1、1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?什么东西干净的时候是黑的,脏的时候却是白的呢?blackboard 黑板2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?什么东西有个圆圆的脸,两只瘦瘦的手,一只手长,一只长短呢?a clock 闹钟3. What is big and bright during the day and we cant see it at night?什么东西白天的时候有大又亮,晚上我们却看
2、不见呢?the sun 太阳4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?我很小,我会飞,我喜欢在天空中唱歌。我是谁?a bird 鸟5. Which letter is a drink? 哪个字母读起来是一种饮料呢?T(tea) T-茶6. Which letter is around an island? 哪个字母代表的东西能包围一座岛屿呢?C(sea) C-海洋7. Which letter is an animal?哪个字母读起来是一种动物?B(bee)B-蜜蜂8. Which letter is a ki
3、nd of vegetable?哪个字母是一种蔬菜P(pea)9. Which is the longest English word? Why?如个单词是世界上最长的单词?为什么smiles(Theres a mile between the first and the last letter.)10. Which letter is a question?哪个字母是一个问题?Y(why)11. Which letter is a part of your face?哪个字母是你脸的一部分呢?I(eye)12. 12. an elephant12. I am very big and hea
4、vy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?我非常的大和重,我有长长的鼻子和大大的耳朵,我是谁?an elephant13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?我是世界上最高的动物,我是谁a giraffe14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?我住在海里。我是海洋里最大的动物。我是谁?the whale15. What do you call your fathers fathe
5、rs only son?你爸爸的爸爸的唯一的儿子叫什么是你的?father/daddy16. What is in the middle of the world?“world”的中心是什么?the letter “r” 19. What is the smallest room in the world?世界上最小的房间是?mushroom20. Teachers write on me with chalk. I cant talk. What am I ?老师用粉笔在我身上写字,我不能说话。我是谁?a blackboard21. You have it. You read it. The
6、re are some words and pictures on it. What is it?你拥有他,你可以读他。上面有图画和文字。他是什么a book22. Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?有时候它看起来像条船,有时候它看起来像个小小的白色的太阳。它是什么?the moon23. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw aw
7、ay the inside. What did you eat?有一种东西,你扔掉外面的,煮里面的,煮熟后你又吃外面的,扔掉里面的,你吃的是什么?chicken24. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?什么东西跑遍全世界却呆在角落里?stamp25. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?给我食物,我将活着,给我水,我将死,我是什么?fire26.What can run but never walks, has a mout
8、h but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?什么能跑却不能走,有一张嘴却不会说,有一个头却不会哭泣,有一张床却不会睡?river27. I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes.我会飞却没有翅膀,我会哭却没有眼睛,我是什么cloud28. How many letters are in the alphabet?“字母表”这个单词有多少个字母呢?eight29. I am always with you. Sometimes
9、behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you cant see me in the dark.我总是和你在一起,有时候在你身后,有时候在你前面,有时候在你旁边,但是你却不能在黑暗的时候看到我。shadow32.What changes a pear into a pearl?什么让一个梨变成了一个珍珠?“L”33. What letter makes a road broad?什么字母让一条“路”变“宽”呢?“b”34. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?什么时候2+2大于4?
10、(22)35. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?我有城市却没有房了,我有森林却没有树 ,有河却没有水,我是谁?a map36. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?什么狗不会咬或叫?hot dog37. I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I ?我在地球的每一个角落,没有我,你就得死!我是谁?air38. I cant
11、 walk. I cant fly. I can swim. What am I ?我不会走也不会飞,我会游泳,我是什么?fish39. I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like me. What am I ?我在春天的时候是绿色的,秋天的时候是黄色的,小鸟和人们都喜欢我,我是谁?a tree40. Chicken grows from it. What is it?小鸡是从它变来的,它是什么?an egg41. Its very small in the sky, but its actu
12、ally very big. What is it?它在天上的时候非常小,但是实际上它非常大,它是什么?. a star/ the sun/ the moon42. Its a colourful bridge in the sky. What is it?它是天空中一座彩色的桥,它是什么?. a rainbow43. Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?为什么狮子要吃生肉?Because they cant cook. (因为它们不会做饭呀)44. Why is six afraid of seven?为什么“六”要害怕“七”呢?Because seven eight
13、(ate) nine. 因为“七八(英文八的读音像”吃“的过去式)九”45. A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.How can this be possible?一个女人有七个小孩,有一半是男孩,这有可能吗?. Because all of her children are boys. 因为她所有的孩子都是男孩。46. I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group. What am I ?我是白色的,你可以每天都喝我。我是什么? Milk 牛奶47. I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group. What am I ?我是绿色或红色的,我是辣的,我是一种蔬菜,我是什么呢?Pepper辣椒48. I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. What am I ?我是一种水果,外面是绿色的,里面是红色的,我是什么?a watermelon 西瓜49. I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small blac
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