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1、u定义定义: 一个_用作状语时,在语法上叫状语从句。这个句子可修饰主句的_,_,_ 或_。状语从句通常由一个引起或起连词作用的_引起或由_, _等引起。句子句子谓语谓语定语定语状语状语整个句子整个句子连词连词词组词组副词副词名词词组名词词组1.While I was walking along the street, I found many beautiful buildings ( )2. Where there is a will, there is a way. ( )3. Now that everybody is here, lets begin our meeting. ( )4

2、. Ill speak slowly so that you can understand me. ( )5. So clever was he that he was able to work out all the difficult problems. ( )6. As long as you dont lose heart, youll succeed. ( )7. Try as he might, he could not find a job. ( )8. The old lady treats the boy as if he were her own son. ( ) 9.He

3、 is taller than I am.( )时间时间地点地点 原因原因 目的目的 结果结果条件条件让步让步方式方式 比较比较二、二、Identify the types of the Adverbial Clauses. 例例句句导导入入三三 九种常用的状语从句九种常用的状语从句 时间状语从句时间状语从句地点状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句原因状语从句结果状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句目的状语从句目的状语从句让步状语从句让步状语从句方式状语从句方式状语从句比较状语从句比较状语从句 状语从句有九种,状语从句有九种, 时地原因条时地原因条状补,状补,目比结果方让步目比结果方让步,

4、连词引导各不同;连词引导各不同;主句通常前面走,主句通常前面走, 连词引导紧随后,连词引导紧随后,从句若在主前头,从句若在主前头, 主从之间有个逗。主从之间有个逗。状语从句助记口诀:when,whenever,while,as,before,after,since,till, until,notuntil, the moment,immediately,no soonerthan,the first/secondtime,every time, instantly, hardlywhenwhere, wherever because, as, since, considering that,

5、now (that), in that, seeing thatso that, sothat, suchthatif,unless,as long as, suppose,supposing (that),in case,so far as,provided (that)so,so that,in order that,for fear that,lestalthough, though, however (=no matter how), even if/ though, whetheror, no matter wh-, whileas,as if,as thoughasas,not a

6、s/ so as,than 状语从句在主从复合句中作状语修饰主句中的状语从句在主从复合句中作状语修饰主句中的动词,形容词或副词,按意义可分为动词,形容词或副词,按意义可分为 时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、行为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、行为方式、比较、让步方式、比较、让步 等九种状语从句。一般位于等九种状语从句。一般位于句首或者句末,位于句首,用逗号和主句格开。句首或者句末,位于句首,用逗号和主句格开。 考点(1)when, as, while 引导时间状语从句When既可引导持续动作,又可引导短暂动作。它表示主既可引导持续动作,又可引导短暂动作。它表示主句动作和从句动作同时发生

7、,或从句动作在主句动作之前。句动作和从句动作同时发生,或从句动作在主句动作之前。When I was a boy, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.(同时)(同时)When the lesson was over, we began our writing.(从句动作在前)(从句动作在前)while指指“在某一时间里在某一时间里”,“在在 期间期间”,从句动作必,从句动作必须是持续性;也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生,往往侧须是持续性;也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生,往往侧重主从句动作的对比。重主从句动作的对比。While he was in Lo

8、ndon, he studied music. as常和常和when, while通用,但侧重主句和从句的动作同时通用,但侧重主句和从句的动作同时发生,说明两种正在发展和变化的情况。发生,说明两种正在发展和变化的情况。He hurried home, looking behind as he went.I saw your sister as she was getting on the bus yesterday.He sang as he walked.一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句_ the day went on, the weather got worse. A .With B.

9、Since C. While D. As当当when, as, while表示表示“在在一段时间里一段时间里”,主从句的动,主从句的动作同时发生时,可以换用。如:作同时发生时,可以换用。如: While (When或或As) we were discussing, Mr. Smith came in.When 和和while 引导时间状语从句时,若主句的主语和从引导时间状语从句时,若主句的主语和从句的主语一致的时候,可以用句的主语一致的时候,可以用when/while+分词表示。分词表示。When crossing the road, you should watch out for the

10、cars.As 还可以做介词使用。还可以做介词使用。_ a young man, he went to France for French.A. When B. While C. As D. Since*when 可表示可表示“如果如果”。如:。如:Its much easier to make friends _ you have similar interests. (2013 安徽卷)安徽卷)A. Unless B. even though C. so that D. whenwhen和和while还可以是并列连词,意思分别是还可以是并列连词,意思分别是“就在这就在这时时”,“然而然而”

11、。如。如:He was about to tell me the secret_ someone patted him on the shoulder. Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery _ another man, also intelligent, fails. (2013课标卷)课标卷) whenwhile_ her home, Jenifer turned on her computer and chatted on line. A. As soon as she returned B.

12、After she got C. On arriving D. Directly she reachedA good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story.Not until he went through real hardship _ (realize) the love we have for our families is important. (2013 福建卷)福建卷)untildid he realize*如果如果before引导的从句位

13、于主句之后,词义非引导的从句位于主句之后,词义非常灵活常灵活,注意下列句子中的,注意下列句子中的before的词义的词义:1.Before I could get in a word, the tailor had measured me.(还没来得及还没来得及就就)2.We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired.(还还没没就就)3.We had sailed 4 days before we saw land.(才才)4.Please write it down before you forget it.(趁还趁还没没就就)考点考点4 before Th

14、e meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times _ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant.” (14 安徽卷安徽卷)Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian gets back. The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left _ I could ask for their names. (2014陕西卷)陕西卷) He made

15、a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse. beforebeforebeforebefore二、地点状语从句二、地点状语从句where/wherever 引导,要注意引导,要注意 where there 连用的某些情连用的某些情况下,使得地点从句更像是一个条件句。况下,使得地点从句更像是一个条件句。例如:例如: Where there is a will, there is a way. I cannot hear the professor clearly as there is too much noise

16、_ I am sitting. (2013上海卷)上海卷) A. before B. until C. where D. unless三、原因状语从句:三、原因状语从句:考点考点1:because, as, since, for引导原因状从的区别。引导原因状从的区别。because 表示的原因因果关系很强表示的原因因果关系很强, as 和和 since表示已知的表示已知的或比较明显的原因,译为或比较明显的原因,译为“由于由于”“”“既然既然”,since 比比 as 更正式,更正式,as 从句有时候可以倒装。从句有时候可以倒装。1. 在强调句中强调原因状语从句,只能用在强调句中强调原因状语从句

17、,只能用because引导,引导,不可用不可用as或或 since,如:,如: It was because he was ill that he didnt go with us.2. because可以引导表语从句可以引导表语从句,而而 as, since不可以,这时主不可以,这时主语一语一 般都是般都是it, this, that 如如:Its because he is too lazy.3. Tired as he was, he went to bed early. (倒装表示原因倒装表示原因) as 也可以引导让步状语从句,具体意义由上下文表明。也可以引导让步状语从句,具体意义由

18、上下文表明。4. *for也有也有“因为因为”之意,是并列连词,语气较强。常用之意,是并列连词,语气较强。常用来补充说明原因或用来表示推断的依据,前面常带逗号。来补充说明原因或用来表示推断的依据,前面常带逗号。如:如:It must have rained last night, for the ground is wetMark needs to learn Chinese _ his company is opening a branch in Beijing. (2013山东卷)山东卷) A. until B. although C. unless D. since 四、条件状语从句四、

19、条件状语从句:由由 if, unless, so/as long as (只要只要), so/as far as, in case (that) (万一万一), supposing that, providing/ provided that等引导:等引导:If plastics and rubber are burned, they give off poisonous gases. You can go out, as long as (so long as ) you promise to be back before eleven.In case I forget, please re

20、mind me about that.注意:条件状语从句中的谓语动词的时态不可用将来注意:条件状语从句中的谓语动词的时态不可用将来 时,只能用现在时态或过去时态表示将来时。时,只能用现在时态或过去时态表示将来时。As far as I can tell , the whole thing should cost about $500. Unless you work hard, you will fail,1) John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones. A. as long as B. in order that C.

21、 in case D. so that2) _we have enough evidence, we cant win the case.(2013 重庆卷)重庆卷) A. Once B. As long as C. Since D. Unless3) You will succeed in the end_ you dont give up halfway. A. even if B. as though C. as long as D. unless五五 让步状语从句:让步状语从句:由由though, although, as (虽然尽管虽然尽管), even if, even thoug

22、h, wh-ever, no matter-wh, whether引导引导.1) Though he is old, yet he is active.2) Although most of the people agreed, some were not willing to accept.3) Proud as the nobles are, he is afraid to see me.We wouldnt lose heart even if we should fail ten times.4) Whenever (=no matter when) you call on me, y

23、ou are always welcome.5) Wherever (no matter where) you work, you can always find time to study.6) Take the one you like best, whichever (no matter which) it is.7) No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks Im wrong.8) Whether he comes or not, well discuss the problem this afternoon.注意:注

24、意: (1)让步状语从句在句中的位置可放前也可放后,有)让步状语从句在句中的位置可放前也可放后,有时还可以插在主句中间,前置时,强调主句内容,后置时时还可以插在主句中间,前置时,强调主句内容,后置时强调从句内容。强调从句内容。 (2)though与与although同义,用法基本一样,前者通俗,同义,用法基本一样,前者通俗,口语化;后者较正式,多放于句首,不能与口语化;后者较正式,多放于句首,不能与but连用,但连用,但可以与可以与yet, still等连用,用来加强语气。等连用,用来加强语气。Though ( Although ) he was tired, yet (still) he w

25、ent on working.1) _, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John. A. As long as I have traveled B. Now that I have traveled to much C. Much as I have traveled D. As I gave traveled to much2) Lessons can be learned to face the future, _ history cannot be changed. (2014 江苏卷)江苏卷) A. unless B. sinc

26、e C. though D. as3) - Dad, Ive finished my assignment. - Good, and _ you play or watch TV, you mustnt disturb me. A. whenever B. whether C. whatever D. no matter4) One can always manage to do more things, no matter _ full ones schedule is in life. (2013 辽宁卷)辽宁卷)A. how B. what C. when D. where5) In t

27、he global economy, a new drug for cancer, _ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities in the world. (2013 江苏卷)江苏卷) A. whoever B. whichever C. wherever D. whatever 六六 方式状语从句:方式状语从句:The teacher told the students to do as he did.Leave it as it is.He heard a noise, as if someone was brea

28、thing. I saw the man looking about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything.as if和和as though意义和用法大致一样,引导的从句多用虚意义和用法大致一样,引导的从句多用虚拟语气,但也可用陈述语气。拟语气,但也可用陈述语气。He treats me as if I were his own son.由连词:由连词:as(像(像一样)一样), as if, as though引导引导七七 目的状语从句目的状语从句 通常由通常由that, so that, in order that,

29、 sothat, in case(以(以防、免得)防、免得)for fear that(以防,以免以防,以免)等引导等引导He got up early in order that he could catch the early bus.She married him so that she might tend and comfort him.I explained again in case he should misunderstand me.注意注意: 目的状语从句中谓语动词常含有目的状语从句中谓语动词常含有may (might), can (could) should, will等

30、情态动词。等情态动词。I hid the knife under the bed _ he found it.A. if B. so that C. for fear that D. in order that 1) Roses need special care_ they can live through winter. A. because B. so that C. even f D. as 2) Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _ she could stay home and raise her family. (14 浙江卷)浙江卷) A. so that B. only if C. now that D. as if八八 结果状语从句:结果状语从句:It was very cold, _ the river froze.The book is _ written _ it gives a quite wrong idea of the facts.There were _ many people (=such a lot of people) in the room _ we could not get in.He made _ an excellent speech _ every one admired


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