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1、A线(扬州南京线)采访项目简介一、 扬州南京大学扬州光电研究院介绍2008年3月,南京大学扬州光电研究院成立。研究院主要在材料外延技术、芯片工艺等方面进行创新性研究,包括新型光电信息功能材料的制备、半导体照明器件设计与研制,材料与器件光电性质表征和新型光电器件与系统研制,为扬州半导体企业技术升级与产业发展提供有效的科技支撑。Brief Introduction to Yangzhou OptoelectronicsInstitute of Nanjing UniversityIn March 2008, Nanjing, Yangzhou Optoelectronics Institute o

2、f Nanjing University was established. The innovative research aspects of the institute mainly include epitaxy technology on materials, chip technology and other research, including preparation of new optoelectronic functional materials, design and development of semiconductor lighting devices, mater

3、ials and electrical and optical characterization of optoelectronic devices, and new optoelectronic device and system development. All of these serve as the effective scientific and technological support for semiconductor enterprises in Yangzhou in terms of technology upgrading and industrial develop

4、ment.江苏顺达电子材料科技有限公司介绍江苏顺达电子材料科技有限公司于2006年4月在扬州经济技术开发区建立,主要生产高纯硅材料。该公司多晶硅制备技术和工艺达到国际先进水平,并拥有自主知识产权和自主品牌。该项目采用的是国际先进的改良西门子工艺技术,使用硅粉与氯化氢作为原料,经氯化反应生产三氯氢硅。三氯氢硅经过提纯后和氢气一起进入还原炉,生产高纯多晶硅。目前,公司多晶硅产品已经产出,产品质量达到国际一流水平。今年,预计产出多晶硅1800吨,实现产值20亿元。Brief Introduction to Jiangsu Shunda Electronic Materials Technology

5、Co., Ltd.Jiangsu Shunda Electronic Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was established in April 2006 in Yangzhou Economic Development Zone, specialized in high-purity silicon material manufacture. The company's polycrystalline silicon development technology and processing technique are among the top

6、in the world, and it has independent intellectual property rights and independent brands. The project adopts the internationally advanced modified Siemens technology, using the silicon powder and hydrogen chloride as the raw material and getting trichlorosilane (TCS) after chlorination. The high-pur

7、ity polycrystalline silicon will be produced after the TCS is purified with hydrogen in the reduction furnace. At present, the company has successfully seen its final polycrystalline silicon products with top quality in the world. This year, the output of polycrystalline silicon is estimated to be 1

8、,800 tons, output value of 2 billion RMB.扬州麦拓卡夫特光伏浆料回收有限公司介绍扬州麦拓卡夫特光伏浆料回收有限公司于2007年在开发区成立,是由挪威METALLKRAFT AS公司投资的全资子公司。METALLKRAFT AS是一家专门从事碳化硅聚乙二醇和硅粉回收的企业,主要工艺是将从太阳能光伏电池切片生产厂购进原料,经蒸馏工艺与固体分开,回收还原成碳化硅、聚乙二醇和多晶硅。其独特的还原工艺已经在欧洲和中国申请了专利,并是全球唯一一家能够达到量产的企业,拥有全球顶级的技术和工艺水平。Brief Introduction to Metallkraft Ya

9、ngzhou Co. Ltd.Metallkraft Yangzhou Co. Ltd was fully founded by the Norwegian METALLKRAFT AS in 2007 in Yangzhou Economic Development Zone. METALLKRAFT AS is an enterprise specialized in the recycling of silicon carbide,polyethylene glycol and silicon powder. The main process is to recycle the raw

10、materials purchased from the solar photovoltaic cell manufacturing plant through the process of distillation and solid separation and to have them reduced to silicon carbide, polyethylene glycol and poly-crystalline silicon. Its unique reduction process has been patented in Europe and China making M

11、etallkraft the only enterprise in the globe to achieve mass-production by means of the world's top technique and technology. 扬州艾笛森光电有限公司艾笛森光电有限公司是目前世界上高功率LED的领导品牌之一。专业从事LED相关元器件生产与开发,未来将成为艾笛森光电在中国的营运中心。艾笛森光电除了已经大量生产1W、3W、5W单芯片LED产品外,更可以提供10W、15W、20W、50W的集成封装LED产品,并同时提供相关的应用解决方案:散热技术、光学设计、电源供应等。预

12、计今年产能达到24KK,实现产值2500万美元。 Brief Introduction to Yangzhou Edison Opto Co., Ltd.Yangzhou Edison Opto Co., Ltd. is one of the world's leading brands of high-power LED. Specialized in the production and development of LED-related components, Yangzhou Edison Opto Co., Ltd. will become the future opera

13、tion center for the Edison Opto in China.In addition to the already mass-produced 1W, 3W and 5W single-chip LED products, Edison Opto also can provide 10W, 15W, 20W and 50W integrated packaged LED products with relevant application solutions: cooling technology, optical design, power supply and othe

14、rs. The production capacity is expected to reach 24KK, realizing an output value of 25 million U.S. dollars.二、 南京外秦淮河环境综合整治介绍秦淮河全长110公里,是南京的母亲河,是长江的一条支流,也是南京文化的摇篮,在南京境内共34公里,成名于六朝时期,繁盛于明清时期。外秦淮河部分是公元916年南唐开国皇帝开挖的护城河。原正流围入城内,为内秦淮河。外秦淮河见证了南京筑城(越城)、建置(金陵邑)、建都(东吴)的历史以及许多重大的军事、政治、文化的事件、人物,是南京主流文化的传承之地,孕育


16、56户,搬迁工企单位97家;改造影响景观的防洪墙约20公里,铺设污水截流管道约25公里,新建文化景点10余个,改造、出新沿线房屋110余幢,出新、亮化沿线跨河桥梁13座,共形成绿地面积约100万平方米,已完成投资约25亿元,2005年十运会后,又继续实施了对上游的整治,使其成为了一条“流动的河,美丽的河”。未来三年内,南京市将在新一轮治水计划中继续对秦淮河水环境进行综合整治。在2007年11月28-30日于意大利罗马举行的联合国人居署城市规划专家会议上,南京市外秦淮河规划及实施项目同时入围世界城市规划的“最佳案例”奖。Brief Introduction to Comprehensive Re

17、novation of the Environment of Outer Qinhuai RiverExtending 110 kilometers in total, Qinhuai River is the mother river of Nanjing, a tributary of the Yangtze River and the cradle of culture of Nanjing. With 34 kilometers within the area of Nanjing, it became well-known in the Six Dynasties period an

18、d prosperous in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. The Outer Qinhuai River was a moat dug under the order of the first emperor of the Southern Dynasty in 916 A.D, while its main stream was enclosed in the city, becoming Inner Qinhuai River.Outer Qinhuai River witnessed the moments when Nanjing w

19、as first built, (Yue City), established(the City of Jinling)and became the capital(the Eastern Wu)as well as many important military, political and cultural events and personages. As the place for inheriting the main-stream culture of Nanjing, it has cultivated long and splendid history and culture

20、of this city. The river banks of Outer Qinhuai River feature the mountains, rivers, the city walls and forests of Nanjing as well as Nanjings most distinct characteristics - integration of an ancient capital and a modern civilization. A cruise on the Qinhuai River is a must for visitors to Nanjing.W

21、ith rapid economic and urban development, Outer Qinhuai River has become from a river outside the city to a river within the city. Particularly since the 1970s and 1980s, rampant unauthorized construction and direct sewage led to serious pollution and disorder in and along the river, which seriously

22、 affected the city image and the living environment of local residents. Tourism and land resources could hardly be tapped. Complaints were widespread from all walks of life.In October 2002,CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee and Nanjing Municipal Government decided to launch an comprehensive renovation

23、program on Outer Qinhuai River. Five-year-odd efforts completely changed its outlook. For example, prior to the Tenth National Games in 2005, within a total length of 12.5 kilometers extending from the mouth of the Yangtze River to Wuding Sluice-Gate, 380,000 square meters of unauthorized buildings

24、were torn down. 4,356 households and 97 factories were relocated. 20 kilometers of anti-flood walls were renovated. 25 kilometers of sewage pipes were placed. Over ten new cultural spots were set up. More than 110 buildings along the river were renovated. 13 bridges were renovated and illuminated. O

25、ne million square meters of green space came into being. The total investment reached RMB 2.5 billion yuan. After the Tenth National Games in 2005, continuous efforts were made to renovate the upper reaches of the river, making it “a flowing river and a beautiful river”. In the next three years, Nan

26、jing will continue the comprehensive renovation on the water environment of Qinhuai River. On the Expert Group Meeting sponsored by UN-Habitat in Rome during November 28 30, 2007, the planning and implementation programs for the renovation of Outer Qinhuai River were both selected as candidates for

27、the Best Case Award on world urban planning.南京南瑞继保电气有限公司南京南瑞继保电气有限公司专业从事电力系统保护和控制领域的技术研究、产品开发、生产销售和工程服务,是国家级重点高新技术企业、国家规划布局内重点软件企业、中国软件百强企业和中国电气工业百强企业。目前,公司共有员工1100多人,中国工程院院士沈国荣同志担任公司董事长兼总经理。以沈国荣院士创立的“工频变化量原理继电保护”等原创性理论研究成果和发明专利为核心,南瑞继保通过不断技术创新,形成了由一系列专利技术和专有技术构成的电力系统保护、控制技术体系。南瑞继保核心产品占有率高居行业首位,超高压继

28、电保护产品国内市场占有率超过40%,产品广泛应用于三峡输变电、“西电东送”、08奥运等国家重点工程。南瑞继保的继电保护、电网安全稳定控制、高压直流输电控制保护等技术打破了国外公司的长期技术和产品垄断,以其先进性、实用性和可靠性,提高了我国电网安全稳定运行水平,确立了我国继电保护和稳定控制技术和产品的国际领先地位,为我国电力科技进步和经济发展做出了重要贡献。根据全球著名的专业咨询公司Newton-Evans的全球继电保护研究报告20062008排名,我公司被列为全球五大继电保护生产厂商之一。   Brief Introduction to Nanjing Nari-

29、Relays Electric Co., Ltd.Nanjing Nari-Relays Electric Co., Ltd. (NR) is an employee-own company, and has been a protection and automation manufacturer and solution provider for 20 years. NR is one of the leading manufacturers in the world on the research and manufacturing of complete secondary equip

30、ment, including numerical protection, automation and control systems for both HVAC and HVDC Power Systems.With self-researched innovative and patented technologies, such as DPFC principle and power swing blocking method, our digital protective relays has helped to find faults quickly and cleared during the development of 220kV to 500KV transmission systems in China and other countries. Information on current and voltage measurement, protection, control, metering and moni


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