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1、英语名词练习题专升本集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#名词练习1. Theof theroom were covered withA. roofs, I eafsB. roofs, I eaves C. rooves, IeafsD. rooves, I eaves2. There are threei n our factory.A. woman doctors B. women doctorsC. woman doctorD.women doctor3. Which do you prefer or A. potatos, tomatosB.

2、 potatos, tomatoesC. potatoes,tomatos D. potatoes, tomatoes4. They are of d i fferent presses. Now they are hav i ng a meet i ng i n one of the off i ce.A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chief' sB.ed i tors-i n-ch i ef, ed i tor-i n-ch i ef5 sC. editors-in-chiefs, editor' s-in-chief' s D.e

3、ditors-in-chief, editors-in-chief5 s5. The ant has two .A. stomachesB. stomacksC. stomachD. stomachs6.Hedoesn' tI i kefor supper.A.ch i ckB. ch i ckenC. chickens D. chicks7.Itwashot weather that many ofus went swimming.A.soB. suchC. so asD. such a8.wonderfuI spacethey saw on theroom!9.A. HowB. H

4、owC. WhatD. What aA.10.We knowtraveIsnot sofast as Ii ght.soundB. soundsC. the soundsD.soundMy fami Iyraise a Iot of,including twoA. catt I e,cows B. cows,cattIeC. cattles,cowsD.cow,cattIes11.A number of soldi ersat he camp gate.A.have gatheredB. has gatheredC.D.was12.The Browns have spent alargeof

5、moneyonthe i rnewcar.13.A. dea IB. amountC. numberD.s i zestandard.work has been doneto improve the peopIe s IivingD.14.15.A.D.16.D.17.A. ManyA number ofMr Li shookB. A great many C. A great dea I ofwarmly with a fr iend.A. hand B. a handC. handsD. the handsTwocoffee,p I ease.B. coffeesC. cupof coff

6、eecups coffeeI can t payA. high pr iceh i gh a pr i ceasashe asked for.B.high pr iceC. ah i gh pr i ceknowledge ofspacedeveI ops rap idly.A. Man' sB.Men' sC. Mens'D.Person9 sstayed atA. Xiao Wang5 sB.Wang's homeC. the WangsD. homeof Wang19. Si ster Carrieworks i n afactory.A. shoesB.

7、 shosesC. shoeD. shoe5 s20. Have you everreadA. today newspaper B. newspaper today C. newspaper of todayD. today' s newspaper21. Two waIk didn' t made me t i red.A. hourB. hoursC. hour' sD.hours522. The mother over there i s mother.A. Julia and Mary B. Juliaand Mary' s C. Julia5 s an

8、dMary' s D. Julia' s and Mary23. Li Ming' s handwr iting i sbetter thani n the cI ass.A. anyone s B.anyone eIseC. anyone s eIseD. anyone24. The chi Idrenare playingon theA. sand, sandB. sandsrsandsC. sand, sandsD.sands, sand25.If these trousers aretoobig, buya smaIler26.A. setB. oneC.cop

9、y D.pa i rTom usuaI Iytakes ai n bus onra i ny days.A. walk B.r i de C. tr i p D. trave I27.We have noabout where she has gone.A. informationB. newsC. messageD. flash28. Food and are daily necess it i es for the peopIe.A. c I othB. c I otheC. c I othes D. c I oth i ng29. My of hear ing i s not so go

10、od as it used to be.A. strength B. sense C. power D. skill30. The caused by care Iessness yesterday. Many workers were killed.A. incident, was happenedB. matter, happened C.event, was taken pI aceD. accident, took pI ace31. The room was so quiet that she couId hear the of herheart.A. beat i ng B. wa

11、ys C. knock i ng D. str iking32. has been to I d not to throw waste th i ngs anywhere.A. The pub I i c B. Peop I e C. Women D. Man33. He was an i n the government .A. office, official B. off i c i a Ir off i ceC. officer, officeD. off i c i a I, off i cer34. There are severaI in thi s noveI who are

12、different inA. character, character B. characters, characters C.character, characters D. characters, character35. We visited him _when he was in hospitaI. A. every other days8. each other day C. every other day D. every two day36. My fr iend wi I I return i n.A. one day or two B. a day or two C. one

13、 day or twoD. a or two days37. i s always difficult for me.A. Trans I at i on B. Trans I ate C. The trans I at i onD.A trans I at i on38. of thi s noveI i s exce I lent, qui te to my surpr i se.A. Translation B. Trans I ate C. The trans I at i on D. Atrans I at i on39. The pol ice Iooking into the m

14、atter now.A. be B. i sC. are D. are going to40. The Ch i nese arebrave and hard work i ng peopIe.A. the B. aC. /D. one41. No news good news.A. i sB. areC. haveD. has42. Maths still very difficult for me, though I have done my best.A. looks B. seems C. is D. are43. “Where my trousers” the boy asked.A

15、. i sB. wasC. wereD. are44. How happy they are! ObviousIyr they are .A. in nice spirits B. in nice spirit C. in high spiritsD. in high spirit45. I saw many _ seated i n the corner read i ng someth i ng.A. Japanese B. Japaneses C. of Japanese D. of Japaneses46. Father went to h i s doctor for about h

16、 i s heart troubIe.A. an advice B. adviceC. advices D. the advices47. We are and they are .A. Engli shmen, Germans B. Engli shment German C. Engli shmans, Germans D. Engl i shmen, Germen 48. are made of .A. A glass, a glass B. GI asses, glass C. The glass, the glass D. GI asses, glasses49. 15 I I ha

17、ve to buy trousers.A. aB. two C. a pa i r of D. a coup I e of50. There are two in our class.A. LiuB. LiusC. Liu' sD. Lius'51. i s needed i n co Id countr i es.A. A Iot of cIothes B. Much cIoth i ng C. Many a cIothD. Lots of cIothes52. They are .A. mathematics student B. mathematic students C

18、. students in mathematics D. mathematics students53. The Iaboratory ass i stant recorded the react i ons.A. mouses' B. mice C. mices5 D. mice' s54. This letter was sent by .A. my father fr iend B. my father fr iend5 s C. a fr iend of my father9 s D. a fr i end of my father55. Ten years had p

19、assed. I found she had _.A. a little white hair B some white ha i r C a few wh i te ha i r few wh i te ha i rs56. I have made with Billy.D.57.A.58.A.A. f r i endsthe fr iendB. f r iendThe popuI at i on of Be i j i ng i smore B. larger C. fewer D. sma I IThere are thirty-twoC. a f r i endthan that of

20、 X i an.in our school.woman teacher B. women teacher C. women teachers D.womanteachers59.He had tr i ed everyth i ng but i t made I i ttIeA.useB. good C. differenceD.result60.You must get there withinha If an hour. ThereshouIdbenoin sending the bloodto the dy i ng man.A. wa i tB. de I ayC. timeD.hur

21、ry61. Enough ofi t! Nobody herethi nks what you aresayingshouIdmake anyA. excuse B.sense C. use D.va I ue62. 一How dareyou pI ay on suchth i n i ce-Playing on ice i s not myof spare time.A. i deaB. thoughtC. mindD.i ntent i on 63. He Ien sa i d she wouId I i ke to go to At I anta by a i rf but Iwonde

22、r i f she has enough money to pay for theA. trave I B. tour i smC. journeyD. course64. One spI end i d mounta i nfoI I owed anotherdur i ng ourjourney from MieheeI more to Rurunz.A. v i ewB. glanceC. screenD. scenenew I aw wi I I come i nto on the day i t i s passed.A.effect B. useC. serv i ce D. ex

23、 i stence66.When you play1 footbaI I, whatdoyou pI ayA.situation B. placeC. partD. pos i t i on67.111 s important for us to empIoy awordor a phrase accord ingtothei n Ianguage stud i es.A. s i tuat i onB. express i onC. cond i t i onD.translation68.I wrote him a Ietter to show myof hi s thoughtfulne

24、ss.A. ach i evement B. agreementC. v i ewD.apprec i at i on69. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high- r i se i s that you can get a good .A. sight B. sceneC. viewD. look70. Nowadays naturaI gas, wind and other forms of are widely used i n the country.A. energy B. forceC. powerD.

25、mater i a Is71. with foreign countr ies can br ing us much i nformat ion about the worId.A. Contrast B. Competition C. ContactD.Comb i nat i on72. We a I I know that speak Iouder than words.A. movements B. performances C. operations D. actions have worked out the pI an and now we must put i t i nto

26、.A. fact B. rea I ity C. pract iceD. deed've mi ssed the I ast bus. I'm af ra i d we have no but to take atax i.A. way B. choice C. possibi I ity D.seIect i ondropped the and broke it .A. cup of coffeeB. coffee1s cupC. cup forcoffee D. coffee cup 's my card. Let's keep in .A. touch B. re I at ionC. connect i on D. fr i endsh i p ga i ned h i s by pr i nt i ng of famous wr i ters.A. weaI th; work B. weaI ths ; works C. wealths; work D. weaI th; works 'I I Iook into the


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