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1、Module 3 模块知识梳理卷5 / 730 分钟满分: 100 分基础知识梳理一、英汉互译。(5 分 )1. 自行车 3. stamp5. doll二、英汉互译。(9 分 )1. 我的业余爱好3. another Chinese stamp5. these stamps7. picture books2. collect4. hobby2. 集邮 4. fly kites6. ride my bicycle8. dolls from China9. take pictures三、英汉互译或补全下面的句子。(18 分 )1. 你有什么玩具?have you got?2. I have got

2、 some toy dogs.3. 你的业余爱好是什么?4. 收集邮票是我的业余爱好。5. What are those?6. These are stamps from Canada.7. 你有来自日本的玩具娃娃吗?8. 我喜欢骑我的自行车。I like 9. Now you can have another Chinese stamp.四、核心语言点。(10分)1 .本单元我们学习了如何询问和表达自己或他人的爱好。请根据首字母提示补 全单词,完善知识点。2 .本单元我们学习了关于have got的陈述句和一般疑问句及其回答。请在横线 上填上适当单词来补全句子。模块强化检测、把下列单词归类,

3、并将序号写在后面的横线上。(5分)A. collecting B. bicycle C. stamp D. China E. hobbies1. plane train bus2. riding flying reading3. book picture photo4. families factories ladies5. Canada Japan England二、给下列问句选择对应的答语。(5分)()1. What are those?()2. Have you got any books about Japan?()3. Is there a book on the chair?()4

4、. What's your hobby?()5. Do you collect toy dogs?A. Taking pictures is my hobby.B. Yes, I have.C. These are some stamps from China.D. Yes, I've got lots of toy dogs.E. Yes, there is.、根据图片提示,补全句子。(8分)1. I like2. These stamps have gotafter school.3. Is there a letter for me?4. Have you got any

5、 dolls?四、读一读,给下列句子排序。(12分)()Thank you.()Riding my bicycle is my hobby.( )Have you got any photos of your bicycle?()What's your hobby, Xiaoxue?()Oh, they're beautiful!( )Yes. These are some photos of my new bicycle.五、用下列单词的适当形式填空。(12分)any get collect from this hobbyKate: Do you 1.postcards, T

6、om?Tom: Yes, I've 2.lots of postcards.Collecting postcards is my 3.Kate: What are those?Tom: 4.are some postcards 5.the US.Kate: Have you got 6.postcards from China?Tom: Yes, I have. All of these postcards are from China.Kate: Oh, they are from your friends in China.Tom: That's right!六、根据图片仿

7、照例子写对话。(6分)例:What's your hobby?2.6 / 7 Playing basketball is myhobby.3.七、阅读短文,回答问题。(10分)I'm Tom. I'm an American boy. I'm a pupil. I have lots of hobbies. I like fishing, riding my bicycle, swimming and reading storybooks. I've got many photos of my bicycle. I often go fishing an

8、d swimming at the weekend. My father likes swimming, too. We often have swimming matches. My mother likes reading books. And she's got a book about China. It's very interesting.1. Where is Tom from?2. What are Tom's hobbies?3. Does Tom have many photos of his bicycle?4. What does Tom oft

9、en do at the weekend?5. What's Tom's mother's hobby?9 / 7flying kitrs四、1.re 抑 lingModule 3模块知识梳理卷基础知识梳理:一、1. bicycle 2.收集 3.邮票4 .业余爱好 5.玩具娃娃二、1. my hobby 2. collect stamps5 .另一张中国邮票4.放风筝6 .这些邮票 6.骑我的自行车7 .图画书 8.来自中国的玩具娃娃9 .拍照片三、1. What toys 2.我有一些玩具狗。3. What's your hobby?4. Collectin

10、g stamps is my hobby.5. 那些是什么?6. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。7. Have you got any dolls from Japan?8. riding my bicycle.9. 现在你可以有另一张中国邮票了。Yes, there2. ave; have; haven't模块强化检测:一、1. B2. A3. C4. E5. D二、1. C2. B3. E4. A5. D三、1. riding my bicycle点拨:like后接动名词,意为 喜欢做某事”3. famous people4. Yes, there is.点拨:Is there开头的一般

11、疑问句,肯定回答为:is. ;否定回答为:No, there isn't. 。5. No, I haven't. 点拨:Have you got开头的一般疑问何,肯定回答为:Yes, I have. ; 否定回答为:No, I haven't. 。4、 6 2 3 1 5 45、 1. collect2. got点拨:have got意为 有”。3. hobby4. These点拨:these意为这些”,后接名词复数形式,be动词应用are5. from 6. any6、 1. What's your hobby? Reading is my hobby.2. What's your hobby? Flying kites is my hobby.3. What's your hobby? Singing is my hobby.7、 1. He is from America /


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