1、写在前面的话各位老师:您们好。欢迎使用劳动版专业英语教材。如果您在使用中发现问题,或者有任何建议和意见,可与我们联系:联系人:赵硕联系电话:64962011电子由B箱:zhaos服装英语(第二版)参考答案Pre-UnitCheck and LearnA.contest 2. interview 3.photography 4. r sumeB.我们需要两名服装设计师。兼职或全职。高薪,福利好。有经验者佳。联系人:马修戴维斯先生电话:138xxxxxxxx 邮箱:ABCReadingTask 1A.1. No. She knows it from the latest issue of Fash
2、ion2. She thinks she is suitable for it.3. She got the first prize for his" Creative Design " in the Fashion Design Competition.4. Yes, she does.5. (open)B.Categorypersonal informationEducationgraduate from Beijing Fashion Vocational schoolTraining coursesadvertisement design, photography,
3、 and computer operationAwardwin the first prize for her Creative DesignWork experienceonce worked as a part-time assistant designer in ABC Fashion CorporationTask 2A. (open)B. (open)DialogueB. ( open )Unit 1Check and Learn A.1. children s wear 2. career su3i.tseveningsuit 4.casual wear 5. swimsuit 6
4、. uniforms7. T-shirts 8. sports wear B.Warm Colour: red yellow orange pink Intermediate : black white gray gold silver Cool Colour: blue green purpleReadingTask 1A.1. fashion design 2. research market 3. fabric knowledge 4. communication skills5. latest trend 6.fashion firm 7. evening dress 8. sport
5、swear 9. career suit 10. casual wear B.1. yes 2. No 3. yes 4. No 5. yes Task 2A.1 .面料 2.辅料 3.饰带 4. 吊袢 5.推档 6.商标7.包装8.装运 9.拉链 10.熨烫B.Answers will vary. DialogueA. Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 2Check and Learn A.hip curve ruler 长曲线尺 clear plastic ruler 透明塑料尺notcher 剪口钳 awl 锥子 tracingwhe
6、el 描线器shears 大剪刀B.1.排料图 2.原型样板 3.接缝 4.胸点 5.剪口 6.完成样板7.生产样板8.缝份9.推板 10.省道Reading Task 1A.1. pattern marker 2. make a paper pattern 3. indicate buttonhole 4. indicate pocket5. indicate pleat 6. indicate dart 7. standard pattern 8. sleeve cap B.1. A pattern marker s responsibility is to mafeshion desig
7、ner's vision come to life, that is, he/she assists the designers to take the sketch and transform it into a garment.2. The tools they used are hip curve ruler, clear plastic ruler, notcher, awl, tracing wheel and shears, etc.3. Yes, it does.4. A grader ' s job is to create patterns in differ
8、ent standard sizes, isn' t it?5. Yes, it is.Task 2A.1 .制板程序包括:制作样板,推板和制作2 .制板有三种方法:立体裁剪、绘制草图或平面制板。3 .每个制板的边缘必须与将要缝制的衣片相匹配,并在上面清楚的标上刀口,以便操作者操作。4 .推板就是在一定尺寸范围内将原样尺寸成比例放大或缩小样板尺寸,组成一个完整的尺码系 统。5 .制作排料图是把推板后的样板映描或影印到一张与面料一样宽的纸上。B. (open)DialogueA. Answers will wary.B. Answers will wary.Unit 3Check and
9、 LearnA.1 .Tailor ' s chalk.Measuring type 3.Puncher 4.Tracing wheel 5.Shears 6.electric knife B.1.衬布2.经纱(直丝 )3.前片4.反面5.面料6.排料7.纬纱(横丝)8.正面9.放份ReadingTask 1A.1.排料2.铺料 3.面料的质量和厚度4.裁衬布5.用电刀裁衣片6.裁辅料 7.把面料铺平 8.贴标签9.计算机辅助裁剪10.手工裁剪B. 1. yes 2. yes 3. No 4. No 5. yesTask 2A.1 .直丝(经纱)在每个裁片上做记号。2 .缝合处缝份修剪
10、一致。3 .把纸样放在面料上排料,目的是避免用料浪费。4 .裁片太宽,如喇叭裙,不宜折叠布料裁剪时,要单幅裁剪。5 .单向花样需要布料多需要特殊排料。B. Answers will vary.DialogueA. Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 4Check and LearnA.1 .needles 2.ripper 3.sewing machine 4.thimble 5.awl 6.threadB.1. J 2. G 3. I 4. H 5. B 6. E 7. F 8. D 9. C 10. AReadingTask 1A.1.
11、attach the cut pieces of garment 2. sew pocket 3. sew sleeve 4. attach collar 5. hand sewer6. sew buttonhole 7. produce a sample 8. remove lintB.1. Yes, there are. They are sewing machines, overlock machines, awls, thimbles, rippers, threads, shears, and so on.2. Sewers are responsible for attaching
12、 the cut pieces of fabric.3. Yes, they are.4. They perform sewing operations on delicate or valuable materials.5. They remove loose threads, basting, and lints.Task 2A.1. 直筒裤 2. 平脚口 3. 绱前兜 4. 缉后省 5. 绱门襟6. 合侧缝、内缝7. 将裤袢缝在腰头上8. 后整理B.1. Serging and front pleated preparation2. Front pocket preparation3.
13、Sewing the front pocket onto the front panel4. Fly preparation5. Sewing the fly onto the front panel6. Sewing the back darts7. Closing the side seams and inseams8. Waistband preparation9. Setting the waistband onto the trousers10. Closing the center back seam (back rise) and stitching down the waist
14、band11. Bottom hemming12. Finishing processesDialogueA. Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 53 / 10Check and LearnA.1.steam iron 2.ironing board 3.sleeve board 4.tailor s ha5m. ironing tableB.1. - D 2. -F3. - E 4. - C 5. - G 6. - B 7. - H 8. - AReadingTask 1A.1. top pressing 2. under pressin
15、g 3. press dart 4. press hem 5. eliminate wrinkles 6. automatic pressing machine 7. touch up the completed garment 8. delicate garmentB.1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. NoTask 1A.1. 所有的半成品熨烫都应在衣服的反面进行。2. 在正面熨烫时,最好在面料和熨斗之间垫上水布。3. 曲线部位线缝应放在烫袖板的末端熨烫。4. 熨省道时,先熨烫机缝线迹,然后顺着衣缝的方向熨烫。5. 熨烫底边时用很小的压力熨烫。B. Answers
16、will vary.DialogueA. Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 6Check and LearnA.检验方法: 1.最后检验 2.工作程序中的检验3.集中检验4.巡视检验5.抽样检验6.定向抽样检验7.制作前检验8.全面质量控制B.1 e2h3a4c5f 6 b7d8gReadingTask 1A.1. final inspection 2. sampling inspection 3. total quality control 4. backstitch5. matching checks 6. missing stitch
17、es 7. marking 8. customer requirements B.1. Positioning of Components 2. Matching Details 3. Stitching Detail 4. Appearance of Completed 5. Pressing Operations 6. Marking/Cutting/Notching Detail 7. Customer RequirementsTask 2A.1.交货日期2.品质审核3.前衣长4.袖长5.布料手感6.内装盒7.整理8.配置9.装运喽头10.改进对策B. (open) DialogueA.
18、 Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 7Check and LearnA.1. main label 2. hanger 3. care label 4. export carton 5. automated packing machine6. size label 7. hang- tagB.EnglishChineseKGS千克G.W.毛重PCS件数CTN.NO. or: C./ No.箱号QTY数量N.W.净重P/O. No.生产通知单号MEAS规格ReadingTask 1A.1. branded garment 2. mass-pr
19、oduced garments 3. automated packing machine4. packaging material 5. size label 6. care label /washing instruction 7. content label8. origin label 9. export carton 10. hangerB. Lables: 1. main label 2. size label 3. care label /washing instruction content label5. origin label 6. hang tag 7. sticker8
20、. price ticket.Packaging materials:1.poly bag 2. inner box 3.export carton4.hanger 5.pin6. tissue paperTask 2A.装箱单合同号款号发货单号定单号.日期品名页数箱号箱数颜色每箱尺寸搭配数量每箱每箱 净重每箱体积侧陵:B.正陵:订单号:款号:数量:X X 箱号:中国制造毛重: 千克净重:千克规格:XX厘米DialogueA. Answers will vary.B. Answers will vary.Unit 8Check and LearnA.Fashion company 时装公司:A
21、dministrative Department 彳亍政部、 Purchasing Department 采购部、Production Department 生产部、Design Department 设计部、QC Department 质检部、Marketing Department 市场部、Sales Department 销售部B.1. e 2. a 3. b 4. g 5. f 6. i 7. j 8. c 9. h 10. dReadingTask 1A.1. supervise the coordination 2. presentation of sampling 3. nego
22、tiate with customers7 / 104. follow up of c ustomers orde5r . accept order 6. liaise with appropriate departments7. prepare fabric 8. send e-mails8.1. Yes, they are.2. The fashion merchandisers work is to supervise the coordination and presentation of sampling and quotations, negotiate with customer
23、s, oversee and follow up of customers order, liaise with appropriate departments to ensure the prompt shipment of customers orders.3. Yes, they should.4. This job involves accepting order, preparing fabric, cutting, sewing, pressing, inspecting and packing procedures.5. They have to gets along with
24、people who work in purchasing department, production department, sales department, QC department and administration department.Task 2A. 生产通知单的主要内容: 日期、款号、工厂/ 口岸、买方、交货日期、订单号、合同号、款式细节、品种、款式、数量、面料、颜色及尺码搭配、尺寸表、辅料(线、拉链、钮扣、垫肩、按扣、衬料、里料) 、商标(包括数量、品别、位置、备注、供应商)、包装要求、外箱唛等。B.( open)Dialogue1. Answers will vary
25、.8. Answers will vary.Unit 9Check and LearnA.1 .丝绸织物2.合成纤维织物3.亚麻布4.针织物5.棉布织物6.纯毛7.蜡染布 8.西服料9. 裤料 10. 衬衫料B.1. d 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. c 6. BReadingTask 1A.1. alter clothing 2. help customer choose fabric 3. take the customer s measurements4. make paper pattern 5. different fabrics 6. sew by hand 7. trim
26、and shape the edge8. final pressing 9. attach shoulder pad 10. make buttonhole B.1 .Tailors work with men s wear. Dressmakers typically work with women s clothing,2 . Yes, it does. 3. He/She takes the customer s measurements.4. He/She cuts the pattern from muslin and fit it to the customer.5. Fittings are held to make sure the garment fits the customer properly.Task 2A.1 .把皮尺放在腰部最细处。2 .这部位要量得紧些。3 .把袖笼缝做参照点。4 .从袖笼的顶点一直向下量至袖开
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