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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上六年级Unit7 At the airport单元试题人称代词用法1. 主格:作主语,放在句首;2. 宾格:作宾语,放在动词和介词之后;物主代词1. 形容词性物主代词:作定语,放在名词前;2. 名词性物主代词:常放在句尾,有时也可用于句首;一、填写下表(24分)二、右括号中所给词的适当形式词填空。(23分)1. Let_(I) have a look.2. Is this bag_(you)?3. That's _(mine) toy.4. This robot is_(he).5. _(our) are good friends.6. _(they) cla

2、ssroom is on the second floor.7. _(them) are from Mars.8. Can you help_(their)?9. Please give this letter to_(he).10. These books aren't _(my).They are _(she).11. He is _(we) teacher.12. What did _(yours) friends do yesterday?13. That watch isn't_ (his). It's _(you).14. How much does_(he

3、r) weigh?15. Don't worry about_(we).16. Is this _(she) pencil?17. Is this monkey_(they)?18. That backpack isn't _(you). _(you) are over there.19. Is it _(you)?三、课本知识巩固(37分)1.He can't speak English. I can't speak English, _.(也)2.-Is that suitcase _(you)? -No, it's _(his).3.He_(giv

4、e) me a red shirt yesterday.4.Does he want_(have) new clothes?5.-_book is this?-It's hers.6.-Is this backpack _(our)? -No, it's_.(they) 7.Please_(show) me your new watch.8.Let's_(go) home.9.-_was your trip?-It was great!10.My mother will buy a skirt _me.11.He really can play the guitar_.

5、(好)12.Please give this letter_her. 13.-_will he go to Beijing?-By car.14.Ken is writing a letter_his friend_his left hand.15.Ken gets up _ seven o'clock.16.Kate is painting her name_the board.17.There_(be) only_(woman) clothes in it.18.Are there_(一些) gifts in the bag?19.A woman walked_them.20.Fi

6、nally Mocky gave his green bag_the woman.21.Yesterday, Dad_(come) back from _ (德国).22.Mom,Ann and Ken_(go) to the airport _ (meet) him.23. Mocky went there_them.24. Mocky _(see) Dad first and_(run) to him quickly.25. He was very_(excite) and he wanted _ (help) Dad with his bag.26. Mocky, _(open) it

7、and _(see).27. -Where is Bob? -He is _(go) home now.四、句子配对(12分)( )1.What will Ben do this Weekend?( )2.Who will come to the party?( )3.Will you go there with me?( )4.Whose backpack is this?( )5.Is it yours?( )6.Are there any gifts in the bag?( )7.What did he do yesterday?( )8.How was your trip?( )9.

8、Where did she go yesterday?( )10.How can we get there?( )11.What's he doing?( )12.When did you visit the museum?A.It's wonderful.B.He watched a good movie.C.No, there aren't.D.LindaE.Linda'sF.No, I won't.G.He will visit his aunt.H.No, it's Linda's.I.To the science museum.

9、J.By bike.K.Last month.L.He is sleeping.六年级Unit 8 周清试题 (共108分)一、单词默写(14分)1. 相信_2.儿童节_3.音乐会_4.鼓_5. 笛子_6.吉他_6. 7.音乐_8.开玩笑_9. 弹钢琴_10.节目单_11. 真正地_12开始_13.今晚_14.小提琴_2、 填空(14分)1. -Will you_(go) to the concert? -No, I _.(will not)2. He will_(visit) his grandmother this weekend.3. -Are you _(kid)? -No, I

10、9;m not.4. Please give this letter_her. 5. My father will buy a new bike_me.6. They will have a concert_Teachers' Day.7. Let's_(do) it again.8. I _(real) like swimming.9. She is _(clean) the classroom.10. We will_(have) a big concert next week.11. Tom is_(write) a letter to his friend.12. I

11、wanted _(get) a new car.13. Birds can_(help) people a lot.3、 句型转换(21分)1. This pen is hers.(划线部分提问) _ _is this?2. The concert is going to start.(改为同义句) The concert_ _.3. Let's go to the concert.(改为同义句) _ _going to the concert.?4. They will play the drums for me.(改为一般疑问句) _they play the drums for_

12、?5. There are some trees on the hill.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ trees on the hill?6.My trip was great.(划线部分提问) _ was _trip?7.He goes to school by bus.(划线部分提问) _ _he _ to school?8. Will your parents come?(作出否定回答)_9.We will go to the museum next Tuesday.(划线部分提问)_will you _next Tuesday?10.Gina will play the drums

13、.(划线部分提问) _will Gina _?4、 连词成句(28分)1. will Ben what do weekend this(?) _2. visit Uncle Booky not will she this Saturday (.) _3. plays the very well violin David (.) _4. she a see movie Friday on will(?) _5. Ken writing letter a his friend to (.)_6. me let a have look._7. is going to his uncle he vis

14、it Sunday next(.)_8. this monkey yours is (?)_9. came from back Germany yesterday(.)_10. a read book to wanted she (.)_11. Ken Beijing to went his with parents week last(.)_12. will have concert a Children's Day on they (.)_13. David play will guitar the the in concert ( .)_14. he will a watch f

15、ootball game tomorrow (?)_5、 写出下面动词的过去式(31分)is/am_ are_have/has_put_make_take_hit_read_get_go_come_can_buy_tell_play_break_give_meet_fall_find_change_add_sit_visit_ begin_ walk_see_ eat_ run_want_do/does_小学六年级Unit 9 A football game 单元试题(本试题共76分)一、单词默写(18分)1.排_2.队_3.篮球_4.羽毛球_5.乒乓球_6.网球_7.排球_8.守门员_9.进

16、球_10.运动明星_11.比分_12.同时_13.最后_14.角球_15.球场_16.为.呐喊,加油_17.落下,跌倒_18.上下_二、用when、where、who、whose、what、which、how、why、how much、how many、how tall、how heavy填空。(12分)1.-_did you go yesterday?- -To the movie theater.12. -_did he visit his friend? -Last week.13. -_won the game?-Ann was.14. -_does he go to school e

17、very day? -By car.15. -_computer is this?Its Jim's.16. -_season do you like?I like autumn.17. -_did you do last Sunday? I went to see a movie.8. -_was Jim sad?Because he didnt win.9. -_is she?-She is 156cm.10. -_is Tom?He is 46kg.11. -_pencils are there on the desk? There are 15.12. -_is the rob

18、ot?Its 12yuan.三、连词成句(20分)1.the football game big is when (?)_2.are in we row which (?)_3.the goalkeeper is who our of team (?)_4.the is who carrying ball (?)_5.now what happening is (?)_6.Newtown school the a has kick corner (.) _7.was there a football game big our at school(.)_8.wanted cheer for we

19、 to team our school (.)_9.ran the field Mocky into (.)_10.played our team school well very (.)_1. 填空(10分)1. There_two peacocks in the park.2. It was _our team and their team.3. Ann,Mocky and I _(be)all excited.4. Mocky _(jump) up and down.5. Mocky _(get) the ball and did a beautiful header.6. Sudden

20、ly, a player from our team _(fall) and _(hurt) his leg.7. Mocky got another goal _our team.8. The score was 2_1.9. _the same time,we had a corner kick.10.At last,our team _(win).五、对划线部分提问(每空1分,共16分)1.Tom will go to Beijing._will go to Beijing?2. This diskman is Ann's._diskman is this?3. They wen

21、t to the shopping center yesterday._did they _yesterday?4. He met his aunt at the airport last Sunday._did he _at the airport last Sunday?5. He played football at the park._did he _football?6. They had a birthday party last Saturday._did they _a birthday party ?7. He will go there on foot._ _he _the

22、re?8. There are 12 trees in the garden._ _ trees _there in the garden?北师大版小学六年级英语Unit 10 Buying e-books 周清试题(共88分)一、根据汉语默写单词(10分)1.无聊的,无趣的_2.买,购买_3.多彩的_4.字典,词典_5.困难的_6.令人激动的_7.昂贵的_8.有趣的_9.图片_10.故事_二、填空(40分)1.I am_(tall) than Ann.2.This book is_(interesting) than that one.3.This movie is _(exciting)

23、of all.4.Which snake is_(long),this one or that one?5.Which book is_(difficult),this one, that one or the third one?6.This magazine is_(boring).That one is _(boring)than this one.The third one is _(boring)of the three.7. Elephants are_(big) and _(heavy)than horses.8. Last Sunday,Ken and I _(take) Mo

24、cky to a bookstore.9. Let me_(have) a look.10. I can't_(read) it.11. We wanted_(buy) a book for him.12. Ken _(find) an animal book.But Mocky _(not) like it.13. We couldn't buy it because it was _(expensive) book in the store.14. We decided_(buy) it and it was _(cheap) than the science book.1

25、5. We went home_(read) it.16. He had _(一个) e-dictionary in the computer.17. Now Mocky_(be) happy again because he could read the story_the e-dictionary.18. Mocky,this comic book _(look) more interesting.19. She likes_(read) in the morning.20. -What are you_(do)? -I _ _a letter.(write)21. That's

26、_(一个) exciting movie.22. My grandpa often tells me interesting_ _(story).23. I think P.E.class is_(interesting) than music class.24. I am pleased_(help) you.25. Please ask him_(buy) a new book for you.26. Tom was afraid_(go) out at night.27. He is strong enough_(carry) the box.28. Suddenly,he _(get)

27、 an idea.29. It's _(beautiful)cloth in the world.30.He was afraid to tell the _(true).3、 连词成句(20分)1. is the name what of the book (?)_2. is it the expensive book most in store the(.)_3. it many had colorful in it pictures(.)_4. was it difficult too Mocky for but(.)_5. was it cheaper the science

28、book than (.)_6. book this is exciting more that than one(.)_7. her than older I am (.)_8. Kate watching exciting is an game._9. looks this interesting book more comic(.)_10. pictures it colorful many has(.)_四、 句子配对(10分)( )1.Where did you go last Sunday?( )2.Whose computer is it?( )3.When did you vi

29、sit Beijing?( )4.what time is it now?( )5.How does she usually go to school?( )6.What are you reading?( )7.Who is watching TV?( )8.How many pictures are there on the wall?( )9.How was your trip?( )10.Why do you like football?A.By bike.B.A magazine.C.6D.My parents.E.Wonderful.F.Because it is exciting

30、.G.5 o'clock.H.Last summer.I.My father'sJ.To the science museum.一、 对划线部分提问(8分)23. They play football at school. _ _they play football?24. They are playing basketball._are playing basketball?25. Linda is carrying a map._ is Linda _?26. I read English three or four times a week._ _ _you read E

31、nglish?六年级周清试题Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky(共75分)一、单词默写(共21分)1.一升牛奶_2.问,提问_3.加,增加_4.烘烤_5.打碎_6.黄油_7.更改_8.烹饪书,菜谱_9.面,面粉_10.猜测_11.小刀_12.混合,搅拌_13.需要_14.盘子_15.倾倒,浇_16.疑惑的_17.烹饪方法_18.盐_19.喊叫_20.步骤_21.糖_二、填空(共31分)1.Let's _(make) a cake.2.Ken decided_(make) a cake for his dad.3.Give me three kilograms_flou

32、r.4.He wanted_(help) us.5.Put some flour_the bowl.6.What _we need?7.He asked us _(give) him some money.8.I was _(puzzle).9._(tell) me the recipe,please.10.Don't_(worry).11.Three kilograms of flour _(be) a lot.12.Add some water_the flour.13.Mix the butter and flour _.14.Mocky changed the recipe b

33、ecause he wanted a _(更大的)cake.15.knife的复数形式_16.break的过去式_17.Yesterday was _.(父亲节)18.Everyone was_.(surprise)19.Mocky_(change) the recipe.20.Now _(break) 12 eggs into the bowl.21.please show_(he) your watch.22.Yesterday my mother bought_(my) a new skirt.23.The teacher gave _(hers) a gift.24._can I he

34、lp?25.The two lairs showed it _everyone.26._New Year's Day they shouted.27.take的过去式_28.put的过去式_29.穿上_30.nobody的同义词_31.There are 7_(step) for making a cake.三、连词成句(共16分)1.eating do you vegetables like (?)_28. two eggs into the break bowl(.)_29. can't Mark car his start(.)_30. flour two of cups

35、 bowl the put into(.)_31. a cake I want to make (.)_32. me read recipe the (.)_33. me kilograms three of flour give(.)_34. a add liter milk to flour the of(.)_四、能力提高题(共8分)请写出做蛋糕以及吃蛋糕的八个步骤1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._北师大版小学六年级英语Unit 12 Review 周清试题(本试题共146分)1、 单词默写 (54分)1. 写出下列水果的英语名称 苹果_桔子_ 香蕉_桃子_ 菠萝_西瓜_

36、梨子_芒果_ 草莓_葡萄_2. 写出下列蔬菜的英语名称 洋葱_胡萝卜_ 豌豆_蘑菇_ 卷心菜_土豆_ 西红柿_蔬菜_3. 写出下列科目的英语名称语文_数学_音乐_美术_体育_英语_年级_班级_4. 写出一周七天的英语名称_5. 写出一年12个月的英语名称_6. 写出下列关于天气的词语有风的_多云的_晴朗的_有雪的_有雨的_7. 写出一年四个季节的英语名称_2、 填空(48分)1) Let me_(do) it again.2) He wanted_(buy) a new car.3) They decided_(visit) the city.4) What about_(play) foot

37、ball with me?5) Jim likes_(swim).6) He often_(go) to school by bike.7) What_(do)you do last Sunday?8) He won't_(give) me any help.9) Are they going to_(clean) their classroom?10) He_(break) his leg in the accident.11) Please _(put) some milk into the bowl.12) The elephant is_(big) than the horse

38、.13) Tom is the_(heavy) boy in his class.14) Which book is _(interesting), this one or that one?15) The film is the _(exciting) of all.16) He couldn't_(find) his mother yesterday.17) -Whose suitcase is this? -It's_(they).18) -Is this shirt _(she)? -No,it's _(you).19) This skirt isn't _(me).It's _(his.)20) He didn't_(watch) a football game yesterday.21) The Emperor was _(please) to hear that.22) All the people were_(surprise).23) Mocky was very _


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