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1、湖南长久博腾汽车销售服务有限公司市场部长久博腾一季度销售线索提升方案Hunan Changjiu Boteng Automobile Sales Service Co.Maketing DepartmentChangjiu Boteng Quarterly Sales lead promotion programHunan Changjiu Boteng Automobile Sales Service Co.Maketing Department现状分析01解决方案策划02过程监督执行03效果分析04CONTENTS 目录CONTENTSPresent Situation01Solution

2、 planning02Process supervision03Effectiveness analysis04现状分析Present Situation2017年一季度购车环境2017年一季度购车环境购置税减半政策结束 购车成本上升2016年四季度爆发增长,提前消费库存加大 价格竞争加剧压力竞争因素2016年底以来,在汽车销量“微增长”的常态下,在购置税减半结束的影响下,到店、集客、邀约等给销售工作带来巨大压力,竞争加剧、降价频频、周周团购,尤其是面对市场疲软、春雨频频的恶劣天气等现状,市场环境的综合压力不言而喻,要达成销售任务,可谓压力重重,困难难以想像。 购置税减半政策带来的一定影响。

3、2016年过度消费,导致意向购车客户提前消费。 同品牌区域竞争加剧,价格成为成交重要因素。2017 Quarterly purchase Environment2017 Quarter car environmentPurchase tax halved policy end purchase cost rise2016 years of seasonal growth, early consumptionIncrease in stock price competitionPressure competition factorSince the end of 2016, under the

4、condition of the micro-growth in car sales, the effect of halving the purchase tax is over, to the shop, set guests, invitations and other sales to bring enormous pressure, increased competition, prices frequent, Zhou Zhoutuan purchase, especially in the face of weak market, frequent rains and other

5、 adverse weather conditions, the comprehensive pressure of the market environment is self-evident, to achieve sales tasks, is a heavy pressure, difficult to imagine. The policy of halving the purchase tax has a certain impact. Excessive consumption 2016, led to the intention to purchase customers ea

6、rly consumption. With the brand area competition intensifies, the price becomes the transaction important factor.集客量19712035675销量212285102留档率72%81%68%成交率11%14%14%2016年1月2016年12月2017年1月0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%050010001500200025001月各销售数据对比情况由以上数据可以看出2017年集客量同比下降60%,环比下降62%;销量同比下跌52%,环比下跌64%。虽然成交率

7、基本维持不变,但销售线索量的巨幅下跌造成销量下滑。结论:线索量决定销量!Set the volume19712035675Sales212285102Retention rate72%81%68%Turnover rate11%14%13%January 2016December 2016January 20170%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%05001000150020002500Comparison of sales figures for JanuaryFrom the above data can be seen 2017, the volume of cus

8、tomers decreased by 60%, the chain fell 62%; sales fell by 52%, the chain fell 64%. Although the turnover rate basically remained unchanged, but the sales lead volume of a huge decline caused sales decline. Conclusion: The clue quantity decides sales! 1月各销售数据对比情况4841129261596939718710831858119969476

9、9835020040060080010001200展厅新增集客展厅新增订单DCC有效集客DCC邀约到店DCC订单2016年1月2016年12月2017年1月Comparison of sales figures for January48411292615969397187108318581199694769835020040060080010001200New collection of visitorsAdd orders to the exhibition hallDCC effective set of passengersDCC invited to shopDCC orderJan

10、uary 2016December 2016January 2017集客数量0200400600800100012001400湖南永通汽车城永通华洋众广长沙大汉长久博腾中拓瑞众华洋环保2017年年1月长沙各店线索月长沙各店线索量量我店2017年1月销售线索量在长沙7店中最低,总线索量为675批。我店线索量提升工作急需改善!我店线索量提升工作急需改善!The number of passengers0200400600800100012001400Hunan YongtongYong Tong of Auto City Huayang public wideDaHan of ChangshaCh

11、angjiu BotengZhongtuo RuizhongHuayang environmentalJanuary 2017 Changsha Shop CluesOur January 2017 sales leads in Changsha 7 stores the lowest, the total lead volume of 675 batches。Our have a clue to improve the work urgently needed!我店购车群体分析我店位于岳麓区,大部分客户主要来源岳麓区,占比为72%。区域集中化购车人群年龄在25-35岁,占比达到了50%,青中

12、年客户成为主力购买力。年龄年轻化年龄结构年龄结构25岁以下25-35岁35-50岁50岁以上区域特征区域特征岳麓区天心区雨花区芙蓉区开福区其他区域星沙Analysis of purchasing group in our storeMy shop is located in Yuelu District, most of the main source of customers Yuelu district, accounted for a ratio of 72%。Regional centralizationCar buyers age at 25-35 years old, accoun

13、ted for up to 50%, Qing middle-aged customers become the main purchasing power.Age is youngerAge DistributionUnder 25 years old25-35 years old35-50 years oldOver 50 years oldRegional CharacteristicsYuelu DistrictTianxin DistrictYuhua DistrictFurong districtKaifu DistrictOther areas客户来源客户来源分析分析(20172

14、017年年1 1月)月) 互联网渠道是集客的主要来源,且太过集中,在1月由于汽车之家有电话漏接造成网络线索也出现下滑,在没有大型活动的支持下,集客显得尤为乏力。1654203404311200100200300400500直邮信息营销活动网络广告熟人介绍电视广告路牌广告车展杂志广告直邮信息营销活动网络广告熟人介绍电视广告路牌广告车展杂志广告集客状态分析Customer source analysis Customer source analysis ( January 2017 January 2017 ) Internet channel is the main source of cust

15、omers, and too concentrated, in January because of the car phone leakage caused by the network clues also declined, in the absence of large-scale activities supported by the collection of passengers is particularly weak.1654203404311200100200300400500Direct mailMarketingOnline AdvertisingAcquaintanc

16、eTV advertisementRoad signsAuto ShowMagazineDirect mail informationMarketing activitiesOnline AdvertisingAcquaintanceTV advertisementRoad signs advertisingAuto ShowMagazine AdvertisingAnalysis of Guest State本店集客现状平台单一 运营风险大平台就汽车之家和易车网两个平台,在厂家统签后竞争越发激烈,电话漏接或线索处理不及时极易造成DCC整个线索量断崖式下滑。宣传单一缺乏创新活动宣传及单店宣传方

17、式主要是以自店微信公众平台和平面媒体宣传,形式较单一,缺乏创新,客户对活动政策不了解,单店区域影响力不强。客户跟进不及时展厅销售顾问没有详细的询问客户信息,系统录入不及时,在销售顾问时间较匆忙时应付工作,对相关级别客户没有及时跟进。The present situation of the storePlatform single operation risk is bigPlatform on the car and car network two platforms, in the manufacturers after the competition is increasingly fie

18、rce, telephone leakage or clues to deal with not timely and easily caused the entire trail of DCC a cliff-type decline.Propaganda single lack of innovationActivities publicity and single-shop publicity is mainly from the shop micro-letter public platform and print media publicity, the form of a sing

19、le, lack of innovation, the customers activity policy do not understand, the single-store area is not strong influence.Customer follow-up not timelyShowroom Sales Consultants do not have detailed inquiries about customer information, system input is less than when the sales consultant in a hurry to

20、cope with the work, the relevant level of customers did not follow up on time.解决方案策划 Solution planning 增加网络平台、改变投放方式 平台宽广化 活动设置多样,关爱团购结合活动多样化 表格系统结合,早晚会议分析数据管理规范化解决方案解决方案策划思路Increase the network platform, change the delivery modeBroad platformActivities set up a variety of care combined buyActivitie

21、s diversified Form system combination, sooner or later meeting analysisData management standardizationsolutionSolution Planning Ideas线上网络平台:新增了3家线索平台以及开通了云中展厅微信后台,并对网络后台及线索处理流程进行优化。线下管控:人员分工明细工作对接及时、合理平台宽广化网络平台Online network platform: Added three clues platform and opened the cloud in the exhibition

22、 hall WeChat background, and network background and clue processing process to optimize.Offline control:Details of division of laborWork docking timely and reasonableBroad platformNetwork Platform活动多样化关爱活动关爱活动春季团购会(春季团购会(3.11)团购团购长久春季自驾游(长久春季自驾游(3.22)联谊活动联谊活动季末冲冠,惠聚全城(季末冲冠,惠聚全城(3.25)三月花开,女王驾到(三月花开,女

23、王驾到(3.8)(销售)(销售&售后)售后)速腾、宝来体验日(速腾、宝来体验日(3.18)体验式活动体验式活动邀约进店客户可获专享礼品邀约进店客户可获专享礼品和优惠金融政策和优惠金融政策DCC专享活动专享活动Activities diversifiedCare activities Spring Group buy (3.11)Group buyLong spring driving by car (3.22)Networking activities The end of the red crown, Hui poly city (3.25) March flowers, queen

24、 driving to (3.8) (sales & sale) Sagitar, Bora to experience day (3.18)Experiential activityInvite customers to receive exclusive gifts and preferential financial policiesDCC exclusive activities数据管理规范化DCC日报表DCC各平台线索登记表网销专员邀约登记表DCC线索管理前台客流登记表销售顾问客户级别跟进表展厅线索管理CRM系统与表格相结合电销专员多方对接KPI数据考核前台客流信息登记表区域

25、、级别、触媒分析H级客户晨夕会分析战败客户分析Data management standardizationDCC daily reportDCC platform clue registration formNet sales commissioner registration formDCC clue managementFront desk passenger registration formSales Advisor Customer Level Follow-up TableExhibition clues managementCRM system and the combinat

26、ion of formsElectric Sales Commissioner Multi-dockingKPI data assessmentFront passenger information registration area, level, catalyst analysisH-class customer morning evening analysisDefeat customer analysis过程执行监督 Process supervision 管理团队 执行团队 积极沟通 主动反馈制定相关活动政策管理监督绩效考核落实任务完成进度积极完成相关任务反馈过程问题突发状况及时处理

27、数据波动及时上报数据提升指标达成个人提升执行&监督 Management team Executive teamActive communicationActive feedbackDevelop relevant policiesManagement supervision performance appraisalImplement the progress of the taskActively complete the relevant tasksFeedback process problemSudden situation in a timely mannerData fl

28、uctuate in a timely mannerData boostIndicators are reachedPersonal promotionImplementation & supervision潜客跟进标准F级 购车时间模糊 主动向客户推荐车型,提供相关信息和建议,让客户留下印象,关注客户车辆选择,关系维系。D级 不确认购车日期/客户购车意向不强,多次联系邀约均拒绝/客户未明确回复已购买其他车辆 当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /7天内第一次跟进 /60天以上成交C级 商谈中表露出有购车意愿/经判定有购车条件者/对选择车种犹豫不决 当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /7

29、天内第一次跟进 /提供专业建议,帮助客户筛选车型/30-60天成交B级正在决定拟购车种 /经判定有购车条件者/要求协助处理旧车当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /7天内第一次跟进 /了解客户选定竞品的接触情况/15-30天成交A级已谈判购车条件/客户明确本月购车/选定下次商谈日期或再度来看展示车 当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /5天内至少跟进1次/车型对比优势,结合促销活动促进客户作出决定/7-15天成交H级车型车色已选定/已提供付款方式及交车日期/分期手续进行中当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /2天内至少跟进1次/价格优势体现及当前活动实效性,提供服务及资源稀缺性/7天内成交订单当天购

30、买合同已签 /全款已交但未提车/已收订金当天短信联系 /48小时首次回访 /一周内至少2次回访/对客户购车表示感谢;提供车辆相关运输信息;提醒客户准备好交车,上牌资料。重点关注AB级客户到H级的转变!Submissions follow the standardF levelThe car time is blurredTake the initiative to recommend models to customers, provide relevant information and recommendations, so that customers leave the impress

31、ion, concerned about the customer vehicle selection, relationship maintenance.D levelDo not confirm the date of purchase / customer intention is not strong, many times to contact the invitation are rejected / customer did not explicitly reply to the purchase of other vehiclesDay SMS contact / 48 hou

32、rs first visit / 7 days for the first time to follow / 60 days or more transactionsC levelNegotiations show that there is a car willingness / determined to have the conditions of the car / the choice of vehicles hesitantDay SMS contact / 48 hours first visit / 7 days for the first time to follow up

33、/ provide professional advice to help customers filter models / 30-60 days turnoverB levelIt is decided that the proposed vehicle type / has been determined to have the terms of the car / request to assist in handling the old carDay SMS contact / 48 hours first visit / 7 days for the first time to f

34、ollow up / understand the customer selected competitive contact situation / 15-30 days turnoverA levelNegotiated car condition / customer clear this month car / selected next meeting date or again look at the show carDay SMS contact / 48 hours first visit / 5 days at least 1 times / model comparativ

35、e advantage, combined with promotional activities to promote customer decision / 7-15 daysH levelThe vehicle color has been selected / provided payment method and delivery date / staging procedures in progressDay SMS contact / 48 hours first visit / 2 days at least 1 times / price advantage and the

36、effectiveness of the current activities to provide services and scarcity of resources / 7 daysOrder The day of purchase contract has been signed / full payment has not yet submitted / has received a deposit The same day SMS contact / 48 hours for the first time visit / at least 2 times a week visit

37、/ thank the customer car; provide vehicle-related transport information; to remind customers ready to ship, on card information.Focus on AB-class customers to H-class changes!根据集客基础数据表判定客户级别客户意向判定标准(掌握1-6条信息为初级客户,掌握7-11条信息为高意向客户)集客基础数据表Determine the customer level based on the customer base data she

38、etCustomer intention to determine the standard (master 1-6 information for the primary customer, master 7-11 information for the high intention to customers)Customer base Datasheet多打电话,不放弃,每位客户呼出多打电话,不放弃,每位客户呼出5次以上。次以上。活动邀约话术培训xxx先生/女士,您好!一汽大众举行厂家回馈客户活动,这是2017年第一次厂家进行回馈,现场优惠政策均是厂家直接给出,全系车型都参与优惠,政策仅限

39、当天,期待您的参与。短信邀约微信邀约xxx先生/女士,您好!我是XXX,一汽大众举行厂家回馈客户活动,这是2017年第一次厂家进行回馈, 湖南省长沙站,即将在3月11日举行。本次活动,您仅需缴纳99元诚意金可抵999元。活动当天除相关的购车政策外,另有多重超值实用豪华大礼等着你来拿,优惠仅此一次,如有任何疑问,您可以随时与我联络,期待您的参与。话术要点话术需包含以下主要内容:1、能够享受到厂家直供各车型的政策和资源。2、订车后可享受多达10多次循环抽奖,中奖几率高达60%。3、现场订车的客户都有机会参加终极大奖。4、可以享受交100元抵1000元的现金大礼包。5、直销活动准时到店,可领取一份精

40、美礼品。不愿交意向金又愿意来活动,转告客户我可以先给你保留报名名额,你在考虑一下;良心谴责术 More calls, do not give up, each customer exhaled more than 5 times.Training of Active solicitation wordsXXX Mr./MS, Hello! FAW-Volkswagen to hold manufacturers feedback activities, this is the first time 2017 manufacturers to give feedback, on-site pre

41、ferential policies are manufacturers directly given, all-line models are involved in preferential policies only the same day, look forward to your participation.SMS offerWeChat offerMr. xxx / ladies, hello! I am XXX, FAW-Volkswagen manufacturers to give feedback to customer activities, which is the

42、first time in 2017 manufacturers to feedback, Changsha, Hunan Province, will be held on March 11. This event, you only need to pay 99 yuan in favor of gold can reach 999 yuan. Activities in addition to the relevant day of the car policy, the other valuable multi-purpose luxury gift waiting for you t

43、o come and see, concessions only once, if any questions, you can always contact me and look forward to your participation.The main points of speechThe following major elements are required:1, can enjoy the manufacturers direct supply of various models of policies and resources.2, set the car can enj

44、oy up to 10 times the cycle of luck, winning up to 60% chance.3, the scene set the car customers have the opportunity to participate in the ultimate prize.4, you can enjoy the payment of 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan cash spree.5, direct marketing on time to shop, can receive a fine gift.Do not want to pay

45、 to the gold and willing to come to the event, tell the customer I can give you to retain the registration quota, you are thinking about; conscience condemnation . .CRM系统与表相结合DCC业务业务KPI统计表统计表CRM系统系统CRM system and table combinationDCC business KPI statistics tableCRM system宣传监督微信朋友圈广告自店微信平台网络平台新闻内页利用

46、口碑宣传Combination of publicityWeChat friends circle advertisingShop WeChat platformNetwork platform news page useWord of mouth publicity云中展厅云中展厅销售顾问个人风采展示,深度挖掘销售顾问微信朋友圈潜客,维系与客户关系,与购车客户售后维系,借助社群营销手段,把店员打造为自媒体、小网红,扩大个人影响力。Cloud in the exhibition hallCloud in the exhibition hall sales consultant personal

47、 style show, the depth of mining sales consultant WeChat friends circle sub-passengers, to maintain customer relations, and car customers after-sales maintenance, with social marketing means, the clerk to create a self-media, small red, expand personal influence force.效果分析 Effectiveness analysis线索量对比分析199236368476687913020040060080010001月2月3月展厅DCC截至一季度展厅留档率达到86%,留档量368,为一季度最多月;DCC线索量为913,线索量提升趋势明显。Comparison of Threads19923636847668791302004006008001000JanuaryFebruaryMarchExhibition hallDCCAs of the first quarter of the exhibition hall retention rate of 86%, retainin


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