



1、. 八年级英语第八周测试试题总分值时间制卷审核姓名得分100 50分钟阚晓艳王晓玲一选择题20分 1. Here is Lindas letter _ her mother _ the trip. A. from; with B. to; about C. of; for D. from; to 2.The white building_ a lot of green trees around is our school. A. in B. grow C. with D. at 3.On my way to school, I go_his house every day. A. past B

2、. pass C. passes D. to past 4. - What are you going to do tomorrow ?- Im going to _. A. exercises B. exercising C. exercise D. exercised 5. - Which foreign country would you like to visit ? - Id like to visit_because I want to see the Eiffel Tower. A. France B. England C. the USA D. Japan 6.We must

3、learn to look after_as we have grown up. A. us B. ourselves C. we D. ours 7.He doesnt believe her. He will go to buy things _. A. for himself B. by himself C. in himself D. of himself 8.Maria has few friends in China,_?A. has he B.doesnt he C. hasnt he D. does he 9. Do you often _ his letter? A. hea

4、r from B. get from C. get D. receive from 10. Jim finds _ easy to remember all the English words. _ a smart child he is! A. it, What B. that, How C. this, What D. it, How 11. Because it was raining, _ we didnt go to the cinema. A. so B. but C. or D. / 12.I dont think he does his homework, _ ? A. doe

5、snt he B. does he C. do I D. dont I 13. Can you teach yourself _ a home page? A. to make B. make C. how make D. made 14. Can you pass the flower from one girl to _? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 15. Shall we go to Shanghai_  a train or _   plane ?A. by; by&

6、#160;         B. on; by     C. on; on         D. by; on 16.-If we are quick, we can  _ before nine-We dont need to   _  the park so early. A. get, get to &

7、#160;     B. reach, reach     C. arrive, arrive at     D. arrive, get 17. -She isnt a teacher, is she ?- _  ,she has taught in this school for 5 years. A. Yes, she is       B. Yes, she isnt 

8、    C. No, she isnt      D. No, she is 18. -How are you feeling now? -  _  .  A. Even worse.    B.I dont want to say   C. Sorry, I dont know.   D. Yes, very well 19. The trip from the school _ about half a

9、n hour by coach. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays 20. There isnt _ in todays newspaper. A. important something B. important anything C. anything important D. nothing important 21. Can you tell me when you _ Nanjing? A. got B. arrived at C. arrived in D. arrived 22. Millie _ very sick for most of

10、the trip to the museum. A. feel B. fall C. felt D. fell 23. Is the tie made _ silk? Yes, its made _ Italy. A. from, in B. of, in C. from, of D. of, from 24. I hope_ my birthday party next Saturday.A. you to come to B. that you to come C. you come D. that you can come to 25. The book is .I wrote name

11、 on its cover . A. my, my, myself B. mine, my, myself C. mine, myself, my D. myself, mine, my二、完形填空。15分When Millie got up this morning, she found it was a beautiful spring day. She saw some _1_ in the sky, but she didnt think about them. She woke up her dog, Eddie, and put him in the _2_. Then she d

12、rove out into the country 3 a picnic with her dog.When they got to a big tree, Millie stopped her car and told Eddie to get off the car. They began to play games under the_4_. How happy they were! An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned _5_.Millie and Eddie were warm from running, so the

13、y didnt feel cold. When Eddie was playing with the ball, Millie _6_snowflakes 雪花 in the sky. She called Eddie, picked up the picnic things and got _7_into the car. As she was driving home, the _8_became heavier and heavier. Soon all Millie could see was white all around _9_ . The road became slipper

14、y 滑的 and she had to drive very _10_.Then the car hit into a piece of ice and it went around in circles. She got her mobile phone and asked for _11_ quickly. They waited for about an hour because it was _12_for the police to drive in the snow. At _13_ , the police came to _14_ them. Millie was very t

15、hankful, she said she would listen to the weather report 天气预报 _15_going on a picnic next time. 1. A. birdsB. cloudsC. snowsD. kites 2. A. room B. desk C. car D. bag 3. A. on B. for C. with D. in 4. A. car B. tree C. bridge D. desk 5. A. warm B. hot C. cold D. cool 6. A. looked B. saw C. cleaned D. p

16、ut 7. A. up B. back C. off D. around 8. A. rain B. snow C. car D. dog 9. A. him B. us C. her D. himself 10. A. slowly B. easily C. carelessly D. happily 11. A. apple B. fire C. help D. water 12. A. easy B. nice C. difficult D. lucky 13. A. first B. end C. last D. least 14. A. save B. teach C. look D

17、. visit 15. A. after B. in C. before D. when三、阅读理解10分 What do you usually do in your free time? Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? You must know the Chinese saying: "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles" .Books are important in our life. Reading books is good for

18、 us. It can help us know and understand the world better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge知识. It brings us a new and different world that we have never been before. Almost all the great men like reading, like Chairman Mao and Madame Curie. In a word, books are treasure财宝 and we must love them.

19、But before you read, remember to choose a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be sure you are interested in them. There are many different kinds of books. I like biography传记 because I can learn something from the characters人物.What about you? Young friends. Please love bo

20、oks and read them. They are very helpful to you. 1. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Madame Curie doesn't like reading at all. B. We shouldn't ask teachers about what books to read. C. Reading books can give us little knowledge. D. We have to choose a good book before we start to read. 2.

21、What does the underlined part "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles." Mean in Chinese? A.读书百遍,其义自见B. 读万卷书,行万里路 C. 滚石不生苔D. 读数千本书就能行数千里路 3.Reading books can help people_. A. to get more sleepB. to know little about themselves C. to get money from othersD. to understand the worl

22、d better 4. What kind of books does the writer like? A. Story-books.B. Comic books.C. Biography.D. Novels 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Only reading books can make people succeed. B. Chairman Mao likes reading very much.C. Books are helpful to human D. Young people should read more books

23、.四、词汇30分A.根据汉语和句子意思,写出正确的单词。5分1. Do not _拖 about the desks, children!2. The computer will restart by _它自己 in a few seconds.3. Dont climb the _岩石. Its dangerous.4. We are going to the_ 顶部of the Eiffel Tower.5. Obama is the 44th P_ of the USA.总统5. How many f_ languages can Lily speak? Only one.B.所给单词的

24、适当形式填空5分1. The long trip was _, it made me _bore2. We are _in the places of _ in Suzhou. interest3. The trip was interesting at the _ begin4.We cant wait _see the movie.5.My watch is _ make in Shanghai. C.从方框中选择适宜的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。10分go shopping, freign, at the end of , do sports , at the beginning ,

25、feel sick , arrived in places of interest , all over the world , teach oneselfl. You should_to keep young.2.More and more _are interested in the GreatWall.3. _the street, you can find a small shoe shop. 4. On Wednesday afternon, we often_with my mother in the supermarket.5. My family went to Yunnan this summer. We visited many_ there.6.My fath


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