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1、大学综合英语教学研究的篇章语言学视角大学综合英语教学研究的篇章语言学视大学综合英语教学研究的篇章语言学视角角ResearchResearch onon IntegratedIntegrated CourseCourseTeachingTeaching inin CollegeCollege EnglishEnglish fromfromthethe PerspectivePerspective ofof TextTextLinguisticsLinguistics【作者】 刘胜兵;【导师】 廖光蓉;【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学, 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士【摘要】 大学综合英语是一门训

2、练综合技能的课程,其任务在于“传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能/意念等),训练基本语言技能(听、说、读、写、译),培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力,同时指导学生学习方法,培养逻辑思维的能力,为进入高年级打下扎实的基础”。 笔者在向所在学校 2003 级本科生所作的关于“英语教学问卷调查”中发现,我国大多数地区的英语教学仍采用传统的自下而上的,以语法为线的单词句子段落篇章的教学模式,重在词语和句法结构的操练,对学生的语言表达往往略而不提。课堂上教师垄断了大部分发言权,学生几乎没有主动参与和进行语言实践以发展其语言能力的机会,更谈不上交际能力与逻辑思维能力的培养。 针对这种

3、情况,笔者在大学综合英语基础阶段进行了一次实验性的教改,提出了三能训练教学模式。 三能训练教学模式,以大学英语教学大纲为依据,以篇章语言学关于语篇模式和衔接的理论,以及图式理论为指导,以培养语言能力,尤其是听说写的能力,交际能力,以及逻辑思维能力为目标,是一种与以往完全相反的自上而下、从整体到部分的教学模式。根据图式理论,学生的阅读能力由三个图式来决定,即语言图式,内容图式和形式图式。三能训练教学模式是内容图式和形式图式在前,语言图式在后,改变了以往的语言教学模式。将英语教学分为课前、课间和课后三个阶段,采用语篇分析整体教学,不仅训练学生的语言能力,更注 更多还原【Abstract】 Coll

4、ege English Integrated Course is a course whichtrains the comprehensive skills, and its task is to teach systematicbasic language knowledge (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, textualstructure, language function/ notion, etc.) and develop thestudents basic ability to communicate in language, as wel

5、l as guidethe students way of study and give a solid foundation for thehigher grades.The author of this thesis has made an investigationabout college English teaching which is facing the undergraduates ofGrade 2003 in her own college. The result reveals that in most partsof our country, people are s

6、till adopting the traditional teachingmethod, which is a bottom-up teaching pattern with the thread ofwordsentenceparagraphtext. It focuses on the drill of grammarstructures , words and phrases, neglecting the language production.The teacher plays a dominant role in class, and the students hardlyhav

7、e opportunities to take part in the language practice and developtheir language skills, not even the training of communicative skilland logical thinking.In the light of this situation, the author ofthis thesis has made an experimental teaching reform in theelementary stage of college English teachin

8、g, and constructedTeaching Model of Tri-capability Training.Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training is based on College English Syllabus, and guidedby the theories of text linguistics and schema theory. It is a top-down teaching model, which is completely against the traditionalmethod. According t

9、o schema theory, the students ability of readingcomprehension is decided by three schemata, namely,language schema,content schema and shape schema. Teaching Model of Tri-capabilityTraining has changed the traditional language teaching method,putting shape schema and content schema ahead of language

10、schema. Itdivides English teaching into pre-class, in-class and post-classthree stages, adopting text analysis teaching.The researchsignificance of this Thesis lies in: Teaching by text analysis is tohandle the text as a whole. It leads the students to go beyond theperiod of word-for-word recognitio

11、n and translation, understand andacquire as much as possible information which the text conveys.During the process of English teaching, besides the studentslanguage skillslistening, speaking, reading, writing andtranslating, Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training places a greatemphasis on the stu

12、dents ability in communication, and theirability in logical thinking. Therefore, Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training completely accords with the requirement ofCollege English Syllabus and meets the demand of the moderntimes.This Thesis employs the method of induction-analysis. It isbased on th

13、e theoretical knowledge of the text and schema theory. Thecombination of theory and examples is the developing device of thedissertation. It applies the theoretical knowledge into the concreteteaching activities and guides teaching. 更多还原【关键词】 语篇模式; 图式理论; 衔接; 综合英语教学; 三能训练教学模式;【Key words】 textual patt

14、ern; schema theory; cohesion; CollegeEnglish Teaching of Integrated Course; Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training;参考文献:错误分析在大学综合英语教学中的运用错误是第二语言习得过程中学习者创造性地构建语言假设并检验修正假设的结果。本文分析了英语专业学生在英语学习中常见的一些错误,探讨了错误分析在专业英语教学中的指导作用,旨在促进大学综合英语.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:牡丹江大学学报 2011 年第 3 期 作者:胡波 机构:湘潭大学 湖南湘潭 411105大学综

15、合英语教学中的听说训练运用现代教育技术进行课文教学随着科技的发展,现代教育技术正发挥着日益显著的作用。本文通过对综合英语教程中听说训练活动的重要性进行分析,旨在强调综合英语课堂上运用直观、形象、生动的多媒体教学手段刺激学生的多种.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:考试周刊 2009 年 第 40 期作者:孙德林 机构:贵阳学院外语系 贵州贵阳 550001大学综合英语教学动态评估流程的设计和运用本文将国外动态评估理论的精髓引入英语教学动态评估中来,设计出适合相关专业的动态评估流程,把握教学动态评估的策略,让英语教学课堂上教师与学生之间的关系变得融洽,实现教学相长的目标,最大.收录数据库:中

16、文科技期刊数据库 来源:学理论 2009 年 第 29 期作者:李琴 机构:浙江师范大学外国语学院 浙江金华 321000建构主义学习理论对大学综合英语教学的启示文章通过介绍建构主义学习理论教育模式,探讨了大学综合英语教学的改革。在该理论指导下,教师、学生、任务和环境构成了一个建构知识的动态的平衡系统,而学生处于该系统的中心地位。分析了建构主.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:海南广播电视大学学报2009 年 第 3 期 作者:刘汉军 陈传显 郭锦萍 吴华生 机构:海南大学外国语学院 海南海口 570228大学综合英语教学研究的篇章语言学视大学综合英语教学研究的篇章语言学视角角Resear

17、chResearch onon IntegratedIntegrated CourseCourseTeachingTeaching inin CollegeCollege EnglishEnglish fromfromthethe PerspectivePerspective ofof TextTextLinguisticsLinguistics【作者】 刘胜兵;【导师】 廖光蓉;【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学, 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士【摘要】 大学综合英语是一门训练综合技能的课程,其任务在于“传授系统的基础语言知识(语音、词汇、篇章结构、语言功能/意念等),训练基本语言技能(听、说

18、、读、写、译),培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力,同时指导学生学习方法,培养逻辑思维的能力,为进入高年级打下扎实的基础”。 笔者在向所在学校 2003 级本科生所作的关于“英语教学问卷调查”中发现,我国大多数地区的英语教学仍采用传统的自下而上的,以语法为线的单词句子段落篇章的教学模式,重在词语和句法结构的操练,对学生的语言表达往往略而不提。课堂上教师垄断了大部分发言权,学生几乎没有主动参与和进行语言实践以发展其语言能力的机会,更谈不上交际能力与逻辑思维能力的培养。 针对这种情况,笔者在大学综合英语基础阶段进行了一次实验性的教改,提出了三能训练教学模式。 三能训练教学模式,以大学英语教学大纲为

19、依据,以篇章语言学关于语篇模式和衔接的理论,以及图式理论为指导,以培养语言能力,尤其是听说写的能力,交际能力,以及逻辑思维能力为目标,是一种与以往完全相反的自上而下、从整体到部分的教学模式。根据图式理论,学生的阅读能力由三个图式来决定,即语言图式,内容图式和形式图式。三能训练教学模式是内容图式和形式图式在前,语言图式在后,改变了以往的语言教学模式。将英语教学分为课前、课间和课后三个阶段,采用语篇分析整体教学,不仅训练学生的语言能力,更注 更多还原【Abstract】 College English Integrated Course is a course whichtrains the co

20、mprehensive skills, and its task is to teach systematicbasic language knowledge (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, textualstructure, language function/ notion, etc.) and develop thestudents basic ability to communicate in language, as well as guidethe students way of study and give a solid foundat

21、ion for thehigher grades.The author of this thesis has made an investigationabout college English teaching which is facing the undergraduates ofGrade 2003 in her own college. The result reveals that in most partsof our country, people are still adopting the traditional teachingmethod, which is a bot

22、tom-up teaching pattern with the thread ofwordsentenceparagraphtext. It focuses on the drill of grammarstructures , words and phrases, neglecting the language production.The teacher plays a dominant role in class, and the students hardlyhave opportunities to take part in the language practice and de

23、veloptheir language skills, not even the training of communicative skilland logical thinking.In the light of this situation, the author ofthis thesis has made an experimental teaching reform in theelementary stage of college English teaching, and constructedTeaching Model of Tri-capability Training.

24、Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training is based on College English Syllabus, and guidedby the theories of text linguistics and schema theory. It is a top-down teaching model, which is completely against the traditionalmethod. According to schema theory, the students ability of readingcomprehensio

25、n is decided by three schemata, namely,language schema,content schema and shape schema. Teaching Model of Tri-capabilityTraining has changed the traditional language teaching method,putting shape schema and content schema ahead of language schema. Itdivides English teaching into pre-class, in-class

26、and post-classthree stages, adopting text analysis teaching.The researchsignificance of this Thesis lies in: Teaching by text analysis is tohandle the text as a whole. It leads the students to go beyond theperiod of word-for-word recognition and translation, understand andacquire as much as possible

27、 information which the text conveys.During the process of English teaching, besides the studentslanguage skillslistening, speaking, reading, writing andtranslating, Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training places a greatemphasis on the students ability in communication, and theirability in logical

28、thinking. Therefore, Teaching Model of Tri-capability Training completely accords with the requirement ofCollege English Syllabus and meets the demand of the moderntimes.This Thesis employs the method of induction-analysis. It isbased on the theoretical knowledge of the text and schema theory. Thecombination of theory and examples is the developing device of thedissertation. It applies the theoretical knowledge into the concreteteaching activiti


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