



1、Unit5 Revision教学设计深圳市荣根学校黄丽芳一Teaching aims (教学目标的制定):(1)知识目标:学习并掌握短语:brush mu teeth, wash my face 学习并掌握句型:How often do you/does Patbrush your/her teeth? You should/shouldnt Whats your favourite season? Why? Whats the matter? He should/needs to (2)能力目标:通过复习,学生能使用所学对错观,用should/shouldt表达自己对习惯、礼貌的观点,能用简

2、单的话谈论季节,疾病及对应措施。(3)情感目标:激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养学生的合作精神。引导学生注意习惯及文明礼貌。二Analysis of students(学生学习能力分析):学生已经学学习了有关习惯、礼貌、季节和疾病的词组和句型,学生们对习惯、礼貌的好坏有了比较清晰的概念,四年级学生仍然具有孩子的活泼好动,并且他们已经有了一定的英语词汇量与语言基础,能够简单的表达自己的一些想法。三Teaching material and design intention (教材分析和设计意图): (1)本课是第八册教材中的第五单元,它是一个复习单元,主要以复习前面1至4单元的重点词句,生活学习习惯

3、,文明礼仪知识,不同地区不同季节的气候以及对不同疾病采取对应措施为主要内容,并为前面单元学习的一个复习总结,力求对学生后面的学习起到铺垫作用。(2)在前阶段的教学当中,第三人称单数往往是学生学习的一个难点,单词辨音也是比较难运用的,而小学枯燥的语法讲解是不适合孩子的生理心理的,所以我在教学活动中,多设计新颖有趣的活动、游戏、话题,让学生参与课堂教学的过程中习得语言知识,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 四Key and difficult points(教材的重难点):(1)教学重点:能用所学谈论习惯、文明礼仪,喜爱季节及疾病措施。(2)教学难点:在实际运用中正确使用第三人称单数及单词分类辨音。五

4、Teaching aids(教具): CAI,单词卡六Teaching procedure (教学过程 )ProcedureTeachersactivitiesStudentsactivitiesDesignintentionSituation and methodStep 1:PreparationSing a song.Follow the flash and sing the song together.唱歌形式轻松为下面的学习做好铺垫。flashStep 2:PresentationLets talk1.Talk about good habits and how to be Stud

5、ent of the Year.2. Talk about good manners and how to be a model student.Pay attention at “push”and “quiet”,here the soundsof“u”and”qu”.3. Watch a movie about seasons,after watching, ask students to do group work and discuss their opinions about seasons.4.Look and talk about the pictures.Key words a

6、bout the picture:winter,have a cold and headache.1 . Try to speat out the words about habits.Do group work to discuss about the how to be Student of the Year and the show out their opinions.2. Try to speat out the words about manners.3. Discuss about the their favourite season in pairs and the show

7、out their opinions.4. Look at the picture about Bob.Use some words to talk about it.Pay attention at:head+ahe=headachetooth+ahe+toothahestomach+ache=atomachache经过前面的由短语到句型然后再谈话题,学生们完成效果会好得多。尤其是对难点第三人称单数和单词辨音的突破。通过课程的整合,又可以再一次让学生灵活地用交际性活动而进行练习。多媒体课件Step 3:Practice1.Ask students to some exercises abou

8、t have,has,come,comesAnd then check their ansers.2.Sort out the sounds”work,quiet,put,rubber,push,world,and quick”.1.Write down the ansers on their paer.One can write down his anwsers on the board2.Try to sort out the words with the same sounds.Then ask one to show out.通过对重难点进行针对性练习的形式,可以加深对内容的理解和运用。课件Step 4:ProductionTeam work: Lead students to work in a team of 4, and do a survey making rules for school.Do group to make some rules and write them down.Then show out some of rules.Read it again and try to


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