已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 School is fun.重点词汇:【默写】包bag,书book,钢笔pen,铅笔pencil【认读】文具盒 pencil-case ,橡危eraser,尺ruler ,黑板blackboard【复习】操场 playground ,游泳池 swimming pool ,教室 classroom,花园 garden重点句型:你能看见什么? What can you see?我能看见一本大书。I can see a big book.这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming pool.Unit 2 Classroom Olympics重点词汇:【默写】一 one,

2、二two ,三three【认读】单脚跳hop,跳jump ,碰touch ,接住catch ,数count ,踢kick,停stop【复习】一 one,二 two ,三 three ,四 four,五 five ,六 six,七 seven,八 eightUnit 3 You and I重点词汇:【默写】我I,你you,他he,【认读】她she,它it,我们we,他们they重点句型:你和我you and I他和她he and she我们和你们 we and you 它和他们it and theyUnit 4 They are my friends.重点词汇:【默写】我是I am,他是he i

3、s ,她是she is【认读】他们是they are ,我们是we are ,尼克Nick,帕特Pat,汤姆Tom,看电视 watch TV ,来come , 玩 play重点句型:你好,我是尼克。Hello I m Nick她是帕特。She s Pat.她是我的朋友。She is my friend. 他是汤姆。He s om.他是我的朋友。He is my friend. 我们都是朋友。We are all friends.他们者 K 是朋友。They are all friends.Unit 5 I like dogs.重点词汇:【默写】猫cat,狗dog,鸭duck,【认读】兔rabb

4、it ,鼠mouse,鹦鹉parrot ,蜘蛛spider【复习】乌龟turtle ,蛇snake重点句型:你喜欢什么动物? What animal do you like?我喜欢狗。I like dogs.我喜欢猫。I like cats.我喜欢鸭子。I like ducks.我喜欢乌龟。I like turtles. 我喜欢兔子。I like rabbits.Unit 6 Do you like oranges?重点词汇:【默写】苹果apple ,香蕉banana ,桔子orange【认读】桃子peach ,梨pear【复习】菠萝 pineapple ,柠檬lemon,芒果 mango重点

5、句型:你喜欢桔子吗? Do you like oranges? 是的,我喜欢。Yes I do.你喜欢菠萝吗? Do you like pineapples? 不,我不喜欢。No I don t.Unit 7 What s Bobby doing?重点词汇:【默写】卧室bedroom ,浴室bathroom ,【认读】客厅 living room ,厨房 kitchen ,餐厅 dining room ,洗 wash,吃 eat, 睡 sleep ,玩 play ,看 watch ,做 do重点句型:波比正在做什么? What s Bobby doing?他正在洗澡。He s taking a

6、 bath.现在几点? What time is it? 现在 8点。It s 8 pm.你可以看见一个浴室。 You can see a bathroom. 这是我的卧室。 This is my bedroom.Unit 8 What s in the pizza?重点词汇:【默写】豆子 bean, 土豆potato ,为茄tomato【认读】胡萝卜 carrot ,豌豆 pea,洋葱 onion ,香肠 sausage重点句型:匹萨里有彳十么?What s in the pizza?我喜欢吃有一些洋葱的匹萨。I like to eat a pizza with some onions.Un

7、it 9 Dress for Children s Day重点词汇:【默写】礼帽hat,鸭舌帽cap,衬衫shirt【认读】眼镜glasses, T恤衫T-shirt ,长裙dress,夹克衫jacket ,背心vest,短裙skirt , 裤子 trousers ,短裤 shorts ,牛仔裤 jeans ,袜子 socks,鞋不 shoes,儿童节 Children s Day 穿wear,蓝色blue ,粉色pink重点句型:今夫是儿童节。It s Children s Day你喜欢穿什么? What do you like to wear?我喜欢衬衫。I like shirts.我喜欢

8、T恤衫但是我不喜欢衬衫。I like T- shirts but I don t like shirts.Unit 10 What are they doing?重点词汇:【默写】蜜蜂bee,鱼fish ,兔子rabbit【认读】母鸡hen,绵羊sheep,山羊goat,老虎tiger【复习】猫cat,狗dog,鸭子duck,天象elephant ,长颈鹿giraffe ,马horse, 蛇 snake,乌龟 turtle ,熊猫 panda【短语】M牙 brush teeth ,读书 read books ,洗澡 take a bath ,玩游戏 play a game ,吃早饭 have

9、breakfast ,看电视 watch TV,讲故事 tell a story ,玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek ,爬树 climb the tree , 踢足球play football (该部分短语比较多也比较难,小朋友可以根据老师的要求,选择认读。)重点句型:这些奶牛正在做什么? What are the cows doing ? 他们正在吃草。They are eating grass.它是什么动物? What animal is it? 它是绵羊。It s a sheep.这是我的宠物。This is my pet. 我把它养在房子里。I keep it in th

10、e house.Unit 11 Where are you going?重点词汇:【默写】自行车bike ,小汽车car,公共汽车bus【认读】飞机plane ,火车train ,轮船ship,小船boat ,吉普车jeep ,步行on foot 重点句型:你彳将要去哪? Where are you going? 我们要去昆明。We are going to kunming.你将怎么去上海? How are you going to Shanghai? 我将骑车去那。I m going there by bike.Unit 12 A song of opposites重点词汇:【默写】大的bi

11、g,小的small/little【认读】长的long,短的short;冷的cold ,热的hot;高的tall ,矮的short;开心的happy, 伤心的sad;快的quick ,慢的slow;年轻而young,作老的old;左left ,右right ;重点句型:这是大的,那是小的。This is big and that is small.这是长的,那是短的。This is long and that is short.Unit 13 The big man and the little people重点词汇:【默写】眼睛eye,耳朵ear,鼻子nose【认读】头发 hair,嘴巴 mo

12、uth ,脚 foot-feet ,腿 leg ,胳膊 arm ,手 hand ,头 head ,牙齿 tooth-teeth 重点句型:这是什么? What s this?这是一只眼睛。This is an eye.那是什么? What s that?那是一张嘴巴。It s a mouth.Unit 14 Hello! This is my friend Linda.重点词汇:【默写】我的my,你的your,他的his,【认读】她的her,我们的our,你们的your,他们的their重点句型:重点句型:这是我的朋友。This is my friend. 这是你的书。This is your

13、 book.这是他的食物。This is his food. 这是我们的新老师。This is our new teacher .那是他们的新老师。That is their new teacher .那是她的狗。That is her dog.这是什么? What s this?那是谁? Who s that?Unit 15 He s got three sticks.重点词汇:【默写】四four ,五five ,六six【认读】棕色brown ,黑也black ,家庭比赛family contest【复习】一 one,二 two ,三 three ,四 four,五 five ,六 six

14、,七 seven, K eight ,九 nine ,十 ten, 重点句型:他有两根木棒。He s got two sticks.有多少只猫? How many cats are there?有两只猫。There are two cats.Unit 16 Game time重点词汇:【认读】唱歌 singing,跑步 running ,读书 reading ,跳舞 dancing ,跳 jumping ,踢足球 playing football ,游泳 swimming ,钓鱼 fishing重点句型:你的名字是什么? What s your name?我的名字是林华。My name is

15、Lin Hua.你喜欢做什么? What do you like doing? 我喜欢跑步I like running.剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(下) Unit 1 School is funI .Teaching contents1 .phonics:1)ing,sch,dr ,sw,bl,cl,sm,air 的发音;2 .words:1)school:pen,ruler ,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard,desk,school,chair ,pencil;2)verb +ing:drawing,singing,reading,writing

16、,running,jumping,swimming;3 ) school:garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground;4)numbers:1-15;3.sentences:1)What can you see? I can see 2)How many are there?There are 4 .grammar:how many is/are;5 .topic:school is fun;n .Teaching purpose1.listening:能听懂磁带第一单元的以下录音;part 1 pen,ruler ,bag,book,pencil-cas

17、e,small,big,blackboard ;What can you see? I can see Part 6 Listen and write the numbersboy_ girs_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_2.speaking:会说教材以下内容;part 1pen,ruler ,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard ;What can you see? I can see part 3Look the picture and answer these questions:

18、How many boys/girs/teachers/doors/windows/TV(s)/fans are there?There are 3.reading:会读教材以下内容;part 2garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground.part 4Which one is different(look at the pictures)1)desk, banbana,chair blackboard;2)eraser,book,pen,door;3)school,garden,pencil,playground;4) chair, pencil, er

19、aser , pen;4.writing:会写教材以下内容;part 6 Listen and write the numbersboy_ girl_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_5.using:1)能完成教材上以下内容的作业:part 4, part 5,part 6;2)会唱教材上以下内容的歌曲:part 5;3)会玩教材上以下内容的游戏:part4 ,part 6;m .Teaching methods1.song:part 5School is fun school is fun.Drawing singing and we

20、are Number One.School is fun school is fun.Drawing singing and we are Number One.Dancing,runningmjumping,and swimming.We are Number One.We are Number ONE.2.game:part 4 Look at these pictures and find out which one is different ;首先,让学生要认识所要教授的内容,引导学生用简单的方法就可以理解难度较大的内容;其次,本堂课要教授的内容都是生活中常用的,教室里有的,所以就让学

21、生在教室中找出内容,老师所 英语学生用手去触摸,让学生知道汉语的意思;最后,用游戏的方法,让学生动起来,边说英语,边找出本堂课的内容。part 6 Listen and write the numbers ;首先,学生先要说出数字用英文的方式,复习巩固。其次,让学生明白本堂课的重点在哪里,根据重点有针对性的给学生教授数字知识;最后,全班同学与老师一起互动起来做数字游戏。IV.课后反思1、学生学生第一堂课的气氛不是很好,因为孩子有些内向,我想尽量让孩子活动起来,跳起来,所以,第一堂 课主要给学生复习单词,和上册书里的句型,给学生在上新课之前过渡一下,同时,调动起学生的积极 性;2、老师对于内容不

22、能根据孩子的年龄来增减,要去用适当的引导给学生讲知识;3、家长家长对于自己孩子的知识的掌握还是挺在乎的,所以每节课都要几位家长听课,做笔记,有什么问题基 本上都会下课问我,家长的辅导起着很大的作用。剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(下) Unit 3 You and IStep 11. Greetings.Hello,nice to meet you! glad to meet you!Whats the weather like today?2. Ask and answer:Hello, .nice to meet you!Can you run/ fly/ jump/ swim/ read/ wr

23、ite/ draw/ hop/ skate?3. T: Excellent! Now, lets sing a song Walking walking together .Step 21. T: We have learnt many verbs, right? Can you tell me some of them? Lets play a guessing game:hopwritetalkrundancedrawswimreadjumpskate2. T:Great! Lets drive a big train. You read hop hop I can hop. row by

24、 row.3. T: Can you draw?Ss: Yes!T: Yes, you can draw and I can write.T: Mark, what can you do?T: You can and I can _skate. (4Ss)4. T: Good, lets play a game,ok? you do the actions and saythe sentence like You can run and I can hop. one by one.Another game:两边的同学背对背站好,一边的学生做一个动作,然后另一边的学生猜:You can danc

25、e and I can run?5. Make a chant:You and I, you and I.You can draw and I can write.6. T:Well done! You can draw and I can write. What can the bird do ?Lets look at the picture:a bird T:What can the bird do ?Ss: fly.T:Yes,the bird can fly .T:The bird has many friends.They are coming.Look! What can the

26、y do?They can fly .a duckIt can swim.some ducksThey can swim.a rabbitIt can jump.two zebrasThey can run.7. Make a chant:It and they , it and they .It can jump and they can run.8. Let Ss make chants like this.9. T:The bird can fly , the duck can swim. Can you tell me, what can bill do?He can jump/ska

27、te/hop.What can Molly do?She can swim/run/kick the ball.10. Read the chant after the T:He and she, he and she.He can dance and she can read.Chant with their partners.( Clap their hands)11. Let a boy and a girl come to the front and do some actions. Other Ss chant together .(3 pairs)Step 31. T: Its e

28、asy to make a chant. Now,lets make a long chant together:You and I, you and I.You can draw and I can write.It and they , it and they .It can jump and they can run.He and she, he and she.He can dance and she can read.2. Back to the book. Look at the chant in the book. Chant it after the tape.3. Chant

29、 together .4. Sing the song with the tape.评价:在上课时,花在编歌谣的时间太多。可以再缩短一些。应注意自己的肢体语言,应该柔和,富有亲和力,贴近学生。整堂课下来思路较为清晰。教学环节紧凑。YOU AND I 说课稿一教材分析:“YOUAND I”是剑桥少儿英语预备级下册第三单元的教学内容。课文通过以四个小CHANT,以不同的人物和动物所做的动作呈现出代词:you I he she it you(你们)they we等以及一些较为常用的动词。学生通过学习,能够熟练的运用代词:you I he she it you(你们)they we来代替具体的人名或物

30、名并能够对上一个单元所学的动词进行巩固和复习。我上课的内容是“YOU AND I的第二课时。在这一课时中,学生在已经掌握了使用人称代词的基础上再学习一个句型:You can skate and I can fly .并能够运用已经学过的动词来造句。根据教材的特点和一年级学生的认知规律,我将听、说、玩、演溶于一体,使学生在课堂上学会正 确的使用句型:You can skate and I can fly .并激发学生学习英语的兴趣和II望。二教学目标:本课时的教学目标和要求:1 .学生能够熟练地运用代词 you I he she it you(你们)they we等代词具体的人名和物名。2 .学

31、生复习和巩固上一个单元所学习的一系列动词。3 .学生通过学习和练习,能够运用代词和相关白勺动词造句。例如: You can skate and I can fly .4 .通过做相关的游戏,进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣。三说教法:1 .游戏学习在低年级英语教学中,游戏是培养学生兴趣最好的方法。通过游戏 ,学生能够简单快乐地掌握所学内 容。在呈现动词时,我通过一个小游戏:猜猜我在干什么,来使学生复习已学动词。在教授新句型时我 又通过you say I do 和 猜猜背后的他在干什么”等帮助学生更好的接受新知识。2 .多媒体辅助在呈现it和they时,我采用多媒体展现了各种动物(单个的和多个的),

32、让学生更加直观的知道it和 they的区别并能够正确的使用。3 .拓展延伸在学生初步掌握句型后,让学生能够运用已经学过的动词来造句。4 .编写CHANTft节奏的朗读)在教授新句型时,我通过将句子用CHANT的方式表现出来并要求学生仿造老师的样子编写CHANT。使本来对一年级小朋友来说有点难度的造句易化。四说学法:1 .学生通过小组合作学习方式,让学生在小组学习中互帮互助、互评互学,实现生生互动。2 .学生通过自主编写CHANT来巩固新学句型。五教学过程:首先,通过简单的问候和师生问答的方式, 巩固和熟练日常的交际用语,并为接下来的教学做准备。然后,通过一首关于动作的英文儿歌 WALKING

33、WALKING等学生带如整堂课的核心部分。在这堂课的呈现部分,我首先通过一个猜迷游戏(即教师做动作学生猜出相应的动词),逐一呈现出本课堂中所需要用到的动词。在游戏结束后要求学生以开火车的朗读方式来唤醒学生原有的知识。之后,我通过询问学生 CAN YOU DRAW引出句型 YOU CAN DRAW AND I CAN WRITES过两个游 又VYOU SAY I DO和猜猜背后的他在干什么来巩固这一句型。接下来,我用一些可爱白勺小动物以及班级里的同学的名字一一带出句型:It can talk and they canplay. He can skate and you can read.在每一个

34、小环节完成后,都将句子编成一个个小小的歌谣。使学生能够清楚地理解句子的意思并较 为容易的学会用代词来替代句子的主语部分。在最后,将前面的几个小歌谣串在一起,便于学生掌握和运用所学知识。接着,学生跟着录音机学 唱这一首CHANT的儿歌版。加入音乐旋律后的CHANT使学生能够更好的加深自己的记忆。学生在音乐 结束后结束整一堂课。在本节课中,我主要运用了单词卡片、多媒体及录音机作为辅助工具,采用了小组竞赛的方式,培 养了学生合作学习的能力。评价:由于不了解说课具体应该有哪些环节,因此在写说课稿的时候不是很成熟。在说课时只笼统的说了教 学过程而没有具体的指出该教些什么,应该怎么教。在这里已经做过一些修

35、改。剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(下)Unit11 Where are you going?I .Teaching contents1 .phonics:ai,ar ,ea,en,ar ,sh,tr;2 .words:1)jeep,bus,car ,ship,plane,train,bike;2)farm,bookshop,Shanghai,Great Wall,school,beach,U.S.A,Xi an,garden;3.sentences:1) Where are you going?We are/I am going to2)How are you going there? I am going there4 .grammar: 中国地名的书写;5 .topic: Where are you going?n .Teaching purpose1.listening:能听懂磁带第H一单元的以下录音;Part 11)Hi, where are you go


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