29、son for hope. Almost all Americans believe that the family is one of the most important parts of life. The vast majority also feel that the traditional twoparent family is best for children. They realize that problems in family life in recent years have brought about serious consequences. As a resul

30、t, more and more people are making their family a priority. Many women are quitting their jobs to stay home with their children. Families are going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives are making a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid.      

31、0;  How do you strengthen the family bond? Do special things for each other. Talk to each other. Play together. Oh, and one more thing: be thankful for each other. If you have a family, every day should be Thanksgiving. 1. _C_remind Americans of their families.(A) April Fools Day (B) Fathe

32、rs Day (C) Thankgiving (D) Independent Day 2. The average American family today _B_. (A) lives with its extended family(B) has two or three children(C) adopts many orphans (D) only has some pets 3. In American homes, there exists a sense of equality, for example, _C_. (A) mothers always do the house

33、hold chores(B) children may fear their parents(C) young adults generally make their own decisions(D) fathers are traditionally the breadwinners of the families 4. Almost all Americans believe _D_. (A) the traditional two-parent family is best for children(B) problems in family life in recent years h

34、ave brought about serious consequences(C) more and more people are making their family a priority(D) the family is one of the most important parts of life 5. In order to strengthen the family bond, you should NOT _C_. (A) forget to thank each other(B) play together(C) do special things for each othe

35、r  (D) talk to each other Passage 5Some people say that human beings are the only animals that have language. Is this true? It is a very difficult question to answer. A person must have a good definition of “language”. Different kinds of animals must be studied. Some animals certainly seem to h

36、ave a communication system. That system may or may not be a language. For example, the bee has ways of telling other bees about food. The dolphin has ways of giving information to other dolphins. The monkey can use a human language system. Does this mean animals have language? The answer to this que

37、stion depends on how “language” is defined. We may define language as any system for exchanging information. If this definition is used, then bees, dolphins, and monkeys all have a language. But language may be defined in another way. We may define language as a system for exchanging information by

38、making new combinations of symbols. If this definition is used, then bees and dolphins do not have a language, but monkeys may have one. Monkeys are clearly able to combine symbols in a human language that they have been taught. This is not their usual language, however. 1 What do some animals seem

39、to have according to the passage? ( B )(A) a language (B) a communication system (C) ways of giving information (D) a good system2What animals can use a human language system? ( A )(A) monkeys (B) dolphins (C) bees (D) monkeys and dolphins3According to the passage,what are monkeys able to do? ( C )(

40、A) To learn a human language (B) To exchange information(C) To combine symbols in a human language(D) To give information to human beings 4Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? ( D )(A) A person must have a good definition of “language”.(B) Different kinds of animals must be studie

41、d. (C) Language may be defined in two ways(D) The dolphin has three kinds of calls to tell other dolphins about food. 5What does this passage tell us? ( D )(A) Animals have language like that of humans if we have a good definition(B) Monkeys are clever enough to learn human language.(C) Human beings

42、 are the only animals that have language. (D) Whether some animals have their own languages depends on how we define language. Passage 6What is high tech?      A computer is high tech .So is a communication satellite. A modern manufacturing system is surely high tech. The op

43、posite of high tech is low tech. As you might imagine, low tech describes technology that is traditional, simple and easy to operate. A wooden plow pulled by oxen is low tech. So is a hand pump. High tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early 1980s.Because of the improvem

44、ents in technology people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores, products like small powerful home computers, low cost microwave ovens for cooking food quickly, modern music systems that use a digital electronic system for recording sounds. The companies that make these products we

45、re proud of their goods. They wanted everyone to know that their products were as modern as possible. So in all kinds of advertising, companies described their products as high tech. Soon everyone knew the expression. 1 Which of the following is not high tech? ( B )(A) A microwave oven (B) A hand pu

46、mp (C) A computer (D) A digital electronic system 2When did “ high tech”become a popular expression in the United States?(A ) (A) During the early 1980s (B) During the late 1980s(C) In 1980 (D) In 1989 3What did the companies want everyone to know? ( C )(A) Their products used a digital electronic s

47、ystem.(B) They were proud of their goods.(C) Their products were as modern as possible.(D) They improved their products in many ways 4Which of the following is true? ( D )(A) A manufacturing system is high tech. (B) Microwave ovens for cooking food cost much.  (C) A digital electronic system is

48、 used for recording sounds.(D) Low tech describes technology that is traditional,simple and easy to operate. 5How did people get to know the expression “high tech”?( A ) (A) Through all kinds of advertisements(B) Through computers (C) By shopping in stores(D) By visiting companiesPassage 7As our kno

49、wledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. As a result, many are turning to more complete approaches to health, including less mainstream fitness methods such as yoga. Yo

50、ga's origins lie in Hindu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India.Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge. Yogas ideal state of knowledge is reached after a pers

51、on has gone through eight different stages. These include aspects of self-control, religion, postures, regulation of breath, restraint of senses, steadying of the mind, meditation, and profound thought. For a practitioner of yoga, the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical

52、toward a perfect mental state. There are eight major schools of yoga, each varying in its area of emphasis. The type of yoga that is taught in the West is mainly a combination of exercise and meditation called Hatha Yoga.Hatha Yoga is said to have a number of positive effects, such as reducing weigh

53、t, strengthening muscles and nerves, cleaning out the body, and generally improving health and prolonging life. Recent decades have seen yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a way of handling stress. Pop singer Madonna and supermodel Christy Turlington are just

54、 two of the many celebrities known to be strong advocates of yoga. At present, there is a lot of speculation and uncertainty about yoga and its effects. One thing, however, is certain: In our modern world of fast-paced lifestyles, taking time out to meditate and do some relaxing exercise cannot be a

55、 bad thing! 1 People are becoming more and more interested in _C_ . (A) only mental and spiritual health(B) only physical health(C) both physical health and mental health(D) either physical health or mental health2 Some people practise yoga because they think it is _D_. (A) a more complete approach

56、to heath(B) a less mainstream fitness method (C) a way of improving spiritual health(D) a system of movements and meditation3 Yogas ideal state of knowledge is reached after a person_B_ eight different stages. (A) has confirmed (B) has experienced (C) has controlled (D) has combined 4According to th

57、e author, people now have a lot of_A_ about yoga and its effects. (A) thought (B) emphasis (C) praise (D) doubt5Yoga's origins lie in_philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in_B_. (A) Christian, England (B) Hindu, India. (C) Christian, India (D) Buddhist, China Passage 8The world is full of variety. Trees, grasses and leafy plants cover the earth. Above, the sun shines on the earth as it turns in the ever-changing sky. This is the familiar world that we see around us every day. It is the world that story-


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